* Support AWS ALB Ingress with GRPC Signed-off-by: Thomas O'Neill <toneill818@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Thomas O'Neill <toneill@new-innov.com> * Bump chart version Signed-off-by: Marco Kilchhofer <marco@kilchhofer.info> * Apply suggestions from code review Signed-off-by: Marco Kilchhofer <marco@kilchhofer.info> * Use single if statement Signed-off-by: Thomas O'Neill <toneill@new-innov.com> * Append -grpc to the service labels for ALB GRPC service Signed-off-by: Thomas O'Neill <toneill@new-innov.com> Co-authored-by: Thomas O'Neill <toneill@new-innov.com> Co-authored-by: Marco Kilchhofer <mkilchhofer@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Marco Kilchhofer <marco@kilchhofer.info> |
.. | ||
crds | ||
templates | ||
.helmignore | ||
Chart.lock | ||
Chart.yaml | ||
README.md | ||
values.yaml |
Argo CD Chart
A Helm chart for ArgoCD, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
Source code can be found here
Additional Information
This is a community maintained chart. This chart installs argo-cd, a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
The default installation is intended to be similar to the provided ArgoCD releases.
This chart currently installs the non-HA version of ArgoCD.
Synchronizing Changes from Original Repository
In the original ArgoCD repository an manifests/install.yaml
is generated using kustomize
. It's the basis for the installation as described in the docs.
When installing ArgoCD using this helm chart the user should have a similar experience and configuration rolled out. Hence, it makes sense to try to achieve a similar output of rendered .yaml
resources when calling helm template
using the default settings in values.yaml
To update the templates and default settings in values.yaml
it may come in handy to look up the diff of the manifests/install.yaml
between two versions accordingly. This can either be done directly via github and look for manifests/install.yaml
Or you clone the repository and do a local git-diff
git clone https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd.git
cd argo-cd
git diff v1.8.7 v2.0.0 -- manifests/install.yaml
Changes in the CustomResourceDefinition
resources shall be fixed easily by copying 1:1 from the manifests/crds
folder into this charts/argo-cd/crds
This bugfix version potentially introduces a rename (and recreation) of one or more ServiceAccounts. It only happens when you use one of these customization:
# Case 1) - only happens when you do not specify a custom name (repoServer.serviceAccount.name)
create: true
# Case 2)
name: "" # or <nil>
# Case 3)
name: "" # or <nil>
# Case 4)
name: "" # or <nil>
Please check if you are affected by one of these cases before you upgrade, especially when you use cloud IAM roles for service accounts. (eg. IRSA on AWS or Workload Identity for GKE)
With this minor version we introduced the evaluation for the ingress manifest (depending on the capabilities version), See Pull Request.
Issue 703 reported that the capabilities evaluation is not handled correctly when deploying the chart via an ArgoCD instance,
especially deploying on clusters running a cluster version prior to 1.19
(which misses Ingress
on apiVersion networking.k8s.io/v1
If you are running a cluster version prior to 1.19
you can avoid this issue by directly installing chart version 3.6.0
and setting kubeVersionOverride
kubeVersionOverride: "1.18.0"
Then you should no longer encounter this issue.
3.0.0 and above
Helm apiVersion switched to v2
. Requires Helm 3.0.0
or above to install. Read More on how to migrate your release from Helm 2 to Helm 3.
2.14.7 and above
The matchLabels
key in the ArgoCD Application Controller is no longer hard-coded. Note that labels are immutable so caution should be exercised when making changes to this resource.
2.10.x to 2.11.0
The application controller is now available as a StatefulSet
when the controller.enableStatefulSet
flag is set to true. Depending on your Helm deployment this may be a downtime or breaking change if enabled when using HA and will become the default in 3.x.
