# # This module detects if gsoap is installed and determines where the # include files and libraries are. # # This code sets the following variables: # # GSOAP_IMPORT_DIR = full path to the gsoap import directory # GSOAP_LIBRARIES = full path to the gsoap libraries # GSOAP_SSL_LIBRARIES = full path to the gsoap ssl libraries # GSOAP_INCLUDE_DIR = include dir to be used when using the gsoap library # GSOAP_PLUGIN_DIR = gsoap plugins directory # GSOAP_WSDL2H = wsdl2h binary # GSOAP_SOAPCPP2 = soapcpp2 binary # GSOAP_FOUND = set to true if gsoap was found successfully # # GSOAP_ROOT # setting this enables search for gsoap libraries / headers in this location # ----------------------------------------------------- # GSOAP Import Directories # ----------------------------------------------------- find_path(GSOAP_IMPORT_DIR NAMES wsa.h PATHS ${GSOAP_ROOT}/import ${GSOAP_ROOT}/share/gsoap/import ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # GSOAP Libraries # ----------------------------------------------------- find_library(GSOAP_CXX_LIBRARIES NAMES gsoap++ HINTS ${GSOAP_ROOT}/lib ${GSOAP_ROOT}/lib64 ${GSOAP_ROOT}/lib32 DOC "The main gsoap library" ) find_library(GSOAP_SSL_CXX_LIBRARIES NAMES gsoapssl++ HINTS ${GSOAP_ROOT}/lib ${GSOAP_ROOT}/lib64 ${GSOAP_ROOT}/lib32 DOC "The ssl gsoap library" ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # GSOAP Include Directories # ----------------------------------------------------- find_path(GSOAP_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES stdsoap2.h HINTS ${GSOAP_ROOT} ${GSOAP_ROOT}/include ${GSOAP_ROOT}/include/* DOC "The gsoap include directory" ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # GSOAP plugin Directories # ----------------------------------------------------- find_path(GSOAP_PLUGIN_DIR NAMES wsseapi.c HINTS ${GSOAP_ROOT} /usr/share/gsoap/plugin DOC "The gsoap plugin directory" ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # GSOAP Binaries # ---------------------------------------------------- if(NOT GSOAP_TOOL_DIR) set(GSOAP_TOOL_DIR GSOAP_ROOT) endif() find_program(GSOAP_WSDL2H NAMES wsdl2h HINTS ${GSOAP_TOOL_DIR}/bin DOC "The gsoap bin directory" ) find_program(GSOAP_SOAPCPP2 NAMES soapcpp2 HINTS ${GSOAP_TOOL_DIR}/bin DOC "The gsoap bin directory" ) # ----------------------------------------------------- # GSOAP version # try to determine the flagfor the 2.7.6 compatiblity, break with 2.7.13 and re-break with 2.7.16 # ---------------------------------------------------- if(GSOAP_SOAPCPP2) execute_process(COMMAND ${GSOAP_SOAPCPP2} "-V" OUTPUT_VARIABLE GSOAP_STRING_VERSION ERROR_VARIABLE GSOAP_STRING_VERSION ) string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*" GSOAP_VERSION ${GSOAP_STRING_VERSION}) endif() # ----------------------------------------------------- # GSOAP_276_COMPAT_FLAGS and GSOAPVERSION # try to determine the flagfor the 2.7.6 compatiblity, break with 2.7.13 and re-break with 2.7.16 # ---------------------------------------------------- if( "${GSOAP_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "2.7.6") set(GSOAP_276_COMPAT_FLAGS "") elseif ( "${GSOAP_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "2.7.14") set(GSOAP_276_COMPAT_FLAGS "-z") else ( "${GSOAP_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "2.7.14") set(GSOAP_276_COMPAT_FLAGS "-z1 -z2") endif ( "${GSOAP_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "2.7.6") # ----------------------------------------------------- # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set GSOAP_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE # ----------------------------------------------------- include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(GSOAP DEFAULT_MSG GSOAP_CXX_LIBRARIES GSOAP_INCLUDE_DIR GSOAP_WSDL2H GSOAP_SOAPCPP2) mark_as_advanced(GSOAP_INCLUDE_DIR GSOAP_LIBRARIES GSOAP_WSDL2H GSOAP_SOAPCPP2) if(GSOAP_FOUND) if(GSOAP_FIND_VERSION AND ${GSOAP_VERSION} VERSION_LESS ${GSOAP_FIND_VERSION}) message("Found GSOAP version ${GSOAP_VERSION} less then required ${GSOAP_FIND_VERSION}.") unset(GSOAP_FOUND) endif() endif()