377 lines
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377 lines
12 KiB
// ZoneMinder RTCP Class Implementation, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "zm.h"
#include "zm_rtp_ctrl.h"
#include "zm_time.h"
#include "zm_rtsp.h"
#include <errno.h>
RtpCtrlThread::RtpCtrlThread( RtspThread &rtspThread, RtpSource &rtpSource ) : mRtspThread( rtspThread ), mRtpSource( rtpSource ), mStop( false )
int RtpCtrlThread::recvPacket( const unsigned char *packet, ssize_t packetLen )
const RtcpPacket *rtcpPacket;
rtcpPacket = (RtcpPacket *)packet;
int consumed = 0;
//printf( "C: " );
//for ( int i = 0; i < packetLen; i++ )
//printf( "%02x ", (unsigned char)packet[i] );
//printf( "\n" );
int ver = rtcpPacket->header.version;
int count = rtcpPacket->header.count;
int pt = rtcpPacket->header.pt;
int len = ntohs(rtcpPacket->header.lenN);
Debug( 5, "RTCP Ver: %d", ver );
Debug( 5, "RTCP Count: %d", count );
Debug( 5, "RTCP Pt: %d", pt );
Debug( 5, "RTCP len: %d", len );
switch( pt )
case RTCP_SR :
uint32_t ssrc = ntohl(rtcpPacket->body.sr.ssrcN);
Debug( 5, "RTCP Got SR (%x)", ssrc );
if ( mRtpSource.getSsrc() )
if ( ssrc != mRtpSource.getSsrc() )
Warning( "Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc %x", ssrc );
return( -1 );
else if ( ssrc )
mRtpSource.setSsrc( ssrc );
if ( len > 1 )
//printf( "NTPts:%d.%d, RTPts:%d\n", $ntptsmsb, $ntptslsb, $rtpts );
uint16_t ntptsmsb = ntohl(rtcpPacket->body.sr.ntpSecN);
uint16_t ntptslsb = ntohl(rtcpPacket->body.sr.ntpFracN);
//printf( "NTPts:%x.%04x, RTPts:%x\n", $ntptsmsb, $ntptslsb, $rtpts );
//printf( "Pkts:$sendpkts, Octs:$sendocts\n" );
uint32_t rtpTime = ntohl(rtcpPacket->body.sr.rtpTsN);
mRtpSource.updateRtcpData( ntptsmsb, ntptslsb, rtpTime );
case RTCP_SDES :
ssize_t contentLen = packetLen - sizeof(rtcpPacket->header);
while ( contentLen )
Debug( 5, "RTCP CL: %zd", contentLen );
uint32_t ssrc = ntohl(rtcpPacket->body.sdes.srcN);
Debug( 5, "RTCP Got SDES (%x), %d items", ssrc, count );
if ( mRtpSource.getSsrc() && (ssrc != mRtpSource.getSsrc()) )
Warning( "Discarding packet for unrecognised ssrc %x", ssrc );
return( -1 );
unsigned char *sdesPtr = (unsigned char *)&rtcpPacket->body.sdes.item;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
RtcpSdesItem *item = (RtcpSdesItem *)sdesPtr;
Debug( 5, "RTCP Item length %d", item->len );
switch( item->type )
std::string cname( item->data, item->len );
Debug( 5, "RTCP Got CNAME %s", cname.c_str() );
default :
Error( "Received unexpected SDES item type %d, ignoring", item->type );
return( -1 );
int paddedLen = 4+2+item->len+1; // Add null byte
paddedLen = (((paddedLen-1)/4)+1)*4; // Round to nearest multiple of 4
Debug( 5, "RTCP PL:%d", paddedLen );
sdesPtr += paddedLen;
contentLen = ( paddedLen <= contentLen ) ? ( contentLen - paddedLen ) : 0;
case RTCP_BYE :
Debug( 5, "RTCP Got BYE" );
mStop = true;
case RTCP_APP :
// Ignoring as per RFC 3550
Debug( 5, "Received RTCP_APP packet, ignoring.");
case RTCP_RR :
Error( "Received RTCP_RR packet." );
return( -1 );
default :
// Ignore unknown packet types. Some cameras do this by design.
