#! /bin/bash # ▗▄▖ #▗▛▀▜ #▐▙ ▟██▖▐▙█▙ ▟█▙ # ▜█▙ ▘▄▟▌▐▛ ▜▌▐▛ ▜▌ # ▜▌▗█▀▜▌▐▌ ▐▌▐▌ ▐▌ #▐▄▄▟▘▐▙▄█▌▐█▄█▘▝█▄█▘ # ▀▀▘ ▀▀▝▘▐▌▀▘ ▝▀▘ # ▐▌ # a tts bash script by Christos Angelopoulos, February 2022 #converts txt to wav #using the all powerful https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS FILE="$(yad --file-selection --filename=Desktop --height='400' --width='800' --title='Sapo - Select File to Read' --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png --hscroll-policy=never --vscroll-policy=never)" case $? in 0) ;; 1) exit ;; esac DIRECTORY=${FILE%/*}/ NAME=${FILE##*/} echo "FILE : ""$FILE" echo "DIRECTORY : " "$DIRECTORY" echo "NAME : ""$NAME" mkdir "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/ ##text delimitation to setences echo $(cat "$FILE")>"$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # get rid of new lines ##sapofonetix: abbreviation, mispronunciation & alphabet substitutions sed -i -f $HOME/git/sapo/sapofonetix.sed "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt #done < "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt sed -i 's/\.\.\./\.\n/g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # get rid of ... sed -i "s/\’/\'/g" "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # get rid of ’ sed -i 's/[\.\!\?\:\;]/\.\n/g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # delimit to . sed -i 's/\…/\,/g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # get rid of … sed -i 's/‘//g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # get rid of ‘ sed -i 's/(/\,(/g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # delimit to ( sed -i 's/)/),/g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # delimit to ) sed -i 's/^ *//g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # delete space at beginning of line sed -i 's/^\;$//g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # get rid of just ; lines sed -i 's/^\.$//g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # get rid of just . lines sed -i "s/^'//g" "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt #get rid of ' at start of line sed -i 's/^Ey /A /g' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # A's at line start are usually articles, not capitals #sed -i 's/\,/\n/3' "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # delimit to 3rd occurence of , #sed -i "s/—/ — /g" "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # put spaces around —, to not interfere with pronunciation sed -i "s/—/\,/g" "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt # convert — to , ##################extra delimit to comma and space ################################### DELIM=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|wc -l) while [ $DELIM -ge 1 ] do CUR_DELIM_LINE=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|head -$DELIM|tail +$DELIM) CHAR_COUNT=$(echo "$CUR_DELIM_LINE"|wc -m) while [ $CHAR_COUNT -gt 290 ] do echo "character count : "$CHAR_COUNT echo "characters > 290" COMMA_COUNT=$(echo "$CUR_DELIM_LINE"| sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g' | grep "," | wc -l) echo "comma count : "$COMMA_COUNT if [ $COMMA_COUNT -gt 2 ] then echo "commas > 2" echo $DELIM"s/\,/\n/"$(($COMMA_COUNT - 2))>"$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/script.sed sed -i -f "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/script.sed "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt fi if [ $COMMA_COUNT -le 2 ] then echo "No commas to delimit to, proceed delimiting with spaces(limit 30)" SPACE_COUNT=$(echo "$CUR_DELIM_LINE"| sed -e 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g' | grep " " | wc -l) echo "Space count : "$SPACE_COUNT echo $DELIM"s/\ /\n/"$(($SPACE_COUNT - 30))>"$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/script.sed sed -i -f "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/script.sed "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt fi CUR_DELIM_LINE=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|head -$DELIM|tail +$DELIM) CHAR_COUNT=$(echo "$CUR_DELIM_LINE"|wc -m) done echo "Task completed for line "$DELIM ((DELIM--)) done yad --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png" --height=40 --width=400 --title="${NAME} - Sapo" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button=gtk-open:2 --button=gtk-ok:0 --text="The text is prepared, Press: 1. Open to edit the new file 2. OK to proceed to speech conversion." --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png case $? in 0) ;; 1) exit ;; 2) xed "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt & yad --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png" --height=40 --width=400 --title="${NAME} - Sapo" --button=gtk-cancel:1 --button=gtk-ok:0 --text="If you are done editing $NAME\sentenced.txt, press OK to continue!" --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png case $? in 0) ;; 1) exit ;; esac esac TOTALLINES=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|wc -l) LINE=1 ( while [ $LINE -le $TOTALLINES ] do CURRENTLINE=$(head -$LINE "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|tail +$LINE) FORMLINE="$(printf "%.6d" $LINE)" tts --text "$CURRENTLINE" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$FORMLINE.wav ####error detection routine###### CURRENTLINE_LENGTH=$(echo $CURRENTLINE|wc -m) WAV_LENGTH=$(jq -n $(sox "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$FORMLINE.wav -n stat 2>&1 |sed -n 's#^Length (seconds):[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\)$#\1#p')-0.660) RATIO=$(jq -n $CURRENTLINE_LENGTH/$WAV_LENGTH|sed 's/\..