1373 lines
54 KiB
1373 lines
54 KiB
namespace ZM;
class Filter extends ZM_Object {
protected static $table = 'Filters';
protected static $attrTypes = null;
protected static $opTypes = null;
protected static $tags_opTypes = null;
protected static $is_isnot_opTypes = null;
protected static $archiveTypes = null;
protected static $booleanValues = null;
protected $Query;
protected $Terms;
protected $Query_json;
protected $defaults = array(
'Id' => null,
'Name' => '',
'UserId' => 0,
'ExecuteInterval' => 60,
'AutoExecute' => 0,
'AutoExecuteCmd' => '',
'AutoEmail' => 0,
'EmailTo' => '',
'EmailSubject' => '',
'EmailBody' => '',
'EmailFormat' => 'Individual',
'AutoDelete' => 0,
'AutoArchive' => 0,
'AutoUnarchive' => 0,
'AutoVideo' => 0,
'AutoUpload' => 0,
'AutoMessage' => 0,
'AutoMove' => 0,
'AutoMoveTo' => 0,
'AutoCopy' => 0,
'AutoCopyTo' => 0,
'UpdateDiskSpace' => 0,
'Background' => 0,
'Concurrent' => 0,
'Query_json' => '',
'LockRows' => 0,
protected $_querystring;
protected $_sql;
protected $_hidden_fields;
public $_pre_sql_conditions;
public $_post_sql_conditions;
protected $_Terms;
public $availableTags = array();
public function sql() {
// Debug('$_Terms: '. $_Terms);
// Debug('$_sql: ' . $_sql);
// Debug('$this->_sql: ' . $this->_sql);
if (!isset($this->_sql)) {
$this->_sql = '';
foreach ( $this->FilterTerms() as $term ) {
// Error($term->valid());
if ($term->valid()) {
// Debug('$this->_sql: ' . $this->_sql);
// Error($this-cnj);
if (!$this->_sql) {
if ($term->cnj) unset($term->cnj);
} else {
if (!$term->cnj) $term->cnj = 'and';
$this->_sql .= $term->sql();
} else {
// Debug('Term is not valid '.$term->to_string());
// Debug('$term->_sql: ' . $term->_sql);
} # end foreach term
// Debug('$this->_sql: ' . $this->_sql);
return $this->_sql;
public function querystring($objectname='filter', $separator='&') {
if ( (! isset($this->_querystring)) or ( $separator != '&' ) or ($objectname != 'filter') ) {
$this->_querystring = '';
foreach ( $this->FilterTerms() as $term ) {
$this->_querystring .= $term->querystring($objectname, $separator);
} # end foreach term
$this->_querystring .= $separator.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][sort_asc]').'='.$this->sort_asc();
$this->_querystring .= $separator.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][sort_field]').'='.$this->sort_field();
$this->_querystring .= $separator.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][skip_locked]').'='.$this->skip_locked();
$this->_querystring .= $separator.urlencode($objectname.'[Query][limit]').'='.$this->limit();
if ( $this->Id() ) {
$this->_querystring .= $separator.$objectname.urlencode('[Id]').'='.$this->Id();
return $this->_querystring;
public function hidden_fields() {
if ( ! isset($this->_hidden_fields) ) {
$this->_hidden_fields = '';
foreach ( $this->FilterTerms() as $term ) {
$this->_hidden_fields .= $term->hidden_fields();
} # end foreach term
return $this->_hidden_fields;
public function pre_sql_conditions() {
if ( ! isset($this->_pre_sql_conditions) ) {
$this->_pre_sql_conditions = array();
foreach ( $this->FilterTerms() as $term ) {
if ( $term->is_pre_sql() )
$this->_pre_sql_conditions[] = $term;
} # end foreach term
return $this->_pre_sql_conditions;
public function post_sql_conditions() {
if ( ! isset($this->_post_sql_conditions) ) {
$this->_post_sql_conditions = array();
foreach ( $this->FilterTerms() as $term ) {
if ( $term->is_post_sql() )
$this->_post_sql_conditions[] = $term;
} # end foreach term
return $this->_post_sql_conditions;
public function FilterTerms() {
if (!isset($this->Terms)) {
$this->Terms = array();
$_terms = $this->terms();
if ($_terms) {
for ($i=0; $i < count($_terms); $i++) {
if (isset($_terms[$i])) {
$term = new FilterTerm($this, $_terms[$i], $i);
$this->Terms[] = $term;
} # end foreach term
return $this->Terms;
public static function parse($new_filter, $querySep='&') {
$filter = new Filter();
return $filter;
# If no storage areas are specified in the terms, then return all
public function get_StorageAreas() {
$storage_ids = array();
foreach ( $this->Terms as $term ) {
if ( $term->attr == 'StorageId' ) {
# TODO handle other operators like !=
$storage_ids[] = $term->val;
if ( count($storage_ids) ) {
return Storage::find(array('Id'=>$storage_ids));
} else {
return Storage::find();
} # end function get_StorageAreas
public function Query_json() {
if ( func_num_args( ) ) {
$this->{'Query_json'} = func_get_arg(0);
$this->{'Query'} = empty($this->{'Query_json'}) ? [] : jsonDecode($this->{'Query_json'});
return $this->{'Query_json'};
public function Query() {
if ( func_num_args( ) ) {
$this->{'Query'} = func_get_arg(0);
$this->{'Query_json'} = empty($this->{'Query'}) ? '{}' : jsonEncode($this->{'Query'});
