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418 lines
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// ZoneMinder Stream Class Implementation, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "zm_stream.h"
#include "zm_box.h"
#include "zm_monitor.h"
#include "zm_signal.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
constexpr Seconds StreamBase::MAX_STREAM_DELAY;
constexpr Milliseconds StreamBase::MAX_SLEEP;
StreamBase::~StreamBase() {
delete vid_stream;
delete[] temp_img_buffer;
bool StreamBase::loadMonitor(int p_monitor_id) {
monitor_id = p_monitor_id;
if ( !(monitor or (monitor = Monitor::Load(monitor_id, false, Monitor::QUERY))) ) {
Error("Unable to load monitor id %d for streaming", monitor_id);
return false;
if (monitor->Capturing() == Monitor::CAPTURING_NONE) {
Info("Monitor %d has capturing == NONE. Will not be able to connect to it.", monitor_id);
return false;
if (monitor->isConnected()) {
if (!monitor->connect()) {
Error("Unable to connect to monitor id %d for streaming", monitor_id);
return false;
return true;
bool StreamBase::checkInitialised() {
if (!monitor) {
Error("Cannot stream, not initialised");
return false;
if (monitor->Capturing() == Monitor::CAPTURING_NONE) {
Info("Monitor %d has capturing == NONE. Will not be able to connect to it.", monitor_id);
return false;
if (!monitor->ShmValid()) {
Debug(1, "Monitor shm is not connected");
return false;
if ((monitor->GetType() == Monitor::FFMPEG) and (monitor->Decoding() == Monitor::DECODING_NONE) ) {
Debug(1, "Monitor is not decoding.");
return false;
return true;
void StreamBase::updateFrameRate(double fps) {
if ( (fps < 0) || !fps || std::isinf(fps) ) {
Debug(1, "Zero or negative fps %f in updateFrameRate. Setting frame_mod=1 and effective_fps=0.0", fps);
effective_fps = 0.0;
base_fps = 0.0;
base_fps = fps;
effective_fps = (base_fps*abs(replay_rate))/ZM_RATE_BASE;
frame_mod = 1;
Debug(3, "FPS:%.2f, MaxFPS:%.2f, BaseFPS:%.2f, EffectiveFPS:%.2f, FrameMod:%d, replay_rate(%d)",
fps, maxfps, base_fps, effective_fps, frame_mod, replay_rate);
if (maxfps > 0.0) {
// Min frame repeat?
// We want to keep the frame skip easy... problem is ... if effective = 31 and max = 30 then we end up with 15.5 fps.
while ( (int)effective_fps > (int)maxfps ) {
effective_fps /= 2.0;
frame_mod *= 2;
Debug(3, "Changing fps to be < max %.2f EffectiveFPS:%.2f, FrameMod:%d",
maxfps, effective_fps, frame_mod);
} // void StreamBase::updateFrameRate(double fps)
void StreamBase::checkCommandQueue() {
while (!zm_terminate) {
// Update modified time of the socket .lock file so that we can tell which ones are stale.
if (now - last_comm_update > Hours(1)) {
last_comm_update = now;
if (sd >= 0) {
CmdMsg msg;
memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
int nbytes = recvfrom(sd, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0, /*MSG_DONTWAIT*/ 0, 0);
if (nbytes < 0) {
if (errno != EAGAIN) {
Error("recvfrom(), errno = %d, error = %s", errno, strerror(errno));
} else {
Debug(2, "Message length is (%d)", nbytes);
got_command = true;
} else if (connkey) {
Warning("No sd in checkCommandQueue, comms not open for connkey %06d?", connkey);
} else {
// Perfectly valid if only getting a snapshot
Debug(1, "No sd in checkCommandQueue, comms not open.");
} // end while !zm_terminate
} // end void StreamBase::checkCommandQueue()
Image *StreamBase::prepareImage(Image *image) {
/* zooming should happen before scaling to preserve quality
* scale is relative to base dimensions, and represents the rough ratio between desired view size and base dimensions
bool image_copied = false;
if (zoom != 100) {
int base_image_width = image->Width(),
base_image_height = image->Height(),
disp_image_width = image->Width() * scale/ZM_SCALE_BASE,
disp_image_height = image->Height() * scale / ZM_SCALE_BASE;
/* x and y are scaled by web UI to base dimensions units.
