2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
//go:build integration
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package integration
import (
2024-09-18 18:40:06 +00:00
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
2024-03-13 01:48:48 +00:00
// TestMultiControlPlane tests all ha (multi-control plane) cluster functionality
func TestMultiControlPlane ( t * testing . T ) {
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
if NoneDriver ( ) {
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
t . Skip ( "none driver does not support multinode/ha(multi-control plane) cluster" )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
if DockerDriver ( ) {
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . Command ( "docker" , "version" , "-f" , "{{.Server.Version}}" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "docker is broken: %v" , err )
if strings . Contains ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "azure" ) {
t . Skip ( "kic containers are not supported on docker's azure" )
type validatorFunc func ( context . Context , * testing . T , string )
profile := UniqueProfileName ( "ha" )
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , Minutes ( 30 ) )
defer CleanupWithLogs ( t , profile , cancel )
t . Run ( "serial" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
validator validatorFunc
} {
{ "StartCluster" , validateHAStartCluster } ,
{ "DeployApp" , validateHADeployApp } ,
{ "PingHostFromPods" , validateHAPingHostFromPods } ,
{ "AddWorkerNode" , validateHAAddWorkerNode } ,
{ "NodeLabels" , validateHANodeLabels } ,
{ "HAppyAfterClusterStart" , validateHAStatusHAppy } ,
{ "CopyFile" , validateHACopyFile } ,
{ "StopSecondaryNode" , validateHAStopSecondaryNode } ,
{ "DegradedAfterControlPlaneNodeStop" , validateHAStatusDegraded } ,
{ "RestartSecondaryNode" , validateHARestartSecondaryNode } ,
{ "HAppyAfterSecondaryNodeRestart" , validateHAStatusHAppy } ,
{ "RestartClusterKeepsNodes" , validateHARestartClusterKeepsNodes } ,
{ "DeleteSecondaryNode" , validateHADeleteSecondaryNode } ,
{ "DegradedAfterSecondaryNodeDelete" , validateHAStatusDegraded } ,
{ "StopCluster" , validateHAStopCluster } ,
{ "RestartCluster" , validateHARestartCluster } ,
{ "DegradedAfterClusterRestart" , validateHAStatusDegraded } ,
{ "AddSecondaryNode" , validateHAAddSecondaryNode } ,
{ "HAppyAfterSecondaryNodeAdd" , validateHAStatusHAppy } ,
for _ , tc := range tests {
tc := tc
if ctx . Err ( ) == context . DeadlineExceeded {
t . Fatalf ( "Unable to run more tests (deadline exceeded)" )
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
defer PostMortemLogs ( t , profile )
tc . validator ( ctx , t , profile )
} )
} )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHAStartCluster ensures ha (multi-control plane) cluster can start.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHAStartCluster ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// start ha (multi-control plane) cluster
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
startArgs := append ( [ ] string { "start" , "-p" , profile , "--wait=true" , "--memory=2200" , "--ha" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" } , StartArgs ( ) ... )
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , startArgs ... ) )
if err != nil {
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
t . Fatalf ( "failed to fresh-start ha (multi-control plane) cluster. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
// ensure minikube status shows 3 operational control-plane nodes
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three hosts are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three kubelets are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three apiservers are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHADeployApp deploys an app to ha (multi-control plane) cluster and ensures all nodes can serve traffic.
