
338 lines
12 KiB

// ZoneMinder auth library, $Date$, $Revision$
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;
// this function migrates mysql hashing to bcrypt, if you are using PHP >= 5.5
// will be called after successful login, only if mysql hashing is detected
function migrateHash($user, $pass) {
if (function_exists('password_hash')) {
ZM\Info ("Migrating $user to bcrypt scheme");
// let it generate its own salt, and ensure bcrypt as PASSWORD_DEFAULT may change later
// we can modify this later to support argon2 etc as switch to its own password signature detection
$bcrypt_hash = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
//ZM\Info ("hased bcrypt $pass is $bcrypt_hash");
$update_password_sql = 'UPDATE Users SET Password=\''.$bcrypt_hash.'\' WHERE Username=\''.$user.'\'';
ZM\Info ($update_password_sql);
else {
// Not really an error, so an info
// there is also a compat library
// not sure if its worth it. Do a lot of people really use PHP < 5.5?
ZM\Info ('Cannot migrate password scheme to bcrypt, as you are using PHP < 5.5');
// core function used to login a user to PHP. Is also used for cake sessions for the API
function userLogin($username='', $password='', $passwordHashed=false) {
global $user;
if ( !$username and isset($_REQUEST['username']) )
$username = $_REQUEST['username'];
if ( !$password and isset($_REQUEST['password']) )
$password = $_REQUEST['password'];
// if true, a popup will display after login
// lets validate reCaptcha if it exists
$url = '';
$fields = array (
'response' => $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'],
'remoteip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']
$res = do_post_request($url, http_build_query($fields));
$responseData = json_decode($res,true);
// PP - credit:
// if recaptcha resulted in error, we might have to deny login
if ( isset($responseData['success']) && $responseData['success'] == false ) {
// PP - before we deny auth, let's make sure the error was not 'invalid secret'
// because that means the user did not configure the secret key correctly
// in this case, we prefer to let him login in and display a message to correct
// the key. Unfortunately, there is no way to check for invalid site key in code
// as it produces the same error as when you don't answer a recaptcha
if ( isset($responseData['error-codes']) && is_array($responseData['error-codes']) ) {
if ( !in_array('invalid-input-secret',$responseData['error-codes']) ) {
Error('reCaptcha authentication failed');
return null;
} else {
Error('Invalid recaptcha secret detected');
} // end if success==false
} // end if using reCaptcha
// coming here means we need to authenticate the user
// if captcha existed, it was passed
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Enabled=1 AND Username = ?';
$sql_values = array($username);
// First retrieve the stored password
// and move password hashing to application space
$saved_user_details = dbFetchOne ($sql, NULL, $sql_values);
$password_correct = false;
$password_type = NULL;
if ($saved_user_details) {
$saved_password = $saved_user_details['Password'];
if ($saved_password[0] == '*') {
// We assume we don't need to support mysql < 4.1
// Starting MY SQL 4.1, mysql concats a '*' in front of its password hash
ZM\Logger::Debug ('Saved password is using MYSQL password function');
$input_password_hash ='*'.strtoupper(sha1(sha1($password, true)));
$password_correct = ($saved_password == $input_password_hash);
$password_type = 'mysql';
else {
// bcrypt can have multiple signatures
if (preg_match('/^\$2[ayb]\$.+$/', $saved_password)) {
ZM\Logger::Debug ('bcrypt signature found, assumed bcrypt password');
$password_correct = password_verify($password, $saved_password);
else {
// we really should nag the user not to use plain
ZM\Warning ('assuming plain text password as signature is not known. Please do not use plain, it is very insecure');
$password_type = 'plain';
$password_correct = ($saved_password == $password);
} else {
ZM\Error ("Could not retrieve user $username details");
$_SESSION['loginFailed'] = true;
$close_session = 0;
if ( !is_session_started() ) {
$close_session = 1;
$_SESSION['remoteAddr'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // To help prevent session hijacking
if ($password_correct) {
ZM\Info("Login successful for user \"$username\"");
$user = $saved_user_details;
if ($password_type == 'mysql') {
ZM\Info ('Migrating password, if possible for future logins');
migrateHash($username, $password);
if ( ZM_AUTH_TYPE == 'builtin' ) {
$_SESSION['passwordHash'] = $user['Password'];
$_SESSION['username'] = $user['Username'];
if ( ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'plain' ) {
// Need to save this in session, can't use the value in User because it is hashed
$_SESSION['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'];
} else {
ZM\Warning("Login denied for user \"$username\"");
$_SESSION['loginFailed'] = true;
if ( $close_session )
return isset($user) ? $user: null;
} # end function userLogin
function userLogout() {
global $user;
ZM\Info('User "'.$user['Username'].'" logged out');
function getAuthUser($auth) {
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH && ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed' && !empty($auth) ) {
$remoteAddr = '';
$remoteAddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if ( !$remoteAddr ) {
ZM\Error("Can't determine remote address for authentication, using empty string");
$remoteAddr = '';
$values = array();
if ( isset($_SESSION['username']) ) {
# Most of the time we will be logged in already and the session will have our username, so we can significantly speed up our hash testing by only looking at our user.
