'; if (empty($_REQUEST['task'])) { $message = 'Must specify a task
'; } else { $task = $_REQUEST['task']; } if (empty($_REQUEST['eids'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['task']) && $_REQUEST['task'] != 'query') $message = 'No event id(s) supplied
'; } else { $eids = $_REQUEST['eids']; } if ($message) { ajaxError($message); return; } require_once('includes/Filter.php'); $filter = isset($_REQUEST['filter']) ? ZM\Filter::parse($_REQUEST['filter']) : new ZM\Filter(); if (count( $user->unviewableMonitorIds())) { $filter = $filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'MonitorId', 'op'=>'IN', 'val'=>$user->viewableMonitorIds())); // $filter = $filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'MonitorId', 'op'=>'IN', 'val'=>'5')); } // TODO: Why is $user->viewableMonitorIds() returning $user->unviewableMonitorIds() // Error('$user->viewableMonitorIds(): '.print_r($user->viewableMonitorIds())); if (!empty($_REQUEST['StartDateTime'])) { $filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'StartDateTime', 'op'=> '>=', 'val'=>$_REQUEST['StartDateTime'])); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['EndDateTime'])) { $filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'EndDateTime', 'op'=> '<=', 'val'=>$_REQUEST['EndDateTime'])); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['MonitorId'])) { $filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'MonitorId', 'op'=> '=', 'val'=>$_REQUEST['MonitorId'])); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['Tag'])) { $filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'Tag', 'op'=>'=', 'val'=>'')); } // Search contains a user entered string to search on $search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : ''; // Advanced search contains an array of "column name" => "search text" pairs // Bootstrap table sends json_ecoded array, which we must decode $advsearch = isset($_REQUEST['advsearch']) ? json_decode($_REQUEST['advsearch'], JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY) : array(); // Order specifies the sort direction, either asc or desc $order = $filter->sort_asc() ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['order']) == 'asc') { $order = 'ASC'; } else if (strtolower($_REQUEST['order']) == 'desc') { $order = 'DESC'; } else { Warning('Invalid value for order ' . $_REQUEST['order']); } } // Sort specifies the name of the column to sort on $sort = $filter->sort_field(); if (isset($_REQUEST['sort'])) { $sort = $_REQUEST['sort']; } // Offset specifies the starting row to return, used for pagination $offset = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) { if ((!is_int($_REQUEST['offset']) and !ctype_digit($_REQUEST['offset']))) { ZM\Error('Invalid value for offset: ' . $_REQUEST['offset']); } else { $offset = $_REQUEST['offset']; } } // Limit specifies the number of rows to return // Set the default to 0 for events view, to prevent an issue with ALL pagination $limit = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['limit'])) { if ((!is_int($_REQUEST['limit']) and !ctype_digit($_REQUEST['limit']))) { ZM\Error('Invalid value for limit: ' . $_REQUEST['limit']); } else { $limit = $_REQUEST['limit']; } } // // MAIN LOOP // switch ($task) { case 'archive' : foreach ($eids as $eid) archiveRequest($task, $eid); break; case 'unarchive' : # The idea is that anyone can archive, but only people with Event Edit permission can unarchive.. if (!canEdit('Events')) { ajaxError('Insufficient permissions for user '.$user->Username()); return; } foreach ($eids as $eid) archiveRequest($task, $eid); break; case 'delete' : if (!canEdit('Events')) { ajaxError('Insufficient permissions for user '.