1036 lines
31 KiB
1036 lines
31 KiB
// ZoneMinder Zone Class Implementation, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "zm.h"
#include "zm_db.h"
#include "zm_zone.h"
#include "zm_image.h"
#include "zm_monitor.h"
void Zone::Setup( Monitor *p_monitor, int p_id, const char *p_label, ZoneType p_type, const Polygon &p_polygon, const Rgb p_alarm_rgb, CheckMethod p_check_method, int p_min_pixel_threshold, int p_max_pixel_threshold, int p_min_alarm_pixels, int p_max_alarm_pixels, const Coord &p_filter_box, int p_min_filter_pixels, int p_max_filter_pixels, int p_min_blob_pixels, int p_max_blob_pixels, int p_min_blobs, int p_max_blobs, int p_overload_frames )
monitor = p_monitor;
id = p_id;
label = new char[strlen(p_label)+1];
strcpy( label, p_label );
type = p_type;
polygon = p_polygon;
alarm_rgb = p_alarm_rgb;
check_method = p_check_method;
min_pixel_threshold = p_min_pixel_threshold;
max_pixel_threshold = p_max_pixel_threshold;
min_alarm_pixels = p_min_alarm_pixels;
max_alarm_pixels = p_max_alarm_pixels;
filter_box = p_filter_box;
min_filter_pixels = p_min_filter_pixels;
max_filter_pixels = p_max_filter_pixels;
min_blob_pixels = p_min_blob_pixels;
max_blob_pixels = p_max_blob_pixels;
min_blobs = p_min_blobs;
max_blobs = p_max_blobs;
overload_frames = p_overload_frames;
Debug( 1, "Initialised zone %d/%s - %d - %dx%d - Rgb:%06x, CM:%d, MnAT:%d, MxAT:%d, MnAP:%d, MxAP:%d, FB:%dx%d, MnFP:%d, MxFP:%d, MnBS:%d, MxBS:%d, MnB:%d, MxB:%d, OF: %d", id, label, type, polygon.Width(), polygon.Height(), alarm_rgb, check_method, min_pixel_threshold, max_pixel_threshold, min_alarm_pixels, max_alarm_pixels, filter_box.X(), filter_box.Y(), min_filter_pixels, max_filter_pixels, min_blob_pixels, max_blob_pixels, min_blobs, max_blobs, overload_frames );
alarmed = false;
pixel_diff = 0;
alarm_pixels = 0;
alarm_filter_pixels = 0;
alarm_blob_pixels = 0;
alarm_blobs = 0;
min_blob_size = 0;
max_blob_size = 0;
image = 0;
score = 0;
overload_count = 0;
pg_image = new Image( monitor->Width(), monitor->Height(), 1, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_NONE);
pg_image->Fill( 0xff, polygon );
pg_image->Outline( 0xff, polygon );
ranges = new Range[monitor->Height()];
for ( int y = 0; y < monitor->Height(); y++)
ranges[y].lo_x = -1;
ranges[y].hi_x = -1;
ranges[y].off_x = 0;
const uint8_t *ppoly = pg_image->Buffer( 0, y );
for ( int x = 0; x < monitor->Width(); x++, ppoly++ )
if ( *ppoly )
if ( ranges[y].lo_x == -1 )
ranges[y].lo_x = x;
if ( ranges[y].hi_x < x )
ranges[y].hi_x = x;
if ( config.record_diag_images )
static char diag_path[PATH_MAX] = "";
if ( !diag_path[0] )
snprintf( diag_path, sizeof(diag_path), "%s/%s/diag-%d-poly.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Name(), id);
pg_image->WriteJpeg( diag_path );
delete[] label;
delete image;
delete pg_image;
delete[] ranges;
void Zone::RecordStats( const Event *event )
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "insert into Stats set MonitorId=%d, ZoneId=%d, EventId=%d, FrameId=%d, PixelDiff=%d, AlarmPixels=%d, FilterPixels=%d, BlobPixels=%d, Blobs=%d, MinBlobSize=%d, MaxBlobSize=%d, MinX=%d, MinY=%d, MaxX=%d, MaxY=%d, Score=%d", monitor->Id(), id, event->Id(), event->Frames()+1, pixel_diff, alarm_pixels, alarm_filter_pixels, alarm_blob_pixels, alarm_blobs, min_blob_size, max_blob_size, alarm_box.LoX(), alarm_box.LoY(), alarm_box.HiX(), alarm_box.HiY(), score );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error( "Can't insert event stats: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
