$_REQUEST['eid'])); if ( !$Event ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal('Event '.$_REQUEST['eid'].' Not found'); return; } if ( $_REQUEST['fid'] == 'objdetect' ) { // if animation file is found, return that, else return image $path_anim = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.mp4'; $path_image = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.jpg'; if ( file_exists($path_anim)) { // we found the animation file $path = $path_anim; ZM\Logger::Debug("Animation file found at $path"); $image_type = 'video/mp4'; } else if (file_exists($path_image)) { // animation not found, but image found ZM\Logger::Debug("Image file found at $path"); $path = $path_image; } else { // neither animation nor image found header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal("Object detection animation and image not found for this event"); } $Frame = new ZM\Frame(); $Frame->Id('objdetect'); } else if ( $_REQUEST['fid'] == 'objdetectanim' ) { $path = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.mp4'; if ( !file_exists($path) ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal("File $path does not exist. You might not have enabled create_animation in objectconfig.ini. If you have, inspect debug logs for errors during creation"); } $Frame = new ZM\Frame(); $Frame->Id('objdetect'); $image_type = 'video/mp4'; } else if ( $_REQUEST['fid'] == 'objdetectimage' ) { $path = $Event->Path().'/objdetect.jpg'; if ( !file_exists($path) ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal("File $path does not exist. Please make sure store_frame_in_zm is enabled in the object detection config"); } $Frame = new ZM\Frame(); $Frame->Id('objdetect'); } else if ( $_REQUEST['fid'] == 'alarm' ) { $path = $Event->Path().'/alarm.jpg'; if ( !file_exists($path) ) { # legacy support # look for first alarmed frame $Frame = ZM\Frame::find_one( array('EventId'=>$_REQUEST['eid'], 'Type'=>'Alarm'), array('order'=>'FrameId ASC')); if ( !$Frame ) { # no alarms, get first one I find $Frame = ZM\Frame::find_one(array('EventId'=>$_REQUEST['eid'])); if ( !$Frame ) { ZM\Warning('No frame found for event '.$_REQUEST['eid']); $Frame = new ZM\Frame(); $Frame->Delta(1); $Frame->FrameId(1); } } $Monitor = $Event->Monitor(); if ( $Event->SaveJPEGs() & 1 ) { # If we store Frames as jpgs, then we don't store an alarmed snapshot $path = $Event->Path().'/'.sprintf('%0'.ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS.'d', $Frame->FrameId()).'-'.$show.'.jpg'; } else { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal('No alarm jpg found for event '.$_REQUEST['eid']); return; } } else { $Frame = new ZM\Frame(); $Frame->Delta(1); $Frame->FrameId('alarm'); } # alarm.jpg found } else if ( $_REQUEST['fid'] == 'snapshot' ) { $path = $Event->Path().'/snapshot.jpg'; if ( !file_exists($path) ) { $Frame = ZM\Frame::find_one(array('EventId'=>$_REQUEST['eid'], 'Score'=>$Event->MaxScore())); if ( !$Frame ) $Frame = ZM\Frame::find_one(array('EventId'=>$_REQUEST['eid'])); if ( !$Frame ) { ZM\Warning('No frame found for event ' . $_REQUEST['eid']); $Frame = new ZM\Frame(); $Frame->Delta(1); if ( $Event->SaveJPEGs() & 1 ) { $Frame->FrameId(0); } else { $Frame->FrameId('snapshot'); } } $Monitor = $Event->Monitor(); if ( $Event->SaveJPEGs() & 1 ) { # If we store Frames as jpgs, then we don't store a snapshot $path = $Event->Path().'/'.sprintf('%0'.ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS.'d', $Frame->FrameId()).'-'.$show.'.jpg'; } else { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal('No alarm jpg found for event '.