
256 lines
8.5 KiB

namespace ZM;
class Group extends ZM_Object {
protected static $table = 'Groups';
protected static $permissions = array();
protected $defaults = array(
'Id' => null,
'Name' => array('type'=>'text','filter_regexp'=>'/[^\w\-\.\(\)\:\/ ]/', 'default'=>'Group'),
'ParentId' => null,
protected static $monitor_ids_cache = array();
public static function find( $parameters = array(), $options = array() ) {
return ZM_Object::_find(get_class(), $parameters, $options);
public static function find_one( $parameters = array(), $options = array() ) {
return ZM_Object::_find_one(get_class(), $parameters, $options);
public function delete() {
if ( property_exists($this, 'Id') ) {
dbQuery('DELETE FROM `Groups_Monitors` WHERE `GroupId`=?', array($this->{'Id'}));
dbQuery('UPDATE `Groups` SET `ParentId`=NULL WHERE `ParentId`=?', array($this->{'Id'}));
dbQuery('DELETE FROM `Groups` WHERE Id=?', array($this->{'Id'}));
if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmGroup']) ) {
if ( $this->{'Id'} == $_COOKIE['zmGroup'] ) {
zm_setcookie('zmGroup', '');
} # end function delete()
public function depth( $new = null ) {
if ( isset($new) ) {
$this->{'depth'} = $new;
if ( !property_exists($this, 'depth') or ($this->{'depth'} === null) ) {
$this->{'depth'} = 0;
if ( $this->{'ParentId'} != null ) {
$Parent = Group::find_one(array('Id'=>$this->{'ParentId'}));
$this->{'depth'} += $Parent->depth()+1;
return $this->{'depth'};
} // end public function depth
public function MonitorIds( ) {
if ( ! property_exists($this, 'MonitorIds') ) {
if (!isset($monitor_ids_cache[$this->{'Id'}])) {
$monitor_ids_cache[$this->{'Id'}] = dbFetchAll('SELECT `MonitorId` FROM `Groups_Monitors` WHERE `GroupId`=?', 'MonitorId', array($this->{'Id'}));
$this->{'MonitorIds'} = &$monitor_ids_cache[$this->{'Id'}];
return $this->{'MonitorIds'};
public static function get_group_dropdown( ) {
$selected_group_id = 0;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['groups']) ) {
$selected_group_id = $group_id = $_SESSION['groups'] = $_REQUEST['groups'];
} else if ( isset( $_SESSION['groups'] ) ) {
$selected_group_id = $group_id = $_SESSION['groups'];
} else if ( isset($_REQUEST['filtering']) ) {
return htmlSelect('GroupId[]', Group::get_dropdown_options(), isset($_SESSION['GroupId'])?$_SESSION['GroupId']:null, array(
'data-on-change' => 'submitThisForm',
) );
} # end public static function get_group_dropdown
public static function get_dropdown_options() {
$Groups = array();
foreach ( Group::find(array(), array('order'=>'lower(Name)')) as $Group ) {
if ($Group->canView()) $Groups[$Group->Id()] = $Group;
# This array is indexed by parent_id
global $children;
$children = array();
foreach ( $Groups as $id=>$Group ) {
if ( $Group->ParentId() != null ) {
if ( ! isset( $children[$Group->ParentId()] ) )
$children[$Group->ParentId()] = array();
$children[$Group->ParentId()][] = $Group;
} # end foreach
function get_options($Group) {
global $children;
$options = array($Group->Id() => str_repeat('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $Group->depth()) . $Group->Name());
if ( isset($children[$Group->Id()]) ) {
foreach ( $children[$Group->Id()] as $child ) {
$options += get_options($child);
return $options;
} # end function get_options
$group_options = array();
foreach ( $Groups as $id=>$Group ) {
if ( ! $Group->ParentId() ) {
$group_options += get_options($Group);
return $group_options;
} # end function get_dropdown_options
public static function get_group_sql($group_id) {
$groupSql = '';
if ( $group_id ) {
if ( is_array($group_id) ) {
$group_id_sql_part = ' IN ('.implode(',', array_map(function(){return '?';}, $group_id ) ).')';
