#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail # packpack setup file for the ZoneMinder project # Written by Andrew Bauer ############### # SUBROUTINES # ############### # General sanity checks checksanity () { # Check to see if this script has access to all the commands it needs for CMD in set echo curl git ln mkdir rmdir cat patch sed; do type $CMD 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "ERROR: The script cannot find the required command \"${CMD}\"." echo exit 1 fi done # Verify OS & DIST environment variables have been set before calling this script if [ -z "${OS}" ] || [ -z "${DIST}" ]; then echo "ERROR: both OS and DIST environment variables must be set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${ARCH}" ]; then ARCH="x86_64" fi if [[ "${ARCH}" != "x86_64" && "${ARCH}" != "i386" && "${ARCH}" != "armhf" && "${ARCH}" != "aarch64" ]]; then echo echo "ERROR: Unsupported architecture specified \"${ARCH}\"." echo exit 1 fi } # Create key variables used to assemble the package name createvars () { # We need today's date in year/month/day format thedate=$(date +%Y%m%d) # We need the (short) commit hash of the latest commit (rpm packaging only) shorthash=$(git describe --long --always | awk -F - '{print $3}') # Grab the ZoneMinder version from the contents of the version file versionfile=$(cat version) # git the latest (short) commit hash of the version file versionhash=$(git log -n1 --pretty=format:%h version) # Number of commits since the version file was last changed numcommits=$(git rev-list ${versionhash}..HEAD --count) } # Check key variables before calling packpack checkvars () { for var in $thedate $shorthash $versionfile $versionhash $numcommits; do if [ -z ${var} ]; then echo echo "FATAL: This script was unable to determine one or more key variables. Cannot continue." echo echo "VARIABLE DUMP" echo "-------------" echo echo "thedate: ${thedate}" echo "shorthash: ${shorthash}" echo "versionfile: ${versionfile}" echo "versionhash: ${versionhash}" echo "numcommits: ${numcommits}" echo exit 98 fi done } # Steps common to all builds commonprep () { mkdir -p build if [ -e "packpack/Makefile" ]; then echo "Checking packpack github repo for changes..." git -C packpack pull origin master else echo "Cloning packpack github repo..." git clone https://github.com/zoneminder/packpack.git packpack fi # The rpm specfile requires we download each submodule as a tarball then manually move it into place # Might as well do this for Debian as well, rather than git submodule init CRUDVER="3.2.0" if [ -e "build/crud-${CRUDVER}.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Found existing Crud ${CRUDVER} tarball..." else echo "Retrieving Crud ${CRUDVER} submodule..." curl -L https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud/archive/v${CRUDVER}.tar.gz > build/crud-${CRUDVER}.tar.gz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Crud tarball retreival failed..." exit 1 fi fi CEBVER="1.0-zm" if [ -e "build/cakephp-enum-behavior-${CEBVER}.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Found existing CakePHP-Enum-Behavior ${CEBVER} tarball..." else echo "Retrieving CakePHP-Enum-Behavior ${CEBVER} submodule..." curl -L https://github.com/ZoneMinder/CakePHP-Enum-Behavior/archive/${CEBVER}.tar.gz > build/cakephp-enum-behavior-${CEBVER}.tar.gz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: CakePHP-Enum-Behavior tarball retreival failed..." exit 1 fi fi RTSPVER="eab32851421ffe54fec0229c3efc44c642bc8d46" if [ -e "build/RtspServer-${RTSPVER}.tar.gz" ]; then echo "Found existing RtspServer ${RTSPVER} tarball..." else echo "Retrieving RTSP ${RTSPVER} submodule..." curl -L https://github.com/ZoneMinder/RtspServer/archive/${RTSPVER}.tar.gz > build/RtspServer-${RTSPVER}.tar.gz if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: