mirror of https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS.git
521 lines
22 KiB
521 lines
22 KiB
import os
import re
import glob
import shutil
import datetime
import json
import torch
import subprocess
import importlib
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter
class AttrDict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
def load_config(config_path):
config = AttrDict()
with open(config_path, "r") as f:
input_str = f.read()
input_str = re.sub(r'\\\n', '', input_str)
input_str = re.sub(r'//.*\n', '\n', input_str)
data = json.loads(input_str)
return config
def get_git_branch():
out = subprocess.check_output(["git", "branch"]).decode("utf8")
current = next(line for line in out.split("\n")
if line.startswith("*"))
current.replace("* ", "")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
current = "inside_docker"
return current
def get_commit_hash():
# try:
# subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff-index', '--quiet',
# 'HEAD']) # Verify client is clean
# except:
# raise RuntimeError(
# " !! Commit before training to get the commit hash.")
commit = subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']).decode().strip()
# Not copying .git folder into docker container
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
commit = "0000000"
print(' > Git Hash: {}'.format(commit))
return commit
def create_experiment_folder(root_path, model_name, debug):
""" Create a folder with the current date and time """
date_str = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%B-%d-%Y_%I+%M%p")
# if debug:
# commit_hash = 'debug'
# else:
commit_hash = get_commit_hash()
output_folder = os.path.join(
root_path, model_name + '-' + date_str + '-' + commit_hash)
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
print(" > Experiment folder: {}".format(output_folder))
return output_folder
def remove_experiment_folder(experiment_path):
"""Check folder if there is a checkpoint, otherwise remove the folder"""
checkpoint_files = glob.glob(experiment_path + "/*.pth.tar")
if not checkpoint_files:
if os.path.exists(experiment_path):
print(" ! Run is removed from {}".format(experiment_path))
print(" ! Run is kept in {}".format(experiment_path))
def copy_config_file(config_file, out_path, new_fields):
config_lines = open(config_file, "r").readlines()
# add extra information fields
for key, value in new_fields.items():
if type(value) == str:
new_line = '"{}":"{}",\n'.format(key, value)
new_line = '"{}":{},\n'.format(key, value)
config_lines.insert(1, new_line)
config_out_file = open(out_path, "w")
def _trim_model_state_dict(state_dict):
r"""Remove 'module.' prefix from state dictionary. It is necessary as it
is loded for the next time by model.load_state(). Otherwise, it complains
about the torch.DataParallel()"""
new_state_dict = OrderedDict()
for k, v in state_dict.items():
name = k[7:] # remove `module.`
new_state_dict[name] = v
return new_state_dict
def save_checkpoint(model, optimizer, optimizer_st, model_loss, out_path,
current_step, epoch):
checkpoint_path = 'checkpoint_{}.pth.tar'.format(current_step)
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(out_path, checkpoint_path)
print(" | | > Checkpoint saving : {}".format(checkpoint_path))
new_state_dict = model.state_dict()
state = {
'model': new_state_dict,
'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict() if optimizer is not None else None,
'step': current_step,
'epoch': epoch,
'linear_loss': model_loss,
'date': datetime.date.today().strftime("%B %d, %Y"),
'r': model.decoder.r
torch.save(state, checkpoint_path)
def save_best_model(model, optimizer, model_loss, best_loss, out_path,
current_step, epoch):
if model_loss < best_loss:
new_state_dict = model.state_dict()
state = {
'model': new_state_dict,
'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(),
'step': current_step,
'epoch': epoch,
'linear_loss': model_loss,
'date': datetime.date.today().strftime("%B %d, %Y"),
'r': model.decoder.r
best_loss = model_loss
bestmodel_path = 'best_model.pth.tar'
bestmodel_path = os.path.join(out_path, bestmodel_path)
print("\n > BEST MODEL ({0:.5f}) : {1:}".format(
model_loss, bestmodel_path))
torch.save(state, bestmodel_path)
return best_loss
def check_update(model, grad_clip, ignore_stopnet=False):
r'''Check model gradient against unexpected jumps and failures'''
skip_flag = False
if ignore_stopnet:
grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_([param for name, param in model.named_parameters() if 'stopnet' not in name], grad_clip)
grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), grad_clip)
if np.isinf(grad_norm):
print(" | > Gradient is INF !!")