# We have altered the query so need to reset all the calculated results.
if ( !property_exists($this, 'Query') ) {
if ( property_exists($this, 'Query_json') and $this->{'Query_json'} ) {
$this->{'Query'} = jsonDecode($this->{'Query_json'});
} else {
$this->{'Query'} = array();
} else {
if ( !is_array($this->{'Query'}) ) {
# Handle existence of both Query_json and Query in the row
$this->{'Query'} = empty($this->{'Query_json'}) ? [] : jsonDecode($this->{'Query_json'});
# Disable this. We will do this on SQL generation
#if ($this->{'Query'} and isset($this->{'Query'}['terms']) and count($this->{'Query'}['terms'])) {
## Unset cnj on first term, so that there's no leading AND
return $this->{'Query'};
public static function find( $parameters = array(), $options = array() ) {
return ZM_Object::_find(self::class, $parameters, $options);
public static function find_one( $parameters = array(), $options = array() ) {
return ZM_Object::_find_one(self::class, $parameters, $options);
public function terms() {
if ( func_num_args() ) {
$Query = $this->Query();
$Query['terms'] = func_get_arg(0);
if ( isset( $this->Query()['terms'] ) ) {
return $this->Query()['terms'];
return array();
// The following three fields are actually stored in the Query
public function sort_field( ) {
if (func_num_args()) {
$Query = $this->Query();
$Query['sort_field'] = func_get_arg(0);
if (isset($this->Query()['sort_field'])) {
return $this->{'Query'}['sort_field'];
#return $this->defaults{'sort_field'};
public function sort_asc( ) {
if (func_num_args()) {
$Query = $this->Query();
$Query['sort_asc'] = func_get_arg(0);
if (isset($this->Query()['sort_asc'])) {
return $this->{'Query'}['sort_asc'];
return ZM_WEB_EVENT_SORT_ORDER == 'asc' ? 1 : 0;
#return $this->defaults{'sort_asc'};
public function skip_locked() {
if (func_num_args()) {
$Query = $this->Query();
$Query['skip_locked'] = func_get_arg(0);
if (isset($this->Query()['skip_locked']))
return $this->{'Query'}['skip_locked'];
return false;
public function limit( ) {
if ( func_num_args( ) ) {
$Query = $this->Query();
$Query['limit'] = func_get_arg(0);
// Error($this->Query()['limit']);
if ( isset( $this->Query()['limit'] ) )
return $this->{'Query'}['limit'];
return 0;
#return $this->defaults{'limit'};
public function control($command, $server_id=null) {
$Servers = $server_id ? [Server::find_one(array('Id'=>$server_id))] : Server::find(array('Status'=>'Running'));
if ( !count($Servers) ) {
if ( !$server_id ) {
# This will be the non-multi-server case
$Servers = array(new Server());
} else {
Warning("Server not found for id $server_id");
foreach ( $Servers as $Server ) {
if ( (!defined('ZM_SERVER_ID')) or (!$Server->Id()) or (ZM_SERVER_ID==$Server->Id()) ) {
# Local
Debug("Controlling filter locally $command for server ".$Server->Id());
daemonControl($command, 'zmfilter.pl', '--filter_id='.$this->{'Id'}.' --daemon');
} else {
# Remote case
$url = $Server->UrlToIndex() . '?view=filter';
if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH ) {
if ( ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed' ) {
$url .= '&auth='.generateAuthHash(ZM_AUTH_HASH_IPS);
} else if ( ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'plain' ) {
$url .= '&user='.$_SESSION['username'];
$url .= '&pass='.$_SESSION['password'];
} else if ( ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'none' ) {
$url .= '&user='.$_SESSION['username'];
$data = array();
if ( defined('ZM_ENABLE_CSRF_MAGIC') ) {
$data['__csrf_magic'] = csrf_get_tokens();
$data['object'] = 'filter';
$data['command'] = $command;
$data['Id'] = $this->Id();
$data['ServerId'] = $Server->Id();
// use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query($data)
$context = stream_context_create($options);
try {
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
if ( $result === FALSE ) { /* Handle error */
Error("Error restarting zmfilter.pl using $url");
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
Error("Except $e thrown trying to restart zmfilter");
} # end if local or remote
} # end foreach erver
} # end function control
public function execute() {
$command = ZM_PATH_BIN.'/zmfilter.pl --filter_id='.escapeshellarg($this->Id());
$result = exec($command, $output, $status);
Debug("$command status:$status output:".implode("\n", $output));
return $status;
public function test_pre_sql_conditions() {
if (count($this->pre_sql_conditions())) {
foreach ($this->pre_sql_conditions() as $term) {
if (!$term->test()) return false;
} # end if pre_sql_conditions
return true;
public function test_post_sql_conditions($event) {
if (count($this->post_sql_conditions())) {
foreach ($this->post_sql_conditions() as $term) {
if (!$term->test($event)) return false;
} # end if pre_sql_conditions
return true;
function tree() {
$terms = $this->terms();
if ( count($terms) <= 0 ) {
return false;
$StorageArea = NULL;
$postfixExpr = array();
$postfixStack = array();