$user->Username()); return; } foreach ($eids as $eid) { $message = deleteRequest($eid); if ($message) { if (empty($data['message'])) $data['message'] = []; $data['message'][] = $message; } } break; case 'query' : $data = queryRequest($filter, $search, $advsearch, $sort, $offset, $order, $limit); break; default : ZM\Fatal("Unrecognised task '$task'"); } // end switch task ajaxResponse($data); // // FUNCTION DEFINITIONS // function archiveRequest($task, $eid) { $archiveVal = ($task == 'archive') ? 1 : 0; dbQuery( 'UPDATE Events SET Archived = ? WHERE Id = ?', array($archiveVal, $eid) ); } function deleteRequest($eid) { $event = new ZM\Event($eid); if (!$event->Id()) { return 'Event '.$eid.' not found.'; } else if ( $event->Archived() ) { return 'Event '.$eid.' is archived, cannot delete it.'; } else if (!$event->canEdit()) { return 'You do not have permission to delete event '.$event->Id(); } else { $event->delete(); } return ''; } function queryRequest($filter, $search, $advsearch, $sort, $offset, $order, $limit) { global $dateTimeFormatter; $data = array( 'total' => 0, 'totalNotFiltered' => 0, 'rows' => array(), 'updated' => $dateTimeFormatter->format(time()) ); if (!$filter->test_pre_sql_conditions()) { ZM\Debug('Pre conditions failed, not doing sql'); return $data; } // Put server pagination code here // The table we want our data from $table = 'Events'; // The names of the dB columns in the events table we are interested in $columns = array('Id', 'MonitorId', 'StorageId', 'Name', 'Cause', 'StartDateTime', 'EndDateTime', 'Length', 'Frames', 'AlarmFrames', 'TotScore', 'AvgScore', 'MaxScore', 'Archived', 'Emailed', 'Notes', 'DiskSpace'); // The names of columns shown in the event view that are NOT dB columns in the database $col_alt = array('Monitor', 'Tags', 'Storage'); if ( $sort != '' ) { if (!in_array($sort, array_merge($columns, $col_alt))) { ZM\Error('Invalid sort field: ' . $sort); $sort = ''; } else if ( $sort == 'Tags' ) { $sort = 'T.Name'; } else if ( $sort == 'Monitor' ) { $sort = 'M.Name'; } else if ($sort == 'EndDateTime') { if ($order == 'ASC') { $sort = 'E.EndDateTime IS NULL, E.EndDateTime'; } else { $sort = 'E.EndDateTime IS NOT NULL, E.EndDateTime'; } } else { $sort = 'E.'.$sort; } } $values = array(); $likes = array(); // Error($filter->sql()); $where = $filter->sql()?' WHERE ('.$filter->sql().')' : ''; $has_post_sql_conditions = count($filter->post_sql_conditions()); $col_str = ' E.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(E.StartDateTime) AS StartTimeSecs, CASE WHEN E.EndDateTime IS NULL THEN (SELECT NOW()) ELSE E.EndDateTime END AS EndDateTime, CASE WHEN E.EndDateTime IS NULL THEN (SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())) ELSE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndDateTime) END AS EndTimeSecs, M.Name AS Monitor, GROUP_CONCAT(T.Name SEPARATOR ", ") AS Tags'; $sql = 'SELECT '.$col_str.' FROM `Events` AS E INNER JOIN Monitors AS M ON E.MonitorId = M.Id LEFT JOIN Events_Tags AS ET ON E.Id = ET.EventId LEFT JOIN Tags AS T ON T.Id = ET.TagId '.$where.' GROUP BY E.Id '.($sort?' ORDER BY '.$sort.' '.$order:''); if ((int)($filter->limit()) and !$has_post_sql_conditions) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.(int)($filter->limit()); } $storage_areas = ZM\Storage::find(); $StorageById = array(); foreach ($storage_areas as $S) { $StorageById[$S->Id()] = $S; } $unfiltered_rows = array(); $event_ids = array(); ZM\Debug('Calling the following sql query: ' .$sql); $query = dbQuery($sql, $values); if (!$query) { ajaxError(dbError($sql)); return; } while ($row = dbFetchNext($query)) { if ($has_post_sql_conditions) { $event = new ZM\Event($row); $event->remove_from_cache(); if (!