skip_flag = True
return grad_norm, skip_flag
def lr_decay(init_lr, global_step, warmup_steps):
r'''from https://github.com/r9y9/tacotron_pytorch/blob/master/train.py'''
warmup_steps = float(warmup_steps)
step = global_step + 1.
lr = init_lr * warmup_steps**0.5 * np.minimum(step * warmup_steps**-1.5,
return lr
def adam_weight_decay(optimizer):
Custom weight decay operation, not effecting grad values.
for group in optimizer.param_groups:
for param in group['params']:
current_lr = group['lr']
weight_decay = group['weight_decay']
param.data = param.data.add(-weight_decay * group['lr'],
return optimizer, current_lr
# pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
def set_weight_decay(model, weight_decay, skip_list={"decoder.attention.v", "rnn", "lstm", "gru", "embedding"}):
Skip biases, BatchNorm parameters, rnns.
and attention projection layer v
decay = []
no_decay = []
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
if not param.requires_grad:
if len(param.shape) == 1 or any([skip_name in name for skip_name in skip_list]):
return [{
'params': no_decay,
'weight_decay': 0.
}, {
'params': decay,
'weight_decay': weight_decay
class NoamLR(torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler):
def __init__(self, optimizer, warmup_steps=0.1, last_epoch=-1):
self.warmup_steps = float(warmup_steps)
super(NoamLR, self).__init__(optimizer, last_epoch)
def get_lr(self):
step = max(self.last_epoch, 1)
return [
base_lr * self.warmup_steps**0.5 *
min(step * self.warmup_steps**-1.5, step**-0.5)
for base_lr in self.base_lrs
def mk_decay(init_mk, max_epoch, n_epoch):
return init_mk * ((max_epoch - n_epoch) / max_epoch)
def count_parameters(model):
r"""Count number of trainable parameters in a network"""
return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
# from https://gist.github.com/jihunchoi/f1434a77df9db1bb337417854b398df1
def sequence_mask(sequence_length, max_len=None):
if max_len is None:
max_len = sequence_length.data.max()
batch_size = sequence_length.size(0)
seq_range = torch.arange(0, max_len).long()
seq_range_expand = seq_range.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, max_len)
if sequence_length.is_cuda:
seq_range_expand = seq_range_expand.cuda()
seq_length_expand = (
# B x T_max
return seq_range_expand < seq_length_expand
def set_init_dict(model_dict, checkpoint, c):
# Partial initialization: if there is a mismatch with new and old layer, it is skipped.
for k, v in checkpoint['model'].items():
if k not in model_dict:
print(" | > Layer missing in the model definition: {}".format(k))
# 1. filter out unnecessary keys
pretrained_dict = {
k: v
for k, v in checkpoint['model'].items() if k in model_dict
# 2. filter out different size layers
pretrained_dict = {
k: v
for k, v in pretrained_dict.items()
if v.numel() == model_dict[k].numel()
# 3. skip reinit layers
if c.reinit_layers is not None:
for reinit_layer_name in c.reinit_layers:
pretrained_dict = {
k: v
for k, v in pretrained_dict.items()
if reinit_layer_name not in k
# 4. overwrite entries in the existing state dict
print(" | > {} / {} layers are restored.".format(len(pretrained_dict),
return model_dict
def setup_model(num_chars, num_speakers, c):
print(" > Using model: {}".format(c.model))
MyModel = importlib.import_module('TTS.models.' + c.model.lower())
MyModel = getattr(MyModel, c.model)
if c.model.lower() in "tacotron":
model = MyModel(num_chars=num_chars,
elif c.model.lower() == "tacotron2":
model = MyModel(num_chars=num_chars,
return model
def split_dataset(items):
is_multi_speaker = False
speakers = [item[-1] for item in items]
is_multi_speaker = len(set(speakers)) > 1
eval_split_size = 500 if len(items) * 0.01 > 500 else int(
len(items) * 0.01)
if is_multi_speaker:
items_eval = []