$priorities = array(
'<' => 1,
'<=' => 1,
'>' => 1,
'>=' => 1,
'=' => 2,
'!=' => 2,
'=~' => 2,
'!~' => 2,
'=[]' => 2,
'IN' => 2,
'![]' => 2,
'and' => 3,
'or' => 4,
'IS' => 2,
'IS NOT' => 2,
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($terms); $i++ ) {
$term = $terms[$i];
if (!$term) {
} else if (!(new FilterTerm($this, $term))->valid()) {
Debug("Term " .$term['attr'] . ' is not valid');
if ( $i>0 and !empty($term['cnj']) ) {
while ( true ) {
if ( !count($postfixStack) ) {
$postfixStack[] = array('type'=>'cnj', 'value'=>$term['cnj'], 'sqlValue'=>$term['cnj']);
} else if ( $postfixStack[count($postfixStack)-1]['type'] == 'obr' ) {
$postfixStack[] = array('type'=>'cnj', 'value'=>$term['cnj'], 'sqlValue'=>$term['cnj']);
} else if ( $priorities[$term['cnj']] < $priorities[$postfixStack[count($postfixStack)-1]['value']] ) {
$postfixStack[] = array('type'=>'cnj', 'value'=>$term['cnj'], 'sqlValue'=>$term['cnj']);
} else {
$postfixExpr[] = array_pop($postfixStack);
} # end if ! empty cnj
if ( !empty($term['obr']) ) {
for ( $j = 0; $j < $term['obr']; $j++ ) {
$postfixStack[] = array('type'=>'obr', 'value'=>$term['obr']);
if ( !empty($term['attr']) ) {
// Error($term['attr']);
$dtAttr = false;
switch ( $term['attr']) {
case 'Tags':
$sqlValue = 'T.Name';
case 'Group':
$sqlValue = 'M.Id';
case 'Monitor':
$sqlValue = 'M.Id';
case 'MonitorName':
$sqlValue = 'M.'.preg_replace( '/^Monitor/', '', $term['attr']);
case 'ServerId':
$sqlValue .= 'M.ServerId';
case 'StorageServerId':
$sqlValue .= 'S.ServerId';
case 'FilterServerId':
$sqlValue .= ZM_SERVER_ID;
case 'DateTime':
case 'StartDateTime':
$sqlValue = 'E.StartDateTime';
$dtAttr = true;
case 'Date':
case 'StartDate':
$sqlValue = 'to_days(E.StartDateTime)';
$dtAttr = true;
case 'Time':
case 'StartTime':
$sqlValue = 'extract(hour_second from E.StartDateTime)';
case 'Weekday':
case 'StartWeekday':
$sqlValue = 'weekday(E.StartDateTime)';
case 'EndDateTime':
$sqlValue = 'E.EndDateTime';
$dtAttr = true;
case 'EndDate':
$sqlValue = 'to_days(E.EndDateTime)';
$dtAttr = true;
case 'EndTime':
$sqlValue = 'extract(hour_second from E.EndDateTime)';
case 'EndWeekday':
$sqlValue = 'weekday(E.EndDateTime)';
case 'Id':
case 'Name':
case 'MonitorId':
case 'StorageId':
case 'SecondaryStorageId':
case 'Length':
case 'Frames':
case 'AlarmFrames':
case 'TotScore':
case 'AvgScore':
case 'MaxScore':
case 'Cause':
case 'Notes':
case 'StateId':
case 'Archived':
$sqlValue = 'E.'.$term['attr'];
case 'DiskPercent':
// Need to specify a storage area, so need to look through other terms looking for a storage area, else we default to ZM_EVENTS_PATH
if ( ! $StorageArea ) {
for ( $j = 0; $j < count($terms); $j++ ) {
if ( isset($terms[$j]['attr']) and $terms[$j]['attr'] == 'StorageId' and isset($terms[$j]['val']) ) {
$StorageArea = new Storage($terms[$j]['val']);
} // end foreach remaining term
if ( ! $StorageArea ) $StorageArea = new Storage();
} // end no StorageArea found yet
$sqlValue = getDiskPercent($StorageArea);
case 'DiskBlocks':
// Need to specify a storage area, so need to look through other terms looking for a storage area, else we default to ZM_EVENTS_PATH
if ( ! $StorageArea ) {
for ( $j = 0; $j < count($terms); $j++ ) {
if ( isset($terms[$j]['attr']) and $terms[$j]['attr'] == 'StorageId' and isset($terms[$j]['val']) ) {
$StorageArea = new Storage($terms[$j]['val']);
} // end foreach remaining term
if ( ! $StorageArea ) $StorageArea = new Storage();
} // end no StorageArea found yet
$sqlValue = getDiskBlocks($StorageArea);
default :
$sqlValue = $term['attr'];
if ( $dtAttr ) {
$postfixExpr[] = array('type'=>'attr', 'value'=>$term['attr'], 'sqlValue'=>$sqlValue, 'dtAttr'=>true);
} else {
$postfixExpr[] = array('type'=>'attr', 'value'=>$term['attr'], 'sqlValue'=>$sqlValue);
} # end if attr
$sqlValue = '';
if ( isset($term['op']) ) {
if ( empty($term['op']) ) {
$term['op'] = '=';
switch ( $term['op']) {
case '=' :
case '!=' :
case '>=' :
case '>' :
case '<' :
case '<=' :
case 'LIKE' :
case 'NOT LIKE':
$sqlValue = $term['op'];
case '=~' :
$sqlValue = 'regexp';
case '!~' :
$sqlValue = 'not regexp';
case '=[]' :
case 'IN' :
$sqlValue = 'in (';
case '![]' :
$sqlValue = 'not in (';
case 'IS' :
case 'IS NOT' :
if ( $term['val'] == 'Odd' ) {
$sqlValue = ' % 2 = 1';
} else if ( $term['val'] == 'Even' ) {
$sqlValue = ' % 2 = 0';
} else {
$sqlValue = ' '.$term['op'];
default :
Error('Unknown operator in filter '.$term['op']);
while ( true ) {
if ( !count($postfixStack) ) {
$postfixStack[] = array('type'=>'op', 'value'=>$term['op'], 'sqlValue'=>$sqlValue);
} else if ( $postfixStack[count($postfixStack)-1]['type'] == 'obr' ) {
$postfixStack[] = array('type'=>'op', 'value'=>$term['op'], 'sqlValue'=>$sqlValue);
} else if ( $priorities[$term['op']] < $priorities[$postfixStack[count($postfixStack)-1]['value']] ) {
$postfixStack[] = array('type'=>'op', 'value'=>$term['op'], 'sqlValue'=>$sqlValue );
} else {