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func validateHADeployApp ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// Create a deployment for app
_ , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "apply" , "-f" , "./testdata/ha/ha-pod-dns-test.yaml" ) )
if err != nil {
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
t . Errorf ( "failed to create busybox deployment to ha (multi-control plane) cluster" )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
_ , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "rollout" , "status" , "deployment/busybox" ) )
if err != nil {
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
t . Errorf ( "failed to deploy busybox to ha (multi-control plane) cluster" )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
// resolve Pod IPs
resolvePodIPs := func ( ) error {
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "get" , "pods" , "-o" , "jsonpath='{.items[*].status.podIP}'" ) )
if err != nil {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "failed to retrieve Pod IPs (may be temporary): %v" , err )
2024-08-14 17:31:53 +00:00
t . Log ( err . Error ( ) )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
return err
podIPs := strings . Split ( strings . Trim ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "'" ) , " " )
if len ( podIPs ) != 3 {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "expected 3 Pod IPs but got %d (may be temporary), output: %q" , len ( podIPs ) , rr . Output ( ) )
2024-08-14 17:31:53 +00:00
t . Log ( err . Error ( ) )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
return err
} else if podIPs [ 0 ] == podIPs [ 1 ] || podIPs [ 0 ] == podIPs [ 2 ] || podIPs [ 1 ] == podIPs [ 2 ] {
err := fmt . Errorf ( "expected 3 different pod IPs but got %s and %s (may be temporary), output: %q" , podIPs [ 0 ] , podIPs [ 1 ] , rr . Output ( ) )
2024-08-14 17:31:53 +00:00
t . Log ( err . Error ( ) )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
return err
return nil
if err := retry . Expo ( resolvePodIPs , 1 * time . Second , Seconds ( 120 ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to resolve pod IPs: %v" , err )
// get Pod names
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "get" , "pods" , "-o" , "jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed get Pod names" )
podNames := strings . Split ( strings . Trim ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "'" ) , " " )
// verify all Pods could resolve a public DNS
for _ , name := range podNames {
_ , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "exec" , name , "--" , "nslookup" , "kubernetes.io" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "Pod %s could not resolve 'kubernetes.io': %v" , name , err )
// verify all Pods could resolve "kubernetes.default"
// this one is also checked by k8s e2e node conformance tests:
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/f137c4777095b3972e2dd71a01365d47be459389/test/e2e_node/environment/conformance.go#L125-L179
for _ , name := range podNames {
_ , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "exec" , name , "--" , "nslookup" , "kubernetes.default" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "Pod %s could not resolve 'kubernetes.default': %v" , name , err )
// verify all pods could resolve to a local service.
for _ , name := range podNames {
_ , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "exec" , name , "--" , "nslookup" , "kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "Pod %s could not resolve local service (kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local): %v" , name , err )
// validateHAPingHostFromPods uses app previously deplyed by validateDeployAppToHACluster to verify its pods, located on different nodes, can resolve "host.minikube.internal".
func validateHAPingHostFromPods ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// get Pod names
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "get" , "pods" , "-o" , "jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to get Pod names: %v" , err )
podNames := strings . Split ( strings . Trim ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "'" ) , " " )
for _ , name := range podNames {
// get host.minikube.internal ip as resolved by nslookup
out , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "exec" , name , "--" , "sh" , "-c" , "nslookup host.minikube.internal | awk 'NR==5' | cut -d' ' -f3" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "Pod %s could not resolve 'host.minikube.internal': %v" , name , err )
hostIP := net . ParseIP ( strings . TrimSpace ( out . Stdout . String ( ) ) )
if hostIP == nil {
t . Fatalf ( "minikube host ip is nil: %s" , out . Output ( ) )
// try pinging host from pod
ping := fmt . Sprintf ( "ping -c 1 %s" , hostIP )
if _ , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "kubectl" , "-p" , profile , "--" , "exec" , name , "--" , "sh" , "-c" , ping ) ) ; err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "Failed to ping host (%s) from pod (%s): %v" , hostIP , name , err )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHAAddWorkerNode uses the minikube node add command to add a worker node to an existing ha (multi-control plane) cluster.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHAAddWorkerNode ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
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// add a node to the current ha (multi-control plane) cluster
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addArgs := [ ] string { "node" , "add" , "-p" , profile , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" }
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , addArgs ... ) )
if err != nil {
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
t . Fatalf ( "failed to add worker node to current ha (multi-control plane) cluster. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
// ensure minikube status shows 3 operational control-plane nodes and 1 worker node
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 4 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all four hosts are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Running" ) != 4 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all four kubelets are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three apiservers are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
// validateHANodeLabels check if all node labels were configured correctly.