$MonitorIds = dbFetchAll('SELECT `MonitorId` FROM `Groups_Monitors` WHERE `GroupId`'.$group_id_sql_part, 'MonitorId', $group_id);
$MonitorIds = array_merge($MonitorIds, dbFetchAll('SELECT `MonitorId` FROM `Groups_Monitors` WHERE `GroupId` IN (SELECT `Id` FROM `Groups` WHERE `ParentId`'.$group_id_sql_part.')', 'MonitorId', $group_id));
} else {
$MonitorIds = dbFetchAll('SELECT `MonitorId` FROM `Groups_Monitors` WHERE `GroupId`=?', 'MonitorId', array($group_id));
$MonitorIds = array_merge($MonitorIds, dbFetchAll('SELECT `MonitorId` FROM `Groups_Monitors` WHERE `GroupId` IN (SELECT `Id` FROM `Groups` WHERE `ParentId` = ?)', 'MonitorId', array($group_id)));
$groupSql = " find_in_set( M.Id, '".implode(',', $MonitorIds)."' )";
return $groupSql;
} # end public static function get_group_sql( $group_id )
public static function get_monitors_dropdown($options = null) {
$monitor_id = 0;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['monitor_id']) ) {
$monitor_id = $_REQUEST['monitor_id'];
} else if ( isset($_COOKIE['zmMonitorId']) ) {
$monitor_id = $_COOKIE['zmMonitorId'];
$sql = 'SELECT `Id`,`Name` FROM `Monitors`';
if ( $options ) {
$sql .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', array(
'`Deleted` != 1',
( isset($options['groupSql']) ? $options['groupSql']:'')
) ).' ORDER BY `Sequence` ASC';
$monitors_dropdown = array(''=>'All');
foreach ( dbFetchAll($sql) as $monitor ) {
if ( !visibleMonitor($monitor['Id']) ) {
$monitors_dropdown[$monitor['Id']] = $monitor['Name'];
echo htmlSelect('monitor_id', $monitors_dropdown, $monitor_id, array('data-on-change-this'=>'changeMonitor'));
return $monitor_id;
public function Parent( ) {
if ( $this->{'ParentId'} ) {
return Group::find_one(array('Id'=>$this->{'ParentId'}));
return null;
public function Parents() {
$Parents = array();
$Parent = $this->Parent();
$seen_parents = array();
while ($Parent) {
$seen_parents[$Parent->Id()] = $Parent;
array_unshift($Parents, $Parent);
$Parent = $Parent->Parent();
if ($Parent and isset($seen_parents[$Parent->Id()])) {
Warning("Detected hierarchy loop in group {$Parent->Name()}");
return $Parents;
public function Children() {
if (!property_exists($this, 'Children')) {
$this->{'Children'} = Group::find(array('ParentId'=>$this->Id()));
return $this->{'Children'};
public function Monitors() {
if (!property_exists($this, 'Monitors') ) {
$monitor_ids = $this->MonitorIds();
if (count($monitor_ids)) {
$this->{'Monitors'} = Monitor::find(array('Id'=>$monitor_ids, 'Deleted'=>0));
} else {
$this->{'Monitors'} = array();
return $this->{'Monitors'};
public function canView($u=null) {
global $user;
if (!$u) $u = $user;
if (!count($this->Monitors()) and !count($this->Children())) {
return true;
# Can view if we can view any of the monitors in it.
foreach ($this->Monitors() as $monitor) {
if ($monitor->canView($u)) return true;
foreach ($this->Children() as $child) {
if ($child->canView($u)) return true;
return false;
public function Permissions($new=null) {
if ($new) {
$this->{'Permissions'} = $new;
if (!property_exists($this, 'Permissions') or $this->{'Permissions'}==null) {
$this->{'Permissions'} = array();
if ($this->Id()) {
foreach (Group_Permission::find(array('GroupId'=>$this->Id())) as $p) {
$this->{'Permissions'}[$p->UserId()] = $p;
return $this->{'Permissions'};
public function Group_Permission($user_id) {
$permissions = $this->Permissions();
if (isset($permissions[$user_id])) {
return $permissions[$user_id];
$permission = new Group_Permission();
return $permission;;
public function permission($user_id) {
$permission = $this->Group_Permission($user_id);
return $permission ? $permission->Permission() : 'Inherit';
} # end class Group