[Mycroft](https://mycroft.ai/) is the world’s first open source assistant. The skill allows you to connect a running Mycroft
instance (Mark 1, picroft, etc.) to your openHab. The skill takes advantage of the openHAB REST API, so it works both with the
v1.x and v2.x, and no openHab upgrade is required.
The skill is supported for English (U.S.), English (U.K.) languages.
## General Configuration Instructions
### Requirements
* [A running instance of Mycroft](https://mycroft.ai/get-mycroft/)
* A running instance of openHAB
* openHAB must be reacheable from the Mycroft instance
### Skill Installation
The openHAB skill has to be installed on you Mycroft instance, please refer to the [official documentation](https://docs.mycroft.ai/skills.and.features/adding.skills)
about how to install a skill.
Clone the [repository](https://github.com/openhab/openhab-mycroft.git) into your `~/.mycroft/skills` directory.
Then install the dependencies inside your mycroft virtual environment:
If on picroft just skip the workon part and the directory will be `/opt/mycroft/skills`
Items are exposed to openHAB skill for Mycroft through the use of tags which follow the [HomeKit](http://docs.openhab.org/addons/io/homekit/readme.html) binding tagging syntax.
Pleas see the [HomeKit item configuration](http://docs.openhab.org/addons/io/homekit/readme.html#item-configuration) page for information on how to tag items.
* **Items via .items - File**
See [Item Definition and Syntax](http://docs.openhab.org/configuration/items.html#item-definition-and-syntax)
Some examples of tagged items are:
Color DiningroomLight "Diningroom Light" <light> (gKitchen) [ "Lighting" ] {channel="hue:0200:1:bloom1:color"}
Color KitchenLight "Kitchen Light" <light> (gKitchen) [ "Lighting" ] {channel="hue:0200:1:bloom1:color"}
Switch GoodNight "Good Night" [ "Switchable" ]
Number MqttID1Temperature "Bedroom Temperature" <temperature> [ "CurrentTemperature" ] {mqtt="<[mosquitto:mysensors/SI/1/1/1/0/0:state:default]"}
Number MqttID1Humidity "Bedroom Humidity" [ "CurrentHumidity" ] {mqtt="<[mosquitto:mysensors/SI/1/0/1/0/1:state:default]"}
Group gThermostat "Main Thermostat" [ "gMainThermostat" ]
Number MainThermostatCurrentTemp "Main Thermostat Current Temperature" (gMainThermostat) [ "CurrentTemperature" ]
Number MainThermostatTargetTemperature "Main Thermostat Target Temperature" (gMainThermostat) [ "TargetTemperature" ]
- *"Hey Mycroft, adjust Main Thermostat to 21 degrees"*
- *"Hey Mycroft, regulate Main Thermostat to 20 degrees"*
- *"Hey Mycroft, decrease Main Thermostat by 2 degrees"*
- *"Hey Mycroft, increase Main Thermostat by 1 degrees"*
- *"Hey Mycroft, what is Main Thermostat regulated to?"*
- *"Hey Mycroft, what is Main Thermostat tuned to?"*
### Additional Comments
* By default all temperatures are in Celsius, no test so far about the tag Fahrenheit to the thermostat group item (which should also be tagged with `Thermostat`).