Debug( 5, "Received unexpected packet type %d, ignoring", pt );
consumed = sizeof(uint32_t)*(len+1);
return( consumed );
int RtpCtrlThread::generateRr( const unsigned char *packet, ssize_t packetLen )
RtcpPacket *rtcpPacket = (RtcpPacket *)packet;
int byteLen = sizeof(rtcpPacket->header)+sizeof(rtcpPacket->body.rr)+sizeof(rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0]);
int wordLen = ((byteLen-1)/sizeof(uint32_t))+1;
rtcpPacket->header.version = RTP_VERSION;
rtcpPacket->header.p = 0;
rtcpPacket->header.pt = RTCP_RR;
rtcpPacket->header.count = 1;
rtcpPacket->header.lenN = htons(wordLen-1);
Debug( 5, "Ssrc = %d", mRtspThread.getSsrc()+1 );
Debug( 5, "Ssrc_1 = %d", mRtpSource.getSsrc() );
Debug( 5, "Last Seq = %d", mRtpSource.getMaxSeq() );
Debug( 5, "Jitter = %d", mRtpSource.getJitter() );
Debug( 5, "Last SR = %d", mRtpSource.getLastSrTimestamp() );
rtcpPacket->body.rr.ssrcN = htonl(mRtspThread.getSsrc()+1);
rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0].ssrcN = htonl(mRtpSource.getSsrc());
rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0].lost = mRtpSource.getLostPackets();
rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0].fraction = mRtpSource.getLostFraction();
rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0].lastSeqN = htonl(mRtpSource.getMaxSeq());
rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0].jitterN = htonl(mRtpSource.getJitter());
rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0].lsrN = htonl(mRtpSource.getLastSrTimestamp());
rtcpPacket->body.rr.rr[0].dlsrN = 0;
return( wordLen*sizeof(uint32_t) );
int RtpCtrlThread::generateSdes( const unsigned char *packet, ssize_t packetLen )
RtcpPacket *rtcpPacket = (RtcpPacket *)packet;
const std::string &cname = mRtpSource.getCname();
int byteLen = sizeof(rtcpPacket->header)+sizeof(rtcpPacket->body.sdes)+sizeof(rtcpPacket->body.sdes.item[0])+cname.size();
int wordLen = ((byteLen-1)/sizeof(uint32_t))+1;
rtcpPacket->header.version = RTP_VERSION;
rtcpPacket->header.p = 0;
rtcpPacket->header.pt = RTCP_SDES;
rtcpPacket->header.count = 1;
rtcpPacket->header.lenN = htons(wordLen-1);
rtcpPacket->body.sdes.srcN = htonl(mRtpSource.getSsrc()+1);
rtcpPacket->body.sdes.item[0].type = RTCP_SDES_CNAME;
rtcpPacket->body.sdes.item[0].len = cname.size();
memcpy( rtcpPacket->body.sdes.item[0].data, cname.data(), cname.size() );
return( wordLen*sizeof(uint32_t) );
int RtpCtrlThread::generateBye( const unsigned char *packet, ssize_t packetLen )
RtcpPacket *rtcpPacket = (RtcpPacket *)packet;
int byteLen = sizeof(rtcpPacket->header)+sizeof(rtcpPacket->body.bye)+sizeof(rtcpPacket->body.bye.srcN[0]);
int wordLen = ((byteLen-1)/sizeof(uint32_t))+1;
rtcpPacket->header.version = RTP_VERSION;
rtcpPacket->header.p = 0;
rtcpPacket->header.pt = RTCP_BYE;
rtcpPacket->header.count = 1;
rtcpPacket->header.lenN = htons(wordLen-1);
rtcpPacket->body.bye.srcN[0] = htonl(mRtpSource.getSsrc());
return( wordLen*sizeof(uint32_t) );
int RtpCtrlThread::recvPackets( unsigned char *buffer, ssize_t nBytes )
unsigned char *bufferPtr = buffer;
// u_int32 len; /* length of compound RTCP packet in words */
// rtcp_t *r; /* RTCP header */
// rtcp_t *end; /* end of compound RTCP packet */
// if ((*(u_int16 *)r & RTCP_VALID_MASK) != RTCP_VALID_VALUE) {
// /* something wrong with packet format */
// }
// end = (rtcp_t *)((u_int32 *)r + len);
// do r = (rtcp_t *)((u_int32 *)r + r->common.length + 1);
// while (r < end && r->common.version == 2);
// if (r != end) {
// /* something wrong with packet format */
// }
while ( nBytes > 0 )
int consumed = recvPacket( bufferPtr, nBytes );
if ( consumed <= 0 )
bufferPtr += consumed;
