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1014 B
zoneminder (1.28.0-0.2) testing; urgency=medium
* Upstream release for debian jessie
* Package dependencies updated
* debhelper version upgraded
* Standards-Version upgraded
* Use debhelper commands instead of standard commands
* Install man pages in /usr/share/man
* Switch to quilt
* Switch to systemd
-- Emmanuel Papin <manupap01@gmail.com> Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:26:01 +0100
zoneminder (1.28.0-0.1-wheezy) stable; urgency=medium
* Release
-- Isaac Connor <iconnor@connortechnology.com> Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:27:22 -0400
zoneminder (1.27.99+1-testing-SNAPSHOT2014072901) testing; urgency=medium
* improve error messages
* Make zmupdate re-run the most recent patch so that people running the daily builds get their db updates
-- Isaac Connor <iconnor@connortechnology.com> Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:50:20 -0400
zoneminder (1.27.0+1-testing-v4ltomonitor-1) testing; urgency=high
* Snapshot release -
-- Isaac Connor <iconnor@connortechnology.com> Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:35:29 -0400