func validateHANodeLabels ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// docs: Get the node labels from the cluster with `kubectl get nodes`
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , "kubectl" , "--context" , profile , "get" , "nodes" , "-o" , "jsonpath=[{range .items[*]}{.metadata.labels},{end}]" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to 'kubectl get nodes' with args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
nodeLabelsList := [ ] map [ string ] string { }
fixedString := strings . Replace ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , ",]" , "]" , 1 )
err = json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( fixedString ) , & nodeLabelsList )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to decode json from label list: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
// docs: check if all node labels matches with the expected Minikube labels: `minikube.k8s.io/*`
expectedLabels := [ ] string { "minikube.k8s.io/commit" , "minikube.k8s.io/version" , "minikube.k8s.io/updated_at" , "minikube.k8s.io/name" , "minikube.k8s.io/primary" }
for _ , nodeLabels := range nodeLabelsList {
for _ , el := range expectedLabels {
if _ , ok := nodeLabels [ el ] ; ! ok {
t . Errorf ( "expected to have label %q in node labels but got : %s" , el , rr . Output ( ) )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHAStatusHAppy ensures minikube profile list outputs correct with ha (multi-control plane) clusters.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHAStatusHAppy ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "profile" , "list" , "--output" , "json" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to list profiles with json format. args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
var jsonObject map [ string ] [ ] config . Profile
err = json . Unmarshal ( rr . Stdout . Bytes ( ) , & jsonObject )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to decode json from profile list: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
validProfiles := jsonObject [ "valid" ]
var profileObject * config . Profile
for _ , obj := range validProfiles {
if obj . Name == profile {
profileObject = & obj
if profileObject == nil {
t . Errorf ( "expected the json of 'profile list' to include %q but got *%q*. args: %q" , profile , rr . Stdout . String ( ) , rr . Command ( ) )
2024-09-28 20:52:50 +00:00
} else {
if expected , numNodes := 4 , len ( profileObject . Config . Nodes ) ; numNodes != expected {
t . Errorf ( "expected profile %q in json of 'profile list' to include %d nodes but have %d nodes. got *%q*. args: %q" , profile , expected , numNodes , rr . Stdout . String ( ) , rr . Command ( ) )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
if expected , status := "HAppy" , profileObject . Status ; status != expected {
t . Errorf ( "expected profile %q in json of 'profile list' to have %q status but have %q status. got *%q*. args: %q" , profile , expected , status , rr . Stdout . String ( ) , rr . Command ( ) )
if invalidPs , ok := jsonObject [ "invalid" ] ; ok {
for _ , ps := range invalidPs {
if strings . Contains ( ps . Name , profile ) {
t . Errorf ( "expected the json of 'profile list' to not include profile or node in invalid profile but got *%q*. args: %q" , rr . Stdout . String ( ) , rr . Command ( ) )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHACopyFile ensures minikube cp works with ha (multi-control plane) clusters.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHACopyFile ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
if NoneDriver ( ) {
t . Skipf ( "skipping: cp is unsupported by none driver" )
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "--output" , "json" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil && rr . ExitCode != 7 {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
2024-09-18 18:40:06 +00:00
var statuses [ ] cluster . Status
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
if err = json . Unmarshal ( rr . Stdout . Bytes ( ) , & statuses ) ; err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to decode json from status: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
tmpDir := t . TempDir ( )
srcPath := cpTestLocalPath ( )
dstPath := cpTestMinikubePath ( )
for _ , n := range statuses {
// copy local to node
testCpCmd ( ctx , t , profile , "" , srcPath , n . Name , dstPath )
// copy back from node to local
tmpPath := filepath . Join ( tmpDir , fmt . Sprintf ( "cp-test_%s.txt" , n . Name ) )
testCpCmd ( ctx , t , profile , n . Name , dstPath , "" , tmpPath )
// copy node to node
for _ , n2 := range statuses {
if n . Name == n2 . Name {
fp := path . Join ( "/home/docker" , fmt . Sprintf ( "cp-test_%s_%s.txt" , n . Name , n2 . Name ) )
testCpCmd ( ctx , t , profile , n . Name , dstPath , n2 . Name , fp )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHAStopSecondaryNode tests ha (multi-control plane) cluster by stopping a secondary control-plane node using minikube node stop command.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHAStopSecondaryNode ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// run minikube node stop on secondary control-plane node