# Only really important if you have a lot of users.
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Enabled = 1 AND Username=?';
array_push($values, $_SESSION['username']);
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Enabled = 1';
foreach ( dbFetchAll($sql, NULL, $values) as $user ) {
$now = time();
for ( $i = 0; $i < ZM_AUTH_HASH_TTL; $i++, $now -= ZM_AUTH_HASH_TTL * 1800 ) { // Try for last two hours
$time = localtime($now);
$authKey = ZM_AUTH_HASH_SECRET.$user['Username'].$user['Password'].$remoteAddr.$time[2].$time[3].$time[4].$time[5];
$authHash = md5($authKey);
if ( $auth == $authHash ) {
return $user;
} // end foreach hour
} // end foreach user
} // end if using auth hash
ZM\Error("Unable to authenticate user from auth hash '$auth'");
return false;
} // end getAuthUser($auth)
function generateAuthHash($useRemoteAddr, $force=false) {
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH and ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed' and isset($_SESSION['username']) and $_SESSION['passwordHash'] ) {
$time = time();
$issuedAt = time();
$expireAt = $issuedAt + ZM_AUTH_HASH_TTL * 3600;
$token = array(
"iss" => "ZoneMinder",
"iat" => $issuedAt,
"exp" => $expireAt
if ($useRemoteAddr) {
$token['remote_addr'] = $_SESSION['remoteAddr'];
$jwt = JWT::encode($token, $key);
ZM\Info ("JWT token is $jwt");
$mintime = $time - ( ZM_AUTH_HASH_TTL * 1800 );
if ( $force or ( !isset($_SESSION['AuthHash'.$_SESSION['remoteAddr']]) ) or ( $_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt'] < $mintime ) ) {
# Don't both regenerating Auth Hash if an hour hasn't gone by yet
$local_time = localtime();
$authKey = '';
if ( $useRemoteAddr ) {
$authKey = ZM_AUTH_HASH_SECRET.$_SESSION['username'].$_SESSION['passwordHash'].$_SESSION['remoteAddr'].$local_time[2].$local_time[3].$local_time[4].$local_time[5];
} else {
$authKey = ZM_AUTH_HASH_SECRET.$_SESSION['username'].$_SESSION['passwordHash'].$local_time[2].$local_time[3].$local_time[4].$local_time[5];
#ZM\Logger::Debug("Generated using hour:".$local_time[2] . ' mday:' . $local_time[3] . ' month:'.$local_time[4] . ' year: ' . $local_time[5] );
$auth = md5($authKey);
if ( !$force ) {
$close_session = 0;
if ( !is_session_started() ) {
$close_session = 1;
$_SESSION['AuthHash'.$_SESSION['remoteAddr']] = $auth;
$_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt'] = $time;
} else {
return $auth;
#ZM\Logger::Debug("Generated new auth $auth at " . $_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt']. " using $authKey" );
#} else {
#ZM\Logger::Debug("Using cached auth " . $_SESSION['AuthHash'] ." beacuse generatedat:" . $_SESSION['AuthHashGeneratedAt'] . ' < now:'. $time . ' - ' . ZM_AUTH_HASH_TTL . ' * 1800 = '. $mintime);
} # end if AuthHash is not cached
return $_SESSION['AuthHash'.$_SESSION['remoteAddr']];
} # end if using AUTH and AUTH_RELAY
return '';
function visibleMonitor($mid) {
global $user;
return ( empty($user['MonitorIds']) || in_array($mid, explode(',', $user['MonitorIds'])) );
function canView($area, $mid=false) {
global $user;
return ( ($user[$area] == 'View' || $user[$area] == 'Edit') && ( !$mid || visibleMonitor($mid) ) );
function canEdit($area, $mid=false) {
global $user;
return ( $user[$area] == 'Edit' && ( !$mid || visibleMonitor($mid) ));
global $user;
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH ) {
$close_session = 0;
if ( !is_session_started() ) {
$close_session = 1;
if ( isset($_SESSION['username']) ) {
# Need to refresh permissions and validate that the user still exists
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Enabled=1 AND Username=?';
$user = dbFetchOne($sql, NULL, array($_SESSION['username']));
if ( ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'plain' ) {
// Need to save this in session
$_SESSION['password'] = $password;
$_SESSION['remoteAddr'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // To help prevent session hijacking
if ( ZM_AUTH_HASH_LOGINS && empty($user) && !empty($_REQUEST['auth']) ) {
if ( $authUser = getAuthUser($_REQUEST['auth']) ) {
userLogin($authUser['Username'], $authUser['Password'], true);
} else if ( isset($_REQUEST['username']) and isset($_REQUEST['password']) ) {
userLogin($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password'], false);
if ( !empty($user) ) {
// generate it once here, while session is open. Value will be cached in session and return when called later on
if ( $close_session )
} else {
$user = $defaultUser;