Frank Bagherzadeh 86faeec867
fix(argo-workflows): Add missing list verb to secret (#1186)
* Add list

Signed-off-by: Frank Bagherzadeh <>

* bump version and add change log

Signed-off-by: Frank Bagherzadeh <>

* fix changelog

Signed-off-by: Frank Bagherzadeh <>
2022-03-23 13:18:22 +00:00
ci chore(argo-workflows): Also test with default values (#950) 2021-09-27 17:17:50 +02:00
crds feat(argo-workflows): Bump appVersion to 3.2.0 (#963) 2021-10-15 11:21:48 +01:00
templates fix(argo-workflows): Add missing list verb to secret (#1186) 2022-03-23 13:18:22 +00:00
.helmignore feat(all): Add Documentation Guidelines (#1099) 2022-01-24 20:18:51 +01:00
Chart.yaml fix(argo-workflows): Add missing list verb to secret (#1186) 2022-03-23 13:18:22 +00:00 feat(argo-workflows): Add parameter to enable or disable server and controller roles (#1166) 2022-03-12 18:13:42 +01:00 feat(argo-workflows): Add dev/delegated auth (#1048) 2021-12-06 10:01:50 +00:00
values.yaml feat(argo-workflows): Add encryptionOptions to S3 based artifactRepository (#1122) 2022-03-12 18:55:33 +01:00

Argo Workflows Chart

This is a community maintained chart. It is used to set up argo and it's needed dependencies through one command. This is used in conjunction with helm.

If you want your deployment of this helm chart to most closely match the argo CLI, you should deploy it in the kube-system namespace.


This chart uses an install hook to configure the CRD definition. Installation of CRDs is a somewhat privileged process in itself and in RBAC enabled clusters the default service account for namespaces does not typically have the ability to do create these.

A few options are:

  • Manually create a ServiceAccount in the Namespace which your release will be deployed w/ appropriate bindings to perform this action and set the serviceAccountName field in the Workflow spec
  • Augment the default ServiceAccount permissions in the Namespace in which your Release is deployed to have the appropriate permissions

Usage Notes

Workflow controller

This chart defaults to setting the controller.instanceID.enabled to false now, which means the deployed controller will act upon any workflow deployed to the cluster. If you would like to limit the behavior and deploy multiple workflow controllers, please use the controller.instanceID.enabled attribute along with one of it's configuration options to set the instanceID of the workflow controller to be properly scoped for your needs.

Workflow server authentication

By default, the chart requires some kind of authentication mechanism. This adopts the default behaviour from the Argo project itself. However, for local development purposes, or cases where your gateway authentication is covered by some other means, you can set the authentication mode for the Argo server by setting the server.extraArgs: [--auth-mode=server]. There are a few additional comments in the values.yaml file itself, including commented-out settings to disable authentication on the server UI itself using the same --auth-mode=server setting.


The values.yaml contains items used to tweak a deployment of this chart. Fields to note:

  • controller.instanceID.enabled: If set to true, the Argo Controller will ONLY monitor Workflow submissions with a --instanceid attribute
  • controller.instanceID.useReleaseName: If set to true then chart set controller instance id to release name
  • controller.instanceID.explicitID: Allows customization of an instance id for the workflow controller to monitor
  • singleNamespace: When true, restricts the workflow controller to operate in just the single namespace (that one of the Helm release).
  • controller.workflowNamespaces: This is a list of namespaces where the workflow controller will manage workflows. Only valid when singleNamespace is false.

General parameters

Key Type Default Description
createAggregateRoles bool true Create clusterroles that extend existing clusterroles to interact with argo-cd crds
fullnameOverride string nil String to fully override "argo-workflows.fullname" template
images.pullPolicy string "Always" imagePullPolicy to apply to all containers
images.pullSecrets list [] Secrets with credentials to pull images from a private registry
kubeVersionOverride string "" Override the Kubernetes version, which is used to evaluate certain manifests
nameOverride string nil String to partially override "argo-workflows.fullname" template
singleNamespace bool false Restrict Argo to operate only in a single namespace (the namespace of the Helm release) by apply Roles and RoleBindings instead of the Cluster equivalents, and start workflow-controller with the --namespaced flag. Use it in clusters with strict access policy.


