* As a text editor I use xed. If you prefer, however, another text editor by default (gedit, geany, mousepad etc), please substitute __xed__ in _line 82_ of __Sapo.sh__ with the respective command of your preffered editor.
* The file is delimited to lines with fewer characters each, so there will be no problem with the text-to-speech conversion due to excessively long lines. However, the user can edit the file further before thw speech conversion.
* Process complete, the final wav file is inside the created **Sapo_filename** folder, named **filename.wav**.
If the wav files (one for each line of text file) are too many, the final wav file
will not be produced. In this case concatetate the wav files in smaller batches ( every 500 files), and then concatenate _those_ to the final sound file, using the **sox** command, for example: