80 lines
2.8 KiB
80 lines
2.8 KiB
#! /bin/sh
# postinst maintainer script for zoneminder-db package
set -e
# Source the debconf stuff
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
mysql_update() {
# Source the dbconfig stuff
. /usr/share/dbconfig-common/internal/mysql
# Update the password of the hard-coded default 'admin' account
test -z $ADMIN_PASSWORD || dbc_mysql_exec_command "UPDATE Users SET Password = password('$ADMIN_PASSWORD') WHERE Username = 'admin';" || true
# Update the database version
dbc_mysql_exec_command "UPDATE Config SET Value = '$DB_VERSION' WHERE Name = 'ZM_DYN_DB_VERSION';" || true
if [ -f /usr/share/dbconfig-common/dpkg/postinst ]; then
# Set the first version in which dbconfig-common was introduced in the package
# Set the database type
# Source the dbconfig-common stuff
. /usr/share/dbconfig-common/dpkg/postinst
# Do this when the package is installed, upgraded or reconfigured
if [ "$1" = "configure" ] || [ "$1" = "reconfigure" ]; then
# Install sql database create file for dbconfig
# (needed at first package installation)
if [ ! -f /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/zoneminder/install/mysql ]; then
install -m 644 /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_create.sql \
# Remove unneeded sql requests
# dbconfig will create the underlying database
sed -i "/^ *CREATE DATABASE /d" \
sed -i "/^ *USE /d" \
# Symlink sql update files for dbconfig (needed when upgrading the package)
for sqlfile in /usr/share/zoneminder/db/zm_update-*.sql; do
lnk=`echo $sqlfile | sed "s/^\/usr\/share\/zoneminder\/db\/zm_update-\(.*\)\.sql/\1/"`
if [ ! -L /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/zoneminder/upgrade/mysql/$lnk ]; then
ln -sf $sqlfile \
done || true
# Create the underlying database and populate it
# dbconfig will take care of applying any updates which are newer than the
# previously installed version
dbc_go zoneminder $@
# Get the password of ZoneMinder user 'admin' from debconf
db_get zoneminder/admin_password
# Remove the password from debconf database
test -z $ADMIN_PASSWORD || db_reset zoneminder/admin_password || true
# Get the latest database version from dbconfig upgrade folder
DB_VERSION=$(ls -rv /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/zoneminder/upgrade/$dbc_dbtypes | head -1)
# Update the default admin account and database version
exit 0