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# Keel - automated Kubernetes deployments for the rest of us * Website []( * Slack - []( look for channel #keel Keel is a tool for automating [Kubernetes]( deployment updates. Keel is stateless, robust and lightweight. Keel provides several key features: * __[Kubernetes]( and [Helm]( providers__ - Keel has direct integrations with Kubernetes and Helm. * __No CLI/API__ - tired of `f***ctl` for everything? Keel doesn't have one. Gets job done through labels, annotations, charts. * __Semver policies__ - specify update policy for each deployment/Helm release individually. * __Automatic [Google Container Registry]( configuration__ - Keel automatically sets up topic and subscriptions for your deployment images by periodically scanning your environment. * __[Native, DockerHub, Quay and Azure container registry webhooks]( support__ - once webhook is received impacted deployments will be identified and updated. * __[Polling]( - when webhooks and pubsub aren't available - Keel can still be useful by checking Docker Registry for new tags (if current tag is semver) or same tag SHA digest change (ie: `latest`). * __Notifications__ - out of the box Keel has Slack, Hipchat, Mattermost and standard webhook notifications, more info [here](

### Support Support Keel's development by: * [Patreon]( * [Paypal]( * Star this repository * [Follow on Twitter]( ### Warp speed quick start To achieve warp speed, we will be using []( service and [Minikube]( Start Minikube: ```bash minikube start ``` Install customized Keel (feel free to change credentials, namespace and version tag) straight from your `kubectl`. ```bash # To override default latest semver tag, add &tag=x.x.x query argument to the URL below kubectl apply -f # and get Keel IP: minikube service --namespace default keel --url ``` > We are overriding default latest semver tag with **latest** since it has the new UI. If you want to use latest semver, just remove the `&tag=latest` part from the URL. ### Creating remotely accessible Keel instance Keel can work together with [webhook relay tunnels]( To deploy Keel with Webhook Relay sidecar you will need to get [a token](, then pre-create [a tunnel]( and: ``` kubectl apply -f ``` Now, you can access Keel remotely. ### Helm quick start Prerequisites: * [Helm]( * Kubernetes You need to add this Chart repo to Helm: ```bash helm repo add keel helm repo update ``` Install through Helm (with Helm provider enabled by default): ```bash helm upgrade --install keel --namespace=kube-system keel/keel ``` If you work mostly with regular Kubernetes manifests, you can install Keel without Helm provider support: ```bash helm upgrade --install keel --namespace=keel keel/keel --set helmProvider.enabled="false" ``` That's it, see [Configuration]( section now. ### Quick Start

A step-by-step guide to install Keel on your Kubernetes cluster is viewable on the Keel website: []( ### Configuration Once Keel is deployed, you only need to specify update policy on your deployment file or Helm chart: ```yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: wd namespace: default labels: name: "wd" annotations: minor # <-- policy name according to poll # <-- actively query registry, otherwise defaults to webhooks spec: template: metadata: name: wd labels: app: wd spec: containers: - image: karolisr/webhook-demo:0.0.8 imagePullPolicy: Always name: wd command: ["/bin/webhook-demo"] ports: - containerPort: 8090 ``` No additional configuration is required. Enabling continuous delivery for your workloads has never been this easy! ### Documentation Documentation is viewable on the Keel Website: []( ### Contributing Before starting to work on some big or medium features - raise an issue [here]( so we can coordinate our efforts. We use pull requests, so: 1. Fork this repository 2. Create a branch on your local copy with a sensible name 3. Push to your fork and open a pull request ### Developing Keel If you wish to work on Keel itself, you will need Go 1.12+ installed. Make sure you put Keel into correct Gopath and `go build` (dependency management is done through [dep]( To test Keel while developing: 1. Launch a Kubernetes cluster like Minikube or Docker for Mac with Kubernetes. 2. Change config to use it: `kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop` 3. Build Keel from `cmd/keel` directory. 4. Start Keel with: `keel --no-incluster`. This will use Kubeconfig from your home. ### Running unit tests Get a test parser (makes output nice): ```bash go get ``` To run unit tests: ```bash make test ``` ### Running e2e tests Prerequisites: - configured kubectl + kubeconfig - a running cluster (test suite will create testing namespaces and delete them after tests) - Go environment (will compile Keel before running) Once prerequisites are ready: ```bash make e2e ```