183 lines
5.4 KiB
183 lines
5.4 KiB
namespace ZM;
class User extends ZM_Object {
protected static $table = 'Users';
protected $Id;
protected $Username = '';
protected $Name = '';
protected $Email = '';
protected $Phone = '';
protected $Password = '';
protected $Language = '';
protected $Enabled = 1;
protected $Stream = 'None';
protected $Events = 'None';
protected $Experiments = 'None';
protected $Control = 'None';
protected $Monitors = 'None';
protected $Groups = 'None';
protected $Devices = 'None';
protected $Snapshots = 'None';
protected $System = 'None';
protected $MaxBandwidth = '';
protected $TokenMinExpiry = 0;
protected $APIEnabled = 1;
protected $HomeView = 'console';
protected $defaults = array(
'Id' => null,
'Username' => array('type'=>'text','filter_regexp'=>'/[^\w\.@ ]/', 'default'=>''),
'Name' => '',
'Email' => '',
'Phone' => '',
'Password' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Enabled' => 1,
'Stream' => 'None',
'Events' => 'None',
'Control' => 'None',
'Monitors' => 'None',
'Groups' => 'None',
'Devices' => 'None',
'Snapshots' => 'None',
'System' => 'None',
'MaxBandwidth' => '',
'TokenMinExpiry' => 0,
'APIEnabled' => 1,
'HomeView' => '',
private $Group_Permissions; # array of GP objects indexed by id
private $Monitor_Permissions;
private $Preferences;
public static function find( $parameters = array(), $options = array() ) {
return ZM_Object::_find(self::class, $parameters, $options);
public static function find_one( $parameters = array(), $options = array() ) {
return ZM_Object::_find_one(self::class, $parameters, $options);
public function Name($new=null) {
if ($new != null) {
$this->Name = $new;
if (property_exists($this, 'Name') and !empty($this->Name)) {
return $this->Name;
return $this->Username();
public static function Indexed_By_Id() {
$results = array();
foreach ( ZM_Object::_find('ZM\User', null, array('order'=>'lower(Username)')) as $Object ) {
$results[$Object->Id()] = $Object;
return $results;
public function Group_Permissions() {
if (!$this->Group_Permissions) {
if ($this->Id()) {
$this->Group_Permissions = array_to_hash_by_key('GroupId', Group_Permission::find(['UserId'=>$this->Id()]));
} else {
$this->Group_Permissions = [];
return array_values($this->Group_Permissions);
public function Group_Permission($group_id) {
if (!$this->Group_Permissions) $this->Group_Permissions();
if (!isset($this->Group_Permissions[$group_id])) {
$gp = $this->Group_Permissions[$group_id] = new Group_Permission();
return $this->Group_Permissions[$group_id];
public function Monitor_Permissions($new=-1) {
if ($new != -1) $this->Monitor_Permissions = $new;
if (!$this->Monitor_Permissions) {
if ($this->Id()) {
$this->Monitor_Permissions = array_to_hash_by_key('MonitorId', Monitor_Permission::find(['UserId'=>$this->Id()]));
} else {
$this->Monitor_Permissions = [];
return array_values($this->Monitor_Permissions);
public function Monitor_Permission($monitor_id) {
if (!$this->Monitor_Permissions) $this->Monitor_Permissions();
if (!isset($this->Monitor_Permissions[$monitor_id])) {
$mp = $this->Monitor_Permissions[$monitor_id] = new Monitor_Permission();
return $this->Monitor_Permissions[$monitor_id];
public function Preferences($new=-1) {
if ($new != -1) $this->Preferences = $new;
if (!$this->Preferences) {
$this->Preferences = array_to_hash_by_key('Name', User_Preference::find(['UserId'=>$this->Id()]));
return array_values($this->Preferences);
public function Preference($name) {
if (!$this->Preferences) $this->Preferences();
if (!isset($this->Preferences[$name])) {
$up = $this->Preferences[$name] = new User_Preference();
return $this->Preferences[$name];
public function viewableMonitorIds() {
if (!property_exists($this, 'viewableMonitorIds')) {
$this->viewableMonitorIds = [];
$this->unviewableMonitorIds = [];
foreach (Monitor::find() as $monitor) {
if ($monitor->canView($this)) {
$this->viewableMonitorIds[] = $monitor->Id();
} else {
$this->unviewableMonitorIds[] = $monitor->Id();
return $this->viewableMonitorIds;
public function unviewableMonitorIds() {
if (!property_exists($this, 'unviewableMonitorIds')) {
$this->viewableMonitorIds = [];
$this->unviewableMonitorIds = [];
foreach (Monitor::find() as $monitor) {
if ($monitor->canView($this)) {
$this->viewableMonitorIds[] = $monitor->Id();
} else {
$this->unviewableMonitorIds[] = $monitor->Id();
return $this->unviewableMonitorIds;
} # end class User