bool Zone::CheckAlarms( const Image *delta_image )
bool alarm = false;
if ( overload_count )
Info( "In overload mode, %d frames of %d remaining", overload_count, overload_frames );
Debug( 4, "In overload mode, %d frames of %d remaining", overload_count, overload_frames );
return( false );
delete image;
// Get the difference image
Image *diff_image = image = new Image( *delta_image );
int diff_width = diff_image->Width();
uint8_t* diff_buff = (uint8_t*)diff_image->Buffer();
uint8_t* pdiff;
const uint8_t* ppoly;
unsigned int pixel_diff_count = 0;
int alarm_lo_x = 0;
int alarm_hi_x = 0;
int alarm_lo_y = 0;
int alarm_hi_y = 0;
int alarm_mid_x = -1;
int alarm_mid_y = -1;
unsigned int lo_y = polygon.LoY();
unsigned int lo_x = polygon.LoX();
unsigned int hi_x = polygon.HiX();
unsigned int hi_y = polygon.HiY();
Debug( 4, "Checking alarms for zone %d/%s in lines %d -> %d", id, label, lo_y, hi_y );
Debug( 5, "Checking for alarmed pixels" );
/* if(config.cpu_extensions && sseversion >= 20) {
sse2_alarmedpixels(diff_image, pg_image, &alarm_pixels, &pixel_diff_count);
} else {
std_alarmedpixels(diff_image, pg_image, &alarm_pixels, &pixel_diff_count);
} */
std_alarmedpixels(diff_image, pg_image, &alarm_pixels, &pixel_diff_count);
if ( config.record_diag_images )
static char diag_path[PATH_MAX] = "";
if ( !diag_path[0] )
snprintf( diag_path, sizeof(diag_path), "%s/%s/diag-%d-%d.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Name(), id, 1 );
diff_image->WriteJpeg( diag_path );
if ( pixel_diff_count && alarm_pixels )
pixel_diff = pixel_diff_count/alarm_pixels;
Debug( 5, "Got %d alarmed pixels, need %d -> %d, avg pixel diff %d", alarm_pixels, min_alarm_pixels, max_alarm_pixels, pixel_diff );
if( alarm_pixels ) {
if( min_alarm_pixels && (alarm_pixels < min_alarm_pixels) ) {
/* Not enough pixels alarmed */
return (false);
} else if( max_alarm_pixels && (alarm_pixels > max_alarm_pixels) ) {
/* Too many pixels alarmed */
overload_count = overload_frames;
return (false);
} else {
/* No alarmed pixels */
return (false);
score = (100*alarm_pixels)/polygon.Area();
if(score < 1)
score = 1; /* Fix for score of 0 when frame meets thresholds but alarmed area is not big enough */
Debug( 5, "Current score is %d", score );
if ( check_method >= FILTERED_PIXELS )
int bx = filter_box.X();
int by = filter_box.Y();
int bx1 = bx-1;
int by1 = by-1;
Debug( 5, "Checking for filtered pixels" );
if ( bx > 1 || by > 1 )
// Now remove any pixels smaller than our filter size
unsigned char *cpdiff;
int ldx, hdx, ldy, hdy;
bool block;
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
int lo_x = ranges[y].lo_x;
int hi_x = ranges[y].hi_x;
pdiff = (uint8_t*)diff_image->Buffer( lo_x, y );
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, pdiff++ )
if ( *pdiff == WHITE )
// Check participation in an X block
ldx = (x>=(lo_x+bx1))?-bx1:lo_x-x;
hdx = (x<=(hi_x-bx1))?0:((hi_x-x)-bx1);
ldy = (y>=(lo_y+by1))?-by1:lo_y-y;
hdy = (y<=(hi_y-by1))?0:((hi_y-y)-by1);
block = false;
for ( int dy = ldy; !block && dy <= hdy; dy++ )
for ( int dx = ldx; !block && dx <= hdx; dx++ )
block = true;