$postfixExpr[] = array_pop($postfixStack);
} // end while
} // end if operator
if ( isset($term['val']) ) {
$valueList = array();
foreach ( preg_split('/["\'\s]*?,["\'\s]*?/', preg_replace('/^["\']+?(.+)["\']+?$/', '$1', $term['val'])) as $value ) {
$value_upper = strtoupper($value);
switch ( $term['attr'] ) {
case 'Group':
$value = Group::get_group_sql($value);
case 'Tags':
// Error($term['attr']);
case 'MonitorName':
case 'Name':
case 'Cause':
case 'Notes':
if ( $term['op'] == 'LIKE' || $term['op'] == 'NOT LIKE' ) {
$value = '%'.$value.'%';
$value = dbEscape($value);
case 'MonitorServerId':
case 'FilterServerId':
case 'StorageServerId':
case 'ServerId':
if ( $value_upper == 'ZM_SERVER_ID' ) {
$value = ZM_SERVER_ID;
} else if ( $value_upper == 'NULL' ) {
} else {
$value = dbEscape($value);
case 'StorageId':
$StorageArea = new Storage($value);
if ( $value != 'NULL' )
$value = dbEscape($value);
case 'DateTime':
case 'EndDateTime':
case 'StartDateTime':
if ($value) {
if ( $value_upper != 'NULL' )
$value = "'".date(STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime($value))."'";
case 'Date':
case 'EndDate':
case 'StartDate':
if ($value) {
$value = 'to_days(\''.date(STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime($value)).'\')';
case 'Time':
case 'EndTime':
case 'StartTime':
if ($value) {
$value = 'extract(hour_second from \''.date(STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, strtotime($value)).'\')';
default :
if ( $value_upper != 'NULL' )
$value = dbEscape($value);
} // end switch attribute
$valueList[] = $value;
} // end foreach value
$postfixExpr[] = array('type'=>'val', 'value'=>$term['val'], 'sqlValue'=>join(',', $valueList));
} // end if has val
if ( !empty($term['cbr']) ) {
for ( $j = 0; $j < $term['cbr']; $j++ ) {
while ( count($postfixStack) ) {
$element = array_pop($postfixStack);
if ( $element['type'] == 'obr' ) {
$postfixExpr[count($postfixExpr)-1]['bracket'] = true;
$postfixExpr[] = $element;
} #end if cbr
} # end foreach term
while ( count($postfixStack) ) {
$postfixExpr[] = array_pop($postfixStack);
$exprStack = array();
foreach ( $postfixExpr as $element ) {
if ( $element['type'] == 'attr' || $element['type'] == 'val' ) {
$node = array('data'=>$element, 'count'=>0);
$exprStack[] = $node;
} elseif ( $element['type'] == 'op' || $element['type'] == 'cnj' ) {
$right = array_pop($exprStack);
$left = array_pop($exprStack);
$node = array('data'=>$element, 'count'=>2+($left?$left['count']:0)+($right?$right['count']:0), 'right'=>$right, 'left'=>$left);
$exprStack[] = $node;
} else {
Fatal('Unexpected element type \''.$element['type'].'\', value \''.$element['value'].'\'');
if ( count($exprStack) != 1 ) {
Error('Expression stack has '.count($exprStack).' elements');
return array_pop($exprStack);
} # end function tree
function addTerm($term=false, $position=null) {
if ( !FilterTerm::is_valid_attr($term['attr']) ) {
Error('Unsupported filter attribute ' . $term['attr']);
//return $this;
#if (!(new FilterTerm($this, $term))->valid()) {
#Warning("Invalid term for ".$term['attr']. ' not adding to filter');
#return $this;
$terms = $this->terms();
if ( (!isset($position)) or ($position > count($terms)) )
$position = count($terms);
else if ( $position < 0 )
$position = 0;
array_splice($terms, $position, 0, array($term ? $term : array()));
return $this;
} # end function addTerm
function addTerms($terms, $options=null) {
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
return $this;
function Events() {
$events = array();
if (!$this->test_pre_sql_conditions()) {
Debug('Pre conditions failed, not doing sql');
return $events;
$where = $this->sql() ? ' WHERE ('.$this->sql().')' : '';
// $where = ' WHERE ( T.Name = "Bird" )';
$sort = $this->sort_field() ? $this->sort_field() .' '.($this->sort_asc() ? 'ASC' : 'DESC') : '';
$col_str = '
AS Monitor';
$sql = '
' .$col_str. '
FROM `Events`
ON E.MonitorId = M.Id
LEFT JOIN Events_Tags
ON E.Id = ET.EventId
ON T.Id = ET.TagId
'.$where.($sort?' ORDER BY '.$sort:'');
if ($this->limit() and !count($this->pre_sql_conditions()) and !count($this->post_sql_conditions())) {
$sql .= ' LIMIT '.$this->limit();
Debug('Calling the following sql query: ' .$sql);
$query = dbQuery($sql);
if (!$query) return $events;
while ($row = dbFetchNext($query)) {
$event = new Event($row);
if (!$this->test_post_sql_conditions($event)) {
$events[] = $event;
if ($this->limit() and (count($events) > $this->limit())) {
} # end foreach row
return $events;
} # end Events()
public static function attrTypes() {
if (!self::$attrTypes) {
self::$attrTypes = array(
'AlarmFrames' => translate('AttrAlarmFrames'),
'AlarmedZoneId' => translate('AttrAlarmedZone'),
'Archived' => translate('AttrArchiveStatus'),
'AvgScore' => translate('AttrAvgScore'),
'Cause' => translate('AttrCause'),
'DiskBlocks' => translate('AttrDiskBlocks'),
'DiskPercent' => translate('AttrDiskPercent'),
#'StorageDiskSpace' => translate('AttrStorageDiskSpace'),