1.8.7 to 2.x.x
, repoServer.extraArgs
and server.extraArgs
are now arrays of strings instead of a map
What was
insecure: ""
is now
- --insecure
- Kubernetes 1.7+
- Helm v3.0.0+
Installing the Chart
To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add argo https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm
"argo" has been added to your repositories
$ helm install --name my-release argo/argo-cd
NAME: my-release
Chart Values
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.image.imagePullPolicy | If defined, a imagePullPolicy applied to all ArgoCD deployments. | "IfNotPresent" |
global.image.repository | If defined, a repository applied to all ArgoCD deployments. | "argoproj/argocd" |
global.image.tag | If defined, a tag applied to all ArgoCD deployments. | "v2.0.4" |
global.securityContext | Toggle and define securityContext | See values.yaml |
global.imagePullSecrets | If defined, uses a Secret to pull an image from a private Docker registry or repository. | [] |
global.hostAliases | Mapping between IP and hostnames that will be injected as entries in the pod's hosts files | [] |
global.networkPolicy.create | Create NetworkPolicy objects for all components | false |
global.networkPolicy.defaultDenyIngress | Default deny all ingress traffic | false |
kubeVersionOverride | Override the Kubernetes version, which is used to evaluate certain manifests | "" |
nameOverride | Provide a name in place of argocd |
"argocd" |
fullnameOverride | String to fully override "argo-cd.fullname" |
"" |
apiVersionOverrides.certmanager | String to override apiVersion of certmanager resources rendered by this helm chart | "" |
apiVersionOverrides.ingress | String to override apiVersion of ingresses rendered by this helm chart | "" |
configs.clusterCredentials | Provide one or multiple external cluster credentials | [] (See values.yaml) |
configs.gpgKeysAnnotations | GnuPG key ring annotations | {} |
configs.gpgKeys | GnuPG keys to add to the key ring | {} (See values.yaml) |
configs.knownHostsAnnotations | Known Hosts configmap annotations | {} |
configs.knownHosts.data.ssh_known_hosts | Known Hosts | See values.yaml |
configs.secret.annotations | Annotations for argocd-secret | {} |
configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPassword | Bcrypt hashed admin password | null |
configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPasswordMtime | Admin password modification time | date "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" now if configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPassword is set |
configs.secret.bitbucketSecret | BitBucket incoming webhook secret | "" |
configs.secret.createSecret | Create the argocd-secret. | true |
configs.secret.githubSecret | GitHub incoming webhook secret | "" |
configs.secret.gitlabSecret | GitLab incoming webhook secret | "" |
configs.tlsCertsAnnotations | TLS certificate configmap annotations | {} |
configs.tlsCerts.data."argocd.example.com" | TLS certificate | See values.yaml |
configs.secret.extra | add additional secrets to be added to argocd-secret | {} |
configs.styles | Define custom CSS styles for your argo instance (Read More). This Settings will automatically mount the provided css and reference it in the argo configuration. | "" (See values.yaml) |
openshift.enabled | enables using arbitrary uid for argo repo server | false |
ArgoCD Controller
Parameter | Description | Default |
controller.affinity | Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment | {} |
controller.args.operationProcessors | define the controller --operation-processors |
"10" |
controller.args.appResyncPeriod | define the controller --app-resync |
"180" |
controller.args.selfHealTimeout | define the controller --self-heal-timeout-seconds |
"5" |
controller.args.statusProcessors | define the controller --status-processors |
"20" |
controller.clusterAdminAccess.enabled | Enable RBAC for local cluster deployments. | true |
controller.containerPort | Controller listening port. | 8082 |
controller.extraArgs | Additional arguments for the controller. A list of flags | [] |
controller.enableStatefulSet | Enable deploying the controller as a StatefulSet instead of a Deployment. Used for HA installations. | false |
controller.env | Environment variables for the controller. | [] |
controller.envFrom | envFrom to pass to the controller. |
[] (See values.yaml) |
controller.image.repository | Repository to use for the controller | global.image.repository |
controller.image.imagePullPolicy | Image pull policy for the controller | global.image.imagePullPolicy |
controller.image.tag | Tag to use for the controller | global.image.tag |
controller.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 3 |
controller.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
controller.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
controller.livenessProbe.successThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
controller.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
controller.logLevel | Controller log level | "info" |
controller.metrics.enabled | Deploy metrics service | false |
controller.metrics.service.annotations | Metrics service annotations | {} |
controller.metrics.service.labels | Metrics service labels | {} |
controller.metrics.service.servicePort | Metrics service port | 8082 |
controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor. | false |
controller.metrics.serviceMonitor.selector | Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector. | {} |
controller.name | Controller name string. | "application-controller" |