for ( int dy2 = 0; block && dy2 < by; dy2++ )
for ( int dx2 = 0; block && dx2 < bx; dx2++ )
cpdiff = diff_buff + (((y+dy+dy2)*diff_width) + (x+dx+dx2));
if ( !*cpdiff )
block = false;
if ( !block )
*pdiff = BLACK;
alarm_filter_pixels = alarm_pixels;
if ( config.record_diag_images )
static char diag_path[PATH_MAX] = "";
if ( !diag_path[0] )
snprintf( diag_path, sizeof(diag_path), "%s/%d/diag-%d-%d.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Id(), id, 2 );
diff_image->WriteJpeg( diag_path );
Debug( 5, "Got %d filtered pixels, need %d -> %d", alarm_filter_pixels, min_filter_pixels, max_filter_pixels );
if( alarm_filter_pixels ) {
if( min_filter_pixels && (alarm_filter_pixels < min_filter_pixels) ) {
/* Not enough pixels alarmed */
return (false);
} else if( max_filter_pixels && (alarm_filter_pixels > max_filter_pixels) ) {
/* Too many pixels alarmed */
overload_count = overload_frames;
return (false);
} else {
/* No filtered pixels */
return (false);
score = (100*alarm_filter_pixels)/(polygon.Area());
if(score < 1)
score = 1; /* Fix for score of 0 when frame meets thresholds but alarmed area is not big enough */
Debug( 5, "Current score is %d", score );
if ( check_method >= BLOBS )
Debug( 5, "Checking for blob pixels" );
typedef struct { unsigned char tag; int count; int lo_x; int hi_x; int lo_y; int hi_y; } BlobStats;
BlobStats blob_stats[256];
memset( blob_stats, 0, sizeof(BlobStats)*256 );
uint8_t *spdiff;
uint8_t last_x, last_y;
BlobStats *bsx, *bsy;
BlobStats *bsm, *bss;
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
int lo_x = ranges[y].lo_x;
int hi_x = ranges[y].hi_x;
pdiff = (uint8_t*)diff_image->Buffer( lo_x, y );
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, pdiff++ )
if ( *pdiff == WHITE )
Debug( 9, "Got white pixel at %d,%d (%p)", x, y, pdiff );
//last_x = (x>lo_x)?*(pdiff-1):0;
//last_y = (y>lo_y&&x>=last_lo_x&&x<=last_hi_x)?*(pdiff-diff_width):0;
last_x = 0;
if(x > 0) {
if((x-1) >= lo_x) {
last_x = *(pdiff-1);
last_y = 0;
if(y > 0) {
if((y-1) >= lo_y && ranges[(y-1)].lo_x <= x && ranges[(y-1)].hi_x >= x) {
last_y = *(pdiff-diff_width);
if ( last_x )
Debug( 9, "Left neighbour is %d", last_x );
bsx = &blob_stats[last_x];
if ( last_y )
Debug( 9, "Top neighbour is %d", last_y );
bsy = &blob_stats[last_y];
if ( last_x == last_y )
Debug( 9, "Matching neighbours, setting to %d", last_x );
// Add to the blob from the x side (either side really)
*pdiff = last_x;
if ( x > bsx->hi_x ) bsx->hi_x = x;
if ( y > bsx->hi_y ) bsx->hi_y = y;
// Aggregate blobs
bsm = bsx->count>=bsy->count?bsx:bsy;
bss = bsm==bsx?bsy:bsx;
Debug( 9, "Different neighbours, setting pixels of %d to %d", bss->tag, bsm->tag );
Debug( 9, "Master blob t:%d, c:%d, lx:%d, hx:%d, ly:%d, hy:%d", bsm->tag, bsm->count, bsm->lo_x, bsm->hi_x, bsm->lo_y, bsm->hi_y );
Debug( 9, "Slave blob t:%d, c:%d, lx:%d, hx:%d, ly:%d, hy:%d", bss->tag, bss->count, bss->lo_x, bss->hi_x, bss->lo_y, bss->hi_y );
// Now change all those pixels to the other setting
int changed = 0;
for ( int sy = bss->lo_y; sy <= bss->hi_y; sy++)
int lo_sx = bss->lo_x>=ranges[sy].lo_x?bss->lo_x:ranges[sy].lo_x;
int hi_sx = bss->hi_x<=ranges[sy].hi_x?bss->hi_x:ranges[sy].hi_x;
Debug( 9, "Changing %d, %d->%d", sy, lo_sx, hi_sx );
Debug( 9, "Range %d, %d->%d", sy, ranges[sy].lo_x, ranges[sy].hi_x );
spdiff = diff_buff + ((diff_width * sy) + lo_sx);
