####### Update / Add the below to the /fail2ban/jail.local ######## #[zoneminder] ## Commented out as outdated version ## Zoneminder <1.35 HTTP/HTTPS web interface auth ## Logs auth failures to apache2 error log #enabled = false #port = http,https #logpath = %(apache_error_log)s [zoneminder] # Zoneminder >1.35 HTTP/HTTPS web interface auth # Logs auth failures to Zoneminder web_php.log and apache error log # See notes in filter.d/zoneminder.conf enabled = false port = http,https logpath = /var/log/zm/web_php.log ######## Update / Add the below to the /fail2ban/filter.d/zoneminder.conf ######### # Fail2Ban filter for Zoneminder login failures #Use the following command for testing - Ubuntu #sudo fail2ban-regex -v /var/log/zm/web_php.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/zoneminder.conf # Example pattern ZM < 1.34 #pattern=[Wed Apr 27 23:12:07.736196 2016] [:error] [pid 2460] [client] WAR [Login denied for user "test"], referer: https://zoneminderurl/index.php # Example pattern ZM > 1.34 = Default pattern with no additional settings with in ZM Options Tab #pattern=7/17/22, 3:01:06 PM GMT+1.104844 web_php[281296].ERR [] [Could not retrieve user test details] at /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/auth.php line 312 # Example pattern ZM > 1.34 with ZM Options Tab setting DATETIME_FORMAT_PATTERN = yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss #pattern=2022/08/18 18:26:02.873802 web_php[918957].ERR [] [Could not retrieve user test details] at /usr/share/zoneminder/www/includes/auth.php line 312 [INCLUDES] before = apache-common.conf [Definition] # Option: failregex #Uncomment the below regex for use with ZM < 1.34 #failregex = ^%(_apache_error_client)s WAR \[Login denied for user "[^"]*"\] #Uncomment the below regex for use with ZM > 1.34 failregex = ^\s*web_php\[\d+\]\.ERR \[\] \[(?:Could not retrieve user|Login denied for user) \S+ #Dateformate patterns : #NOTE: ZM Version > 1.34 to use the Fail2Ban standard inbuilt datepattern regex set the DATETIME_FORMAT_PATTERN to yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss within Zoneminder Options Tab #Experimental alternative dateformate patterns are #datepattern = ^%%m/%%d/%%y %%H:%%M:%%S(?:\.%%f) ignoreregex = # Notes: # Set the DATETIME_FORMAT_PATTERN to yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss within Zoneminder Options Tab # # Author: Clipo #