220 lines
12 KiB
220 lines
12 KiB
var optControl = <?php echo ZM_OPT_CONTROL ?>;
var hasOnvif = <?php echo ZM_HAS_ONVIF ?>;
var defaultAspectRatio = '<?php echo ZM_DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO ?>';
var controlOptions = new Object();
global $controls;
foreach ( $controls as $control ) {
echo '
controlOptions['.$control->Id().'] = new Array();
controlOptions['.$control->Id().'][0] = '.
( $control->HasHomePreset() ? '\''.translate('Home').'\'' : 'null' ).PHP_EOL;
for ( $i = 1; $i <= $control->NumPresets(); $i++ ) {
echo 'controlOptions['. $control->Id().']['.$i.'] = \''.translate('Preset').' '.$i .'\';'.PHP_EOL;
} # end foreach row
} # end if ZM_OPT_CONTROL
var monitorNames = new Object();
var rtspStreamNames = new Object();
$query = empty($_REQUEST['mid']) ?
dbQuery('SELECT Name,RTSPStreamName FROM Monitors') :
dbQuery('SELECT Name,RTSPStreamName FROM Monitors WHERE Id != ?', array($_REQUEST['mid']) );
if ($query) {
while ($row = dbFetchNext($query)) {
echo '
monitorNames[\''.validJsStr($row['Name']).'\'] = true;
rtspStreamNames[\''.validJsStr($row['RTSPStreamName']).'\'] = true;
} // end foreach
} # end if query
function validateForm( form ) {
var errors = new Array();
var warnings = new Array();
const elements = form.elements;
// No monitor input should have whitespace at beginning or end, so strip them out first.
for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].value = elements[i].value.trim();
if ( elements['newMonitor[Name]'].value.search( /[^\w\-\.\(\)\:\/ ]/ ) >= 0 )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadNameChars') ?>";
else if ( monitorNames[form.elements['newMonitor[Name]'].value] )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('DuplicateMonitorName') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Type]'].value == 'Local' ) {
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Palette]'].value || !form.elements['newMonitor[Palette]'].value.match( /^\d+$/ ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPalette') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Device]'].value )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadDevice') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Channel]'].value || !form.elements['newMonitor[Channel]'].value.match( /^\d+$/ ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadChannel') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Format]'].value || !form.elements['newMonitor[Format]'].value.match( /^\d+$/ ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadFormat') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[VideoWriter]'].value == 2 /* Passthrough */ )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPassthrough') ?>";
} else if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Type]'].value == 'Remote' ) {
//if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Host]'].value || !form.elements['newMonitor[Host]'].value.match( /^[0-9a-zA-Z_.:@-]+$/ ) )
//errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadHost') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Port]'].value && !form.elements['newMonitor[Port]'].value.match( /^\d+$/ ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPort') ?>";
//if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Path]'].value )
//errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPath') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[VideoWriter]'].value == 2 /* Passthrough */ )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPassthrough') ?>";
} else if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Type]'].value == 'Ffmpeg' ) {
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Path]'].value ) {
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPath') ?>";
} else if (form.elements['newMonitor[Path]'].value.match(/[\!\*'\(\)\$ ,#]/)) {
warnings[warnings.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPathNotEncoded') ?>";
* Alternate way of testing for bad urls
let url = new URL(form.elements['newMonitor[Path]'].value);
if (url.href != form.elements['newMonitor[Path]'].value) {
warnings[warnings.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPathNotEncoded') ?>";
} else if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Type]'].value == 'File' ) {
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Path]'].value )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPath') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[VideoWriter]'].value == 2 /* Passthrough */ )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPassthrough') ?>";
} else if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Type]'].value == 'WebSite' ) {
//if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Function]'].value != 'Monitor' && form.elements['newMonitor[Function]'].value != 'None')
//errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadSourceType') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Path]'].value.search(/^https?:\/\//i) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadWebSitePath') ?>";
if (form.elements['newMonitor[VideoWriter]'].value == '1' /* Encode */) {
var parameters = form.elements['newMonitor[EncoderParameters]'].value.replace(/[^#a-zA-Z]/g, "");
if (parameters == '' || parameters == '#Linesbeginningwith#areacomment#Forchangingqualityusethecrfoption#isbestisworstquality#crf' ) {
warnings[warnings.length] = '<?php echo translate('BadEncoderParameters') ?>';
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Type]'].value != 'WebSite' ) {
