import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from utils.generic_utils import sequence_mask class BahdanauAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, annot_dim, query_dim, attn_dim): super(BahdanauAttention, self).__init__() self.query_layer = nn.Linear(query_dim, attn_dim, bias=True) self.annot_layer = nn.Linear(annot_dim, attn_dim, bias=True) self.v = nn.Linear(attn_dim, 1, bias=False) def forward(self, annots, query): """ Shapes: - annots: (batch, max_time, dim) - query: (batch, 1, dim) or (batch, dim) """ if query.dim() == 2: # insert time-axis for broadcasting query = query.unsqueeze(1) # (batch, 1, dim) processed_query = self.query_layer(query) processed_annots = self.annot_layer(annots) # (batch, max_time, 1) alignment = self.v(torch.tanh(processed_query + processed_annots)) # (batch, max_time) return alignment.squeeze(-1) class LocationSensitiveAttention(nn.Module): """Location sensitive attention following""" def __init__(self, annot_dim, query_dim, attn_dim, kernel_size=31, filters=32): super(LocationSensitiveAttention, self).__init__() self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.filters = filters padding = [(kernel_size - 1) // 2, (kernel_size - 1) // 2] self.loc_conv = nn.Sequential( nn.ConstantPad1d(padding, 0), nn.Conv1d( 2, filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)) self.loc_linear = nn.Linear(filters, attn_dim, bias=True) self.query_layer = nn.Linear(query_dim, attn_dim, bias=True) self.annot_layer = nn.Linear(annot_dim, attn_dim, bias=True) self.v = nn.Linear(attn_dim, 1, bias=False) self.processed_annots = None # self.init_layers() def init_layers(self): torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( self.loc_linear.weight, gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain('tanh')) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( self.query_layer.weight, gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain('tanh')) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( self.annot_layer.weight, gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain('tanh')) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_( self.v.weight, gain=torch.nn.init.calculate_gain('linear')) def reset(self): self.processed_annots = None def forward(self, annot, query, loc): """ Shapes: - annot: (batch, max_time, dim) - query: (batch, 1, dim) or (batch, dim) - loc: (batch, 2, max_time) """ if query.dim() == 2: # insert time-axis for broadcasting query = query.unsqueeze(1) processed_loc = self.loc_linear(self.loc_conv(loc).transpose(1, 2)) processed_query = self.query_layer(query) # cache annots if self.processed_annots is None: self.processed_annots = self.annot_layer(annot) alignment = self.v( torch.tanh(processed_query + self.processed_annots + processed_loc)) del processed_loc del processed_query # (batch, max_time) return alignment.squeeze(-1) class AttentionRNNCell(nn.Module): def __init__(self, out_dim, rnn_dim, annot_dim, memory_dim, align_model, windowing=False, norm="sigmoid"): r""" General Attention RNN wrapper Args: out_dim (int): context vector feature dimension. rnn_dim (int): rnn hidden state dimension. annot_dim (int): annotation vector feature dimension. memory_dim (int): memory vector (decoder output) feature dimension. align_model (str): 'b' for Bahdanau, 'ls' Location Sensitive alignment. windowing (bool): attention windowing forcing monotonic attention. It is only active in eval mode. norm (str): norm method to compute alignment weights. """ super(AttentionRNNCell, self).__init__() self.align_model = align_model self.rnn_cell = nn.GRUCell(annot_dim + memory_dim, rnn_dim) self.windowing = windowing if self.windowing: self.win_back = 3 self.win_front = 6 self.win_idx = None self.norm = norm if align_model == 'b': self.alignment_model = BahdanauAttention(annot_dim, rnn_dim, out_dim) if align_model == 'ls': self.alignment_model = LocationSensitiveAttention( annot_dim, rnn_dim, out_dim) else: raise RuntimeError(" Wrong alignment model name: {}. Use\ 'b' (Bahdanau) or 'ls' (Location Sensitive).".format( align_model)) def forward(self, memory, context, rnn_state, annots, atten, mask, t): """ Shapes: - memory: (batch, 1, dim) or (batch, dim) - context: (batch, dim) - rnn_state: (batch, out_dim) - annots: (batch, max_time, annot_dim) - atten: (batch, 2, max_time) - mask: (batch,) """ if t == 0: self.alignment_model.reset() self.win_idx = 0 rnn_output = self.rnn_cell(, context), -1), rnn_state) if self.align_model is 'b': alignment = self.alignment_model(annots, rnn_output) else: alignment = self.alignment_model(annots, rnn_output, atten) if mask is not None: mask = mask.view(memory.size(0), -1) alignment.masked_fill_(1 - mask, -float("inf")) # Windowing if not and self.windowing: back_win = self.win_idx - self.win_back front_win = self.win_idx + self.win_front if back_win > 0: alignment[:, :back_win] = -float("inf") if front_win < memory.shape[1]: alignment[:, front_win:] = -float("inf") # Update the window self.win_idx = torch.argmax(alignment,1).long()[0].item() if self.norm == "softmax": alignment = torch.softmax(alignment, dim=-1) elif self.norm == "sigmoid": alignment = torch.sigmoid(alignment) / torch.sigmoid(alignment).sum(dim=1).unsqueeze(1) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown value for attention norm type") context = torch.bmm(alignment.unsqueeze(1), annots) context = context.squeeze(1) return rnn_output, context, alignment