
578 lines
17 KiB

namespace ZM;
$validConjunctionTypes = null;
function getFilterQueryConjunctionTypes() {
if ( !isset($validConjunctionTypes ) ) {
$validConjunctionTypes = array(
'and' => translate('ConjAnd'),
'or' => translate('ConjOr')
return $validConjunctionTypes;
class FilterTerm {
public $filter;
public $index;
public $attr;
public $op;
public $val;
public $values;
public $cnj;
public $obr;
public $cbr;
public $cookie;
public $placeholder;
public $collate;
public $multiple;
public $chosen;
public $tablename;
public function __construct($filter = null, $term = null, $index=0) {
$this->cnj = '';
$this->filter = $filter;
$validConjunctionTypes = getFilterQueryConjunctionTypes();
$this->index = $index;
if ($term) {
$this->attr = isset($term['attr']) ? $term['attr'] : '';
$this->attr = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\.]/', '', $this->attr, -1, $count);
if ($count) Error("Invalid characters removed from filter attr {$term['attr']}, possible hacking attempt.");
$this->op = isset($term['op']) ? $term['op'] : '=';
$this->val = isset($term['val']) ? $term['val'] : '';
if (is_array($this->val)) $this->val = implode(',', $this->val);
if ( isset($term['cnj']) ) {
if ( array_key_exists($term['cnj'], $validConjunctionTypes) ) {
$this->cnj = $term['cnj'];
} else {
Warning('Invalid cnj ' . $term['cnj'].' in '.print_r($term, true));
if ( isset($term['tablename']) ) {
$this->tablename = $term['tablename'];
} else {
$this->tablename = 'E';
if ( isset($term['obr']) ) {
if ( (string)(int)$term['obr'] == $term['obr'] ) {
$this->obr = $term['obr'];
} else {
Warning('Invalid obr ' . $term['obr'] . ' in ' . print_r($term, true));
if ( isset($term['cbr']) ) {
if ( (string)(int)$term['cbr'] == $term['cbr'] ) {
$this->cbr = $term['cbr'];
} else {
Warning('Invalid cbr ' . $term['cbr'] . ' in ' . print_r($term, true));
$this->cookie = isset($term['cookie']) ? $term['cookie'] : '';
$this->placeholder = isset($term['placeholder']) ? $term['placeholder'] : null;
$this->collate = isset($term['collate']) ? $term['collate'] : '';
$this->multiple = isset($term['multiple']) ? $term['multiple'] : '';
$this->chosen = isset($term['chosen']) ? $term['chosen'] : '';
} else {
Warning("No term in FilterTerm constructor");
#Warning(print_r(debug_backtrace(), true));
} # end function __construct
# Returns an array of values. AS term->value can be a list, we will break it apart, remove quotes etc
public function sql_values() {
$values = array();
if ( !isset($this->val) ) {
Warning('No value in term '.$this->attr);
return $values;
$vals = is_array($this->val) ? $this->val : preg_split('/["\'\s]*?,["\'\s]*?/', preg_replace('/^["\']+?(.+)["\']+?$/', '$1', $this->val));
foreach ( $vals as $value ) {
$value_upper = strtoupper($value);
switch ( $this->attr ) {
case 'Group':
$group = new Group($value);
$value = $group->MonitorIds();
case 'AlarmedZoneId':
$value = '(SELECT * FROM Stats WHERE EventId=E.Id AND ZoneId='.$value.' AND Score > 0 LIMIT 1)';
case 'ExistsInFileSystem':
$value = '';
case 'DiskPercent':
$value = '';
case 'Tags':
case 'MonitorName':
case 'Name':
case 'Cause':
case 'Notes':
if ( ((!$this->op) or strstr($this->op, 'LIKE')) and ! strstr($this->val, '%' ) ) {
$value = '%'.$value.'%';
$value = dbEscape($value);
case 'MonitorServerId':
case 'FilterServerId':
case 'StorageServerId':
case 'ServerId':
if ( $value == 'ZM_SERVER_ID' ) {
$value = defined('ZM_SERVER_ID') ? ZM_SERVER_ID : 0;
} else if ( $value_upper == 'NULL' ) {
} else {
$value = dbEscape($value);
case 'StorageId':
if ( $value_upper != 'NULL' ) {