Key Type Default Description
workflow.namespace string nil Deprecated; use controller.workflowNamespaces instead.
workflow.rbac.create bool true Adds Role and RoleBinding for the above specified service account to be able to run workflows. A Role and Rolebinding pair is also created for each namespace in controller.workflowNamespaces (see below)
workflow.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations applied to created service account
workflow.serviceAccount.create bool false Specifies whether a service account should be created string "argo-workflow" Service account which is used to run workflows

Workflow Controller

Key Type Default Description
controller.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules
controller.clusterWorkflowTemplates.enabled bool true Create a ClusterRole and CRB for the controller to access ClusterWorkflowTemplates.
controller.containerRuntimeExecutor string "docker" Specifies the container runtime interface to use (one of: docker, kubelet, k8sapi, pns, emissary)
controller.containerRuntimeExecutors list [] Specifies the executor to use. This has precedence over controller.containerRuntimeExecutor.
controller.extraArgs list [] Extra arguments to be added to the controller
controller.extraContainers list [] Extra containers to be added to the controller deployment
controller.extraEnv list [] Extra environment variables to provide to the controller container
controller.image.registry string "" Registry to use for the controller
controller.image.repository string "argoproj/workflow-controller" Registry to use for the controller
controller.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
controller.initialDelay string nil Resolves ongoing, uncommon AWS EKS bug:
controller.instanceID.enabled bool false Configures the controller to filter workflow submissions to only those which have a matching instanceID attribute.
controller.instanceID.explicitID string "" Use a custom instanceID
controller.instanceID.useReleaseName bool false Use ReleaseName as instanceID
controller.links list [] Configure Argo Server to show custom links
controller.livenessProbe object See values.yaml Configure liveness probe for the controller
controller.loadBalancerSourceRanges list [] Source ranges to allow access to service from. Only applies to service type LoadBalancer
controller.logging.globallevel string "0" Set the glog logging level
controller.logging.level string "info" Set the logging level (one of: debug, info, warn, error)
controller.metricsConfig.enabled bool false Enables prometheus metrics server
controller.metricsConfig.path string "/metrics" Path is the path where metrics are emitted. Must start with a "/".
controller.metricsConfig.port int 9090 Port is the port where metrics are emitted
controller.metricsConfig.portName string "metrics" Container metrics port name
controller.metricsConfig.servicePort int 8080 Service metrics port
controller.metricsConfig.servicePortName string "metrics" Service metrics port name string "workflow-controller" Workflow controller name string
controller.namespaceParallelism string nil Limits the maximum number of incomplete workflows in a namespace
controller.nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} Node selector
controller.parallelism string nil parallelism dictates how many workflows can be running at the same time
controller.pdb.enabled bool false Configure Pod Disruption Budget for the controller pods
controller.persistence object {} enable persistence using postgres
controller.podAnnotations object {} podAnnotations is an optional map of annotations to be applied to the controller Pods
controller.podLabels object {} Optional labels to add to the controller pods
controller.podSecurityContext object {} SecurityContext to set on the controller pods
controller.podWorkers string nil Number of pod workers
controller.priorityClassName string "" Leverage a PriorityClass to ensure your pods survive resource shortages.
controller.rbac.create bool true Adds Role and RoleBinding for the controller.
controller.replicas int 1 The number of controller pods to run
controller.resourceRateLimit object {} Globally limits the rate at which pods are created. This is intended to mitigate flooding of the Kubernetes API server by workflows with a large amount of parallel nodes.
controller.resources object {} Resource limits and requests for the controller
controller.securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsNonRoot":true} the controller container's securityContext
controller.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations applied to created service account
controller.serviceAccount.create bool true Create a service account for the controller string "" Service account name
controller.serviceAnnotations object {} Annotations to be applied to the controller Service
controller.serviceLabels object {} Optional labels to add to the controller Service
controller.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels object {} Prometheus ServiceMonitor labels
controller.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor
controller.serviceMonitor.namespace string "" Prometheus ServiceMonitor namespace
controller.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Service type of the controller Service
controller.telemetryConfig.enabled bool false Enables prometheus telemetry server
controller.telemetryConfig.path string "/telemetry" telemetry path
controller.telemetryConfig.port int 8081 telemetry container port
controller.telemetryConfig.servicePort int 8081 telemetry service port
controller.telemetryConfig.servicePortName string "telemetry" telemetry service port name
controller.tolerations list [] Tolerations for use with node taints
controller.volumeMounts list [] Additional volume mounts to the controller main container
controller.volumes list [] Additional volumes to the controller pod
controller.workflowDefaults object {} Default values that will apply to all Workflows from this controller, unless overridden on the Workflow-level. Only valid for 2.7+
controller.workflowNamespaces list ["default"] Specify all namespaces where this workflow controller instance will manage workflows. This controls where the service account and RBAC resources will be created. Only valid when singleNamespace is false.
controller.workflowRestrictions object {} Restricts the Workflows that the controller will process. Only valid for 2.9+
controller.workflowWorkers string nil Number of workflow workers

