0 ) { if ( count($rSockets) != 1 ) { ajaxError('Bogus return from select, '.count($rSockets).' sockets available'); } } switch ($nbytes = @socket_recvfrom($socket, $msg, MSG_DATA_SIZE, 0, $remSockFile)) { case -1 : ajaxError("socket_recvfrom( $remSockFile ) failed: ".socket_strerror(socket_last_error())); break; case 0 : ajaxError('No data to read from socket'); break; default : if ( $nbytes != MSG_DATA_SIZE ) ajaxError("Got unexpected message size, got $nbytes, expected ".MSG_DATA_SIZE); break; } $data = unpack('ltype', $msg); switch ( $data['type'] ) { case MSG_DATA_WATCH : $data = unpack('ltype/imonitor/istate/dfps/dcapturefps/danalysisfps/ilevel/irate/ddelay/izoom/Cdelayed/Cpaused/Cenabled/Cforced', $msg); $data['fps'] = round( $data['fps'], 2 ); $data['capturefps'] = round( $data['capturefps'], 2 ); $data['analysisfps'] = round( $data['analysisfps'], 2 ); $data['rate'] /= RATE_BASE; $data['delay'] = round( $data['delay'], 2 ); $data['zoom'] = round( $data['zoom']/SCALE_BASE, 1 ); if (ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH) { if (ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed') { $auth_hash = generateAuthHash(ZM_AUTH_HASH_IPS); if (isset($_REQUEST['auth']) and ($_REQUEST['auth'] != $auth_hash)) { $data['auth'] = $auth_hash; ZM\Debug('including new auth hash '.$data['auth'].'because doesnt match request auth hash '.$_REQUEST['auth']); } else { ZM\Debug('Not including new auth hash becase it hasn\'t changed '.$auth_hash); } } $data['auth_relay'] = get_auth_relay(); } ajaxResponse(array('status'=>$data)); break; case MSG_DATA_EVENT : if ( PHP_INT_SIZE===4 || version_compare( phpversion(), '5.6.0', '<') ) { ZM\Debug('Using old unpack methods to handle 64bit event id'); $data = unpack('ltype/ieventlow/ieventhigh/dduration/dprogress/irate/izoom/Cpaused', $msg); $data['event'] = $data['eventhigh'] << 32 | $data['eventlow']; } else { $data = unpack('ltype/Qevent/dduration/dprogress/irate/izoom/Cpaused', $msg); } $data['rate'] /= RATE_BASE; $data['zoom'] = round($data['zoom']/SCALE_BASE, 1); if ( ZM_OPT_USE_AUTH ) { if (ZM_AUTH_RELAY == 'hashed') { $auth_hash = generateAuthHash(ZM_AUTH_HASH_IPS); if ( isset($_REQUEST['auth']) and ($_REQUEST['auth'] != $auth_hash) ) { $data['auth'] = $auth_hash; } } $data['auth_relay'] = get_auth_relay(); } ajaxResponse(array('status'=>$data)); break; default : ajaxError('Unexpected received message type '.$data['type']); } sem_release($semaphore); } else { ajaxError('Unable to get semaphore.'); } ajaxError('Unrecognised action or insufficient permissions in ajax/stream'); function ajaxCleanup() { global $socket, $localSocketFile; if ( !empty($socket) ) @socket_close($socket); if ( !empty($localSocketFile) ) @unlink($localSocketFile); } ?>