controller.nodeSelector | Node selector | {} |
controller.podAnnotations | Annotations for the controller pods | {} |
controller.podLabels | Labels for the controller pods | {} |
controller.priorityClassName | Priority class for the controller pods | "" |
controller.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 3 |
controller.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
controller.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
controller.readinessProbe.successThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
controller.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
controller.replicas | The number of controller pods to run | 1 |
controller.resources | Resource limits and requests for the controller pods. | {} |
controller.service.annotations | Controller service annotations. | {} |
controller.service.labels | Controller service labels. | {} |
controller.service.port | Controller service port. | 8082 |
controller.serviceAccount.annotations | Controller service account annotations | {} |
controller.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | Automount API credentials for the Service Account | true |
controller.serviceAccount.create | Create a service account for the controller | true |
controller.serviceAccount.name | Service account name. | "argocd-application-controller" |
controller.tolerations | Tolerations for use with node taints | [] |
controller.volumeMounts | Controller volume mounts | [] |
controller.volumes | Controller volumes | [] |
Argo Repo Server
Property | Description | Default |
repoServer.affinity | Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment | {} |
repoServer.autoscaling.enabled | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for the repo server | false |
repoServer.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas for the repo server HPA | 1 |
repoServer.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas for the repo server HPA | 5 |
repoServer.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Average CPU utilization percentage for the repo server HPA | 50 |
repoServer.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | Average memory utilization percentage for the repo server HPA | 50 |
repoServer.containerPort | Repo server port | 8081 |
repoServer.extraArgs | Additional arguments for the repo server. A list of flags. | [] |
repoServer.env | Environment variables for the repo server. | [] |
repoServer.envFrom | envFrom to pass to the repo server. |
[] (See values.yaml) |
repoServer.image.repository | Repository to use for the repo server | global.image.repository |
repoServer.image.imagePullPolicy | Image pull policy for the repo server | global.image.imagePullPolicy |
repoServer.image.tag | Tag to use for the repo server | global.image.tag |
repoServer.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 3 |
repoServer.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
repoServer.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
repoServer.livenessProbe.successThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
repoServer.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
repoServer.logLevel | Log level | "info" |
repoServer.metrics.enabled | Deploy metrics service | false |
repoServer.metrics.service.annotations | Metrics service annotations | {} |
repoServer.metrics.service.labels | Metrics service labels | {} |
repoServer.metrics.service.servicePort | Metrics service port | 8082 |
repoServer.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor. | false |
repoServer.metrics.serviceMonitor.selector | Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector. | {} |
repoServer.name | Repo server name | "repo-server" |
repoServer.nodeSelector | Node selector | {} |
repoServer.podAnnotations | Annotations for the repo server pods | {} |
repoServer.podLabels | Labels for the repo server pods | {} |
repoServer.priorityClassName | Priority class for the repo server | "" |
repoServer.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 3 |
repoServer.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
repoServer.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
repoServer.readinessProbe.successThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
repoServer.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
repoServer.replicas | The number of repo server pods to run | 1 |
repoServer.resources | Resource limits and requests for the repo server pods. | {} |
repoServer.service.annotations | Repo server service annotations. | {} |
repoServer.service.automountServiceAccountToken | Automount API credentials for the Service Account | true |
repoServer.service.labels | Repo server service labels. | {} |
repoServer.service.port | Repo server service port. | 8081 |
repoServer.serviceAccount.annotations | Repo server service account annotations | {} |
repoServer.serviceAccount.create | Create repo server service account | false |
repoServer.serviceAccount.name | Repo server service account name | "argocd-repo-server" |
repoServer.tolerations | Tolerations for use with node taints | [] |
repoServer.volumeMounts | Repo server volume mounts | [] |
repoServer.volumes | Repo server volumes | [] |
Argo Server
Parameter | Description | Default |
server.affinity | Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment | {} |
server.autoscaling.enabled | Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) for the server | false |
server.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas for the server HPA | 1 |