for ( int sx = lo_sx; sx <= hi_sx; sx++, spdiff++ )
Debug( 9, "Pixel at %d,%d (%p) is %d", sx, sy, spdiff, *spdiff );
if ( *spdiff == bss->tag )
Debug( 9, "Setting pixel" );
*spdiff = bsm->tag;
*pdiff = bsm->tag;
if ( !changed )
Info( "Master blob t:%d, c:%d, lx:%d, hx:%d, ly:%d, hy:%d", bsm->tag, bsm->count, bsm->lo_x, bsm->hi_x, bsm->lo_y, bsm->hi_y );
Info( "Slave blob t:%d, c:%d, lx:%d, hx:%d, ly:%d, hy:%d", bss->tag, bss->count, bss->lo_x, bss->hi_x, bss->lo_y, bss->hi_y );
Error( "No pixels changed, exiting" );
exit( -1 );
// Merge the slave blob into the master
bsm->count += bss->count+1;
if ( x > bsm->hi_x ) bsm->hi_x = x;
if ( y > bsm->hi_y ) bsm->hi_y = y;
if ( bss->lo_x < bsm->lo_x ) bsm->lo_x = bss->lo_x;
if ( bss->lo_y < bsm->lo_y ) bsm->lo_y = bss->lo_y;
if ( bss->hi_x > bsm->hi_x ) bsm->hi_x = bss->hi_x;
if ( bss->hi_y > bsm->hi_y ) bsm->hi_y = bss->hi_y;
Debug( 6, "Merging blob %d with %d at %d,%d, %d current blobs", bss->tag, bsm->tag, x, y, alarm_blobs );
// Clear out the old blob
bss->tag = 0;
bss->count = 0;
bss->lo_x = 0;
bss->lo_y = 0;
bss->hi_x = 0;
bss->hi_y = 0;
Debug( 9, "Setting to left neighbour %d", last_x );
// Add to the blob from the x side
*pdiff = last_x;
if ( x > bsx->hi_x ) bsx->hi_x = x;
if ( y > bsx->hi_y ) bsx->hi_y = y;
if ( last_y )
Debug( 9, "Top neighbour is %d", last_y );
Debug( 9, "Setting to top neighbour %d", last_y );
// Add to the blob from the y side
BlobStats *bsy = &blob_stats[last_y];
*pdiff = last_y;
if ( x > bsy->hi_x ) bsy->hi_x = x;
if ( y > bsy->hi_y ) bsy->hi_y = y;
// Create a new blob
int i;
for ( i = (WHITE-1); i > 0; i-- )
BlobStats *bs = &blob_stats[i];
// See if we can recycle one first, only if it's at least two rows up
if ( bs->count && bs->hi_y < (y-1) )
if ( (min_blob_pixels && bs->count < min_blob_pixels) || (max_blob_pixels && bs->count > max_blob_pixels) )
if ( config.create_analysis_images || config.record_diag_images )
for ( int sy = bs->lo_y; sy <= bs->hi_y; sy++ )
spdiff = diff_buff + ((diff_width * sy) + bs->lo_x);
for ( int sx = bs->lo_x; sx <= bs->hi_x; sx++, spdiff++ )
if ( *spdiff == bs->tag )
*spdiff = BLACK;
alarm_blob_pixels -= bs->count;
Debug( 6, "Eliminated blob %d, %d pixels (%d,%d - %d,%d), %d current blobs", i, bs->count, bs->lo_x, bs->lo_y, bs->hi_x, bs->hi_y, alarm_blobs );
bs->tag = 0;
bs->count = 0;
bs->lo_x = 0;
bs->lo_y = 0;
bs->hi_x = 0;
bs->hi_y = 0;
if ( !bs->count )
Debug( 9, "Creating new blob %d", i );
*pdiff = i;
bs->tag = i;
bs->lo_x = bs->hi_x = x;
bs->lo_y = bs->hi_y = y;
Debug( 6, "Created blob %d at %d,%d, %d current blobs", bs->tag, x, y, alarm_blobs );
if ( i == 0 )
Warning( "Max blob count reached. Unable to allocate new blobs so terminating. Zone settings may be too sensitive." );
x = hi_x+1;
y = hi_y+1;
if ( config.record_diag_images )
static char diag_path[PATH_MAX] = "";
if ( !diag_path[0] )
snprintf( diag_path, sizeof(diag_path), "%s/%d/diag-%d-%d.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Id(), id, 3 );
diff_image->WriteJpeg( diag_path );
if ( !alarm_blobs )
return( false );
Debug( 5, "Got %d raw blob pixels, %d raw blobs, need %d -> %d, %d -> %d", alarm_blob_pixels, alarm_blobs, min_blob_pixels, max_blob_pixels, min_blobs, max_blobs );
// Now eliminate blobs under the threshold
for ( int i = 1; i < WHITE; i++ )
