# Sapo A bash script that can convert txt to wav using the all powerful https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS ## TTS https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS ### INSTALL TTS > pip install TTS ### FIX LONG UTTERANCES PROBLEM https://dirk.net/2021/10/31/tts-fix-max-decoder-steps/ ### OTHER DEPENDENCIES > sudo apt install sed yad sox jq * As a text editor I use _xed_. If you prefer, however, another text editor by default (gedit, geany, mousepad etc), please substitute __xed__ in _line 93_ of __Sapo.sh__ with the respective command of your preffered editor. * Likewise, instead of _celluloid_ audio player, you can use any other player you prefer, like _xplayer, mplayer, smplayer, vlc, mpv etc._ Just make sure to substitute celluloid with your preffered player in line 223 of __Sapo.sh__. * The same applies for _Audacity_ and any other preffred wave editor in line 222 of Sapo.sh. While _audacity_ is not considered an absolute dependency for the functionality of the script, having a wave editor installed might as well be of use in cases, so, such a choice exists in fixing potential errors. ### SCREENSHOTS * File selection dialogue: --- ![0.png](screenshots/0.png) --- * The file is delimited to lines with fewer characters each, so there will be no problem with the text-to-speech conversion due to excessively long lines. However, the user can edit the file further before the speech conversion. ![1.png](screenshots/1.png) --- ![2.png](screenshots/2.png) --- * Progress bar , and rough estimate of time left (probably depends on hardware) ![3.png](screenshots/3.png) --- ### DETECTING ERRORS ### I. CLUTTER IN AUDIO OUTPUT Sometimes the output wav file of a text file line is longer than necessary, containing hissing sounds, inrecognisable utterrances and clutter at the end of it. In order to detect which wave files are generated having that problem, the ratio of _character count of line / duration of audio file_ is calculated. This ratio helps us roughly to estimate which lines were rendered with errors. The lines that _possibly_ present this problem are written down in the errors.tsv that is generated. After the end of all the lines, the lines written down in the tsv file get re-rendered. Many times this alone is enough. --- ![8.png](screenshots/8.png) --- At this point the user will be prompted to select editing: + All the lines of the file, one by one, where the user can make any change they wish on any word of any line, or + Just the lines that were reported with an error during their rendering. These errors have to do with the length of the line, and not with mispronounced words. --- ![9.png](screenshots/9.png) --- Either way, the user is presented with *a few options* for each line: --- ![5.png](screenshots/5.png) --- These options include: * **⯈Play** the respective audio file * __🗘Re-render__ the line, making minor changes(like e.g. putting a fullstop at the end of the line) --- ![6.png](screenshots/6.png) --- * __✀Trim the clutter__ that exists at the end of audio file, anything that exists after half a second of detected silence. * __🗡Split render__ the line text in two batches, that will be concatenated after(useful in long sentences) --- ![7.png](screenshots/7.png) --- * __🎜Edit__ the respective audio file with a wave editor(e.g._Audacity) * __✗Remove__ the respective audio file directly. * __⬅️Previous Line__ takes the user back to the previous line * By hitting __➡️Next Line__ the user can accept the audio file as is, or after correcting it, and proceed to the next. **After that, the audio files from all the lines will be concatenated into one.** ### II. SED SCRIPT sapofonetix.sed is a script that substitutes words that get mispelled with other letter combinations, that have the right pronunciation result, e.g. > s/biscuit/biskit/g;s/Biscuit/biskit/g will substitute the word _biscuit_ (or _Biscuit_ in plural) with the word _biskeet_ (_Biskeet_), that its pronunciation sounds more proper. The list of words is growing as the script gets used more, this will be an on going task: ### FEEL FREE TO CONTRIBUTE! __It would be really realy helpful if you sent me a file containing all the mispronounced words that you have so far encountered. A better pronunciation would be found and recorded in the sapofonetix.sed database. Thus, the percentage of the mispronounced words would be made less and less.__ --- * Process complete, the final wav file is inside the created **Sapo_filename** folder, named **filename.wav**. If the wav files (one for each line of text file) are too many, the final wav file will not be produced. In this case concatetate the wav files in smaller batches ( every 500 files), and then concatenate _those_ to the final sound file, using the **sox** command, for example: > cd Sapo_1_1.txt > > sox {000001..000500}.wav ~/Desktop/1f.wav > > sox {000501..001000}.wav ~/Desktop/2f.wav > > sox {001001..001500}.wav ~/Desktop/3f.wav > > cd ~/Desktop > > sox {1..3}f.wav final.wav --- ![4.png](screenshots/4.png) --- ### Sapo-fix.sh Sapo-fish.sh is the error-correcting routine included in Sapo.sh, that can be run on its own, when the user wants to correct the lines detected and written in errors.tsv. The user can also edit any line he wishes, just by entering in a line of errors.tsv the respective line number, wav number, and then run Sapo-fix.sh.