$_REQUEST['eid']); return; } # end if stored jpgs } else { $Frame = new ZM\Frame(); $Frame->Delta(1); $Frame->FrameId('snapshot'); } # end if found snapshot.jpg } else { $Frame = ZM\Frame::find_one(array('EventId'=>$_REQUEST['eid'], 'FrameId'=>$_REQUEST['fid'])); if ( ! $Frame ) { $previousBulkFrame = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT * FROM Frames WHERE EventId=? AND FrameId < ? ORDER BY FrameID DESC LIMIT 1', NULL, array($_REQUEST['eid'], $_REQUEST['fid']) ); $nextBulkFrame = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT * FROM Frames WHERE EventId=? AND FrameId > ? ORDER BY FrameID ASC LIMIT 1', NULL, array($_REQUEST['eid'], $_REQUEST['fid']) ); if ( $previousBulkFrame and $nextBulkFrame ) { $Frame = new ZM\Frame($previousBulkFrame); $Frame->FrameId($_REQUEST['fid']); $percentage = ($Frame->FrameId() - $previousBulkFrame['FrameId']) / ($nextBulkFrame['FrameId'] - $previousBulkFrame['FrameId']); $Frame->Delta($previousBulkFrame['Delta'] + floor( 100* ( $nextBulkFrame['Delta'] - $previousBulkFrame['Delta'] ) * $percentage )/100); ZM\Logger::Debug("Got virtual frame from Bulk Frames previous delta: " . $previousBulkFrame['Delta'] . " + nextdelta:" . $nextBulkFrame['Delta'] . ' - ' . $previousBulkFrame['Delta'] . ' * ' . $percentage ); } else { ZM\Fatal('No Frame found for event('.$_REQUEST['eid'].') and frame id('.$_REQUEST['fid'].')'); } } // Frame can be non-existent. We have Bulk frames. So now we should try to load the bulk frame $path = $Event->Path().'/'.sprintf('%0'.ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS.'d',$Frame->FrameId()).'-'.$show.'.jpg'; ZM\Logger::Debug("Path: $path"); } } else { # If we are only specifying fid, then the fid must be the primary key into the frames table. But when the event is specified, then it is the frame # $Frame = ZM\Frame::find_one(array('Id'=>$_REQUEST['fid'])); if ( !$Frame ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal('Frame ' . $_REQUEST['fid'] . ' Not Found'); return; } $Event = ZM\Event::find_one(array('Id'=>$Frame->EventId())); if ( !$Event ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal('Event ' . $Frame->EventId() . ' Not Found'); return; } $path = $Event->Path().'/'.sprintf('%0'.ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS.'d',$Frame->FrameId()).'-'.$show.'.jpg'; } # end if have eid if ( !file_exists($path) ) { ZM\Logger::Debug("$path does not exist"); # Generate the frame JPG if ( ($show == 'capture') and $Event->DefaultVideo() ) { if ( !file_exists($Event->Path().'/'.$Event->DefaultVideo()) ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal("Can't create frame images from video because there is no video file for this event at (".$Event->Path().'/'.$Event->DefaultVideo() ); } $command = ZM_PATH_FFMPEG.' -ss '. $Frame->Delta() .' -i '.$Event->Path().'/'.$Event->DefaultVideo().' -frames:v 1 '.$path; #$command ='ffmpeg -ss '. $Frame->Delta() .' -i '.$Event->Path().'/'.$Event->DefaultVideo().' -vf "select=gte(n\\,'.$Frame->FrameId().'),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" '.$path; #$command ='ffmpeg -v 0 -i '.$Storage->Path().'/'.$Event->Path().'/'.$Event->DefaultVideo().' -vf "select=gte(n\\,'.$Frame->FrameId().'),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS" '.$path; ZM\Logger::Debug("Running $command"); $output = array(); $retval = 0; exec( $command, $output, $retval ); ZM\Logger::Debug("Command: $command, retval: $retval, output: " . implode("\n", $output)); if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal('Can\'t create frame images from video for this event '.$Event->DefaultVideo() ); } # Generating an image file will use up more disk space, so update the Event record. $Event->DiskSpace(null); $Event->save(); } else { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal("Can't create frame $show images from video because there is no video file for this event at ". $Event->Path().'