Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it day-to-day.
*`kubectl` must be on your path. Minikube currently supports any version of `kubectl` greater than 1.0, but we recommend using the most recent version.
You can install kubectl with [these steps](
When using a single VM of kubernetes its really handy to reuse the Docker daemon inside the VM; as this means you don't have to build on your host machine and push the image into a docker registry - you can just build inside the same docker daemon as minikube which speeds up local experiments.
To be able to work with the docker daemon on your mac/linux host use the [docker-env command]( in your shell:
The [minikube start](./docs/ command can be used to start your cluster.
This command creates and configures a virtual machine that runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster.
This command also configures your [kubectl]( installation to communicate with this cluster.
### Stopping a Cluster
The [minikube stop](./docs/ command can be used to stop your cluster.
This command shuts down the minikube virtual machine, but preserves all cluster state and data.
Starting the cluster again will restore it to it's previous state.
### Deleting a Cluster
The [minikube delete](./docs/ command can be used to delete your cluster.
This command shuts down and deletes the minikube virtual machine. No data or state is preserved.
## Interacting With your Cluster
### Kubectl
The `minikube start` command creates a "[kubectl context](" called "minikube".
This context contains the configuration to communicate with your minikube cluster.
Minikube sets this context to default automatically, but if you need to switch back to it in the future, run:
To access the [Kubernetes Dashboard](, run this command in a shell after starting minikube to get the address:
To access a private container registry, follow the steps on [this page](
We recommend you use ImagePullSecrets, but if you would like to configure access on the minikube VM you can place the `.dockercfg` in the `/home/docker` directory or the `config.json` in the `/home/docker/.docker` directory.
In order to have minikube properly start/restart custom addons, place the addon(s) you wish to be launched with minikube in the `.minikube/addons` directory. Addons in this folder will be moved to the minikubeVM and launched each time minikube is started/restarted.
Minikube uses [libmachine]( for provisioning VMs, and [localkube]( (originally written and donated to this project by [RedSpread]( for running the cluster.
* **Goals and Non-Goals**: For the goals and non-goals of the minikube project, please see our [roadmap](
* **Development Guide**: See []( for an overview of how to send pull requests.
* **Building Minikube**: For instructions on how to build/test minikube from source, see the [build guide](
* **Adding a New Dependency**: For instructions on how to add a new dependency to minikube see the [adding dependencies guide](
* **Updating Kubernetes**: For instructions on how to add a new dependency to minikube see the [updating kubernetes guide](
* **Steps to Release Minikube**: For instructions on how to release a new version of minikube see the [release guide](
* **Steps to Release Localkube**: For instructions on how to release a new version of localkube see the [localkube release guide](
Contributions, questions, and comments are all welcomed and encouraged! minkube developers hang out on [Slack]( in the #minikube channel (get an invitation [here]( We also have the [kubernetes-dev Google Groups mailing list](!forum/kubernetes-dev). If you are posting to the list please prefix your subject with "minikube: ".