BlobStats *bs = &blob_stats[i];
if ( bs->count )
if ( (min_blob_pixels && bs->count < min_blob_pixels) || (max_blob_pixels && bs->count > max_blob_pixels) )
if ( config.create_analysis_images || config.record_diag_images )
for ( int sy = bs->lo_y; sy <= bs->hi_y; sy++ )
spdiff = diff_buff + ((diff_width * sy) + bs->lo_x);
for ( int sx = bs->lo_x; sx <= bs->hi_x; sx++, spdiff++ )
if ( *spdiff == bs->tag )
*spdiff = BLACK;
alarm_blob_pixels -= bs->count;
Debug( 6, "Eliminated blob %d, %d pixels (%d,%d - %d,%d), %d current blobs", i, bs->count, bs->lo_x, bs->lo_y, bs->hi_x, bs->hi_y, alarm_blobs );
bs->tag = 0;
bs->count = 0;
bs->lo_x = 0;
bs->lo_y = 0;
bs->hi_x = 0;
bs->hi_y = 0;
Debug( 6, "Preserved blob %d, %d pixels (%d,%d - %d,%d), %d current blobs", i, bs->count, bs->lo_x, bs->lo_y, bs->hi_x, bs->hi_y, alarm_blobs );
if ( !min_blob_size || bs->count < min_blob_size ) min_blob_size = bs->count;
if ( !max_blob_size || bs->count > max_blob_size ) max_blob_size = bs->count;
if ( config.record_diag_images )
static char diag_path[PATH_MAX] = "";
if ( !diag_path[0] )
snprintf( diag_path, sizeof(diag_path), "%s/%d/diag-%d-%d.jpg", config.dir_events, monitor->Id(), id, 4 );
diff_image->WriteJpeg( diag_path );
Debug( 5, "Got %d blob pixels, %d blobs, need %d -> %d, %d -> %d", alarm_blob_pixels, alarm_blobs, min_blob_pixels, max_blob_pixels, min_blobs, max_blobs );
if( alarm_blobs ) {
if( min_blobs && (alarm_blobs < min_blobs) ) {
/* Not enough pixels alarmed */
return (false);
} else if(max_blobs && (alarm_blobs > max_blobs) ) {
/* Too many pixels alarmed */
overload_count = overload_frames;
return (false);
} else {
/* No blobs */
return (false);
score = (100*alarm_blob_pixels)/(polygon.Area());
if(score < 1)
score = 1; /* Fix for score of 0 when frame meets thresholds but alarmed area is not big enough */
Debug( 5, "Current score is %d", score );
alarm_lo_x = polygon.HiX()+1;
alarm_hi_x = polygon.LoX()-1;
alarm_lo_y = polygon.HiY()+1;
alarm_hi_y = polygon.LoY()-1;
for ( int i = 1; i < WHITE; i++ )
BlobStats *bs = &blob_stats[i];
if ( bs->count )
if ( bs->count == max_blob_size )
if ( config.weighted_alarm_centres )
unsigned long x_total = 0;
unsigned long y_total = 0;
for ( int sy = bs->lo_y; sy <= bs->hi_y; sy++ )
spdiff = diff_buff + ((diff_width * sy) + bs->lo_x);
for ( int sx = bs->lo_x; sx <= bs->hi_x; sx++, spdiff++ )
if ( *spdiff == bs->tag )
x_total += sx;
y_total += sy;
alarm_mid_x = int(round(x_total/bs->count));
alarm_mid_y = int(round(y_total/bs->count));
alarm_mid_x = int((bs->hi_x+bs->lo_x+1)/2);
alarm_mid_y = int((bs->hi_y+bs->lo_y+1)/2);
if ( alarm_lo_x > bs->lo_x ) alarm_lo_x = bs->lo_x;
if ( alarm_lo_y > bs->lo_y ) alarm_lo_y = bs->lo_y;
if ( alarm_hi_x < bs->hi_x ) alarm_hi_x = bs->hi_x;
if ( alarm_hi_y < bs->hi_y ) alarm_hi_y = bs->hi_y;
alarm_mid_x = int((alarm_hi_x+alarm_lo_x+1)/2);
alarm_mid_y = int((alarm_hi_y+alarm_lo_y+1)/2);
if ( type == INCLUSIVE )
// score >>= 1;
score /= 2;
else if ( type == EXCLUSIVE )
// score <<= 1;
score *= 2;
Debug( 5, "Adjusted score is %d", score );
// Now outline the changed region
if ( score )
alarm = true;
alarm_box = Box( Coord( alarm_lo_x, alarm_lo_y ), Coord( alarm_hi_x, alarm_hi_y ) );
//if ( monitor->followMotion() )
if ( true )
alarm_centre = Coord( alarm_mid_x, alarm_mid_y );
alarm_centre = alarm_box.Centre();
