396 lines
9.4 KiB
396 lines
9.4 KiB
package gen
import (
const pkgWriter = "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter"
const pkgLexer = "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer"
// FieldNamer defines a policy for generating names for struct fields.
type FieldNamer interface {
GetJSONFieldName(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) string
// Generator generates the requested marshallers/unmarshallers.
type Generator struct {
out *bytes.Buffer
pkgName string
pkgPath string
buildTags string
hashString string
varCounter int
noStdMarshalers bool
omitEmpty bool
fieldNamer FieldNamer
// package path to local alias map for tracking imports
imports map[string]string
// types that marshallers were requested for by user
marshallers map[reflect.Type]bool
// types that encoders were already generated for
typesSeen map[reflect.Type]bool
// types that encoders were requested for (e.g. by encoders of other types)
typesUnseen []reflect.Type
// function name to relevant type maps to track names of de-/encoders in
// case of a name clash or unnamed structs
functionNames map[string]reflect.Type
// NewGenerator initializes and returns a Generator.
func NewGenerator(filename string) *Generator {
ret := &Generator{
imports: map[string]string{
pkgWriter: "jwriter",
pkgLexer: "jlexer",
"encoding/json": "json",
fieldNamer: DefaultFieldNamer{},
marshallers: make(map[reflect.Type]bool),
typesSeen: make(map[reflect.Type]bool),
functionNames: make(map[string]reflect.Type),
// Use a file-unique prefix on all auxiliary functions to avoid
// name clashes.
hash := fnv.New32()
ret.hashString = fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash.Sum32())
return ret
// SetPkg sets the name and path of output package.
func (g *Generator) SetPkg(name, path string) {
g.pkgName = name
g.pkgPath = path
// SetBuildTags sets build tags for the output file.
func (g *Generator) SetBuildTags(tags string) {
g.buildTags = tags
// SetFieldNamer sets field naming strategy.
func (g *Generator) SetFieldNamer(n FieldNamer) {
g.fieldNamer = n
// UseSnakeCase sets snake_case field naming strategy.
func (g *Generator) UseSnakeCase() {
g.fieldNamer = SnakeCaseFieldNamer{}
// NoStdMarshalers instructs not to generate standard MarshalJSON/UnmarshalJSON
// methods (only the custom interface).
func (g *Generator) NoStdMarshalers() {
g.noStdMarshalers = true
// OmitEmpty triggers `json=",omitempty"` behaviour by default.
func (g *Generator) OmitEmpty() {
g.omitEmpty = true
// addTypes requests to generate en-/decoding functions for the given type.
func (g *Generator) addType(t reflect.Type) {
if g.typesSeen[t] {
for _, t1 := range g.typesUnseen {
if t1 == t {
g.typesUnseen = append(g.typesUnseen, t)
// Add requests to generate (un-)marshallers and en-/decoding functions for the type of given object.
func (g *Generator) Add(obj interface{}) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(obj)
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
g.marshallers[t] = true
// printHeader prints package declaration and imports.
func (g *Generator) printHeader() {
if g.buildTags != "" {
fmt.Println("// +build ", g.buildTags)
fmt.Println("// AUTOGENERATED FILE: easyjson marshaller/unmarshallers.")
fmt.Println("package ", g.pkgName)
byAlias := map[string]string{}
var aliases []string
for path, alias := range g.imports {
aliases = append(aliases, alias)
byAlias[alias] = path
fmt.Println("import (")
for _, alias := range g.imports {
fmt.Printf(" %s %q\n", alias, byAlias[alias])
fmt.Println("// suppress unused package warning")
fmt.Println("var (")
fmt.Println(" _ = json.RawMessage{}")
fmt.Println(" _ = jlexer.Lexer{}")
fmt.Println(" _ = jwriter.Writer{}")
// Run runs the generator and outputs generated code to out.
func (g *Generator) Run(out io.Writer) error {
g.out = &bytes.Buffer{}
for len(g.typesUnseen) > 0 {
t := g.typesUnseen[len(g.typesUnseen)-1]
g.typesUnseen = g.typesUnseen[:len(g.typesUnseen)-1]
g.typesSeen[t] = true
if err := g.genDecoder(t); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.genEncoder(t); err != nil {
return err
if !g.marshallers[t] {
if err := g.genStructMarshaller(t); err != nil {
return err
if err := g.genStructUnmarshaller(t); err != nil {
return err
_, err := out.Write(g.out.Bytes())
return err
// pkgAlias creates and returns and import alias for a given package.