'DiskSpace' => translate('AttrEventDiskSpace'),
'DateTime' => translate('Date Time'),
'EndDateTime' => translate('AttrEndDateTime'),
'EndDate' => translate('AttrEndDate'),
'EndTime' => translate('AttrEndTime'),
'EndWeekday' => translate('AttrEndWeekday'),
'ExistsInFileSystem' => translate('ExistsInFileSystem'),
'FilterServerId' => translate('AttrFilterServer'),
'Frames' => translate('AttrFrames'),
'Group' => translate('Group'),
'Id' => translate('AttrId'),
'Length' => translate('AttrDuration'),
'MaxScore' => translate('AttrMaxScore'),
'Monitor' => translate('Monitor'),
'MonitorId' => translate('AttrMonitorId'),
'MonitorName' => translate('AttrMonitorName'),
'MonitorServerId' => translate('AttrMonitorServer'),
'Name' => translate('AttrName'),
'Notes' => translate('AttrNotes'),
'SecondaryStorageId' => translate('AttrSecondaryStorageArea'),
'ServerId' => translate('AttrMonitorServer'),
'StartDateTime' => translate('AttrStartDateTime'),
'StartDate' => translate('AttrStartDate'),
'StartTime' => translate('AttrStartTime'),
'StartWeekday' => translate('AttrStartWeekday'),
'StateId' => translate('AttrStateId'),
'StorageId' => translate('AttrStorageArea'),
'StorageServerId' => translate('AttrStorageServer'),
'SystemLoad' => translate('AttrSystemLoad'),
'Tags' => translate('Tags'),
'TotScore' => translate('AttrTotalScore'),
return self::$attrTypes;
public static function booleanValues() {
if (!self::$booleanValues) {
self::$booleanValues = array(
'false' => translate('False'),
'true' => translate('True')
return self::$booleanValues;
public static function is_isnot_opTypes() {
if (!self::$is_isnot_opTypes) {
self::$is_isnot_opTypes = array(
'IS' => translate('OpIs'),
'IS NOT' => translate('OpIsNot'),
return self::$is_isnot_opTypes;
public static function tags_opTypes() {
if (!self::$tags_opTypes) {
self::$tags_opTypes = array(
'LIKE' => translate('OpLike'),
'NOT LIKE' => translate('OpNotLike'),
return self::$tags_opTypes;
public static function opTypes() {
if (!self::$opTypes) {
self::$opTypes = array(
'=' => translate('OpEq'),
'!=' => translate('OpNe'),
'>=' => translate('OpGtEq'),
'>' => translate('OpGt'),
'<' => translate('OpLt'),
'<=' => translate('OpLtEq'),
'=~' => translate('OpMatches'),
'!~' => translate('OpNotMatches'),
'=[]' => translate('OpIn'),
'![]' => translate('OpNotIn'),
'IS' => translate('OpIs'),
'IS NOT' => translate('OpIsNot'),
'LIKE' => translate('OpLike'),
'NOT LIKE' => translate('OpNotLike'),
return self::$opTypes;
public static function archiveTypes() {
if (!self::$archiveTypes) {
self::$archiveTypes = array(
'' => translate('All'),
'0' => translate('ArchUnarchived'),
'1' => translate('ArchArchived')
return self::$archiveTypes;
public function widget() {
$html = '<table id="fieldsTable" class="filterTable"><tbody>';
$opTypes = $this->opTypes();
$archiveTypes = $this->archiveTypes();
$terms = $this->terms();
$obracketTypes = array();
$cbracketTypes = array();
if ( count($terms) ) {
for ( $i = 0; $i <= count($terms)-2; $i++ ) {
$obracketTypes[$i] = str_repeat('(', $i);
$cbracketTypes[$i] = str_repeat(')', $i);
$is_isnot_opTypes = $this->is_isnot_opTypes();
$booleanValues = $this->booleanValues();
$conjunctionTypes = getFilterQueryConjunctionTypes();
$storageareas = null;
$weekdays = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) {
$weekdays[$i] = date('D', mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, $i+1, 2001));
$states = array();
foreach ( dbFetchAll('SELECT `Id`, `Name` FROM `States` ORDER BY lower(`Name`) ASC') as $state_row ) {
$states[$state_row['Id']] = validHtmlStr($state_row['Name']);
$servers = array();
$servers['ZM_SERVER_ID'] = 'Current Server';
$servers['NULL'] = 'No Server';
global $Servers;
foreach ( $Servers as $server ) {
$servers[$server->Id()] = validHtmlStr($server->Name());
$monitors = array();
$monitor_names = array();
foreach ( dbFetchAll('SELECT `Id`, `Name` FROM `Monitors` WHERE Deleted=false ORDER BY lower(`Name`) ASC') as $monitor ) {
if ( visibleMonitor($monitor['Id']) ) {
$monitors[$monitor['Id']] = new Monitor($monitor);
$monitor_names[] = validHtmlStr($monitor['Name']);
$zones = array();
foreach ( dbFetchAll('SELECT Id, Name, MonitorId FROM Zones WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Monitors.Id=MonitorId AND Monitors.Deleted=false) ORDER BY lower(`Name`) ASC') as $zone ) {
if ( visibleMonitor($zone['MonitorId']) ) {
if ( isset($monitors[$zone['MonitorId']]) ) {
$zone['Name'] = validHtmlStr($monitors[$zone['MonitorId']]->Name().': '.$zone['Name']);
$zones[$zone['Id']] = new Zone($zone);
// $availableTags = array();
foreach ( dbFetchAll('SELECT Id, Name FROM Tags ORDER BY LastAssignedDate DESC') AS $tag ) {
$availableTags[$tag['Id']] = validHtmlStr($tag['Name']);
for ($i=0; $i < count($terms); $i++) {
$term = $terms[$i];
if ( ! isset( $term['op'] ) )
$term['op'] = '=';
if ( ! isset( $term['attr'] ) )
$term['attr'] = 'Id';
if ( ! isset( $term['val'] ) )