*$//') if [ $RATIO -le 8 ] then echo $LINE $FORMLINE.wav $CURRENTLINE_LENGTH $WAV_LENGTH $RATIO>>"$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/errors.tsv fi ################################### LINE100=$(( $LINE * 100 )) PERCENTAGE=$(( $LINE100 / $TOTALLINES)) ###Estimating Estimated time of arrival LINESLEFT=$(( $TOTALLINES - $LINE )) SECONDS=$(( $LINESLEFT * 8 )) HOURS=$(( SECONDS / 3600 )) SECHLEFT=$(( $SECONDS - $((HOURS * 3600 )) )) MINUTES=$(( $SECHLEFT / 60 )) SECMLEFT=$(( $SECHLEFT - $((MINUTES * 60 )) )) HOURSTRING="$HOURS"" hrs" MINUTESTRING="$MINUTES"" mins" ## if hours / minutes left are 0 , they are not mentioned if [ $HOURS -eq 0 ] then HOURSTRING="" fi if [ $MINUTES -eq 0 ] then MINUTESTRING="" fi #echo line starting with #, updated in the yad progress bar window echo "# Reading line $(( $LINE + 1)) of $TOTALLINES from "$NAME" ($PERCENTAGE%). Roughly remaining : "$HOURSTRING" "$MINUTESTRING" " $SECMLEFT" secs" echo "$PERCENTAGE" ((LINE++)) done ) | yad --progress --height="40" \ --title="Sapo - Reading . . . ${NAME}" \ --percentage=0 \ --height=40 \ --width="500" \ --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png \ --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo_progress.png" \ --auto-close #--text="Preparing to read..." \ case $? in 0) ;; 1) exit ;; esac ##### Error correction routine ###### ( TOTAL_ERRORS=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/errors.tsv|wc -l) ERROR_LINE=1 while [ $ERROR_LINE -le $TOTAL_ERRORS ] do CURRENT_ERROR_LINE=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/errors.tsv|head -$ERROR_LINE|tail +$ERROR_LINE) ERROR_TEXT_LINE=$(echo $CURRENT_ERROR_LINE|awk '{print $1}') ERROR_WAV=$(echo $CURRENT_ERROR_LINE|awk '{print $2}') echo "#Attempting to fix error $ERROR_LINE of $TOTAL_ERRORS, line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE from $NAME.sentenced.txt" ################################### ERROR_LINE100=$(( $ERROR_LINE * 100 )) ERROR_PERCENTAGE=$(( $ERROR_LINE100 / $TOTAL_ERRORS)) echo "$ERROR_PERCENTAGE" tts --text "$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|head -$ERROR_TEXT_LINE|tail +$ERROR_TEXT_LINE)" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ((ERROR_LINE++)) done )| yad --progress --height="40" \ --title="Sapo - Fixing Errors . . . ${NAME}" \ --percentage=0 \ --height=40 \ --width="500" \ --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png \ --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo_progress.png" \ --auto-close ####### FIXING ERRORS ONE BY ONE ############ TOTAL_ERRORS=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/errors.tsv|wc -l) ERROR_LINE=1 while [ $ERROR_LINE -le $TOTAL_ERRORS ] do CURRENT_ERROR_LINE=$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/errors.tsv|head -$ERROR_LINE|tail +$ERROR_LINE) ERROR_TEXT_LINE=$(echo $CURRENT_ERROR_LINE|awk '{print $1}') ERROR_WAV=$(echo $CURRENT_ERROR_LINE|awk '{print $2}') TEXT_TO_CORRECT="$(cat "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME"sentenced.txt|head -$ERROR_TEXT_LINE|tail +$ERROR_TEXT_LINE)" GO=false while [[ $GO == false ]] do yad --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png" \ --title="Line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE - $NAME" \ --button=gtk-cancel:1 \ --button='▶️ Play Audio':2 \ --button='🔃 Re-Render':3 \ --button='✂️ Trim Clutter':4 \ --button='🗡 Split-Render':5 \ --button='🎵 Edit audio':7 \ --button='❌ Remove audio':6 \ --button='😃 Keep/Next':0 \ --text="Text of line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE : $TEXT_TO_CORRECT What would you like to do?" \ --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png case $? in 0) GO=true ;; 1) GO=true;exit ;; 2) if [[ -e "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ]];then celluloid "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV & else notify-send "There is no file ""$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$ERROR_WAV"".";fi ;; 3) s="$(yad --entry --width="600" --text="This is the original text of the line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE. Edit as you wish, then hit OK to render." --entry-text="$TEXT_TO_CORRECT" --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png --title="Line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE - $NAME")";tts --text "$s" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ;; 4)sox -V3 "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/temp.wav silence 1 0.50 0.1% 1 0.5 0.1%;sox "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV pad 0 0.5;rm "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/temp.wav ;; 5)s="$(yad --entry --width="600" --text="Split the printed text roughly in half with the pipe symbol (|), so that it can be rendered in two batches: " --entry-text="$TEXT_TO_CORRECT" --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png --title="Line $ERROR_TEXT_LINE - $NAME")";s1="$(echo $s|sed 's/|.*$//')";s2="$(echo $s|sed 's/^.*|//')"; echo $s1;echo $s2 ; tts --text "$s1" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/1temp.wav; tts --text "$s2" --out_path "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/2temp.wav;sox "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/1temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/2temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ; rm "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/1temp.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/2temp.wav ;; 6) if [[ -e "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ]];then rm "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV;notify-send "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$ERROR_WAV"" has been deleted."; else notify-send "There is no file ""$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$ERROR_WAV"". Already deleted?";fi ;; 7)audacity "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/$ERROR_WAV ;; esac done ((ERROR_LINE++)) done sox "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/*.wav "$DIRECTORY""Sapo_""$NAME"/"$NAME".wav yad --image "$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png" --height=40 --width=400 --title="${NAME} - Sapo" --text="Reading of ""$NAME"" is complete!" --window-icon=$HOME/git/sapo/sapo.png