# most stupid code ever -- Fix it !
while len(items_eval) < eval_split_size:
speakers = [item[-1] for item in items]
speaker_counter = Counter(speakers)
item_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(items))
if speaker_counter[items[item_idx][-1]] > 1:
del items[item_idx]
return items_eval, items
return items[:eval_split_size], items[eval_split_size:]
def gradual_training_scheduler(global_step, config):
"""Setup the gradual training schedule wrt number
of active GPUs"""
num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
if num_gpus == 0:
num_gpus = 1
new_values = None
# we set the scheduling wrt num_gpus
for values in config.gradual_training:
if global_step * num_gpus >= values[0]:
new_values = values
return new_values[1], new_values[2]
class KeepAverage():
def __init__(self):
self.avg_values = {}
self.iters = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.avg_values[key]
def add_value(self, name, init_val=0, init_iter=0):
self.avg_values[name] = init_val
self.iters[name] = init_iter
def update_value(self, name, value, weighted_avg=False):
if weighted_avg:
self.avg_values[name] = 0.99 * self.avg_values[name] + 0.01 * value
self.iters[name] += 1
self.avg_values[name] = self.avg_values[name] * \
self.iters[name] + value
self.iters[name] += 1
self.avg_values[name] /= self.iters[name]
def add_values(self, name_dict):
for key, value in name_dict.items():
self.add_value(key, init_val=value)
def update_values(self, value_dict):
for key, value in value_dict.items():
self.update_value(key, value)
def _check_argument(name, c, enum_list=None, max_val=None, min_val=None, restricted=False, val_type=None, alternative=None):
if alternative in c.keys() and c[alternative] is not None:
if restricted:
assert name in c.keys(), f' [!] {name} not defined in config.json'
if name in c.keys():
if max_val:
assert c[name] <= max_val, f' [!] {name} is larger than max value {max_val}'
if min_val:
assert c[name] >= min_val, f' [!] {name} is smaller than min value {min_val}'
if enum_list:
assert c[name].lower() in enum_list, f' [!] {name} is not a valid value'
if val_type:
assert isinstance(c[name], val_type) or c[name] is None, f' [!] {name} has wrong type - {type(c[name])} vs {val_type}'
def check_config(c):
_check_argument('model', c, enum_list=['tacotron', 'tacotron2'], restricted=True, val_type=str)
_check_argument('run_name', c, restricted=True, val_type=str)
_check_argument('run_description', c, val_type=str)
_check_argument('audio', c, restricted=True, val_type=dict)
# audio processing parameters
_check_argument('num_mels', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=10, max_val=2056)
_check_argument('num_freq', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=128, max_val=4058)
_check_argument('sample_rate', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=512, max_val=100000)
_check_argument('frame_length_ms', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=10, max_val=1000, alternative='win_length')
_check_argument('frame_shift_ms', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=1, max_val=1000, alternative='hop_length')
_check_argument('preemphasis', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=0, max_val=1)
_check_argument('min_level_db', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=-1000, max_val=10)
_check_argument('ref_level_db', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=0, max_val=1000)
_check_argument('power', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=1, max_val=5)
_check_argument('griffin_lim_iters', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=10, max_val=1000)
# vocabulary parameters
_check_argument('characters', c, restricted=False, val_type=dict)
_check_argument('pad', c['characters'] if 'characters' in c.keys() else {}, restricted='characters' in c.keys(), val_type=str)
_check_argument('eos', c['characters'] if 'characters' in c.keys() else {}, restricted='characters' in c.keys(), val_type=str)
_check_argument('bos', c['characters'] if 'characters' in c.keys() else {}, restricted='characters' in c.keys(), val_type=str)
_check_argument('characters', c['characters'] if 'characters' in c.keys() else {}, restricted='characters' in c.keys(), val_type=str)
_check_argument('phonemes', c['characters'] if 'characters' in c.keys() else {}, restricted='characters' in c.keys(), val_type=str)
_check_argument('punctuations', c['characters'] if 'characters' in c.keys() else {}, restricted='characters' in c.keys(), val_type=str)
# normalization parameters
_check_argument('signal_norm', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('symmetric_norm', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('max_norm', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=0.1, max_val=1000)