* When zooming, we blow up the image by the amount 150 for first zoom, right? 150%, then cut out a base sized chunk
* However if we have zoomed before, then we are zooming into the previous cutout
* The box stored in last_crop should be in base_image units, So we need to turn x,y into percentages, then apply to last_crop
if (!last_crop.Hi().x_ or last_crop.Hi().y_) last_crop = Box({0, 0}, {base_image_width, base_image_height});
double x_percent = static_cast<double>(x * ZM_SCALE_BASE) / base_image_width;
double y_percent = static_cast<double>(y * ZM_SCALE_BASE) / base_image_height;
Debug(2, "click percent %dx%d => %.2fx%.2f", x, y, x_percent, y_percent);
// If we were previously zoomed in, then the coordinate percentages are into the crop, so calculate the click coordinates in base image
int crop_x = last_crop.Lo().x_ + (x_percent * last_crop.Width() / ZM_SCALE_BASE);
int crop_y = last_crop.Lo().y_ + (y_percent * last_crop.Height() / ZM_SCALE_BASE);
Debug(2, "crop click %dx%d => %dx%d out of %dx%d", x, y, crop_x, crop_y, last_crop.Width(), last_crop.Height());
int zoom_image_width = base_image_width * zoom / ZM_SCALE_BASE,
zoom_image_height = base_image_height * zoom / ZM_SCALE_BASE,
click_x = crop_x * zoom / ZM_SCALE_BASE,
click_y = crop_y * zoom / ZM_SCALE_BASE;
Debug(2, "adjusted click %dx%d * %d zoom => %dx%d out of %dx%d", x, y, zoom, click_x, click_y, zoom_image_width, zoom_image_height);
// These can go out of image. Resulting size will be less than base image. That's ok.
// We don't want to center it, we want to keep the relative offset from center where the click is.
int left_dist = base_image_width * x_percent/ZM_SCALE_BASE;
int top_dist = base_image_height * y_percent/ZM_SCALE_BASE;
Debug(2, "Dest at %d,%d", left_dist, top_dist);
int lo_x = click_x - left_dist;
int hi_x = lo_x + base_image_width;
Debug(2, "hi_x = lo_x %d + base_image_width %d - left_dist %d = %d", lo_x, base_image_width, left_dist, hi_x);
int lo_y = click_y - top_dist;
int hi_y = lo_y + base_image_height;
Debug(2, "hi_y = lo_y %d + base_image_h %d - top_dist %d = %d", lo_y, base_image_height, top_dist, hi_y);
int amount_to_shrink_y = 0;
if (lo_x < 0) {
amount_to_shrink_y = (-1 * lo_x) * base_image_height / base_image_width;
lo_x = 0;
} else if (hi_x >= zoom_image_width) {
amount_to_shrink_y = (hi_x - zoom_image_width) * base_image_height / base_image_width;
hi_x = zoom_image_width - 1;
Debug(1, "Shrinking y by %d from %d,%d to %d,%d", amount_to_shrink_y, lo_y, hi_y, lo_y+(amount_to_shrink_y/2), hi_y-(amount_to_shrink_y/2));
if (amount_to_shrink_y) {
lo_y += amount_to_shrink_y/2;
hi_y -= amount_to_shrink_y/2;
int amount_to_shrink_x = 0;
if (lo_y < 0) {
amount_to_shrink_x = (-1 * lo_y) * base_image_width / base_image_height;
Debug(1, "%d to %d = %d", lo_y, -1*lo_y, amount_to_shrink_x);
lo_y = 0;
} else if (hi_y >= zoom_image_height) {
amount_to_shrink_x = (hi_y - zoom_image_height) * base_image_width / base_image_height;
hi_y = zoom_image_height - 1;
Debug(1, "Shrinking x by %d from %d,%d to %d,%d", amount_to_shrink_x, lo_x, hi_x, lo_x+(amount_to_shrink_x/2), hi_x-(amount_to_shrink_x/2));
if (amount_to_shrink_x) {
lo_x += amount_to_shrink_x/2;
hi_x -= amount_to_shrink_x/2;
Debug(3, "Cropping to %d,%d -> %d,%d %dx%din blown up image", lo_x, lo_y, hi_x, hi_y, hi_x-lo_x, hi_y-lo_y);
// Scaled back to base_image dimensions
last_crop = Box({lo_x*ZM_SCALE_BASE/zoom, lo_y*ZM_SCALE_BASE/zoom}, {hi_x*ZM_SCALE_BASE/zoom, hi_y*ZM_SCALE_BASE/zoom});
Debug(3, "Cropping to %d,%d -> %d,%d", last_crop.Lo().x_, last_crop.Lo().y_, last_crop.Hi().x_, last_crop.Hi().y_);
if ( !image_copied ) {
static Image copy_image;
image = ©_image;
image_copied = true;
image->Scale(disp_image_width, disp_image_height);
} else if (scale != ZM_SCALE_BASE) {
Debug(3, "scaling by %d from %dx%d", scale, image->Width(), image->Height());
static Image copy_image;
image = ©_image;
image_copied = true;
Debug(3, "Sending %dx%d", image->Width(), image->Height());
last_scale = scale;
last_zoom = zoom;
last_x = x;
last_y = y;
return image;
} // end Image *StreamBase::prepareImage(Image *image)
bool StreamBase::sendTextFrame(const char *frame_text) {
int width = 640;
int height = 480;
int colours = ZM_COLOUR_RGB32;
int subpixelorder = ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_RGBA;
int labelsize = 2;
if (monitor) {
width = monitor->Width();
height = monitor->Height();
colours = monitor->Colours();
subpixelorder = monitor->SubpixelOrder();
labelsize = monitor->LabelSize();
Debug(2, "Sending %dx%dx%dx%d * %d scale text frame '%s'",
width, height, colours, subpixelorder, scale, frame_text);
Image image(width, height, colours, subpixelorder);
image.Annotate(frame_text, image.centreCoord(frame_text, labelsize), labelsize);
