Docstrings for audioprocessor

Eren Gölge 2021-02-17 13:35:41 +00:00
parent f6e6314910
commit a8ea0ea6ce
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@ -9,6 +9,40 @@ from import StandardScaler
#pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
class AudioProcessor(object):
"""Audio Processor for TTS used by all the data pipelines.
All the class arguments are set to default values to enable a flexible initialization
of the class with the model config. They are not meaningful for all the arguments.
sample_rate (int, optional): target audio sampling rate. Defaults to None.
resample (bool, optional): enable/disable resampling of the audio clips when the target sampling rate does not match the original sampling rate. Defaults to False.
num_mels (int, optional): number of melspectrogram dimensions. Defaults to None.
min_level_db (int, optional): minimum db threshold for the computed melspectrograms. Defaults to None.
frame_shift_ms (int, optional): milliseconds of frames between STFT columns. Defaults to None.
frame_length_ms (int, optional): milliseconds of STFT window length. Defaults to None.
hop_length (int, optional): number of frames between STFT columns. Used if ```frame_shift_ms``` is None. Defaults to None.
win_length (int, optional): STFT window length. Used if ```frame_length_ms``` is None. Defaults to None.
ref_level_db (int, optional): reference DB level to avoid background noise. In general <20DB corresponds to the air noise. Defaults to None.
fft_size (int, optional): FFT window size for STFT. Defaults to 1024.
power (int, optional): Exponent value applied to the spectrogram before GriffinLim. Defaults to None.
preemphasis (float, optional): Preemphasis coefficient. Preemphasis is disabled if == 0.0. Defaults to 0.0.
signal_norm (bool, optional): enable/disable signal normalization. Defaults to None.
symmetric_norm (bool, optional): enable/disable symmetric normalization. If set True normalization is performed in the range [-k, k] else [0, k], Defaults to None.
max_norm (float, optional): ```k``` defining the normalization range. Defaults to None.
mel_fmin (int, optional): minimum filter frequency for computing melspectrograms. Defaults to None.
mel_fmax (int, optional): maximum filter frequency for computing melspectrograms.. Defaults to None.
spec_gain (int, optional): gain applied when converting amplitude to DB. Defaults to 20.
stft_pad_mode (str, optional): Padding mode for STFT. Defaults to 'reflect'.
clip_norm (bool, optional): enable/disable clipping the our of range values in the normalized audio signal. Defaults to True.
griffin_lim_iters (int, optional): Number of GriffinLim iterations. Defaults to None.
do_trim_silence (bool, optional): enable/disable silence trimming when loading the audio signal. Defaults to False.
trim_db (int, optional): DB threshold used for silence trimming. Defaults to 60.
do_sound_norm (bool, optional): enable/disable signal normalization. Defaults to False.
stats_path (str, optional): Path to the computed stats file. Defaults to None.
verbose (bool, optional): enable/disable logging. Defaults to True.
def __init__(self,