server.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas for the server HPA | 5 |
server.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Average CPU utilization percentage for the server HPA | 50 |
server.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | Average memory utilization percentage for the server HPA | 50 |
server.GKEbackendConfig.enabled | Enable BackendConfig custom resource for Google Kubernetes Engine. | false |
server.GKEbackendConfig.spec | BackendConfigSpec | {} |
server.certificate.additionalHosts | Certificate manager additional hosts | [] |
server.certificate.domain | Certificate manager domain | "argocd.example.com" |
server.certificate.enabled | Enables a certificate manager certificate. | false |
server.certificate.issuer | Certificate manager issuer | {} |
server.clusterAdminAccess.enabled | Enable RBAC for local cluster deployments. | true |
server.configAnnotations | ArgoCD configuration configmap annotations | {} |
server.config | General Argo CD configuration | See values.yaml |
server.containerPort | Server container port. | 8080 |
server.extraArgs | Additional arguments for the server. A list of flags. | [] |
server.env | Environment variables for the server. | [] |
server.envFrom | envFrom to pass to the server. |
[] (See values.yaml) |
server.image.repository | Repository to use for the server | global.image.repository |
server.image.imagePullPolicy | Image pull policy for the server | global.image.imagePullPolicy |
server.image.tag | Tag to use for the server | global.image.tag |
server.ingress.annotations | Additional ingress annotations | {} |
server.ingress.enabled | Enable an ingress resource for the server | false |
server.ingress.hosts | List of ingress hosts | [] |
server.ingress.labels | Additional ingress labels. | {} |
server.ingress.ingressClassName | Defines which ingress controller will implement the resource | "" |
server.ingress.tls | Ingress TLS configuration. | [] |
server.ingress.https | Uses server.service.servicePortHttps instead server.service.servicePortHttp |
false |
server.ingressGrpc.annotations | Additional ingress annotations for dedicated gRPC-ingress | {} |
server.ingressGrpc.enabled | Enable an ingress resource for the server for dedicated gRPC-ingress | false |
server.ingressGrpc.hosts | List of ingress hosts for dedicated gRPC-ingress | [] |
server.ingressGrpc.labels | Additional ingress labels for dedicated gRPC-ingress | {} |
server.ingressGrpc.ingressClassName | Defines which ingress controller will implement the resource gRPC-ingress | "" |
server.ingressGrpc.tls | Ingress TLS configuration for dedicated gRPC-ingress | [] |
server.ingressGrpc.isAWSALB | Setup up GRPC ingress to work with an AWS ALB | false |
server.route.enabled | Enable a OpenShift route for the server | false |
server.route.hostname | Hostname of OpenShift route | "" |
server.lifecycle | PostStart and PreStop hooks configuration | {} |
server.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 3 |
server.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
server.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
server.livenessProbe.successThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
server.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
server.logLevel | Log level | "info" |
server.metrics.enabled | Deploy metrics service | false |
server.metrics.service.annotations | Metrics service annotations | {} |
server.metrics.service.labels | Metrics service labels | {} |
server.metrics.service.servicePort | Metrics service port | 8082 |
server.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor. | false |
server.metrics.serviceMonitor.selector | Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector. | {} |
server.name | Argo CD server name | "server" |
server.nodeSelector | Node selector | {} |
server.podAnnotations | Annotations for the server pods | {} |
server.podLabels | Labels for the server pods | {} |
server.priorityClassName | Priority class for the server | "" |
server.rbacConfigAnnotations | RBAC configmap annotations | {} |
server.rbacConfig | Argo CD RBAC policy | {} |
server.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 3 |
server.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
server.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 10 |
server.readinessProbe.successThreshold | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
server.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Kubernetes probe configuration | 1 |
server.replicas | The number of server pods to run | 1 |
server.resources | Resource limits and requests for the server | {} |
server.service.annotations | Server service annotations | {} |
server.service.labels | Server service labels | {} |
server.service.servicePortHttp | Server service http port | 80 |
server.service.servicePortHttps | Server service https port | 443 |
server.service.servicePortHttpName | Server service http port name, can be used to route traffic via istio | http |
server.service.servicePortHttpsName | Server service https port name, can be used to route traffic via istio | https |
server.service.nodePortHttp | Server service http port for NodePort service type | 30080 |
server.service.servicePortHttps | Server service http port for NodePort service type | 30443 |
server.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | Source IP ranges to allow access to service from. | [] |
server.service.externalIPs | Server service external IPs. | [] |
server.service.type | Server service type | "ClusterIP" |
