1 ) { $filter_query[$conjunction_name] = $$conjunction_name; } $filter_query[$obracket_name] = $$obracket_name; $filter_query[$cbracket_name] = $$cbracket_name; $filter_query[$attr_name] = $$attr_name; $filter_query[$op_name] = $$op_name; $filter_query[$value_name] = $$value_name; } $filter_parms = array(); while( list( $key, $value ) = each( $filter_query ) ) { $filter_parms[] = "$key=$value"; } $filter_query_string = join( '&', $filter_parms ); //$filter_query_string = serialize( $filter_query ); $sql = "replace into Filters set MonitorId = '$mid', Name = '$filter_name', Query = '$filter_query_string', AutoArchive = '$auto_archive', AutoDelete = '$auto_delete', AutoUpload = '$auto_upload', AutoEmail = '$auto_email', AutoMessage = '$auto_message'"; #echo "$sql"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $refresh_parent = true; } } elseif ( $action == "delete" ) { if ( !$mark_eids && $mark_eid ) { $mark_eids[] = $mark_eid; $refresh_parent = true; } if ( $mark_eids ) { foreach( $mark_eids as $mark_eid ) { deleteEvent( $mark_eid ); } } if ( $fid ) { $sql = "delete from Filters where MonitorId = '$mid' and Name = '$fid'"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); //$refresh_parent = true; } } } if ( canEdit( 'Monitors', $mid ) ) { if ( $action == "function" && $mid ) { $sql = "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); $old_function = $monitor['Function']; if ( $new_function != $old_function ) { $sql = "update Monitors set Function = '$new_function' where Id = '$mid'"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) echo mysql_error(); $monitor['Function'] = $new_function; zmcControl( $monitor, true ); zmaControl( $monitor ); $refresh_parent = true; } } elseif ( $action == "zone" && isset( $mid ) && isset( $zid ) ) { $result = mysql_query( "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); if ( $zid > 0 ) { $result = mysql_query( "select * from Zones where MonitorId = '$mid' and Id = '$zid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $zone = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); } else { $zone = array(); } $changes = array(); if ( $new_name != $zone[Name] ) $changes[] = "Name = '$new_name'"; if ( $new_type != $zone['Type'] ) $changes[] = "Type = '$new_type'"; if ( $new_units != $zone[Units] ) $changes[] = "Units = '$new_units'"; if ( $new_lo_x != $zone[LoX] ) $changes[] = "LoX = '$new_lo_x'"; if ( $new_lo_y != $zone[LoY] ) $changes[] = "LoY = '$new_lo_y'"; if ( $new_hi_x != $zone[HiX] ) $changes[] = "HiX = '$new_hi_x'"; if ( $new_hi_y != $zone[HiY] ) $changes[] = "HiY = '$new_hi_y'"; if ( $new_alarm_rgb != $zone[AlarmRGB] ) $changes[] = "AlarmRGB = '$new_alarm_rgb'"; if ( $new_alarm_threshold != $zone[AlarmThreshold] ) $changes[] = "AlarmThreshold = '$new_alarm_threshold'"; if ( $new_min_alarm_pixels != $zone[MinAlarmPixels] ) $changes[] = "MinAlarmPixels = '$new_min_alarm_pixels'"; if ( $new_max_alarm_pixels != $zone[MaxAlarmPixels] ) $changes[] = "MaxAlarmPixels = '$new_max_alarm_pixels'"; if ( $new_filter_x != $zone[FilterX] ) $changes[] = "FilterX = '$new_filter_x'"; if ( $new_filter_y != $zone[FilterY] ) $changes[] = "FilterY = '$new_filter_y'"; if ( $new_min_filter_pixels != $zone[MinFilterPixels] ) $changes[] = "MinFilterPixels = '$new_min_filter_pixels'"; if ( $new_max_filter_pixels != $zone[MaxFilterPixels] ) $changes[] = "MaxFilterPixels = '$new_max_filter_pixels'"; if ( $new_min_blob_pixels != $zone[MinBlobPixels] ) $changes[] = "MinBlobPixels = '$new_min_blob_pixels'"; if ( $new_max_blob_pixels != $zone[MaxBlobPixels] ) $changes[] = "MaxBlobPixels = '$new_max_blob_pixels'"; if ( $new_min_blobs != $zone[MinBlobs] ) $changes[] = "MinBlobs = '$new_min_blobs'"; if ( $new_max_blobs != $zone[MaxBlobs] ) $changes[] = "MaxBlobs = '$new_max_blobs'"; if ( count( $changes ) ) { if ( $zid > 0 ) { $sql = "update Zones