$value = dbEscape($value);
case 'DateTime':
case 'StartDateTime':
case 'EndDateTime':
if ( $value_upper == 'CURDATE()' or $value_upper == 'NOW()' ) {
} else if ( $value_upper != 'NULL' )
$value = '\''.date(STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime($value)).'\'';
case 'Date':
case 'StartDate':
case 'EndDate':
if ( $value_upper == 'CURDATE()' or $value_upper == 'NOW()' ) {
$value = 'to_days('.$value.')';
} else if ( $value_upper != 'NULL' ) {
$value = 'to_days(\''.date(STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime($value)).'\')';
case 'Time':
case 'StartTime':
case 'EndTime':
if ( $value_upper != 'NULL' ) {
$value = 'extract(hour_second from \''.date(STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime($value)).'\')';
default :
if ( $value == 'Odd' ) {
$value = 1;
} else if ( $value == 'Even' ) {
$value = 0;
} else if ( $value_upper != 'NULL' )
$value = dbEscape($value);
if (is_array($value)) {
$values += $value;
} else {
$values[] = $value;
} // end foreach value
return $values;
} # end function sql_values
public function sql_operator() {
switch ($this->attr) {
case 'Group':
return ' IN ';
case 'AlarmedZoneId':
return ' EXISTS ';
case 'ExistsInFileSystem':
case 'DiskPercent':
return '';
switch ( $this->op ) {
case '=' :
case '!=' :
case '>=' :
case '>' :
case '<' :
case '<=' :
case 'LIKE' :
case 'NOT LIKE':
return ' '.$this->op.' ';
case '=~' :
return ' regexp ';
case '!~' :
return ' not regexp ';
case '=[]' :
case 'IN' :
return ' IN ';
case '![]' :
case 'NOT IN' :
return ' NOT IN ';
case 'EXISTS' :
return ' EXISTS ';
case 'IS' :
# Odd will be replaced with 1
# Even will be replaced with 0
if ( $this->val == 'Odd' or $this->val == 'Even' ) {
return ' % 2 = ';
} else {
return ' IS ';
case 'IS NOT' :
if ( $this->val == 'Odd' or $this->val == 'Even' ) {
return ' % 2 = ';
return ' IS NOT ';
Warning('Invalid operator in filter: ' . print_r($this->op, true));
} // end switch op
} # end public function sql_operator
public function sql_attr() {
switch ( $this->attr ) {
case 'AlarmedZoneId':
return '/* AlarmedZoneId */ ';
case 'ExistsInFileSystem':
case 'DiskPercent':
return 'TRUE /*'.$this->attr.'*/';
case 'MonitorName':
return 'M.Name';
case 'Group':
case 'Monitor':
return 'E.MonitorId';
case 'ServerId':
case 'MonitorServerId':
return 'M.ServerId';
case 'StorageServerId':
return 'S.ServerId';
case 'FilterServerId':
return 'ZM_SERVER_ID:'.(defined('ZM_SERVER_ID') ? ZM_SERVER_ID : 0);
# Unspecified start or end, so assume start, this is to support legacy filters
case 'DateTime':
return 'E.StartDateTime';
case 'Date':
return 'to_days(E.StartDateTime)';
case 'Time':
return 'extract(hour_second FROM E.StartDateTime)';
case 'Weekday':
return 'weekday(E.StartDateTime)';
# Starting Time
case 'StartDateTime':
return 'E.StartDateTime';
case 'FrameId':
return 'Id';
case 'Type':
case 'TimeStamp':
case 'Delta':
case 'Score':
return $this->attr;
case 'FramesEventId':
return 'F.EventId';
case 'StartDate':
return 'to_days(E.StartDateTime)';
case 'StartTime':
return 'extract(hour_second FROM E.StartDateTime)';
case 'StartWeekday':
return 'weekday(E.StartDateTime)';
# Ending Time
case 'EndDateTime':
return 'E.EndDateTime';
case 'EndDate':
return 'to_days(E.EndDateTime)';
case 'EndTime':
return 'extract(hour_second FROM E.EndDateTime)';
case 'EndWeekday':
return 'weekday(E.EndDateTime)';
case 'Notes':
case 'Emailed':
case 'Id':
case 'Name':
case 'DiskSpace':
case 'MonitorId':
case 'StorageId':
case 'SecondaryStorageId':
case 'Length':
case 'Frames':
case 'AlarmFrames':