func (g *Generator) pkgAlias(pkgPath string) string {
if alias := g.imports[pkgPath]; alias != "" {
return alias
for i := 0; ; i++ {
alias := path.Base(pkgPath)
if i > 0 {
alias += fmt.Sprint(i)
exists := false
for _, v := range g.imports {
if v == alias {
exists = true
if !exists {
g.imports[pkgPath] = alias
return alias
// getType return the textual type name of given type that can be used in generated code.
func (g *Generator) getType(t reflect.Type) string {
if t.Name() == "" {
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
return "*" + g.getType(t.Elem())
case reflect.Slice:
return "[]" + g.getType(t.Elem())
case reflect.Map:
return "map[" + g.getType(t.Key()) + "]" + g.getType(t.Elem())
if t.Name() == "" || t.PkgPath() == "" {
return t.String()
} else if t.PkgPath() == g.pkgPath {
return t.Name()
// TODO: unnamed structs.
return g.pkgAlias(t.PkgPath()) + "." + t.Name()
// uniqueVarName returns a file-unique name that can be used for generated variables.
func (g *Generator) uniqueVarName() string {
return fmt.Sprint("v", g.varCounter)
// safeName escapes unsafe characters in pkg/type name and returns a string that can be used
// in encoder/decoder names for the type.
func (g *Generator) safeName(t reflect.Type) string {
name := t.PkgPath()
if t.Name() == "" {
name += "anonymous"
} else {
name += "." + t.Name()
parts := []string{}
part := []rune{}
for _, c := range name {
if unicode.IsLetter(c) || unicode.IsDigit(c) {
part = append(part, c)
} else if len(part) > 0 {
parts = append(parts, string(part))
part = []rune{}
return joinFunctionNameParts(false, parts...)
// functionName returns a function name for a given type with a given prefix. If a function
// with this prefix already exists for a type, it is returned.
// Method is used to track encoder/decoder names for the type.
func (g *Generator) functionName(prefix string, t reflect.Type) string {
prefix = joinFunctionNameParts(true, "easyjson", g.hashString, prefix)
name := joinFunctionNameParts(true, prefix, g.safeName(t))
// Most of the names will be unique, try a shortcut first.
if e, ok := g.functionNames[name]; !ok || e == t {
g.functionNames[name] = t
return name
// Search if the function already exists.
for name1, t1 := range g.functionNames {
if t1 == t && strings.HasPrefix(name1, prefix) {
return name1
// Create a new name in the case of a clash.
for i := 1; ; i++ {
nm := fmt.Sprint(name, i)
if _, ok := g.functionNames[nm]; ok {
g.functionNames[nm] = t
return nm
// DefaultFieldsNamer implements trivial naming policy equivalent to encoding/json.
type DefaultFieldNamer struct{}
func (DefaultFieldNamer) GetJSONFieldName(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) string {
jsonName := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("json"), ",")[0]
if jsonName != "" {
return jsonName
} else {
return f.Name
// SnakeCaseFieldNamer implements CamelCase to snake_case conversion for fields names.
type SnakeCaseFieldNamer struct{}
func camelToSnake(name string) string {
var ret bytes.Buffer
multipleUpper := false
var lastUpper rune
var beforeUpper rune
for _, c := range name {
// Non-lowercase character after uppercase is considered to be uppercase too.
isUpper := (unicode.IsUpper(c) || (lastUpper != 0 && !unicode.IsLower(c)))
if lastUpper != 0 {
// Output a delimiter if last character was either the first uppercase character
// in a row, or the last one in a row (e.g. 'S' in "HTTPServer").
// Do not output a delimiter at the beginning of the name.
firstInRow := !multipleUpper
lastInRow := !isUpper
if ret.Len() > 0 && (firstInRow || lastInRow) && beforeUpper != '_' {
// Buffer uppercase char, do not output it yet as a delimiter may be required if the
// next character is lowercase.
if isUpper {
multipleUpper = (lastUpper != 0)
lastUpper = c
lastUpper = 0
beforeUpper = c
multipleUpper = false
if lastUpper != 0 {
return string(ret.Bytes())
func (SnakeCaseFieldNamer) GetJSONFieldName(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) string {
jsonName := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("json"), ",")[0]
if jsonName != "" {
return jsonName
return camelToSnake(f.Name)
func joinFunctionNameParts(keepFirst bool, parts ...string) string {
buf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
for i, part := range parts {
if i == 0 && keepFirst {
} else {
if len(part) > 0 {
if len(part) > 1 {
return buf.String()