set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where MonitorId = '$mid' and Id = '$zid'"; } else { $sql = "insert into Zones set MonitorId = '$mid', ".implode( ", ", $changes ); $view = 'none'; } #echo "$sql"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); zmaControl( $mid, true ); $refresh_parent = true; } } elseif ( $action == "monitor" && isset( $mid ) ) { if ( $mid > 0 ) { $result = mysql_query( "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); } else { $monitor = array(); } $changes = array(); if ( $new_name != $monitor[Name] ) $changes[] = "Name = '$new_name'"; if ( $new_function != $monitor['Function'] ) $changes[] = "Function = '$new_function'"; if ( $new_type != $monitor['Type'] ) $changes[] = "Type = '$new_type'"; if ( $new_type == "Local" ) { if ( $new_device != $monitor['Device'] ) $changes[] = "Device = '$new_device'"; if ( $new_channel != $monitor['Channel'] ) $changes[] = "Channel = '$new_channel'"; if ( $new_format != $monitor['Format'] ) $changes[] = "Format = '$new_format'"; } else { if ( $new_host != $monitor['Device'] ) $changes[] = "Host = '$new_host'"; if ( $new_port != $monitor['Channel'] ) $changes[] = "port = '$new_port'"; if ( $new_path != $monitor['Format'] ) $changes[] = "Path = '$new_path'"; } if ( $new_width != $monitor['Width'] ) $changes[] = "Width = '$new_width'"; if ( $new_height != $monitor['Height'] ) $changes[] = "Height = '$new_height'"; if ( $new_palette != $monitor['Palette'] ) $changes[] = "Palette = '$new_palette'"; if ( $new_orientation != $monitor['Orientation'] ) $changes[] = "Orientation = '$new_orientation'"; if ( $new_label_format != $monitor['LabelFormat'] ) $changes[] = "LabelFormat = '$new_label_format'"; if ( $new_label_x != $monitor['LabelX'] ) $changes[] = "LabelX = '$new_label_x'"; if ( $new_label_y != $monitor['LabelY'] ) $changes[] = "LabelY = '$new_label_y'"; if ( $new_image_buffer_count != $monitor['ImageBufferCount'] ) $changes[] = "ImageBufferCount = '$new_image_buffer_count'"; if ( $new_warmup_count != $monitor['WarmupCount'] ) $changes[] = "WarmupCount = '$new_warmup_count'"; if ( $new_pre_event_count != $monitor['PreEventCount'] ) $changes[] = "PreEventCount = '$new_pre_event_count'"; if ( $new_post_event_count != $monitor['PostEventCount'] ) $changes[] = "PostEventCount = '$new_post_event_count'"; if ( $new_max_fps != $monitor['MaxFPS'] ) $changes[] = "MaxFPS = '$new_max_fps'"; if ( $new_fps_report_interval != $monitor['FPSReportInterval'] ) $changes[] = "FPSReportInterval = '$new_fps_report_interval'"; if ( $new_ref_blend_perc != $monitor['RefBlendPerc'] ) $changes[] = "RefBlendPerc = '$new_ref_blend_perc'"; if ( $new_x10_activation != $monitor['X10Activation'] ) $changes[] = "X10Activation = '$new_x10_activation'"; if ( $new_x10_alarm_input != $monitor['X10AlarmInput'] ) $changes[] = "X10AlarmInput = '$new_x10_alarm_input'"; if ( $new_x10_alarm_output != $monitor['X10AlarmOutput'] ) $changes[] = "X10AlarmOutput = '$new_x10_alarm_output'"; if ( count( $changes ) ) { if ( $mid > 0 ) { $sql = "update Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id = '$mid'"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); if ( $new_name != $monitor[Name] ) { exec( escapeshellcmd( "mv ".EVENTS_PATH."/$monitor[Name] ".EVENTS_PATH."/$new_name" ) ); } } elseif ( !$user[MonitorIds] ) { $sql = "insert into Monitors set ".implode( ", ", $changes ); $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $mid = mysql_insert_id(); $sql = "insert into Zones set MonitorId = $mid, Name = 'All', Type = 'Active', Units = 'Percent', LoX = 0, LoY = 0, HiX = 100, HiY = 100, AlarmRGB = 0xff0000, AlarmThreshold = 25, MinAlarmPixels = 3, MaxAlarmPixels = 75, FilterX = 3, FilterY = 3, MinFilterPixels = 3, MaxFilterPixels = 75, MinBlobPixels = 2, MaxBlobPixels = 0, MinBlobs = 1, MaxBlobs = 0"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $view = 'none'; } $result = mysql_query( "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); fixDevices(); zmcControl( $monitor, true ); zmaControl( $monitor, true ); daemonControl( 'restart', 'zmwatch.pl' ); $refresh_parent = true; } } elseif ( $action == "settings" ) { $zmu_command = ZMU_PATH." -m $mid -B$new_brightness -C$new_contrast -H$new_hue -O$new_colour"; $zmu_output = exec( escapeshellcmd( $zmu_command ) ); list( $brightness, $contrast, $hue, $colour ) = split( ' ', $zmu_output ); } elseif ( $action == "delete" ) { if ( $mark_zids ) { $deleted_zid = 0; foreach( $mark_zids as $mark_zid ) { $result = mysql_query( "delete from Zones where Id = '$mark_zid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $deleted_zid = 1; } if ( $deleted_zid ) { zmaControl( $mid, true ); $refresh_parent = true; } } if ( $mark_mids && !$user[MonitorIds] ) { foreach( $mark_mids as $mark_mid ) { $sql = "select * from Monitors where Id = '$mark_mid'"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); if ( !($monitor = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) ) { continue; } $sql = "select Id from Events where MonitorId = '$mark_mid'"; $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $mark_eids = array(); while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { $mark_eids[] = $row[Id]; } foreach( $mark_eids as $mark_eid ) { deleteEvent( $mark_eid ); } system( "rm -rf ".EVENT_PATH."/".$monitor[Name] ); $result = mysql_query( "delete from Zones where MonitorId = '$mark_mid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $result = mysql_query( "delete from Monitors where Id = '$mark_mid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); } } } } if ( canEdit( 'System' ) ) { if ( $action == "user" && isset( $uid ) ) { if ( $uid > 0 ) { $result = mysql_query( "select * from Users where Id = '$uid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ); } else { $zone = array(); } $changes = array(); if ( $new_username != $row[Username] ) $changes[] = "Username = '$new_username'"; if ( $new_password != $row[Password] ) $changes[] = "Password = password('$new_password')"; if ( $new_enabled != $row[Enabled] ) $changes[] = "Enabled = '$new_enabled'"; if ( $new_stream != $row[Stream] ) $changes[] = "Stream = '$new_stream'"; if ( $new_events != $row[Events] ) $changes[] = "Events = '$new_events'"; if ( $new_monitors != $row[Monitors] ) $changes[] = "Monitors = '$new_monitors'"; if ( $new_system != $row[System] ) $changes[] = "System = '$new_system'"; if ( $new_monitor_ids != $row[MonitorIds] ) $changes[] = "MonitorIds = '$new_monitor_ids'"; if ( count( $changes ) ) { if ( $uid > 0 ) { $sql = "update Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes )." where Id = '$uid'"; } else { $sql = "insert into Users set ".implode( ", ", $changes ); } $result = mysql_query( $sql ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); $view = 'none'; $refresh_parent = true; if ( $row[Username] == $user[Username] ) { userLogin( $row[Username], $row[Password] ); } } } elseif ( $action == "delete" ) { if ( $mark_uids ) { foreach( $mark_uids as $mark_uid ) { $result = mysql_query( "delete from Users where Id = '$mark_uid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); } if ( $row[Username] == $user[Username] ) { userLogout(); } } } } if ( $action == "learn" ) { if ( !$mark_eids && $mark_eid ) { $mark_eids[] = $mark_eid; $refresh_parent = true; } if ( $mark_eids ) { foreach( $mark_eids as $mark_eid ) { $result = mysql_query( "update Events set LearnState = '$learn_state' where Id = '$mark_eid'" ); if ( !$result ) die( mysql_error() ); } } } elseif ( $action == "reset" ) { $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[event_reset_time] = strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ); setcookie( "event_reset_time", $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[event_reset_time], time()+3600*24*30*12*10 ); } } ?>