When raising application versions ensure you make the following changes:
-`values.yaml`: Bump all instances of the container image version
-`Chart.yaml`: Ensure `appVersion` matches the above container image and bump `version`
Please ensure chart version changes adhere to semantic versioning standards:
- Patch: App version patch updates, backwards compatible optional chart features
- Minor: New chart functionality (sidecars), major application updates or minor non-backwards compatible changes
- Major: Large chart rewrites, major non-backwards compatible or destructive changes
## Testing Charts
As part of the Continous Intergration system we run Helm's [Chart Testing](https://github.com/helm/chart-testing) tool.
The checks for this tool are stricter than the standard Helm requirements, where fields normally considered optional like `maintainer` are required in the standard spec and must be valid GitHub usernames.
Linting configuration can be found in [lintconf.yaml](.circleci/lintconf.yaml)
The linting can be invoked manually with the following command: