362 lines
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362 lines
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// Package types holds most of the types used across Keel
//go:generate jsonenums -type=Notification
//go:generate jsonenums -type=Level
//go:generate jsonenums -type=TriggerType
//go:generate jsonenums -type=ProviderType
package types
import (
// KeelDefaultPort - default port for application
const KeelDefaultPort = 9300
// KeelPolicyLabel - keel update policies (version checking)
const KeelPolicyLabel = "keel.sh/policy"
const KeelImagePullSecretAnnotation = "keel.sh/imagePullSecret"
// KeelTriggerLabel - trigger label is used to specify custom trigger types
// for example keel.sh/trigger=poll would signal poll trigger to start watching for repository
// changes
const KeelTriggerLabel = "keel.sh/trigger"
// KeelForceTagMatchLabel - label that checks whether tags match before force updating
const KeelForceTagMatchLegacyLabel = "keel.sh/match-tag"
const KeelForceTagMatchLabel = "keel.sh/matchTag"
// KeelMatchPreReleaseAnnotation - label or annotation to set pre-release matching for SemVer, defaults to true for backward compatibility
const KeelMatchPreReleaseAnnotation = "keel.sh/matchPreRelease"
// KeelPollScheduleAnnotation - optional variable to setup custom schedule for polling, defaults to @every 10m
const KeelPollScheduleAnnotation = "keel.sh/pollSchedule"
// KeelPollDefaultSchedule - defaul polling schedule
const KeelPollDefaultSchedule = "@every 1m"
// KeelDigestAnnotation - digest annotation
const KeelDigestAnnotation = "keel.sh/digest"
// KeelNotificationChanAnnotation - optional notification to override
// default notification channel(-s) per deployment/chart
const KeelNotificationChanAnnotation = "keel.sh/notify"
// KeelMinimumApprovalsLabel - min approvals
const KeelMinimumApprovalsLabel = "keel.sh/approvals"
// KeelUpdateTimeAnnotation - update time
const KeelUpdateTimeAnnotation = "keel.sh/update-time"
// KeelApprovalDeadlineLabel - approval deadline
const KeelApprovalDeadlineLabel = "keel.sh/approvalDeadline"
// KeelApprovalDeadlineDefault - default deadline in hours
const KeelApprovalDeadlineDefault = 24
// KeelReleasePage - optional release notes URL passed on with notification
const KeelReleaseNotesURL = "keel.sh/releaseNotes"
// Repository - represents main docker repository fields that
// keel cares about
type Repository struct {
Host string `json:"host"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Tag string `json:"tag"`
Digest string `json:"digest"` // optional digest field
// String gives you [host/]team/repo[:tag] identifier
func (r *Repository) String() string {
b := bytes.NewBufferString(r.Host)
if b.Len() != 0 {
if r.Tag != "" {
return b.String()
// Event - holds information about new event from trigger
type Event struct {
Repository Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
// optional field to identify trigger
TriggerName string `json:"triggerName,omitempty"`
func (e *Event) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
j, err := json.Marshal(e)
return j, err
func (e *Event) Scan(src interface{}) error {
source, ok := src.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("type assertion .([]byte) failed.")
var event Event
if err := json.Unmarshal(source, &event); err != nil {
return err
*e = event
return nil
// Version - version container
type Version struct {
Major int64
Minor int64
Patch int64
PreRelease string
Metadata string
Original string
func (v Version) String() string {
if v.Original != "" {
return v.Original
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d.%d.%d", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch)
if v.PreRelease != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "-%s", v.PreRelease)
if v.Metadata != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "+%s", v.Metadata)
return buf.String()
// TriggerType - trigger types
type TriggerType int
// Available trigger types
const (
TriggerTypeDefault TriggerType = iota // default policy is to wait for external triggers
TriggerTypePoll // poll policy sets up watchers for the affected repositories
TriggerTypeApproval // fulfilled approval requests trigger events
func (t TriggerType) String() string {
switch t {
case TriggerTypeDefault:
return "default"
case TriggerTypePoll:
return "poll"
case TriggerTypeApproval:
return "approval"
return "default"
// ParseTrigger - parse trigger string into type
func ParseTrigger(trigger string) TriggerType {
switch trigger {
case "poll":
return TriggerTypePoll
return TriggerTypeDefault
// EventNotification notification used for sending
type EventNotification struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Message string `json:"message"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Type Notification `json:"type"`
Level Level `json:"level"`
ResourceKind string `json:"resourceKind"`
Identifier string `json:"identifier"`
// Channels is an optional variable to override
// default channel(-s) when performing an update
Channels []string `json:"-"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
// ParseEventNotificationChannels - parses deployment annotations or chart config
// to get channel overrides
func ParseEventNotificationChannels(annotations map[string]string) []string {
channels := []string{}
if annotations == nil {
return channels
chanStr, ok := annotations[KeelNotificationChanAnnotation]
if ok {
chans := strings.Split(chanStr, ",")
for _, c := range chans {
channels = append(channels, strings.TrimSpace(c))
return channels
func ParseReleaseNotesURL(annotations map[string]string) string {
if annotations == nil {
return ""
return annotations[KeelReleaseNotesURL]
// Notification - notification types used by notifier
type Notification int
// available notification types for hooks
const (
PreProviderSubmitNotification Notification = iota
// Kubernetes notification types
// Helm notification types
func (n Notification) String() string {
switch n {
case PreProviderSubmitNotification:
return "pre provider submit"
case PostProviderSubmitNotification:
return "post provider submit"
case NotificationPreDeploymentUpdate:
return "preparing deployment update"
case NotificationDeploymentUpdate:
return "deployment update"
case NotificationPreReleaseUpdate:
return "preparing release update"
case NotificationReleaseUpdate:
return "release update"
case NotificationSystemEvent:
return "system event"
case NotificationUpdateApproved:
return "update approved"
case NotificationUpdateRejected:
return "update rejected "
return "unknown"
// Level - event levet
type Level int
// Available event levels
const (
LevelDebug Level = iota
// ParseLevel takes a string level and returns notification level constant.
func ParseLevel(lvl string) (Level, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(lvl) {
case "fatal":
return LevelFatal, nil
case "error":
return LevelError, nil
case "warn", "warning":
return LevelWarn, nil
case "info":
return LevelInfo, nil
case "success":
return LevelSuccess, nil
case "debug":
return LevelDebug, nil
var l Level
return l, fmt.Errorf("not a valid notification Level: %q", lvl)
func (l Level) String() string {
switch l {
case LevelDebug:
return "debug"
case LevelInfo:
return "info"
case LevelSuccess:
return "success"
case LevelWarn:
return "warn"
case LevelError:
return "error"
case LevelFatal:
return "fatal"
return "unknown"
// Color - used to assign different colors for events
func (l Level) Color() string {
switch l {
case LevelError:
return "#F44336"
case LevelInfo:
return "#2196F3"
case LevelSuccess:
return "#00C853"
case LevelFatal:
return "#B71C1C"
case LevelWarn:
return "#FF9800"
return "#9E9E9E"
// ProviderType - provider type used to differentiate different providers
// when used with plugins
type ProviderType int
// Known provider types
const (
ProviderTypeUnknown ProviderType = iota
func (t ProviderType) String() string {
switch t {
case ProviderTypeUnknown:
return "unknown"
case ProviderTypeKubernetes:
return "kubernetes"
case ProviderTypeHelm:
return "helm"
return ""