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "node" , "stop" , SecondNodeName , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "secondary control-plane node stop returned an error. args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
// ensure minikube status shows 3 running nodes and 1 stopped node
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
// exit code 7 means a host is stopped, which we are expecting
if err != nil && rr . ExitCode != 7 {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not three hosts are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not three kubelets are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Running" ) != 2 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not two apiservers are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHAStatusDegraded ensures minikube profile list outputs correct with ha (multi-control plane) clusters.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHAStatusDegraded ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "profile" , "list" , "--output" , "json" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to list profiles with json format. args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
var jsonObject map [ string ] [ ] config . Profile
err = json . Unmarshal ( rr . Stdout . Bytes ( ) , & jsonObject )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to decode json from profile list: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
validProfiles := jsonObject [ "valid" ]
var profileObject * config . Profile
for _ , obj := range validProfiles {
if obj . Name == profile {
profileObject = & obj
if profileObject == nil {
t . Errorf ( "expected the json of 'profile list' to include %q but got *%q*. args: %q" , profile , rr . Stdout . String ( ) , rr . Command ( ) )
} else if expected , status := "Degraded" , profileObject . Status ; status != expected {
t . Errorf ( "expected profile %q in json of 'profile list' to have %q status but have %q status. got *%q*. args: %q" , profile , expected , status , rr . Stdout . String ( ) , rr . Command ( ) )
// validateHARestartSecondaryNode tests the minikube node start command on existing stopped secondary node.
func validateHARestartSecondaryNode ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// start stopped node(s) back up
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "node" , "start" , SecondNodeName , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
2024-08-14 17:31:53 +00:00
t . Log ( rr . Stderr . String ( ) )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
t . Errorf ( "secondary control-plane node start returned an error. args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// ensure minikube status shows all 4 nodes running, waiting for ha (multi-control plane) cluster/apiservers to stabilise
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
minikubeStatus := func ( ) error {
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
return err
if err := retry . Expo ( minikubeStatus , 1 * time . Second , 60 * time . Second ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 4 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all four hosts are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Running" ) != 4 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all four kubelets are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three apiservers are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
// ensure kubectl can connect correctly
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , "kubectl" , "get" , "nodes" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to kubectl get nodes. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
// validateHARestartClusterKeepsNodes restarts minikube cluster and checks if the reported node list is unchanged.
func validateHARestartClusterKeepsNodes ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "node" , "list" , "-p" , profile , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to run node list. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
nodeList := rr . Stdout . String ( )
_ , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "stop" , "-p" , profile , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to run minikube stop. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
_ , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "start" , "-p" , profile , "--wait=true" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to run minikube start. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "node" , "list" , "-p" , profile ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to run node list. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
restartedNodeList := rr . Stdout . String ( )
if nodeList != restartedNodeList {
t . Fatalf ( "reported node list is not the same after restart. Before restart: %s\nAfter restart: %s" , nodeList , restartedNodeList )
// validateHADeleteSecondaryNode tests the minikube node delete command on secondary control-plane.