_check_argument('clip_norm', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('mel_fmin', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=0.0, max_val=1000)
_check_argument('mel_fmax', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=500.0)
_check_argument('do_trim_silence', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('trim_db', c['audio'], restricted=True, val_type=int)
# training parameters
_check_argument('batch_size', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=1)
_check_argument('eval_batch_size', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=1)
_check_argument('r', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=1)
_check_argument('gradual_training', c, restricted=False, val_type=list)
_check_argument('loss_masking', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
# _check_argument('grad_accum', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=1, max_val=100)
# validation parameters
_check_argument('run_eval', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('test_delay_epochs', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=0)
_check_argument('test_sentences_file', c, restricted=False, val_type=str)
# optimizer
_check_argument('noam_schedule', c, restricted=False, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('grad_clip', c, restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=0.0)
_check_argument('epochs', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=1)
_check_argument('lr', c, restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=0)
_check_argument('wd', c, restricted=True, val_type=float, min_val=0)
_check_argument('warmup_steps', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=0)
_check_argument('seq_len_norm', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
# tacotron prenet
_check_argument('memory_size', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=-1)
_check_argument('prenet_type', c, restricted=True, val_type=str, enum_list=['original', 'bn'])
_check_argument('prenet_dropout', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
# attention
_check_argument('attention_type', c, restricted=True, val_type=str, enum_list=['graves', 'original'])
_check_argument('attention_heads', c, restricted=True, val_type=int)
_check_argument('attention_norm', c, restricted=True, val_type=str, enum_list=['sigmoid', 'softmax'])
_check_argument('windowing', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('use_forward_attn', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('forward_attn_mask', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('transition_agent', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('transition_agent', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('location_attn', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('bidirectional_decoder', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
# stopnet
_check_argument('stopnet', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('separate_stopnet', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
# tensorboard
_check_argument('print_step', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=1)
_check_argument('save_step', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=1)
_check_argument('checkpoint', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('tb_model_param_stats', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
# dataloading
_check_argument('text_cleaner', c, restricted=True, val_type=str, enum_list=['english_cleaners', 'phoneme_cleaners', 'transliteration_cleaners', 'basic_cleaners'])
_check_argument('enable_eos_bos_chars', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('num_loader_workers', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=0)
_check_argument('num_val_loader_workers', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=0)
_check_argument('batch_group_size', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=0)
_check_argument('min_seq_len', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=0)
_check_argument('max_seq_len', c, restricted=True, val_type=int, min_val=10)
# paths
_check_argument('output_path', c, restricted=True, val_type=str)
# multi-speaker gst
_check_argument('use_speaker_embedding', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
_check_argument('style_wav_for_test', c, restricted=True, val_type=str)
_check_argument('use_gst', c, restricted=True, val_type=bool)
# datasets - checking only the first entry
_check_argument('datasets', c, restricted=True, val_type=list)
for dataset_entry in c['datasets']:
_check_argument('name', dataset_entry, restricted=True, val_type=str)
_check_argument('path', dataset_entry, restricted=True, val_type=str)
_check_argument('meta_file_train', dataset_entry, restricted=True, val_type=str)
_check_argument('meta_file_val', dataset_entry, restricted=True, val_type=str) |