/'.$Event->DefaultVideo() ); } } # end if ! file_exists($path) } else { ZM\Warning('Loading images by path is deprecated'); $dir_events = realpath(ZM_DIR_EVENTS); $path = realpath($dir_events . '/' . $_REQUEST['path']); $pos = strpos($path, $dir_events); if ( $pos == 0 && $pos !== false ) { if ( ! empty($user['MonitorIds']) ) { $imageOk = false; $pathMonId = substr($path, 0, strspn($path, '1234567890')); foreach ( preg_split('/["\'\s]*,["\'\s]*/', $user['MonitorIds']) as $monId ) { if ( $pathMonId == $monId ) { $imageOk = true; break; } } if ( !$imageOk ) $errorText = 'No image permissions'; } } else { $errorText = 'Invalid image path'; } if ( !file_exists($path) ) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); ZM\Fatal("Image not found at $path"); } } # we now load the actual image to send $scale = 0; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['scale']) ) { if ( is_numeric($_REQUEST['scale']) ) { $x = $_REQUEST['scale']; if ( $x >= 1 and $x <= 400 ) $scale = $x; } } $width = 0; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['width']) ) { if ( is_numeric($_REQUEST['width']) ) { $x = $_REQUEST['width']; if ( $x >= 10 and $x <= 8000 ) $width = $x; } } $height = 0; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['height']) ) { if ( is_numeric($_REQUEST['height']) ) { $x = $_REQUEST['height']; if ( $x >= 10 and $x <= 8000 ) $height = $x; } } if ( $errorText ) { ZM\Error($errorText); } else { header("Content-type: $image_type"); if ( ( $scale==0 || $scale==100 ) && ($width==0) && ($height==0) ) { # This is so that Save Image As give a useful filename if ( $Event ) { $filename = $Event->MonitorId().'_'.$Event->Id().'_'.$Frame->FrameId().'.jpg'; header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $filename . '"'); } if ( !readfile($path) ) { ZM\Error('No bytes read from '. $path); } } else { ZM\Logger::Debug("Doing a scaled image: scale($scale) width($width) height($height)"); $i = 0; if ( ! ( $width && $height ) ) { $i = imagecreatefromjpeg($path); $oldWidth = imagesx($i); $oldHeight = imagesy($i); if ( $width == 0 && $height == 0 ) { // scale has to be set to get here with both zero $width = $oldWidth * $scale / 100.0; $height= $oldHeight * $scale / 100.0; } elseif ( $width == 0 && $height != 0 ) { $width = ($height * $oldWidth) / $oldHeight; } elseif ( $width != 0 && $height == 0 ) { $height = ($width * $oldHeight) / $oldWidth; ZM\Logger::Debug("Figuring out height using width: $height = ($width * $oldHeight) / $oldWidth"); } if ( $width == $oldWidth && $height == $oldHeight ) { ZM\Warning('No change to width despite scaling.'); } } # Slight optimisation, thumbnails always specify width and height, so we can cache them. $scaled_path = preg_replace('/\.jpg$/', "-${width}x${height}.jpg", $path); if ( $Event ) { $filename = $Event->MonitorId().'_'.$Event->Id().'_'.$Frame->FrameId()."-${width}x${height}.jpg"; header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $filename . '"'); } if ( !( file_exists($scaled_path) and readfile($scaled_path) ) ) { ZM\Logger::Debug("Cached scaled image does not exist at $scaled_path or is no good.. Creating it"); ob_start(); if ( !$i ) $i = imagecreatefromjpeg($path); $iScale = imagescale($i, $width, $height); imagejpeg($iScale); imagedestroy($i); imagedestroy($iScale); $scaled_jpeg_data = ob_get_contents(); file_put_contents($scaled_path, $scaled_jpeg_data); echo $scaled_jpeg_data; } else { ZM\Logger::Debug("Sending $scaled_path"); $bytes = readfile($scaled_path); if ( !$bytes ) { ZM\Error('No bytes read from '. $scaled_path); } else { ZM\Logger::Debug("$bytes sent"); } } } } exit();