// note: currently, 'minikube status' subcommand relies on primary control-plane node and storage-provisioner only runs on a primary control-plane node.
func validateHADeleteSecondaryNode ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// delete the other secondary control-plane node
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "node" , "delete" , ThirdNodeName , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "node delete returned an error. args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
// ensure status is back down to 3 hosts
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 2 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not two control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not three hosts are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not three kubelets are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Running" ) != 2 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not two apiservers are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
// ensure kubectl knows the node is gone
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , "kubectl" , "get" , "nodes" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run kubectl get nodes. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "NotReady" ) > 0 {
t . Errorf ( "expected 3 nodes to be Ready, got %v" , rr . Output ( ) )
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , "kubectl" , "get" , "nodes" , "-o" , ` go-template=' {{ range .items }} {{ range .status .conditions }} {{ if eq .type "Ready" }} {{ .status }} {{ "\n" }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} ' ` ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run kubectl get nodes. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "True" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "expected 3 nodes Ready status to be True, got %v" , rr . Output ( ) )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHAStopCluster runs minikube stop on a ha (multi-control plane) cluster.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHAStopCluster ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// Run minikube stop on the cluster
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "stop" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "failed to stop cluster. args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
// ensure minikube status shows all 3 nodes stopped
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
// exit code 7 means a host is stopped, which we are expecting
if err != nil && rr . ExitCode != 7 {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 2 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not two control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 0 {
t . Errorf ( "status says there are running hosts: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Stopped" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not three kubelets are stopped: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Stopped" ) != 2 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not two apiservers are stopped: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHARestartCluster verifies a soft restart on a ha (multi-control plane) cluster works.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHARestartCluster ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
// restart cluster with minikube start
startArgs := append ( [ ] string { "start" , "-p" , profile , "--wait=true" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" } , StartArgs ( ) ... )
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , startArgs ... ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to start cluster. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
// ensure minikube status shows all 3 nodes running
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 2 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not two control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not three hosts are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not three kubelets are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Running" ) != 2 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not two apiservers are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
// ensure kubectl reports that all nodes are ready
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , "kubectl" , "get" , "nodes" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run kubectl get nodes. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "NotReady" ) > 0 {
t . Errorf ( "expected 3 nodes to be Ready, got %v" , rr . Output ( ) )
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , "kubectl" , "get" , "nodes" , "-o" , ` go-template=' {{ range .items }} {{ range .status .conditions }} {{ if eq .type "Ready" }} {{ .status }} {{ "\n" }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} ' ` ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run kubectl get nodes. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "True" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "expected 3 nodes Ready status to be True, got %v" , rr . Output ( ) )
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
// validateHAAddSecondaryNode uses the minikube node add command to add a secondary control-plane node to an existing ha (multi-control plane) cluster.
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
func validateHAAddSecondaryNode ( ctx context . Context , t * testing . T , profile string ) {
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// add a node to the current ha (multi-control plane) cluster
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
addArgs := [ ] string { "node" , "add" , "-p" , profile , "--control-plane" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" }
rr , err := Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , addArgs ... ) )
if err != nil {
2024-02-25 20:00:08 +00:00
t . Fatalf ( "failed to add control-plane node to current ha (multi-control plane) cluster. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
2024-01-07 21:36:17 +00:00
// ensure minikube status shows 3 operational control-plane nodes and 1 worker node
rr , err = Run ( t , exec . CommandContext ( ctx , Target ( ) , "-p" , profile , "status" , "-v=7" , "--alsologtostderr" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatalf ( "failed to run minikube status. args %q : %v" , rr . Command ( ) , err )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "type: Control Plane" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three control-plane nodes are present: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "host: Running" ) != 4 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all four hosts are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "kubelet: Running" ) != 4 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all four kubelets are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )
if strings . Count ( rr . Stdout . String ( ) , "apiserver: Running" ) != 3 {
t . Errorf ( "status says not all three apiservers are running: args %q: %v" , rr . Command ( ) , rr . Stdout . String ( ) )