* **Alternative Runtimes** ([alternative_runtimes.md](alternative_runtimes.md)): How to run minikube with rkt as the container runtime
* **Environment Variables** ([env_vars.md](env_vars.md)): The different environment variables that minikube understands
* **Minikube Addons** ([addons.md](addons.md)): Information on configuring addons to be run on minikube
* **Configuring Kubernetes** ([configuring_kubernetes.md](configuring_kubernetes.md)): Configuring different kubernetes components in minikube
### Installation and debugging
* **Driver installation** ([drivers.md](drivers.md)): In depth instructions for installing the various hypervisor drivers
* **Debugging minikube** ([debugging.md](debugging.md)): General practices for debugging the minikube binary itself
### Developing on the minikube cluster
* **Reusing the Docker Daemon** ([reusing_the_docker_daemon.md](reusing_the_docker_daemon.md)): How to point your docker CLI to the docker daemon running inside minikube