$newMonitor['Manufacturer'])); if (!$newManufacturer) { $newManufacturer = new ZM\Manufacturer(); if (!$newManufacturer->save(array('Name'=>$newMonitor['Manufacturer']))) { $error_message .= "Error saving new Manufacturer: " . $newManufacturer->get_last_error().'
'; } } $newMonitor['ManufacturerId'] = $newManufacturer->Id(); unset($newMonitor['Manufacturer']); } if (!$newMonitor['ModelId'] and ($newMonitor['Model'] != '')) { # Need to add a new Model entry $newModel = ZM\Model::find_one(array('Name'=>$newMonitor['Model'])); if (!$newModel) { $newModel = new ZM\Model(); if (!$newModel->save(array( 'Name'=>$newMonitor['Model'], 'ManufacturerId'=>$newMonitor['ManufacturerId'] ))) { $error_message .= "Error saving new Model: " . $newModel->get_last_error().'
'; } } $newMonitor['ModelId'] = $newModel->Id(); unset($newMonitor['Model']); } $monitor = new ZM\Monitor($mid); // Define a field type for anything that's not simple text equivalent $types = array( 'Triggers' => array(), 'Controllable' => 0, 'TrackMotion' => 0, 'ModectDuringPTZ' => 0, 'Enabled' => 0, 'DecodingEnabled' => 0, 'JanusEnabled' => 0, 'JanusAudioEnabled' => 0, 'Janus_Use_RTSP_Restream' => 0, 'Exif' => 0, 'RTSPDescribe' => 0, 'V4LMultiBuffer' => '', 'RecordAudio' => 0, 'Method' => 'raw', 'GroupIds' => array(), 'LinkedMonitors' => array(), 'MQTT_Enabled' => 0, 'RTSPServer' => 0 ); # Checkboxes don't return an element in the POST data, so won't be present in newMonitor. # So force a value for these fields foreach ($types as $field => $value) { if (!isset($newMonitor[$field])) { $newMonitor[$field] = $value; } } # end foreach type if (isset($newMonitor['ServerId']) and ($newMonitor['ServerId'] == 'auto')) { $newMonitor['ServerId'] = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT Id FROM Servers WHERE Status=\'Running\' ORDER BY FreeMem DESC, CpuLoad ASC LIMIT 1', 'Id'); ZM\Debug('Auto selecting server: Got ' . $newMonitor['ServerId']); if ((!$newMonitor['ServerId']) and defined('ZM_SERVER_ID')) { $newMonitor['ServerId'] = ZM_SERVER_ID; ZM\Debug('Auto selecting server to ' . ZM_SERVER_ID); } } ZM\Debug("newMonitor: ". print_r($newMonitor, true)); $changes = $monitor->changes($newMonitor); ZM\Debug("Changes: ". print_r($changes, true)); $restart = false; if (count($changes)) { // monitor->Id() has a value when the db record exists if ($monitor->Id()) { # If we change anything that changes the shared mem size, zma can complain. So let's stop first. if ($monitor->Type() != 'WebSite') { $monitor->zmcControl('stop'); if ($monitor->Controllable()) { $monitor->sendControlCommand('stop'); } } # These are used in updating zones $oldW = $monitor->Width(); $oldH = $monitor->Height(); if ($monitor->save($changes)) { // Groups will be added below if ( isset($changes['Name']) or isset($changes['StorageId']) ) { // creating symlinks when symlink already exists reports errors, but is perfectly ok error_reporting(0); $OldStorage = $monitor->Storage(); $saferOldName = basename($monitor->Name()); if (file_exists($OldStorage->Path().'/'.$saferOldName)) unlink($OldStorage->Path().'/'.$saferOldName); $NewStorage = new ZM\Storage($newMonitor['StorageId']); if (!file_exists($NewStorage->Path().'/'.$mid)) { if (!mkdir($NewStorage->Path().'/'.$mid, 0755)) { ZM\Error('Unable to mkdir '.$NewStorage->Path().'/'.$mid); } } $saferNewName = basename($newMonitor['Name']); $link_path = $NewStorage->Path().'/'.$saferNewName; // Use a relative path for the target so the link continues to work from backups or directory changes. if (!symlink($mid, $link_path)) { if (!(file_exists($link_path) and is_link($link_path))) { ZM\Warning('Unable to symlink ' . $NewStorage->Path().'/'.$mid . ' to ' . $NewStorage->Path().'/'.$saferNewName); } } } // end if Name or Storage Area Change if (isset($changes['Width']) || isset($changes['Height'])) { $newW = $newMonitor['Width']; $newH = $newMonitor['Height']; $zones = dbFetchAll('SELECT * FROM Zones WHERE MonitorId=?', NULL, array($mid)); if ( ($newW == $oldH) and ($newH == $oldW) ) { foreach ( $zones as $zone ) { $newZone = $zone; # Rotation, no change to area etc just swap the coords $newZone = $zone; $points = coordsToPoints($zone['Coords']); for ( $i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++ ) { $x = $points[$i]['x']; $points[$i]['x'] = $points[$i]['y']; $points[$i]['y'] = $x; if ( $points[$i]['x'] > ($newW-1) ) { ZM\Warning("Correcting x {$points[$i]['x']} > $newW of zone {$newZone['Name']} as it extends outside the new dimensions"); $points[$i]['x'] = ($newW-1); } if ( $points[$i]['y'] > ($newH-1) ) { ZM\Warning("Correcting y {$points[$i]['y']} $newH of zone {$newZone['Name']} as it extends outside the new dimensions"); $points[$i]['y'] = ($newH-1); } } $newZone['Coords'] = pointsToCoords($points); $changes = getFormChanges($zone, $newZone, $types); if ( count($changes) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Zones SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?', array($mid, $zone['Id'])); } } # end foreach zone } else { $newA = $newW * $newH; $oldA = $oldW * $oldH; foreach ( $zones as $zone ) { $newZone = $zone; $points = coordsToPoints($zone['Coords']); for ( $i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++ ) { $points[$i]['x'] = intval(($points[$i]['x']*($newW-1))/($oldW-1)); $points[$i]['y'] = intval(($points[$i]['y']*($newH-1))/($oldH-1)); if ( $points[$i]['x'] > ($newW-1) ) { ZM\Warning("Correcting x of zone {$newZone['Name']} as it extends outside the new dimensions"); $points[$i]['x'] = ($newW-1); } if ( $points[$i]['y'] > ($newH-1) ) { ZM\Warning("Correcting y of zone {$newZone['Name']} as it extends outside the new dimensions"); $points[$i]['y'] = ($newH-1); } } $newZone['Coords'] = pointsToCoords($points); $newZone['Area'] = intval(round(($zone['Area']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MinAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MaxAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MinFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MaxFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MinBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MaxBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $changes = getFormChanges($zone, $newZone, $types); if ( count($changes) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Zones SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?', array($mid, $zone['Id'])); } } // end foreach zone } // end if rotation or just size change } // end if changes in width or height } else { $error_message .= $monitor->get_last_error(); } // end if successful save $restart = true; } else { // new monitor // Can only create new monitors if we are not restricted to specific monitors # FIXME This is actually a race condition. Should lock the table. $maxSeq = dbFetchOne('SELECT MAX(Sequence) AS MaxSequence FROM Monitors', 'MaxSequence'); $changes['Sequence'] = $maxSeq+1; if ( $mid ) $changes['Id'] = $mid; # mid specified in request, doesn't exist in db, will re-use slot if ( $monitor->insert($changes) ) { $mid = $monitor->Id(); $zoneArea = $newMonitor['Width'] * $newMonitor['Height']; dbQuery("INSERT INTO Zones SET MonitorId = ?, Name = 'All', Type = 'Active', Units = 'Percent', NumCoords = 4, Coords = ?, Area=?, AlarmRGB = 0xff0000, CheckMethod = 'Blobs', MinPixelThreshold = 25, MinAlarmPixels=?, MaxAlarmPixels=?, FilterX = 3, FilterY = 3, MinFilterPixels=?, MaxFilterPixels=?, MinBlobPixels=?, MinBlobs = 1", array( $mid, sprintf( '%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d', 0, 0, $newMonitor['Width']-1, 0, $newMonitor['Width']-1, $newMonitor['Height']-1, 0, $newMonitor['Height']-1), $zoneArea, intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*2)/100) )); $Storage = $monitor->Storage(); error_reporting(0); mkdir($Storage->Path().'/'.$mid, 0755); $saferName = basename($newMonitor['Name']); symlink($mid, $Storage->Path().'/'.$saferName); } else { ZM\Error('Error saving new Monitor.'); return; } } if ( isset($changes['GroupIds']) ) { dbQuery('DELETE FROM Groups_Monitors WHERE MonitorId=?', array($mid)); foreach ( $changes['GroupIds'] as $group_id ) { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Groups_Monitors (GroupId, MonitorId) VALUES (?,?)', array($group_id, $mid)); } } // end if there has been a change of groups $restart = true; } else { ZM\Debug('No action due to no changes to Monitor'); } # end if count(changes) if ( !$mid ) { ZM\Error("We should have a mid by now. Something went wrong."); return; } if ( ZM_OPT_X10 ) { $x10Changes = getFormChanges($x10Monitor, $_REQUEST['newX10Monitor']); if ( count($x10Changes) ) { if ( $x10Monitor && isset($_REQUEST['newX10Monitor']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE TriggersX10 SET '.implode(', ', $x10Changes).' WHERE MonitorId=?', array($mid)); } elseif ( !$user['MonitorIds'] ) { if ( !$x10Monitor ) { dbQuery('INSERT INTO TriggersX10 SET MonitorId = ?, '.implode(', ', $x10Changes), array($mid)); } else { dbQuery('DELETE FROM TriggersX10 WHERE MonitorId = ?', array($mid)); } } $restart = true; } # end if has x10Changes } # end if ZM_OPT_X10 if ( $restart ) { if ( $monitor->Capturing() != 'None' and $monitor->Type() != 'WebSite' ) { $monitor->zmcControl('start'); if ( $monitor->Controllable() ) { $monitor->sendControlCommand('start'); } } // really should thump zmwatch and maybe zmtrigger too. //daemonControl( 'restart', 'zmwatch.pl' ); } // end if restart if (!$error_message) $redirect = '?view=console'; } else { ZM\Warning("Unknown action $action in Monitor"); } // end if action == Delete ?>