RtspServer tarball retreival failed..." exit 1 fi fi } # Uncompress the submodule tarballs and move them into place movecrud () { if [ -e "web/api/app/Plugin/Crud/LICENSE.txt" ]; then echo "Crud plugin already installed..." else echo "Unpacking Crud plugin..." tar -xzf build/crud-${CRUDVER}.tar.gz rmdir web/api/app/Plugin/Crud mv -f crud-${CRUDVER} web/api/app/Plugin/Crud fi if [ -e "web/api/app/Plugin/CakePHP-Enum-Behavior/readme.md" ]; then echo "CakePHP-Enum-Behavior plugin already installed..." else echo "Unpacking CakePHP-Enum-Behavior plugin..." tar -xzf build/cakephp-enum-behavior-${CEBVER}.tar.gz rmdir web/api/app/Plugin/CakePHP-Enum-Behavior mv -f CakePHP-Enum-Behavior-${CEBVER} web/api/app/Plugin/CakePHP-Enum-Behavior fi if [ -e "dep/RtspServer/CMakeLists.txt" ]; then echo "RtspServer already installed..." else echo "Unpacking RtspServer..." tar -xzf build/RtspServer-${RTSPVER}.tar.gz rmdir dep/RtspServer mv -f RtspServer-${RTSPVER} dep/RtspServer fi } # previsouly part of installzm.sh # install the deb and test zoneminder install_deb () { # Check we've got gdebi installed type gdebi 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "ERROR: The script cannot find the required command \"gdebi\"." echo exit 1 fi # Install and test the zoneminder package pkgname="build/zoneminder_${VERSION}-${RELEASE}_amd64.deb" if [ -e $pkgname ]; then sudo gdebi --quiet --non-interactive $pkgname echo "Return code from installing $?" mysql -uzmuser -pzmpass zm < db/test.monitor.sql echo "Return code from adding test monitor $?" sudo /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl start echo "Return code from starting $?" sudo /usr/bin/zmfilter.pl --filter=purgewhenfull echo "Return code from running purgewhenfull $?" else echo echo "ERROR: The script cannot find the package $pkgname" echo "Check the Travis log for a build failure." echo exit 99 fi } # This sets the naming convention for the rpm packages setrpmpkgname () { createvars # Set VERSION to the contents of the version file e.g. 1.31.0 # Set RELEASE to 1.{number of commits}.{today's date}git{short hash of HEAD} e.g. 1.82.20170605gitg7ae0b4a export VERSION="$versionfile" export RELEASE="1.${numcommits}.${thedate}git${shorthash}" checkvars echo echo "Packpack VERSION has been set to: ${VERSION}" echo "Packpack RELEASE has been set to: ${RELEASE}" echo } # This sets the naming convention for the deb packages setdebpkgname () { createvars # Set VERSION to {zm version}~{today's date}.{number of commits} e.g. 1.31.0~20170605.82 # Set RELEASE to the packpack DIST variable e.g. Trusty if [ "" == "$VERSION" ]; then export VERSION="${versionfile}~${thedate}.${numcommits}" fi export RELEASE="${DIST}${PACKAGE_VERSION}" checkvars echo echo "Packpack VERSION has been set to: ${VERSION}" echo "Packpack RELEASE has been set to: ${RELEASE}" echo } # This adds an entry to the rpm specfile changelog setrpmchangelog () { export CHANGELOG_NAME="Andrew Bauer" export CHANGELOG_EMAIL="zonexpertconsulting@outlook.com" export CHANGELOG_TEXT="Automated, development snapshot of git ${shorthash}" } # This adds an entry to the debian changelog setdebchangelog () { DATE=`date -R` cat < debian/changelog zoneminder ($VERSION-${DIST}) ${DIST}; urgency=low * -- Isaac Connor $DATE EOF } # start packpack, filter the output if we are running in travis execpackpack () { if [ "${OS}" == "el" ] || [ "${OS}" == "fedora" ]; then parms="-f utils/packpack/redhat_package.mk redhat_package" else parms="" fi if [ "${TRAVIS}" == "true" ]; then # Travis will fail the build if the output gets too long # To mitigate that, use grep to filter out some of the noise if [ "${ARCH}" != "armhf" ]; then packpack/packpack $parms | grep -Ev '^(-- Installing:|-- Up-to-date:|Skip blib|Manifying|Installing /build|cp lib|writing output...