* __Automatic [Google Container Registry](https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/) configuration__ - Keel automatically sets up topic and subscriptions for your deployment images by periodically scanning your environment.
* __[DockerHub Webhooks](https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/webhooks/) support__ - Keel accepts dockerhub style webhooks on `/v1/webhooks/dockerhub` endpoint. Impacted deployments will be identified and updated.
*__[Polling](https://keel.sh/user-guide/#polling-deployment-example)__ - when webhooks and pubsub aren't available - Keel can still be useful by checking Docker Registry for new tags (if current tag is semver) or same tag SHA digest change (ie: `latest`).
Before starting to work on some big or medium features - raise an issue [here](https://github.com/rusenask/keel/issues) so we can coordinate our efforts.
If you wish to work on Keel itself, you will need Go 1.8+ installed. Make sure you put Keel into correct Gopath and get remaining dependencies (some dependencies are already locked through glide).