#!/bin/bash #┏━┓┏━┓┏━┓┏━┓ ┏━╸╻╻ ╻ #┗━┓┣━┫┣━┛┃ ┃╺━╸┣╸ ┃┏╋┛ #┗━┛╹ ╹╹ ┗━┛ ╹ ╹╹ ╹ # a tts bash script by Christos Angelopoulos, February 2022 #Attempts to fix errors in wav files generated by sapo.sh (txt to wav) #using the all powerful https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS FILE="$(yad --file-selection --filename=Desktop --height='400' --width='800' --title='Sapo-fix' --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo-fix.png --hscroll-policy=never --vscroll-policy=never)" case $? in 0) ;; 1) exit ;; esac DIRECTORY=${FILE%/*}/ NAME=${FILE##*/} ####### FIXING ERRORS ONE BY ONE ############ TOTAL_ERRORS=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/errors.tsv|wc -l) ERROR_LINE=1 while [ $ERROR_LINE -le $TOTAL_ERRORS ] do CURRENT_ERROR_LINE=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/errors.tsv|head -$ERROR_LINE|tail +$ERROR_LINE) ERROR_TEXT_LINE=$(echo $CURRENT_ERROR_LINE|awk '{print $1}') ERROR_WAV=$(echo $CURRENT_ERROR_LINE|awk '{print $2}') TEXT_TO_CORRECT="$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|head -$ERROR_TEXT_LINE|tail +$ERROR_TEXT_LINE)" GO=false while [[ $GO == false ]] do yad --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo-fix.png" \ --height=40 --width=400 \ --title="${NAME} - Sapo" \ --button=gtk-cancel:1 \ --button='▶️Play Audio':2 \ --button='🔄Re-Render':3 \ --button='✂️Trim Clutter':4 \ --button='🔪Split-Render':5 \ --button='🎵Edit audio':7 \ --button='❌Remove audio':6 \ --button=gtk-ok:0 \ --text="Text of line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE : $TEXT_TO_CORRECT What would you like to do?" \ --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo-fix.png case $? in 0) GO=true ;; 1) exit ;; 2) celluloid "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ;; 3) s="$(yad --entry --text="This is the original text of the line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE. Edit as you wish, then hit OK to render." --entry-text="$TEXT_TO_CORRECT" --entry-label="Line:" --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo-fix.png --title="${NAME} - Sapo")";tts --text "$s" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ;; 4)sox -V3 "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/temp.wav silence 1 0.50 0.1% 1 0.5 0.1%;sox "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV pad 0 0.5;rm "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/temp.wav ;; 5)s="$(yad --entry --text="Split the printed text roughly in half with the pipe symbol (|), so that it can be rendered in two batches: " --entry-text="$TEXT_TO_CORRECT" --entry-label="Line:" --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo-fix.png --title="${NAME} - Sapo")";s1="$(echo $s|sed 's/|.*$//')";s2="$(echo $s|sed 's/^.*|//')"; echo $s1;echo $s2 ; tts --text "$s1" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/1temp.wav; tts --text "$s2" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/2temp.wav;sox "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/1temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/2temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ; rm "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/1temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/2temp.wav ;; 6) rm "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ;; 7)audacity "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ;; esac done ((ERROR_LINE++)) done sox "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/*.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME".wav yad --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo-fix.png" --height=40 --width=400 --title="${NAME} - Sapo" --text="Reading of ""$NAME"" is complete!" --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo-fix.png