if ( (type < PRECLUSIVE) && check_method >= BLOBS && config.create_analysis_images )
// First mask out anything we don't want
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
pdiff = diff_buff + ((diff_width * y) + lo_x);
int lo_x2 = ranges[y].lo_x;
int hi_x2 = ranges[y].hi_x;
int lo_gap = lo_x2-lo_x;
if ( lo_gap > 0 )
if ( lo_gap == 1 )
*pdiff++ = BLACK;
memset( pdiff, BLACK, lo_gap );
pdiff += lo_gap;
ppoly = pg_image->Buffer( lo_x2, y );
for ( int x = lo_x2; x <= hi_x2; x++, pdiff++, ppoly++ )
if ( !*ppoly )
*pdiff = BLACK;
int hi_gap = hi_x-hi_x2;
if ( hi_gap > 0 )
if ( hi_gap == 1 )
*pdiff = BLACK;
memset( pdiff, BLACK, hi_gap );
if( monitor->Colours() == ZM_COLOUR_GRAY8 ) {
image = diff_image->HighlightEdges( alarm_rgb, ZM_COLOUR_RGB24, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_RGB, &polygon.Extent() );
} else {
image = diff_image->HighlightEdges( alarm_rgb, monitor->Colours(), monitor->SubpixelOrder(), &polygon.Extent() );
// Only need to delete this when 'image' becomes detached and points somewhere else
delete diff_image;
delete image;
image = 0;
Debug( 1, "%s: Pixel Diff: %d, Alarm Pixels: %d, Filter Pixels: %d, Blob Pixels: %d, Blobs: %d, Score: %d", Label(), pixel_diff, alarm_pixels, alarm_filter_pixels, alarm_blob_pixels, alarm_blobs, score );
return( true );
bool Zone::ParsePolygonString( const char *poly_string, Polygon &polygon )
Debug( 3, "Parsing polygon string '%s'", poly_string );
char *str_ptr = new char[strlen(poly_string)+1];
char *str = str_ptr;
strcpy( str, poly_string );
char *ws;
int n_coords = 0;
int max_n_coords = strlen(str)/4;
Coord *coords = new Coord[max_n_coords];
while( true )
if ( *str == '\0' )
ws = strchr( str, ' ' );
if ( ws )
*ws = '\0';
char *cp = strchr( str, ',' );
if ( !cp )
Error( "Bogus coordinate %s found in polygon string", str );
delete[] coords;
delete[] str_ptr;
return( false );
*cp = '\0';
char *xp = str;
char *yp = cp+1;
int x = atoi(xp);
int y = atoi(yp);
Debug( 3, "Got coordinate %d,%d from polygon string", x, y );
#if 0
if ( x < 0 )
x = 0;
else if ( x >= width )
x = width-1;
if ( y < 0 )
y = 0;
else if ( y >= height )
y = height-1;
coords[n_coords++] = Coord( x, y );
if ( ws )
str = ws+1;
polygon = Polygon( n_coords, coords );
Debug( 3, "Successfully parsed polygon string" );
//printf( "Area: %d\n", pg.Area() );
//printf( "Centre: %d,%d\n", pg.Centre().X(), pg.Centre().Y() );
delete[] coords;
delete[] str_ptr;
return( true );
bool Zone::ParseZoneString( const char *zone_string, int &zone_id, int &colour, Polygon &polygon )
Debug( 3, "Parsing zone string '%s'", zone_string );
char *str_ptr = new char[strlen(zone_string)+1];
char *str = str_ptr;
strcpy( str, zone_string );
char *ws = strchr( str, ' ' );
if ( !ws )
Debug( 3, "No initial whitespace found in zone string '%s', finishing", str );
zone_id = strtol( str, 0, 10 );
Debug( 3, "Got zone %d from zone string", zone_id );
if ( !ws )
delete str_ptr;
return( true );
*ws = '\0';
str = ws+1;
ws = strchr( str, ' ' );
if ( !ws )
Debug( 3, "No secondary whitespace found in zone string '%s', finishing", zone_string );
colour = strtol( str, 0, 16 );
Debug( 3, "Got colour %06x from zone string", colour );
if ( !ws )
delete str_ptr;
return( true );
*ws = '\0';
str = ws+1;
bool result = ParsePolygonString( str, polygon );
//printf( "Area: %d\n", pg.Area() );