|copying images...|reading sources...|[Working])' else # Travis never ceases to amaze. For the case of arm emulation, Travis fails the build due to too little output over a 10 minute period. Facepalm. packpack/packpack $parms | grep -Ev '^(-- Installing:|Skip blib|Manifying|Installing /build|cp lib|writing output...|copying images...|reading sources...|[Working])' fi else packpack/packpack $parms fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "ERROR: An error occurred while executing packpack." echo exit 1 fi } # Check for connectivity with the deploy target host checkdeploytarget () { echo echo "Checking Internet connectivity with the deploy host ${DEPLOYTARGET}" echo ping -c 1 ${DEPLOYTARGET} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "*** WARNING: THERE WAS A PROBLEM CONNECTING TO THE DEPLOY HOST ***" echo echo "Printing additional diagnostic information..." echo echo "*** NSLOOKUP ***" echo nslookup ${DEPLOYTARGET} echo echo "*** TRACEROUTE ***" echo traceroute -w 2 -m 15 ${DEPLOYTARGET} exit 97 fi } ################ # MAIN PROGRAM # ################ # Set the hostname we will deploy packages to DEPLOYTARGET="zmrepo.zoneminder.com" # If we are running inside Travis then verify we can connect to the target host machine if [ "${TRAVIS}" == "true" ]; then checkdeploytarget fi checksanity # Steps common to Redhat distros if [ "${OS}" == "el" ] || [ "${OS}" == "fedora" ]; then commonprep echo "Begin Redhat build..." # Newer Redhat distros use dnf package manager rather than yum if [ "${DIST}" -gt "7" ]; then sed -i 's\yum\dnf\' utils/packpack/redhat_package.mk fi setrpmpkgname ln -sfT distros/redhat rpm # The rpm specfile requires the Crud submodule folder to be empty rm -rf web/api/app/Plugin/Crud mkdir web/api/app/Plugin/Crud reporpm="rpmfusion-free-release" dlurl="https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/${OS}/${reporpm}-${DIST}.noarch.rpm" # Give our downloaded repo rpm a common name so redhat_package.mk can find it if [ -n "$dlurl" ] && [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Retrieving ${reporpm} repo rpm..." curl $dlurl > build/external-repo.noarch.rpm else echo "ERROR: Failed to retrieve ${reporpm} repo rpm..." echo "Download url was: $dlurl" exit 1 fi setrpmchangelog echo "Starting packpack..." execpackpack # Steps common to Debian based distros elif [ "${OS}" == "debian" ] || [ "${OS}" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "${OS}" == "raspbian" ]; then commonprep echo "Begin ${OS} ${DIST} build..." setdebpkgname movecrud if [ "${DIST}" == "bionic" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "focal" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "hirsute" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "impish" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "jammy" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "buster" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "bullseye" ]; then ln -sfT distros/ubuntu2004 debian elif [ "${DIST}" == "beowulf" ]; then ln -sfT distros/beowulf debian fi setdebchangelog echo "Starting packpack..." execpackpack # Try to install and run the newly built zoneminder package if [ "${OS}" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "${DIST}" == "bionic" ] && [ "${ARCH}" == "x86_64" ] && [ "${TRAVIS}" == "true" ]; then echo "Begin Deb package installation..." install_deb fi # Steps common to eslint checks elif [ "${OS}" == "eslint" ] || [ "${DIST}" == "eslint" ]; then # Check we've got npm installed type npm 2>&1 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo echo "ERROR: The script cannot find the required command \"npm\"." echo exit 1 fi npm install -g eslint@5.12.0 eslint-config-google@0.11.0 eslint-plugin-html@5.0.0 eslint-plugin-php-markup@0.2.5 echo "Begin eslint checks..." eslint --ext .php,.js . fi