server.serviceAccount.annotations | Server service account annotations | {} |
server.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | Automount API credentials for the Service Account | true |
server.serviceAccount.create | Create server service account | true |
server.serviceAccount.name | Server service account name | "argocd-server" |
server.tolerations | Tolerations for use with node taints | [] |
server.volumeMounts | Server volume mounts | [] |
server.volumes | Server volumes | [] |
Property | Description | Default |
dex.affinity | Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment | {} |
dex.containerPortGrpc | GRPC container port | 5557 |
dex.containerPortHttp | HTTP container port | 5556 |
dex.enabled | Enable dex | true |
dex.image.imagePullPolicy | Dex imagePullPolicy | "IfNotPresent" |
dex.image.repository | Dex image repository | "quay.io/dexidp/dex" |
dex.image.tag | Dex image tag | "v2.14.0" |
dex.initImage.repository | Argo CD init image repository. | global.image.repository |
dex.initImage.imagePullPolicy | Argo CD init image imagePullPolicy | global.image.imagePullPolicy |
dex.initImage.tag | Argo CD init image tag | global.image.tag |
dex.metrics.enabled | Deploy metrics service | false |
dex.metrics.service.annotations | Metrics service annotations | {} |
dex.metrics.service.labels | Metrics service labels | {} |
dex.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable a prometheus ServiceMonitor. | false |
dex.metrics.serviceMonitor.selector | Prometheus ServiceMonitor selector. | {} |
dex.name | Dex name | "dex-server" |
dex.env | Environment variables for the Dex server. | [] |
dex.envFrom | envFrom to pass to the Dex server. |
[] (See values.yaml) |
dex.nodeSelector | Node selector | {} |
dex.podAnnotations | Annotations for the Dex server pods | {} |
dex.podLabels | Labels for the Dex server pods | {} |
dex.priorityClassName | Priority class for dex | "" |
dex.resources | Resource limits and requests for dex | {} |
dex.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken | Automount API credentials for the Service Account | true |
dex.serviceAccount.create | Create dex service account | true |
dex.serviceAccount.name | Dex service account name | "argocd-dex-server" |
dex.servicePortGrpc | Server GRPC port | 5557 |
dex.servicePortHttp | Server HTTP port | 5556 |
dex.tolerations | Tolerations for use with node taints | [] |
dex.volumeMounts | Dex volume mounts | "/shared" |
dex.volumes | Dex volumes | {} |
When Redis is completely disabled from the chart (redis.enabled=false
) and
an external Redis instance wants to be used or
when Redis HA subcart is enabled (redis.enabled=true and redis-ha.enabled=true
but HA proxy is disabled redis-ha.haproxy.enabled=false
Redis flags need to be specified
through xxx.extraArgs
Parameter | Description | Default |
redis.affinity | Assign custom affinity rules to the deployment | {} |
redis.containerPort | Redis container port | 6379 |
redis.enabled | Enable redis | true |
redis.image.imagePullPolicy | Redis imagePullPolicy | "IfNotPresent" |
redis.image.repository | Redis repository | "redis" |
redis.image.tag | Redis tag | "6.2.1-alpine" |
redis.extraArgs | Additional arguments for the redis-server . A list of flags. |
[] |
redis.name | Redis name | "redis" |
redis.env | Environment variables for the Redis server. | [] |
redis.envFrom | envFrom to pass to the Redis server. |
[] (See values.yaml) |
redis.nodeSelector | Node selector | {} |
redis.podAnnotations | Annotations for the Redis server pods | {} |
redis.podLabels | Labels for the Redis server pods | {} |
redis.priorityClassName | Priority class for redis | "" |
redis.resources | Resource limits and requests for redis | {} |
redis.securityContext | Redis Pod Security Context | See values.yaml |
redis.servicePort | Redis service port | 6379 |
redis.tolerations | Tolerations for use with node taints | [] |
redis-ha | Configures Redis HA subchart The properties below have been changed from the subchart defaults | |
redis-ha.enabled | Enables the Redis HA subchart and disables the custom Redis single node deployment | false |
redis-ha.exporter.enabled | If true , the prometheus exporter sidecar is enabled |
true |
redis-ha.persistentVolume.enabled | Configures persistency on Redis nodes | false |
redis-ha.redis.masterGroupName | Redis convention for naming the cluster group: must match ^[\\w-\\.]+$ and can be templated |
argocd |
redis-ha.redis.config | Any valid redis config options in this section will be applied to each server (see redis-ha chart) |
`` |
redis-ha.redis.config.save | Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given number of write operations against the DB occurred. "" is disabled |
"" |
redis-ha.haproxy.enabled | Enabled HAProxy LoadBalancing/Proxy | true |
redis-ha.haproxy.metrics.enabled | HAProxy enable prometheus metric scraping | true |
redis-ha.image.tag | Redis tag | "6.2.1-alpine" |
Using AWS ALB Ingress Controller With GRPC
If you are using an AWS ALB Ingress controller, you will need to set server.ingressGrpc.isAWSALB
to true
. This will create a second service with the annotation alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol-version: HTTP2
and modify the server ingress to add a condition annotation to route GRPC traffic to the new service.
enabled: true
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: HTTPS
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTPS":443}]'
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internal
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
enabled: true
isAWSALB: true