//printf( "Centre: %d,%d\n", pg.Centre().X(), pg.Centre().Y() );
delete[] str_ptr;
return( result );
int Zone::Load( Monitor *monitor, Zone **&zones )
static char sql[ZM_SQL_MED_BUFSIZ];
snprintf( sql, sizeof(sql), "select Id,Name,Type+0,Units,NumCoords,Coords,AlarmRGB,CheckMethod+0,MinPixelThreshold,MaxPixelThreshold,MinAlarmPixels,MaxAlarmPixels,FilterX,FilterY,MinFilterPixels,MaxFilterPixels,MinBlobPixels,MaxBlobPixels,MinBlobs,MaxBlobs,OverloadFrames from Zones where MonitorId = %d order by Type, Id", monitor->Id() );
if ( mysql_query( &dbconn, sql ) )
Error( "Can't run query: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result( &dbconn );
if ( !result )
Error( "Can't use query result: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
int n_zones = mysql_num_rows( result );
Debug( 1, "Got %d zones for monitor %s", n_zones, monitor->Name() );
delete[] zones;
zones = new Zone *[n_zones];
for( int i = 0; MYSQL_ROW dbrow = mysql_fetch_row( result ); i++ )
int col = 0;
int Id = atoi(dbrow[col++]);
const char *Name = dbrow[col++];
int Type = atoi(dbrow[col++]);
const char *Units = dbrow[col++];
/* int NumCoords = */ atoi(dbrow[col++]);
const char *Coords = dbrow[col++];
int AlarmRGB = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int CheckMethod = atoi(dbrow[col++]);
int MinPixelThreshold = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MaxPixelThreshold = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MinAlarmPixels = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MaxAlarmPixels = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int FilterX = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int FilterY = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MinFilterPixels = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MaxFilterPixels = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MinBlobPixels = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MaxBlobPixels = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MinBlobs = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int MaxBlobs = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
int OverloadFrames = dbrow[col]?atoi(dbrow[col]):0; col++;
/* HTML colour code is actually BGR in memory, we want RGB */
AlarmRGB = rgb_convert(AlarmRGB, ZM_SUBPIX_ORDER_BGR);
Debug( 5, "Parsing polygon %s", Coords );
Polygon polygon;
if ( !ParsePolygonString( Coords, polygon ) )
Panic( "Unable to parse polygon string '%s' for zone %d/%s for monitor %s", Coords, Id, Name, monitor->Name() );
if ( polygon.LoX() < 0 || polygon.HiX() >= monitor->Width() || polygon.LoY() < 0 || polygon.HiY() >= monitor->Height() )
Panic( "Zone %d/%s for monitor %s extends outside of image dimensions, %d, %d, %d, %d", Id, Name, monitor->Name(), polygon.LoX(), polygon.LoY(), polygon.HiX(), polygon.HiY() );
if ( false && !strcmp( Units, "Percent" ) )
MinAlarmPixels = (MinAlarmPixels*polygon.Area())/100;
MaxAlarmPixels = (MaxAlarmPixels*polygon.Area())/100;
MinFilterPixels = (MinFilterPixels*polygon.Area())/100;
MaxFilterPixels = (MaxFilterPixels*polygon.Area())/100;
MinBlobPixels = (MinBlobPixels*polygon.Area())/100;
MaxBlobPixels = (MaxBlobPixels*polygon.Area())/100;
if ( atoi(dbrow[2]) == Zone::INACTIVE )
zones[i] = new Zone( monitor, Id, Name, polygon );
