import argparse import importlib import os import shutil import sys import time import traceback import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter from torch import optim from import DataLoader from datasets.TTSDataset import MyDataset from distribute import (DistributedSampler, apply_gradient_allreduce, init_distributed, reduce_tensor) from layers.losses import L1LossMasked, MSELossMasked from import AudioProcessor from utils.generic_utils import (NoamLR, check_update, count_parameters, create_experiment_folder, get_git_branch, load_config, lr_decay, remove_experiment_folder, save_best_model, save_checkpoint, sequence_mask, weight_decay, set_init_dict, copy_config_file, setup_model) from utils.logger import Logger from utils.synthesis import synthesis from utils.text.symbols import phonemes, symbols from utils.visual import plot_alignment, plot_spectrogram torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False torch.manual_seed(54321) use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count() print(" > Using CUDA: ", use_cuda) print(" > Number of GPUs: ", num_gpus) def setup_loader(is_val=False, verbose=False): global ap if is_val and not c.run_eval: loader = None else: dataset = MyDataset( c.data_path, c.meta_file_val if is_val else c.meta_file_train, c.r, c.text_cleaner, preprocessor=preprocessor, ap=ap, batch_group_size=0 if is_val else c.batch_group_size * c.batch_size, min_seq_len=0 if is_val else c.min_seq_len, max_seq_len=float("inf") if is_val else c.max_seq_len, cached=False if c.dataset != "tts_cache" else True, phoneme_cache_path=c.phoneme_cache_path, use_phonemes=c.use_phonemes, phoneme_language=c.phoneme_language, enable_eos_bos=c.enable_eos_bos_chars, verbose=verbose) sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset) if num_gpus > 1 else None loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=c.eval_batch_size if is_val else c.batch_size, shuffle=False, collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, drop_last=False, sampler=sampler, num_workers=c.num_val_loader_workers if is_val else c.num_loader_workers, pin_memory=False) return loader def train(model, criterion, criterion_st, optimizer, optimizer_st, scheduler, ap, epoch): data_loader = setup_loader(is_val=False, verbose=(epoch==0)) model.train() epoch_time = 0 avg_postnet_loss = 0 avg_decoder_loss = 0 avg_stop_loss = 0 avg_step_time = 0 print("\n > Epoch {}/{}".format(epoch, c.epochs), flush=True) batch_n_iter = int(len(data_loader.dataset) / (c.batch_size * num_gpus)) for num_iter, data in enumerate(data_loader): start_time = time.time() # setup input data text_input = data[0] text_lengths = data[1] linear_input = data[2] if c.model == "Tacotron" else None mel_input = data[3] mel_lengths = data[4] stop_targets = data[5] avg_text_length = torch.mean(text_lengths.float()) avg_spec_length = torch.mean(mel_lengths.float()) # set stop targets view, we predict a single stop token per r frames prediction stop_targets = stop_targets.view(text_input.shape[0], stop_targets.size(1) // c.r, -1) stop_targets = (stop_targets.sum(2) > 0.0).unsqueeze(2).float().squeeze(2) current_step = num_iter + args.restore_step + \ epoch * len(data_loader) + 1 # setup lr if c.lr_decay: scheduler.step() optimizer.zero_grad() optimizer_st.zero_grad() # dispatch data to GPU if use_cuda: text_input = text_input.cuda(non_blocking=True) text_lengths = text_lengths.cuda(non_blocking=True) mel_input = mel_input.cuda(non_blocking=True) mel_lengths = mel_lengths.cuda(non_blocking=True) linear_input = linear_input.cuda(non_blocking=True) if c.model == "Tacotron" else None stop_targets = stop_targets.cuda(non_blocking=True) # forward pass model decoder_output, postnet_output, alignments, stop_tokens = model( text_input, text_lengths, mel_input) # loss computation stop_loss = criterion_st(stop_tokens, stop_targets) if c.loss_masking: decoder_loss = criterion(decoder_output, mel_input, mel_lengths) if c.model == "Tacotron": postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, linear_input, mel_lengths) else: postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, mel_input, mel_lengths) else: decoder_loss = criterion(decoder_output, mel_input) if c.model == "Tacotron": postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, linear_input) else: postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, mel_input) loss = decoder_loss + postnet_loss # backpass and check the grad norm for spec losses loss.backward(retain_graph=True) optimizer, current_lr = weight_decay(optimizer, c.wd) grad_norm, _ = check_update(model, c.grad_clip) optimizer.step() # backpass and check the grad norm for stop loss stop_loss.backward() optimizer_st, _ = weight_decay(optimizer_st, c.wd) grad_norm_st, _ = check_update(model.decoder.stopnet, 1.0) optimizer_st.step() step_time = time.time() - start_time epoch_time += step_time if current_step % c.print_step == 0: print( " | > Step:{}/{} GlobalStep:{} TotalLoss:{:.5f} PostnetLoss:{:.5f} " "DecoderLoss:{:.5f} StopLoss:{:.5f} GradNorm:{:.5f} " "GradNormST:{:.5f} AvgTextLen:{:.1f} AvgSpecLen:{:.1f} StepTime:{:.2f} LR:{:.6f}".format( num_iter, batch_n_iter, current_step, loss.item(), postnet_loss.item(), decoder_loss.item(), stop_loss.item(), grad_norm, grad_norm_st, avg_text_length, avg_spec_length, step_time, current_lr), flush=True) # aggregate losses from processes if num_gpus > 1: postnet_loss = reduce_tensor(, num_gpus) decoder_loss = reduce_tensor(, num_gpus) loss = reduce_tensor(, num_gpus) stop_loss = reduce_tensor(, num_gpus) if args.rank == 0: avg_postnet_loss += float(postnet_loss.item()) avg_decoder_loss += float(decoder_loss.item()) avg_stop_loss += stop_loss.item() avg_step_time += step_time # Plot Training Iter Stats iter_stats = {"loss_posnet": postnet_loss.item(), "loss_decoder": decoder_loss.item(), "lr": current_lr, "grad_norm": grad_norm, "grad_norm_st": grad_norm_st, "step_time": step_time} tb_logger.tb_train_iter_stats(current_step, iter_stats) if current_step % c.save_step == 0: if c.checkpoint: # save model save_checkpoint(model, optimizer, optimizer_st, postnet_loss.item(), OUT_PATH, current_step, epoch) # Diagnostic visualizations const_spec = postnet_output[0].data.cpu().numpy() gt_spec = linear_input[0].data.cpu().numpy() if c.model == "Tacotron" else mel_input[0].data.cpu().numpy() align_img = alignments[0].data.cpu().numpy() figures = { "prediction": plot_spectrogram(const_spec, ap), "ground_truth": plot_spectrogram(gt_spec, ap), "alignment": plot_alignment(align_img) } tb_logger.tb_train_figures(current_step, figures) # Sample audio if c.model == "Tacotron": train_audio = ap.inv_spectrogram(const_spec.T) else: train_audio = ap.inv_mel_spectrogram(const_spec.T) tb_logger.tb_train_audios(current_step, {'TrainAudio': train_audio},["sample_rate"]) avg_postnet_loss /= (num_iter + 1) avg_decoder_loss /= (num_iter + 1) avg_stop_loss /= (num_iter + 1) avg_total_loss = avg_decoder_loss + avg_postnet_loss + avg_stop_loss avg_step_time /= (num_iter + 1) # print epoch stats print( " | > EPOCH END -- GlobalStep:{} AvgTotalLoss:{:.5f} " "AvgPostnetLoss:{:.5f} AvgDecoderLoss:{:.5f} " "AvgStopLoss:{:.5f} EpochTime:{:.2f} " "AvgStepTime:{:.2f}".format(current_step, avg_total_loss, avg_postnet_loss, avg_decoder_loss, avg_stop_loss, epoch_time, avg_step_time), flush=True) # Plot Epoch Stats if args.rank == 0: # Plot Training Epoch Stats epoch_stats = {"loss_postnet": avg_postnet_loss, "loss_decoder": avg_decoder_loss, "stop_loss": avg_stop_loss, "epoch_time": epoch_time} tb_logger.tb_train_epoch_stats(current_step, epoch_stats) if c.tb_model_param_stats: tb_logger.tb_model_weights(model, current_step) return avg_postnet_loss, current_step def evaluate(model, criterion, criterion_st, ap, current_step, epoch): data_loader = setup_loader(is_val=True) model.eval() epoch_time = 0 avg_postnet_loss = 0 avg_decoder_loss = 0 avg_stop_loss = 0 print("\n > Validation") test_sentences = [ "It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it I'm not going to be silent.", "Be a voice, not an echo.", "I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.", "This cake is great. It's so delicious and moist." ] with torch.no_grad(): if data_loader is not None: for num_iter, data in enumerate(data_loader): start_time = time.time() # setup input data text_input = data[0] text_lengths = data[1] linear_input = data[2] if c.model == "Tacotron" else None mel_input = data[3] mel_lengths = data[4] stop_targets = data[5] # set stop targets view, we predict a single stop token per r frames prediction stop_targets = stop_targets.view(text_input.shape[0], stop_targets.size(1) // c.r, -1) stop_targets = (stop_targets.sum(2) > 0.0).unsqueeze(2).float().squeeze(2) # dispatch data to GPU if use_cuda: text_input = text_input.cuda() mel_input = mel_input.cuda() mel_lengths = mel_lengths.cuda() linear_input = linear_input.cuda() if c.model == "Tacotron" else None stop_targets = stop_targets.cuda() # forward pass decoder_output, postnet_output, alignments, stop_tokens =\ model.forward(text_input, text_lengths, mel_input) # loss computation stop_loss = criterion_st(stop_tokens, stop_targets) if c.loss_masking: decoder_loss = criterion(decoder_output, mel_input, mel_lengths) if c.model == "Tacotron": postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, linear_input, mel_lengths) else: postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, mel_input, mel_lengths) else: decoder_loss = criterion(decoder_output, mel_input) if c.model == "Tacotron": postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, linear_input) else: postnet_loss = criterion(postnet_output, mel_input) loss = decoder_loss + postnet_loss + stop_loss step_time = time.time() - start_time epoch_time += step_time if num_iter % c.print_step == 0: print( " | > TotalLoss: {:.5f} PostnetLoss: {:.5f} DecoderLoss:{:.5f} " "StopLoss: {:.5f} ".format(loss.item(), postnet_loss.item(), decoder_loss.item(), stop_loss.item()), flush=True) # aggregate losses from processes if num_gpus > 1: postnet_loss = reduce_tensor(, num_gpus) decoder_loss = reduce_tensor(, num_gpus) stop_loss = reduce_tensor(, num_gpus) avg_postnet_loss += float(postnet_loss.item()) avg_decoder_loss += float(decoder_loss.item()) avg_stop_loss += stop_loss.item() if args.rank == 0: # Diagnostic visualizations idx = np.random.randint(mel_input.shape[0]) const_spec = postnet_output[idx].data.cpu().numpy() gt_spec = linear_input[idx].data.cpu().numpy() if c.model == "Tacotron" else mel_input[idx].data.cpu().numpy() align_img = alignments[idx].data.cpu().numpy() eval_figures = { "prediction": plot_spectrogram(const_spec, ap), "ground_truth": plot_spectrogram(gt_spec, ap), "alignment": plot_alignment(align_img) } tb_logger.tb_eval_figures(current_step, eval_figures) # Sample audio if c.model == "Tacotron": eval_audio = ap.inv_spectrogram(const_spec.T) else: eval_audio = ap.inv_mel_spectrogram(const_spec.T) tb_logger.tb_eval_audios(current_step, {"ValAudio": eval_audio},["sample_rate"]) # compute average losses avg_postnet_loss /= (num_iter + 1) avg_decoder_loss /= (num_iter + 1) avg_stop_loss /= (num_iter + 1) # Plot Validation Stats epoch_stats = {"loss_postnet": avg_postnet_loss, "loss_decoder": avg_decoder_loss, "stop_loss": avg_stop_loss} tb_logger.tb_eval_stats(current_step, epoch_stats) if args.rank == 0 and epoch > c.test_delay_epochs: # test sentences test_audios = {} test_figures = {} print(" | > Synthesizing test sentences") for idx, test_sentence in enumerate(test_sentences): try: wav, alignment, decoder_output, postnet_output, stop_tokens = synthesis( model, test_sentence, c, use_cuda, ap) file_path = os.path.join(AUDIO_PATH, str(current_step)) os.makedirs(file_path, exist_ok=True) file_path = os.path.join(file_path, "TestSentence_{}.wav".format(idx)) ap.save_wav(wav, file_path) test_audios['{}-audio'.format(idx)] = wav test_figures['{}-prediction'.format(idx)] = plot_spectrogram(postnet_output, ap) test_figures['{}-alignment'.format(idx)] = plot_alignment(alignment) except: print(" !! Error creating Test Sentence -", idx) traceback.print_exc() tb_logger.tb_test_audios(current_step, test_audios,['sample_rate']) tb_logger.tb_test_figures(current_step, test_figures) return avg_postnet_loss def main(args): # DISTRUBUTED if num_gpus > 1: init_distributed(args.rank, num_gpus, args.group_id, c.distributed["backend"], c.distributed["url"]) num_chars = len(phonemes) if c.use_phonemes else len(symbols) model = setup_model(num_chars, c) print(" | > Num output units : {}".format(ap.num_freq), flush=True) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, weight_decay=0) optimizer_st = optim.Adam( model.decoder.stopnet.parameters(),, weight_decay=0) if c.loss_masking: criterion = L1LossMasked() if c.model == "Tacotron" else MSELossMasked() else: criterion = nn.L1Loss() if c.model == "Tacotron" else nn.MSELoss() criterion_st = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() if args.restore_path: checkpoint = torch.load(args.restore_path) try: # TODO: fix optimizer init, model.cuda() needs to be called before # optimizer restore # optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) if len(c.reinit_layers) > 0: raise RuntimeError model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model']) except: print(" > Partial model initialization.") partial_init_flag = True model_dict = model.state_dict() model_dict = set_init_dict(model_dict, checkpoint, c) model.load_state_dict(model_dict) del model_dict if use_cuda: model = model.cuda() criterion.cuda() criterion_st.cuda() for group in optimizer.param_groups: group['lr'] = print( " > Model restored from step %d" % checkpoint['step'], flush=True) start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] # best_loss = checkpoint['postnet_loss'] args.restore_step = checkpoint['step'] else: args.restore_step = 0 if use_cuda: model = model.cuda() criterion.cuda() criterion_st.cuda() # DISTRUBUTED if num_gpus > 1: model = apply_gradient_allreduce(model) if c.lr_decay: scheduler = NoamLR( optimizer, warmup_steps=c.warmup_steps, last_epoch=args.restore_step - 1) else: scheduler = None num_params = count_parameters(model) print("\n > Model has {} parameters".format(num_params), flush=True) if 'best_loss' not in locals(): best_loss = float('inf') for epoch in range(0, c.epochs): train_loss, current_step = train(model, criterion, criterion_st, optimizer, optimizer_st, scheduler, ap, epoch) val_loss = evaluate(model, criterion, criterion_st, ap, current_step, epoch) print( " | > Training Loss: {:.5f} Validation Loss: {:.5f}".format( train_loss, val_loss), flush=True) target_loss = train_loss if c.run_eval: target_loss = val_loss best_loss = save_best_model(model, optimizer, target_loss, best_loss, OUT_PATH, current_step, epoch) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--restore_path', type=str, help='Path to model outputs (checkpoint, tensorboard etc.).', default=0) parser.add_argument( '--config_path', type=str, help='Path to config file for training.', ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', type=bool, default=True, help='Do not verify commit integrity to run training.') parser.add_argument( '--data_path', type=str, default='', help='Defines the data path. It overwrites config.json.') parser.add_argument( '--output_path', type=str, help='path for training outputs.', default='') # DISTRUBUTED parser.add_argument( '--rank', type=int, default=0, help='DISTRIBUTED: process rank for distributed training.') parser.add_argument( '--group_id', type=str, default="", help='DISTRIBUTED: process group id.') args = parser.parse_args() # setup output paths and read configs c = load_config(args.config_path) _ = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if args.data_path != '': c.data_path = args.data_path if args.output_path == '': OUT_PATH = os.path.join(_, c.output_path) else: OUT_PATH = args.output_path if args.group_id == '': OUT_PATH = create_experiment_folder(OUT_PATH, c.run_name, args.debug) AUDIO_PATH = os.path.join(OUT_PATH, 'test_audios') if args.rank == 0: os.makedirs(AUDIO_PATH, exist_ok=True) new_fields = {} if args.restore_path: new_fields["restore_path"] = args.restore_path new_fields["github_branch"] = get_git_branch() copy_config_file(args.config_path, os.path.join(OUT_PATH, 'config.json'), new_fields) os.chmod(AUDIO_PATH, 0o775) os.chmod(OUT_PATH, 0o775) if args.rank==0: LOG_DIR = OUT_PATH tb_logger = Logger(LOG_DIR) # Conditional imports preprocessor = importlib.import_module('datasets.preprocess') preprocessor = getattr(preprocessor, c.dataset.lower()) # Audio processor ap = AudioProcessor(** try: main(args) except KeyboardInterrupt: remove_experiment_folder(OUT_PATH) try: sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: os._exit(0) except Exception: remove_experiment_folder(OUT_PATH) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1)