$term['val'] = '';
if ( ! isset( $term['cnj'] ) )
$term['cnj'] = 'and';
if ( ! isset( $term['cbr'] ) )
$term['cbr'] = '';
if ( ! isset( $term['obr'] ) )
$term['obr'] = '';
$html .= '<tr>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= ($i == 0) ? '<td> </td>' : '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][cnj]", $conjunctionTypes, $term['cnj'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'. ( count($terms) > 2 ? htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][obr]", $obracketTypes, $term['obr'], ['class'=>'chosen', 'data-placeholder'=>' ']) : ' ').'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][attr]", $this->attrTypes(), $term['attr'], array('data-on-change-this'=>'checkValue', 'class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width')).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
if ( isset($term['attr']) ) {
if ( $term['attr'] == 'Archived' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.translate('OpEq').'<input type="hidden" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][op]" value="="/></td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $archiveTypes, $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Tags') {
// Error($term['attr']);
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$options = ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple'];
$selected = explode(',', $term['val']);
if (count($selected) == 1 and !$selected[0]) {
$selected = null;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $availableTags, $selected, $options).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
// ZM\Debug('$availableTags: '.$availableTags);
// ZM\Debug('$selected: '.$selected);
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'DateTime' || $term['attr'] == 'StartDateTime' || $term['attr'] == 'EndDateTime') {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td><input type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" id="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr(str_replace('T', ' ', $term['val'])):'').'"/></td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Date' || $term['attr'] == 'StartDate' || $term['attr'] == 'EndDate' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td><input type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" id="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr($term['val']):'').'"/></td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'StartTime' || $term['attr'] == 'EndTime' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td><input type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" id="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr(str_replace('T', ' ', $term['val'])):'' ).'"/></td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'ExistsInFileSystem' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $is_isnot_opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $booleanValues, $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Group') {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", Group::get_dropdown_options(), $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'StateId' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $states, $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( strpos($term['attr'], 'Weekday') !== false ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $weekdays, $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Monitor' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$selected = explode(',', $term['val']);
if (count($selected) == 1 and !$selected[0]) {
$selected = null;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $monitors, $selected, ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'MonitorName' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", array_combine($monitor_names,$monitor_names), $term['val'],
['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'ServerId' || $term['attr'] == 'MonitorServerId' || $term['attr'] == 'StorageServerId' || $term['attr'] == 'FilterServerId' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $servers, $term['val'],
['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( ($term['attr'] == 'StorageId') || ($term['attr'] == 'SecondaryStorageId') ) {
if (!$storageareas) {
$storageareas = array('' => array('Name'=>'NULL Unspecified'), '0' => array('Name'=>'Zero')) + ZM_Object::Objects_Indexed_By_Id('ZM\Storage');
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $storageareas, $term['val'],
['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} elseif ( $term['attr'] == 'AlarmedZoneId' ) {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $zones, $term['val'],
['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else {
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td><input type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.validHtmlStr($term['val']).'"/></td>'.PHP_EOL;
} else { # no attr ?