$filter->test_post_sql_conditions($event)) { continue; } } $event_ids[] = $row['Id']; $unfiltered_rows[] = $row; } # end foreach row # Filter limits come before pagination limits. if ($filter->limit() and ($filter->limit() > count($unfiltered_rows))) { ZM\Debug("Filtering rows due to filter->limit " . count($unfiltered_rows)." limit: ".$filter->limit()); $unfiltered_rows = array_slice($unfiltered_rows, 0, $filter->limit()); } ZM\Debug('Have ' . count($unfiltered_rows) . ' events matching base filter.'); $filtered_rows = null; if (count($advsearch) or $search != '') { $search_filter = new ZM\Filter(); $search_filter = $search_filter->addTerm(array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>'Id', 'op'=>'IN', 'val'=>$event_ids)); // There are two search bars in the log view, normal and advanced // Making an exuctive decision to ignore the normal search, when advanced search is in use // Alternatively we could try to do both if (count($advsearch)) { $terms = array(); foreach ($advsearch as $col=>$text) { $terms[] = array('cnj'=>'and', 'attr'=>$col, 'op'=>'LIKE', 'val'=>$text); } # end foreach col in advsearch $terms[0]['obr'] = 1; $terms[count($terms)-1]['cbr'] = 1; $search_filter->addTerms($terms); } else if ($search != '') { $search = '%' .$search. '%'; $terms = array(); foreach ($columns as $col) { $terms[] = array('cnj'=>'or', 'attr'=>$col, 'op'=>'LIKE', 'val'=>strtolower($search), 'collate'=>'utf8mb4_general_ci'); } $terms[0]['obr'] = 1; $terms[0]['cnj'] = 'and'; $terms[count($terms)-1]['cbr'] = 1; $search_filter = $search_filter->addTerms($terms, array('obr'=>1, 'cbr'=>1, 'op'=>'OR')); } # end if search $sql = 'SELECT '.$col_str.' FROM `Events` AS E INNER JOIN Monitors AS M ON E.MonitorId = M.Id LEFT JOIN Events_Tags AS ET ON E.Id = ET.EventId LEFT JOIN Tags AS T ON T.Id = ET.TagId WHERE '.$search_filter->sql().' GROUP BY E.Id ORDER BY ' .$sort. ' ' .$order; $filtered_rows = dbFetchAll($sql); ZM\Debug('Have ' . count($filtered_rows) . ' events matching search filter: '.$sql); } else { $filtered_rows = $unfiltered_rows; } # end if search_filter->terms() > 1 if ($limit and ($limit < count($filtered_rows))) { ZM\Debug("Filtering rows due to limit rows: " . count($filtered_rows)." offset: $offset limit: $limit"); $filtered_rows = array_slice($filtered_rows, $offset, $limit); } $returned_rows = array(); foreach ($filtered_rows as $row) { $event = new ZM\Event($row); $event->remove_from_cache(); if (!$event->canView()) continue; if ($event->Monitor()->Deleted()) continue; $scale = intval(5*100*ZM_WEB_LIST_THUMB_WIDTH / $event->Width()); $imgSrc = $event->getThumbnailSrc(array(), '&'); $streamSrc = $event->getStreamSrc(array( 'mode'=>'jpeg', 'scale'=>$scale, 'maxfps'=>ZM_WEB_VIDEO_MAXFPS, 'replay'=>'single', 'rate'=>'400'), '&'); // Modify the row data as needed $row['imgHtml'] = 'Event '.$event->Id().''; $row['imgWidth'] = validInt($event->ThumbnailWidth()); $row['imgHeight'] = validInt($event->ThumbnailHeight()); $row['Name'] = validHtmlStr($row['Name']); $row['Archived'] = $row['Archived'] ? translate('Yes') : translate('No'); $row['Emailed'] = $row['Emailed'] ? translate('Yes') : translate('No'); $row['Cause'] = validHtmlStr($row['Cause']); $row['Tags'] = validHtmlStr($row['Tags']); $row['Storage'] = ( $row['StorageId'] and isset($StorageById[$row['StorageId']]) ) ? $StorageById[$row['StorageId']]->Name() : 'Default'; $row['Notes'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row['Notes'])); $row['DiskSpace'] = human_filesize($event->DiskSpace()); $returned_rows[] = $row; } # end foreach row matching search $data['rows'] = &$returned_rows; # totalNotFiltered must equal total, except when either search bar has been used $data['totalNotFiltered'] = count($unfiltered_rows); if ( $search != '' || count($advsearch) ) { $data['total'] = count($filtered_rows); } else { $data['total'] = $data['totalNotFiltered']; } ZM\Debug("Done"); return $data; } ?>