case 'TotScore':
case 'AvgScore':
case 'MaxScore':
case 'Cause':
case 'StateId':
case 'Archived':
return $this->tablename.'.'.$this->attr;
case 'Tags':
return 'T.Id';
default :
return $this->tablename.'.'.$this->attr;
/* Some terms don't have related SQL */
public function sql() {
if (!$this->attr) {
return '';
$sql = '';
if ( isset($this->cnj) ) {
$sql .= ' '.$this->cnj;
if ( isset($this->obr) ) {
$sql .= ' '.str_repeat('(', $this->obr);
$sql .= ' ';
$operator = $this->sql_operator();
$values = $this->sql_values();
if ((count($values) > 1) and !(($operator == ' IN ') or ($operator == ' NOT IN ') or ($operator == ' =[] ') or ($operator == ' ![] '))) {
$subterms = [];
foreach ($values as $value) {
$subterm = $this->sql_attr();
if ($this->collate) $subterm .= ' COLLATE '.$this->collate;
$subterm .= $operator;
$subterm .= $value;
$subterms[] = $subterm;
$sql .= '('.implode(' OR ', $subterms).')';
} else {
$sql .= $this->sql_attr();
if ($this->collate) $sql .= ' COLLATE '.$this->collate;
if (($operator == ' IN ') or ($operator == ' NOT IN ') or ($operator == ' =[] ') or ($operator == ' ![] ')) {
$sql .= $operator;
$sql .= count($values) ? '('.join(',', $values).')' : '(SELECT NULL WHERE 1!=1)';
} else {
$sql .= $operator;
$sql .= $values[0];
if ( isset($this->cbr) ) {
$sql .= ' '.str_repeat(')', $this->cbr);
$sql .= PHP_EOL;
return $sql;
} # end public function sql
public function querystring($objectname='filter', $querySep='&amp;') {
# We don't validate the term parameters here
$query = '';
if (isset($this->cnj) and $this->cnj)
$query .= $querySep.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][cnj]').'='.$this->cnj;
if ($this->obr)
$query .= $querySep.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][obr]').'='.$this->obr;
$query .= $querySep.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][attr]').'='.urlencode($this->attr);
$query .= $querySep.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][op]').'='.urlencode($this->op);
$query .= $querySep.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][val]').'='.urlencode($this->val);
if ($this->cbr)
$query .= $querySep.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][cbr]').'='.$this->cbr;
return $query;
} # end public function querystring
public function hidden_fields() {
$html ='';
if ( isset($this->cnj) and $this->cnj )
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][cnj]" value="'.$this->cnj.'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
if ( $this->obr )
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][obr]" value="'.$this->obr.'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
# attr should have been already validated, so shouldn't need htmlspecialchars
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][attr]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->attr).'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][op]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->op).'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][val]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->val?$this->val:'').'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
if ( $this->cbr )
$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$this->index.'][cbr]" value="'.$this->cbr.'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
return $html;
} # end public function hiddens_fields
public function test($event=null) {
Debug("Testing " . $this->attr);
if ( !isset($event) ) {
# Is a Pre Condition
if ( $this->attr == 'DiskPercent' ) {
$storage_areas = $this->filter->get_StorageAreas();