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[AnalysisFPSLimit]'].value && !(parseFloat(form.elements['newMonitor[AnalysisFPSLimit]'].value) > 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadAnalysisFPS') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[MaxFPS]'].value && !(parseFloat(form.elements['newMonitor[MaxFPS]'].value) > 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadMaxFPS') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[AlarmMaxFPS]'].value && !(parseFloat(form.elements['newMonitor[AlarmMaxFPS]'].value) > 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadAlarmMaxFPS') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[RefBlendPerc]'].value || (parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[RefBlendPerc]'].value) > 100 ) || (parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[RefBlendPerc]'].value) < 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadRefBlendPerc') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Colours]'].value || (parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[Colours]'].value) != 1 && parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[Colours]'].value) != 3 && parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[Colours]'].value) != 4 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadColours') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Width]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[Width]'].value) > 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadWidth') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[Height]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[Height]'].value) > 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadHeight') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[LabelX]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[LabelX]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadLabelX') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[LabelY]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[LabelY]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadLabelY') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[ImageBufferCount]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[ImageBufferCount]'].value) >= 2 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadImageBufferCount') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[WarmupCount]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[WarmupCount]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadWarmupCount') ?>";
if (
!(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[PreEventCount]'].value) >= 0)
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPreEventCount') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[PostEventCount]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[PostEventCount]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadPostEventCount') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[StreamReplayBuffer]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[StreamReplayBuffer]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadStreamReplayBuffer') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[AlarmFrameCount]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[AlarmFrameCount]'].value) > 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadAlarmFrameCount') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[SectionLength]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[SectionLength]'].value) >= 30 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadSectionLength') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[AnalysisUpdateDelay]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[AnalysisUpdateDelay]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadAnalysisUpdateDelay') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[FPSReportInterval]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[FPSReportInterval]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadFPSReportInterval') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[FrameSkip]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[FrameSkip]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadFrameSkip') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[MotionFrameSkip]'].value || !(parseInt(form.elements['newMonitor[MotionFrameSkip]'].value) >= 0 ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadMotionFrameSkip') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[Type]'].value == 'Local' )
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[SignalCheckColour]'].value || !form.elements['newMonitor[SignalCheckColour]'].value.match( /^[#0-9a-zA-Z]+$/ ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadSignalCheckColour') ?>";
if ( !form.elements['newMonitor[WebColour]'].value || !form.elements['newMonitor[WebColour]'].value.match( /^[#0-9a-zA-Z]+$/ ) )
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadWebColour') ?>";
if ( form.elements['newMonitor[RTSPStreamName]'].value
errors[errors.length] = "<?php echo translate('DuplicateRTSPStreamName') ?>";
if ( errors.length ) {
return false;
if ( (form.elements['newMonitor[Recording]'].value == 'None') ) {
if ( (form.elements['newMonitor[SaveJPEGs]'].value == '0') && (form.elements['newMonitor[VideoWriter]'].value == '0') ) {
warnings[warnings.length] = "<?php echo translate('BadNoSaveJPEGsOrVideoWriter'); ?>";
if ( warnings.length ) {
if ( !confirm(warnings.join("\n")) ) {
return false;
return true;
function updateMethods(element) {
var form = element.form;
var origMethod = form.elements['origMethod'];
var methodSelector = form.elements['newMonitor[Method]'];
methodSelector.options.length = 0;
switch ( element.value ) {
case 'http' :
global $httpMethods;
foreach( $httpMethods as $value=>$label ) {
methodSelector.options[methodSelector.options.length] = new Option("<?php echo htmlspecialchars($label) ?>", "<?php echo $value ?>");
if ( origMethod.value == "<?php echo $value ?>" )
methodSelector.selectedIndex = methodSelector.options.length-1;
case 'rtsp' :
global $rtspMethods;
foreach( $rtspMethods as $value=>$label ) {
methodSelector.options[methodSelector.options.length] = new Option( "<?php echo htmlspecialchars($label) ?>", "<?php echo $value ?>" );
if ( origMethod.value == "<?php echo $value ?>" )
methodSelector.selectedIndex = form.elements['newMonitor[Method]'].options.length-1;
return true;