zones[i] = new Zone( monitor, Id, Name, (Zone::ZoneType)Type, polygon, AlarmRGB, (Zone::CheckMethod)CheckMethod, MinPixelThreshold, MaxPixelThreshold, MinAlarmPixels, MaxAlarmPixels, Coord( FilterX, FilterY ), MinFilterPixels, MaxFilterPixels, MinBlobPixels, MaxBlobPixels, MinBlobs, MaxBlobs, OverloadFrames );
if ( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) )
Error( "Can't fetch row: %s", mysql_error( &dbconn ) );
exit( mysql_errno( &dbconn ) );
// Yadda yadda
mysql_free_result( result );
return( n_zones );
bool Zone::DumpSettings( char *output, bool /*verbose*/ )
output[0] = 0;
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Id : %d\n", id );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Label : %s\n", label );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Type: %d - %s\n", type,
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Shape : %d points\n", polygon.getNumCoords() );
for ( int i = 0; i < polygon.getNumCoords(); i++ )
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " %i: %d,%d\n", i, polygon.getCoord( i ).X(), polygon.getCoord( i ).Y() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Alarm RGB : %06x\n", alarm_rgb );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Check Method: %d - %s\n", check_method,
check_method==ALARMED_PIXELS?"Alarmed Pixels":(
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Min Pixel Threshold : %d\n", min_pixel_threshold );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Max Pixel Threshold : %d\n", max_pixel_threshold );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Min Alarm Pixels : %d\n", min_alarm_pixels );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Max Alarm Pixels : %d\n", max_alarm_pixels );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Filter Box : %d,%d\n", filter_box.X(), filter_box.Y() );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Min Filter Pixels : %d\n", min_filter_pixels );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Max Filter Pixels : %d\n", max_filter_pixels );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Min Blob Pixels : %d\n", min_blob_pixels );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Max Blob Pixels : %d\n", max_blob_pixels );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Min Blobs : %d\n", min_blobs );
sprintf( output+strlen(output), " Max Blobs : %d\n", max_blobs );
return( true );
void Zone::std_alarmedpixels(Image* pdiff_image, const Image* ppoly_image, unsigned int* pixel_count, unsigned int* pixel_sum) {
uint32_t pixelsalarmed = 0;
uint32_t pixelsdifference = 0;
uint8_t *pdiff;
const uint8_t *ppoly;
uint8_t calc_max_pixel_threshold = 255;
unsigned int lo_y;
unsigned int hi_y;
unsigned int lo_x;
unsigned int hi_x;
calc_max_pixel_threshold = max_pixel_threshold;
lo_y = polygon.LoY();
hi_y = polygon.HiY();
for ( int y = lo_y; y <= hi_y; y++ )
lo_x = ranges[y].lo_x;
hi_x = ranges[y].hi_x;
Debug( 7, "Checking line %d from %d -> %d", y, lo_x, hi_x );
pdiff = (uint8_t*)pdiff_image->Buffer( lo_x, y );
ppoly = ppoly_image->Buffer( lo_x, y );
for ( int x = lo_x; x <= hi_x; x++, pdiff++, ppoly++ )
if ( *ppoly && (*pdiff > min_pixel_threshold) && (*pdiff <= calc_max_pixel_threshold) )
pixelsdifference += *pdiff;
*pdiff = WHITE;
*pdiff = BLACK;
/* Store the results */
*pixel_count = pixelsalarmed;
*pixel_sum = pixelsdifference;