# The logic on this when there are multiple storage areas breaks. We will just use the first.
foreach ( $storage_areas as $storage ) {
Debug($storage->disk_usage_percent(). ' '.$this->op.'? '.$this->val);
switch ($this->op) {
case '=':
return ($storage->disk_usage_percent() == $this->val);
case '>':
return ($storage->disk_usage_percent() > $this->val);
case '<':
return ($storage->disk_usage_percent() < $this->val);
case '<=':
return ($storage->disk_usage_percent() <= $this->val);
case '>=':
return ($storage->disk_usage_percent() >= $this->val);
Warning('Invalid op '.$this->op .' for DiskPercent.');
} # end foreach Storage Area
} else if ( $this->attr == 'SystemLoad' ) {
$string_to_eval = 'return getLoad() '.$this->op.' '.$this->val.';';
try {
$ret = eval($string_to_eval);
Debug("Evaled $string_to_eval = $ret");
if ( $ret )
return true;
} catch ( Throwable $t ) {
Error('Failed evaluating '.$string_to_eval);
return false;
} else {
Error('testing unsupported pre term ' . $this->attr);
} else {
# Is a Post Condition
if ( $this->attr == 'ExistsInFileSystem' ) {
if (
($this->op == 'IS' and $this->val == 'true')
($this->op == 'IS NOT' and $this->val == 'false')
) {
return file_exists($event->Path());
} else {
return !file_exists($event->Path());
} else if ( $this->attr == 'DiskPercent' ) {
$string_to_eval = 'return $event->Storage()->disk_usage_percent() '.$this->op.' '.$this->val.';';
try {
$ret = eval($string_to_eval);
Debug("Evalled $string_to_eval = $ret");
if ( $ret )
return true;
} catch ( Throwable $t ) {
Error('Failed evaluating '.$string_to_eval);
return false;
} else if ( $this->attr == 'DiskBlocks' ) {
$string_to_eval = 'return $event->Storage()->disk_usage_blocks() '.$this->op.' '.$this->val.';';
try {
$ret = eval($string_to_eval);
Debug("Evalled $string_to_eval = $ret");
if ( $ret )
return true;
} catch ( Throwable $t ) {
Error('Failed evaluating '.$string_to_eval);
return false;
} else if ( $this->attr == 'Tags' ) {
// Debug('TODO: Complete this post_sql_condition for Tags val: ' . $this->val . ' op: ' . $this->op . ' id: ' . $this->id);
// Debug(print_r($this, true));
// Debug(print_r($event, true));
return true;
} else {
Error('testing unsupported post term ' . $this->attr);
return false;
public function is_pre_sql() {
if ( $this->attr == 'DiskPercent' )
return true;
if ( $this->attr == 'DiskBlocks' )
return true;
return false;
public function is_post_sql() {
if ( $this->attr == 'ExistsInFileSystem' || $this->attr == 'Tags') {
return true;
return false;
public static function is_valid_attr($attr) {
$attrs = array(
# The following are for snapshots
return in_array($attr, $attrs);
public function valid() {
switch ($this->attr) {
case 'AlarmFrames' :
if (!(is_integer($this->val) or ctype_digit($this->val)))
return false;
return true;
case 'EndDate' :
case 'StartDate' :
case 'EndDateTime' :
case 'StartDateTime' :
if (!$this->val)
return false;
case 'Archived' :
case 'Tags' :
case 'Monitor' :
case 'MonitorId' :
case 'ServerId' :
case 'FilterServerId' :
case 'Group' :
case 'Notes' :
if ($this->val === '')
return false;
return true;
public function to_string() {
return 'Term: '.$this->attr .'op:' . $this->op . ' val:' . $this->val;
} # end class FilterTerm