nBytes -= consumed;
return( nBytes );
int RtpCtrlThread::run()
Debug( 2, "Starting control thread %x on port %d", mRtpSource.getSsrc(), mRtpSource.getLocalCtrlPort() );
SockAddrInet localAddr, remoteAddr;
bool sendReports;
UdpInetSocket rtpCtrlServer;
if ( mRtpSource.getLocalHost() != "" )
localAddr.resolve( mRtpSource.getLocalHost().c_str(), mRtpSource.getLocalCtrlPort(), "udp" );
if ( !rtpCtrlServer.bind( localAddr ) )
Fatal( "Failed to bind RTCP server" );
sendReports = false;
Debug( 3, "Bound to %s:%d", mRtpSource.getLocalHost().c_str(), mRtpSource.getLocalCtrlPort() );
localAddr.resolve( mRtpSource.getLocalCtrlPort(), "udp" );
if ( !rtpCtrlServer.bind( localAddr ) )
Fatal( "Failed to bind RTCP server" );
Debug( 3, "Bound to %s:%d", mRtpSource.getLocalHost().c_str(), mRtpSource.getLocalCtrlPort() );
remoteAddr.resolve( mRtpSource.getRemoteHost().c_str(), mRtpSource.getRemoteCtrlPort(), "udp" );
if ( !rtpCtrlServer.connect( remoteAddr ) )
Fatal( "Failed to connect RTCP server" );
Debug( 3, "Connected to %s:%d", mRtpSource.getRemoteHost().c_str(), mRtpSource.getRemoteCtrlPort() );
sendReports = true;
// The only reason I can think of why we would have a timeout period is so that we can regularly send RR packets.
// Why 10 seconds? If anything I think this should be whatever timeout value was given in the DESCRIBE response
Select select( 10 );
select.addReader( &rtpCtrlServer );
unsigned char buffer[ZM_NETWORK_BUFSIZ];
time_t last_receive = time(NULL);
bool timeout = false; // used as a flag that we had a timeout, and then sent an RR to see if we wake back up. Real timeout will happen when this is true.
while ( !mStop && select.wait() >= 0 ) {
time_t now = time(NULL);
Select::CommsList readable = select.getReadable();
if ( readable.size() == 0 )
if ( ! timeout ) {
// With this code here, we will send an SDES and RR packet every 10 seconds
ssize_t nBytes;
unsigned char *bufferPtr = buffer;
bufferPtr += generateRr( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
bufferPtr += generateSdes( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
Debug( 3, "Preventing timeout by sending %zd bytes on sd %d. Time since last receive: %d", bufferPtr-buffer, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc(), ( now-last_receive) );
if ( (nBytes = rtpCtrlServer.send( buffer, bufferPtr-buffer )) < 0 )
Error( "Unable to send: %s", strerror( errno ) );
timeout = true;
} else {
//Error( "RTCP timed out" );
Debug(1, "RTCP timed out. Time since last receive: %d", ( now-last_receive) );
} else {
timeout = false;
last_receive = time(NULL);
for ( Select::CommsList::iterator iter = readable.begin(); iter != readable.end(); iter++ )
if ( UdpInetSocket *socket = dynamic_cast<UdpInetSocket *>(*iter) )
ssize_t nBytes = socket->recv( buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
Debug( 4, "Read %zd bytes on sd %d", nBytes, socket->getReadDesc() );
if ( nBytes )
recvPackets( buffer, nBytes );
if ( sendReports )
unsigned char *bufferPtr = buffer;
bufferPtr += generateRr( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
bufferPtr += generateSdes( bufferPtr, sizeof(buffer)-(bufferPtr-buffer) );
Debug( 3, "Sending %zd bytes on sd %d", bufferPtr-buffer, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc() );
if ( (nBytes = rtpCtrlServer.send( buffer, bufferPtr-buffer )) < 0 )
Error( "Unable to send: %s", strerror( errno ) );
//Debug( 4, "Sent %d bytes on sd %d", nBytes, rtpCtrlServer.getWriteDesc() );
} else {
// Here is another case of not receiving some data causing us to terminate... why? Sometimes there are pauses in the interwebs.
mStop = true;
Panic( "Barfed" );
return( 0 );