$html .= '<td>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-full-width']).'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td><input type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr($term['val']):'' ).'"/></td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>'.( count($terms) > 2 ? htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][cbr]", $cbracketTypes, $term['cbr'], ['class'=>'chosen', 'data-placeholder'=>' ']) : ' ').'</td>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<td>
<button type="button" data-on-click-this="addTerm">+</button>
<button type="button" data-on-click-this="delTerm" '.(count($terms) == 1 ? 'disabled' : '' ).'>-</button>
} # end foreach term
// Error($html);
return $html;
} # end function widget()
public function simple_widget() {
$html = '<div id="fieldsTable" class="filterTable">';
$terms = $this->terms();
$attrTypes = $this->attrTypes();
$opTypes = $this->opTypes();
$archiveTypes = $this->archiveTypes();
$is_isnot_opTypes = $this->is_isnot_opTypes();
$booleanValues = $this->booleanValues();
$storageareas= null;
$states = array();
foreach ( dbFetchAll('SELECT `Id`, `Name` FROM `States` ORDER BY lower(`Name`) ASC') as $state_row ) {
$states[$state_row['Id']] = validHtmlStr($state_row['Name']);
$servers = array();
$servers['ZM_SERVER_ID'] = 'Current Server';
$servers['NULL'] = 'No Server';
global $Servers;
foreach ( $Servers as $server ) {
$servers[$server->Id()] = validHtmlStr($server->Name());
$weekdays = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) {
$weekdays[$i] = date('D', mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, $i+1, 2001));
$availableTags = array();
foreach ( dbFetchAll('SELECT Id, Name FROM Tags ORDER BY LastAssignedDate DESC') AS $tag ) {
$availableTags[$tag['Id']] = validHtmlStr($tag['Name']);
for ($i=0; $i < count($terms); $i++) {
$term = $terms[$i];
if ( ! isset( $term['op'] ) )
$term['op'] = '=';
if ( ! isset( $term['attr'] ) )
$term['attr'] = 'Id';
if ( ! isset( $term['val'] ) )
$term['val'] = '';
if ( ! isset( $term['cnj'] ) )
$term['cnj'] = 'and';
if ( ! isset( $term['cbr'] ) )
$term['cbr'] = '';
if ( ! isset( $term['obr'] ) )
$term['obr'] = '';
#$html .= ($i == 0) ? '' : htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][cnj]", $conjunctionTypes, $term['cnj']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= ($i == 0) ? '' : html_input("filter[Query][terms][$i][cnj]", 'hidden', $term['cnj']).PHP_EOL;
if ( isset($term['attr']) ) {
$html .= '<span class="term '.$term['attr'].'"><span class="term-label-wrapper"><label>'.$attrTypes[$term['attr']].'</label>';
$html .= html_input("filter[Query][terms][$i][attr]", 'hidden', $term['attr']);
$html .= html_input("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", 'hidden', $term['op']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '<span>'. $term['op'].'</span></span>'.PHP_EOL;
#$html .= '<span>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][op]", $opTypes, $term['op']).'</span>'.PHP_EOL;
if ( $term['attr'] == 'Archived' ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $archiveTypes, $term['val'],['class'=>'chosen chosen-auto-width']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Tags' ) {
$selected = explode(',', $term['val']);
// echo '<pre>selected: '; print_r($selected); echo '</pre>';
if (count($selected) == 1 and !$selected[0]) {
$selected = null;
$options = ['class'=>'chosen chosen-auto-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple', 'data-placeholder'=>translate('All Tags')];
if (isset($term['cookie'])) {
$options['data-cookie'] = $term['cookie'];
if (!$selected and isset($_COOKIE[$term['cookie']]) and $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']])
$selected = explode(',', $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']]);
// These echo statements print these variables at the top of the view.
// echo '<pre>availableTags: '; print_r($availableTags); echo '</pre>';
// echo '<pre>selected: '; print_r($selected); echo '</pre>';
// echo '<pre>options: '; print_r($options); echo '</pre>';
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $availableTags, $selected, $options).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
// $html .= '<span>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", array_combine($availableTags,$availableTags), $term['val'],
// $options).'</span>'.PHP_EOL;
// $html .= '<span>'.htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $availableTags, $term['val'], $options).'</span>'.PHP_EOL;
// Debug doesn't work here.
// Debug('$availableTags: '.$availableTags);
// Debug('$selected: '.$selected);
// Debug('$options: '.$options);
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'DateTime' || $term['attr'] == 'StartDateTime' || $term['attr'] == 'EndDateTime') {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= '<input type="text" class="term-value datetimepicker" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]"';
if (isset($term['id'])) {
$html .= ' id="'.$term['id'].'"';
} else {
$html .= ' id="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]"';
if (isset($term['cookie'])) {
if ((!$term['val']) and isset($_COOKIE[$term['cookie']])) $term['val'] = $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']];
$html .= ' data-cookie="'.$term['cookie'].'"';
$html .= ' value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr(str_replace('T', ' ', $term['val'])):'').'"';
if (!isset($term['placeholder'])) $term['placeholder'] = translate('Attr'.$term['attr']);
$html .= ' placeholder="'.$term['placeholder'].'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Date' || $term['attr'] == 'StartDate' || $term['attr'] == 'EndDate' ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= '<input type="text" class="term-value datepicker" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" id="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]"';
if (isset($term['cookie'])) {
if (!$term['val'] and isset($_COOKIE[$term['cookie']])) $term['val'] = $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']];
$html .= ' data-cookie="'.$term['cookie'].'"';
$html .= ' value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr($term['val']):'').'" placeholder="'.translate('Attr'.$term['attr']).'"';
$html .= '/></span>'.PHP_EOL;
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'StartTime' || $term['attr'] == 'EndTime' ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= '<input type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" id="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr(str_replace('T', ' ', $term['val'])):'' ).'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'ExistsInFileSystem' ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $booleanValues, $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-auto-width']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Group') {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", Group::get_dropdown_options(), $term['val'],
['class'=>'term-value chosen chosen-auto-width',
'data-placeholder'=>translate('All Groups')]).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'StateId' ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $states, $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-auto-width']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( strpos($term['attr'], 'Weekday') !== false ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $weekdays, $term['val'], ['class'=>'chosen chosen-auto-width']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Monitor' ) {
$monitors = [];
foreach (Monitor::find(['Deleted'=>false], ['order'=>'lower(Name)']) as $m) {
if ($m->canView()) {
$monitors[$m->Id()] = $m->Id().' '.validHtmlStr($m->Name());
$selected = explode(',', $term['val']);
// echo '<pre>Monitor selected: '; print_r($selected); echo '</pre>';
if (count($selected) == 1 and !$selected[0]) {
$selected = null;
$options = ['class'=>'term-value chosen chosen-auto-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple', 'data-placeholder'=>translate('All Monitors')];
if (isset($term['cookie'])) {
$options['data-cookie'] = $term['cookie'];
if (!$selected and isset($_COOKIE[$term['cookie']]) and $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']])
$selected = explode(',', $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']]);
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $monitors, $selected, $options).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'MonitorName' ) {
$monitor_names = [];
foreach (Monitor::find(['Deleted'=>false], ['order'=>'lower(Name)']) as $m) {
if ($m->canView()) {
$monitor_names[$m->Name()] = validHtmlStr($m->Name());
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", array_combine($monitor_names,$monitor_names), $term['val'],
['class'=>'term-value chosen chosen-auto-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple', 'data-placeholder'=>translate('All Monitors')]).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'ServerId' || $term['attr'] == 'MonitorServerId' || $term['attr'] == 'StorageServerId' || $term['attr'] == 'FilterServerId' ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $servers, $term['val'],
['class'=>'term-value chosen chosen-auto-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( ($term['attr'] == 'StorageId') || ($term['attr'] == 'SecondaryStorageId') ) {
if (!$storageareas) {
$storageareas = array('' => array('Name'=>'NULL Unspecified'), '0' => array('Name'=>'Zero')) + ZM_Object::Objects_Indexed_By_Id('ZM\Storage');
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $storageareas, $term['val'],
['class'=>'term-value chosen chosen-auto-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'AlarmedZoneId' ) {
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $zones, $term['val'],
['class'=>'term-value chosen chosen-auto-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple']).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else if ( $term['attr'] == 'Notes' ) {
$attrs = ['class'=>'term-value chosen chosen-auto-width', 'multiple'=>'multiple', 'data-placeholder'=>translate('Event Type')];
$selected = explode(',', $term['val']);
if (count($selected) == 1 and !$selected[0]) {
$selected = null;
if (isset($term['cookie'])) {
$attrs['data-cookie'] = $term['cookie'];
if (!$selected and isset($_COOKIE[$term['cookie']]) and $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']])
$selected = explode(',', $_COOKIE[$term['cookie']]);
$options = [
'Motion' => 'Motion',
'detected' => 'Any Object',
'aplr' => 'Any license plate',
'boat' => 'Boat',
'bus' => 'Bus',
'car' => 'Car',
'truck' => 'Truck',
'vehicle' => 'Vehicle'];
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= htmlSelect("filter[Query][terms][$i][val]", $options, $selected, $attrs).PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else {
#$html .= $term['attr'];
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= '<input class="term-value"type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.validHtmlStr($term['val']).'"/>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
} else { # no attr ?
$html .= '<span class="term-value-wrapper">';
$html .= '<input class="term-value" type="text" name="filter[Query][terms]['.$i.'][val]" value="'.(isset($term['val'])?validHtmlStr($term['val']):'' ).'"/></span>'.PHP_EOL;
$html .= '</span>';
$html .= '</span>';
} # end foreach term
$html .= '</div>';
// Error($html);
return $html;
} # end function simple_widget()
public function has_term($attr, $op=null) {
foreach ($this->terms() as $term) {
if (($term['attr'] == $attr) and ((!$op) or ($term['op']==$op)) ) return $term;
return false;
// Given an array of attr, sort terms by attr
public function sort_terms($sort) {
$new_terms = [];
$old_terms = $this->terms();
foreach ($sort as $attr) {
for ($i=0; $i < count($old_terms); $i++) {
if ($old_terms[$i]['attr'] == $attr) {
if (!isset($old_terms[$i]['cnj'])) {
$old_terms[$i]['cnj'] = 'and';
$new_terms[] = $old_terms[$i];
array_splice($old_terms, $i, 1);
if (count($old_terms)) {
$new_terms = array_merge($new_terms, $old_terms);
public function remove_invalid_terms() {
$new_terms = [];
$old_terms = $this->terms();
foreach ($old_terms as $term) {
$Term = new FilterTerm($this, $term);
if ($Term->valid())
$new_terms[] = $term;
public function canDelete($u=null) {
global $user;
if (!$u) $u = $user;
if ($u->canEdit('System') or ($this->UserId() == $u->Id())) return true;
return false;
public function canEdit($u=null) {
global $user;
if (!$u) $u=$user;
if ($u->canEdit('System')) return true;
if ($this->UserId() == $u->Id()) {
if ($u->canEdit('Events')) return true;
if ($u->canView('Events')) {
// If we can only view events, then we can't perform filters that involve changing the event.
if (!(
$this->AutoExecute() and
$this->AutoDelete() and
$this->AutoUnarchive() and
$this->AutoMove() and
)) {
return true;
return false;
} # end class Filter