if (scale != 100) {
Debug(2, "Scaled to %dx%d", image.Width(), image.Height());
if (type == STREAM_MPEG) {
if (!vid_stream) {
vid_stream = new VideoStream("pipe:", format, bitrate, effective_fps, image.Colours(), image.SubpixelOrder(), image.Width(), image.Height());
fprintf(stdout, "Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", vid_stream->MimeType());
/* double pts = */ vid_stream->EncodeFrame(image.Buffer(), image.Size());
} else {
static unsigned char buffer[ZM_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE];
int n_bytes = 0;
image.EncodeJpeg(buffer, &n_bytes);
Debug(4, "Encoded to %d bytes", n_bytes);
if (0 > fputs("--" BOUNDARY "\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n", stdout)) {
Debug(1, "Error sending --" BOUNDARY "\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n");
return false;
if (0 > fprintf(stdout, "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", n_bytes)) {
Debug(1, "Error sending Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", n_bytes);
return false;
int rc = fwrite(buffer, n_bytes, 1, stdout);
if (rc != 1) {
Error("Unable to send stream text frame: %d %s", rc, strerror(errno));
return false;
fputs("\r\n\r\n", stdout);
last_frame_sent = now;
return true;
void StreamBase::openComms() {
if ( connkey > 0 ) {
// Have to mkdir because systemd is now chrooting and the dir may not exist
if ( mkdir(staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str(), 0755) ) {
if ( errno != EEXIST ) {
Error("Can't mkdir ZM_PATH_SOCKS %s: %s.", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str(), strerror(errno));
unsigned int length = snprintf(
if ( length >= sizeof(sock_path_lock) ) {
Warning("Socket lock path was truncated.");
Debug(1, "Trying to open the lock on %s", sock_path_lock);
// Under systemd, we get chrooted to something like /tmp/systemd-apache-blh/ so the dir may not exist.
if ( mkdir(staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str(), 0755) ) {
if ( errno != EEXIST ) {
Error("Can't mkdir %s: %s", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str(), strerror(errno));
} else {
Debug(3, "SOCKS dir %s already exists", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str() );
} else {
Debug(3, "Success making SOCKS dir %s", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str() );
lock_fd = open(sock_path_lock, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
if ( lock_fd <= 0 ) {
Error("Unable to open sock lock file %s: %s", sock_path_lock, strerror(errno));
lock_fd = 0;
} else if ( flock(lock_fd, LOCK_EX) != 0 ) {
Error("Unable to lock sock lock file %s: %s", sock_path_lock, strerror(errno));
lock_fd = 0;
} else {
Debug(1, "We have obtained a lock on %s fd: %d", sock_path_lock, lock_fd);
sd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if ( sd < 0 ) {
Fatal("Can't create socket: %s", strerror(errno));
} else {
Debug(3, "Have socket %d", sd);
length = snprintf(
if ( length >= sizeof(loc_sock_path) ) {
Warning("Socket path was truncated.");
length = sizeof(loc_sock_path)-1;
// Unlink before bind, in case it already exists
if ( sizeof(loc_addr.sun_path) < length ) {
Error("Not enough space %zu in loc_addr.sun_path for socket file %s", sizeof(loc_addr.sun_path), loc_sock_path);
strncpy(loc_addr.sun_path, loc_sock_path, sizeof(loc_addr.sun_path));
loc_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
Debug(3, "Binding to %s", loc_sock_path);
if ( ::bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&loc_addr, strlen(loc_addr.sun_path)+sizeof(loc_addr.sun_family)+1) < 0 ) {
Fatal("Can't bind: %s", strerror(errno));
snprintf(rem_sock_path, sizeof(rem_sock_path), "%s/zms-%06dw.sock", staticConfig.PATH_SOCKS.c_str(), connkey);
strncpy(rem_addr.sun_path, rem_sock_path, sizeof(rem_addr.sun_path));
rem_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
struct timeval tv{1,0}; /* 1 Secs Timeout */
setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,(struct timeval *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval));
last_comm_update = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
Debug(3, "comms open at %s", loc_sock_path);
} // end if connKey > 0
} // end void StreamBase::openComms()
void StreamBase::closeComms() {
if ( connkey > 0 ) {
if ( sd >= 0 ) {
sd = -1;
// Can't delete any files because another zms might have come along and opened them and is waiting on the lock.
if ( lock_fd > 0 ) {
close(lock_fd); //close it rather than unlock it incase it got deleted.
} // end void StreamBase::closeComms
void StreamBase::reserveTempImgBuffer(size_t size)
if (temp_img_buffer_size < size) {
Debug(1, "Resizing image buffer from %zu to %zu", temp_img_buffer_size, size);
delete[] temp_img_buffer;
temp_img_buffer = new uint8_t[size];
temp_img_buffer_size = size;