Workflow Executor

Key Type Default Description
executor.env object {} Adds environment variables for the executor.
executor.image.registry string "" Registry to use for the Workflow Executors
executor.image.repository string "argoproj/argoexec" Repository to use for the Workflow Executors
executor.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
executor.resources object {} Resource limits and requests for the Workflow Executors
executor.securityContext object {} sets security context for the executor container

Workflow Server

Key Type Default Description
server.affinity object {} Assign custom affinity rules
server.baseHref string "/" Value for base href in index.html. Used if the server is running behind reverse proxy under subpath different from /.
server.clusterWorkflowTemplates.enableEditing bool true Give the server permissions to edit ClusterWorkflowTemplates.
server.clusterWorkflowTemplates.enabled bool true Create a ClusterRole and CRB for the server to access ClusterWorkflowTemplates.
server.enabled bool true Deploy the Argo Server
server.extraArgs list [] Extra arguments to provide to the Argo server binary, such as for disabling authentication.
server.extraContainers list [] Extra containers to be added to the server deployment
server.extraEnv list [] Extra environment variables to provide to the argo-server container
server.image.registry string "" Registry to use for the server
server.image.repository string "argoproj/argocli" Repository to use for the server
server.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
server.ingress.annotations object {} Additional ingress annotations
server.ingress.enabled bool false Enable an ingress resource
server.ingress.extraPaths list [] Additional ingress paths
server.ingress.hosts list [] List of ingress hosts
server.ingress.ingressClassName string "" Defines which ingress controller will implement the resource
server.ingress.labels object {} Additional ingress labels
server.ingress.pathType string "Prefix" Ingress path type. One of Exact, Prefix or ImplementationSpecific
server.ingress.paths list ["/"] List of ingress paths
server.ingress.tls list [] Ingress TLS configuration
server.loadBalancerIP string "" Static IP address to assign to loadBalancer service type LoadBalancer
server.loadBalancerSourceRanges list [] Source ranges to allow access to service from. Only applies to service type LoadBalancer string "server" Server name string
server.nodeSelector object {"":"linux"} Node selector
server.pdb.enabled bool false Configure Pod Disruption Budget for the server pods
server.podAnnotations object {} optional map of annotations to be applied to the ui Pods
server.podLabels object {} Optional labels to add to the UI pods
server.podSecurityContext object {} SecurityContext to set on the server pods
server.priorityClassName string "" Leverage a PriorityClass to ensure your pods survive resource shortages
server.rbac.create bool true Adds Role and RoleBinding for the server.
server.replicas int 1 The number of server pods to run
server.resources object {} Resource limits and requests for the server bool false Run the argo server in "secure" mode. Configure this value instead of --secure in extraArgs.
server.securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":false,"runAsNonRoot":true} Servers container-level security context
server.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations applied to created service account
server.serviceAccount.create bool true Create a service account for the server string "" Service account name
server.serviceAnnotations object {} Annotations to be applied to the UI Service
server.serviceLabels object {} Optional labels to add to the UI Service
server.serviceNodePort string nil Service node port
server.servicePort int 2746 Service port for server
server.servicePortName string "" Service port name
server.serviceType string "ClusterIP" Service type for server pods
server.sso object {} SSO configuration when SSO is specified as a server auth mode.
server.tolerations list [] Tolerations for use with node taints
server.volumeMounts list [] Additional volume mounts to the server main container.
server.volumes list [] Additional volumes to the server pod.

Artifact Repository

Key Type Default Description
artifactRepository.archiveLogs bool false Archive the main container logs as an artifact
artifactRepository.gcs object {} (See values.yaml) Store artifact in a GCS object store
artifactRepository.s3 object See values.yaml Store artifact in a S3-compliant object store
useDefaultArtifactRepo bool false Influences the creation of the ConfigMap for the workflow-controller itself.
useStaticCredentials bool true Use static credentials for S3 (eg. when not using AWS IRSA)

Breaking changes from the deprecated argo chart

  1. the installCRD value has been removed. CRDs are now only installed from the conventional crds/ directory

  2. the CRDs were updated to

  3. the container image registry/project/tag format was changed to be more in line with the more common

      repository: argoproj/argocli
      tag: v3.0.1

    this also makes it easier for automatic update tooling (eg. renovate bot) to detect and update images.

  4. switched to as the default registry for all images

  5. removed any included usage of Minio

  6. aligned the configuration of serviceAccounts with the argo-cd chart, ie: what used to be server.createServiceAccount is now server.serviceAccount.create

  7. moved the previously known as telemetryServicePort inside the telemetryConfig as telemetryConfig.servicePort - same for metricsConfig