var janus = null; const streaming = []; function MonitorStream(monitorData) { =; this.connKey = monitorData.connKey; this.auth_relay = auth_relay; this.auth_hash = auth_hash; this.url = monitorData.url; this.url_to_zms = monitorData.url_to_zms; this.width = monitorData.width; this.height = monitorData.height; this.RTSP2WebEnabled = monitorData.RTSP2WebEnabled; this.RTSP2WebType = monitorData.RTSP2WebType; this.mseStreamingStarted = false; this.mseQueue = []; this.mseSourceBuffer = null; this.janusEnabled = monitorData.janusEnabled; this.janusPin = monitorData.janus_pin; this.server_id = monitorData.server_id; this.scale = 100; this.status = {capturefps: 0, analysisfps: 0}; // json object with alarmstatus, fps etc this.lastAlarmState = STATE_IDLE; this.statusCmdTimer = null; // timer for requests using ajax to get monitor status this.statusCmdParms = { view: 'request', request: 'status', connkey: this.connKey }; this.streamCmdTimer = null; // timer for requests to zms for status this.streamCmdParms = { view: 'request', request: 'stream', connkey: this.connKey }; this.ajaxQueue = null; this.type = monitorData.type; this.refresh = monitorData.refresh; this.buttons = {}; // index by name this.setButton = function(name, element) { this.buttons[name] = element; }; this.bottomElement = null; this.setBottomElement = function(e) { if (!e) { console.error("Empty bottomElement"); } this.bottomElement = e; }; this.img_onerror = function() { console.log('Image stream has been stoppd! stopping streamCmd'); this.streamCmdTimer = clearInterval(this.streamCmdTimer); }; this.img_onload = function() { if (!this.streamCmdTimer) { console.log('Image stream has loaded! starting streamCmd for '+this.connKey+' in '+statusRefreshTimeout + 'ms'); this.streamCmdTimer = setInterval(this.streamCmdQuery.bind(this), statusRefreshTimeout); } }; this.element = null; this.getElement = function() { if (this.element) return this.element; this.element = document.getElementById('liveStream'; if (!this.element) { console.error("No img for #liveStream"; } return this.element; }; this.getFrame = function() { if (this.frame) return this.frame; this.frame = document.getElementById('imageFeed'; if (!this.frame) { console.error("No frame div for #imageFeed"; } return this.frame; }; /* if the img element didn't have a src, this would fill it in, causing it to show. */ = function() { const stream = this.getElement(); if (!stream.src) { stream.src = this.url_to_zms+"&mode=single&scale="+this.scale+"&connkey="+this.connKey+this.auth_relay; } }; /* scale should be '0' for auto, or an integer value * width should be auto, 100%, integer +px * height should be auto, 100%, integer +px * */ this.setScale = function(newscale, width, height) { const img = this.getElement(); if (!img) { console.log('No img in setScale'); return; } // Scale the frame monitor_frame = $j('#monitor'; if (!monitor_frame) { console.log('Error finding frame'); return; } if (((newscale == '0') || (newscale == 0) || (newscale=='auto')) && (width=='auto' || !width)) { if (!this.bottomElement) { newscale = Math.floor(100*monitor_frame.width() / this.width); // We don't want to change the existing css, cuz it might be 59% or 123px or auto; width = monitor_frame.css('width'); height = Math.round(parseInt(this.height) * newscale / 100)+'px'; } else { const newSize = scaleToFit(this.width, this.height, $j(img), $j(this.bottomElement), $j('#wrapperMonitor')); width = newSize.width+'px'; height = newSize.height+'px'; newscale = parseInt(newSize.autoScale); if (newscale < 25) newscale = 25; // Arbitrary. 4k shown on 1080p screen looks terrible } } else if (parseInt(width) || parseInt(height)) { if (width) { if ('px') != -1) { newscale = parseInt(100*parseInt(width)/this.width); } else { // % // Set it, then get the calculated width monitor_frame.css('width', width); newscale = parseInt(100*parseInt(monitor_frame.width())/this.width); } } else if (height) { newscale = parseInt(100*parseInt(height)/this.height); width = parseInt(this.width * newscale / 100)+'px'; } } else { // a numeric scale, must take actual monitor dimensions and calculate width = Math.round(parseInt(this.width) * newscale / 100)+'px'; height = Math.round(parseInt(this.height) * newscale / 100)+'px'; } if (width && (width != '0px') && ('%') == -1)) { monitor_frame.css('width', parseInt(width)); } if ( = 'auto'; if (height && height != '0px') = height; this.setStreamScale(newscale); }; // setScale this.setStreamScale = function(newscale) { const img = this.getElement(); if (!img) { console.log("No img in setScale"); return; } const stream_frame = $j('#monitor'; if (!newscale) { newscale = parseInt(100*parseInt(stream_frame.width())/this.width); } if (newscale > 100) newscale = 100; // we never request a larger image, as it just wastes bandwidth if (newscale < 25) newscale = 25; // Arbitrary, lower values look bad if (newscale <= 0) newscale = 100; this.scale = newscale; if (this.connKey) { /* Can just tell it to scale, in fact will happen automatically on next query */ } else { if (img.nodeName == 'IMG') { const oldSrc = img.src; if (!oldSrc) { console.log('No src on img?!', img); return; } const newSrc = oldSrc.replace(/scale=\d+/i, 'scale='+newscale); if (newSrc != oldSrc) { this.streamCmdTimer = clearTimeout(this.streamCmdTimer); // We know that only the first zms will get the command because the // second can't open the commandQueue until the first exits // This is necessary because safari will never close the first image if (-1 !='connkey') && -1 !='mode=single')) { this.streamCommand(CMD_QUIT); } console.log("Changing src from " + img.src + " to " + newSrc + 'refresh timeout:' + statusRefreshTimeout); img.src = ''; img.src = newSrc; this.streamCmdTimer = setInterval(this.streamCmdQuery.bind(this), statusRefreshTimeout); } } } }; // setStreamScale this.start = function(delay=500) { if (this.janusEnabled) { let server; if (ZM_JANUS_PATH) { server = ZM_JANUS_PATH; } else if (this.server_id && Servers[this.server_id]) { server = Servers[this.server_id].urlToJanus(); } else if (window.location.protocol=='https:') { // Assume reverse proxy setup for now server = "https://" + window.location.hostname + "/janus"; } else { server = "http://" + window.location.hostname + "/janus"; } if (janus == null) { Janus.init({debug: "all", callback: function() { janus = new Janus({server: server}); //new Janus }}); } attachVideo(parseInt(, this.janusPin); this.statusCmdTimer = setInterval(this.statusCmdQuery.bind(this), delay); return; } if (this.RTSP2WebEnabled) { if (ZM_RTSP2WEB_PATH) { videoEl = document.getElementById("liveStream" +; const url = new URL(ZM_RTSP2WEB_PATH); const useSSL = (url.protocol == 'https'); rtsp2webModUrl = url; rtsp2webModUrl.username = ''; rtsp2webModUrl.password = ''; //.urlParts.length > 1 ? urlParts[1] : urlParts[0]; // drop the username and password for viewing if (this.RTSP2WebType == 'HLS') { hlsUrl = rtsp2webModUrl; hlsUrl.pathname = "/stream/" + + "/channel/0/hls/live/index.m3u8"; /* if (useSSL) { hlsUrl = "https://" + rtsp2webModUrl + "/stream/" + + "/channel/0/hls/live/index.m3u8"; } else { hlsUrl = "http://" + rtsp2webModUrl + "/stream/" + + "/channel/0/hls/live/index.m3u8"; } */ if (Hls.isSupported()) { const hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(hlsUrl.href); hls.attachMedia(videoEl); } else if (video.canPlayType('application/')) { videoEl.src = hlsUrl.href; } } else if (this.RTSP2WebType == 'MSE') { videoEl.addEventListener('pause', () => { if (videoEl.currentTime > videoEl.buffered.end(videoEl.buffered.length - 1)) { videoEl.currentTime = videoEl.buffered.end(videoEl.buffered.length - 1) - 0.1;; } }); mseUrl = rtsp2webModUrl; mseUrl.protocol = useSSL ? 'wss' : 'ws'; mseUrl.pathname = "/stream/" + + "/channel/0/mse?uuid=" + + "&channel=0"; console.log(mseUrl.href); startMsePlay(this, videoEl, mseUrl.href); } else if (this.RTSP2WebType == 'WebRTC') { webrtcUrl = rtsp2webModUrl; webrtcUrl.pathname = "/stream/" + + "/channel/0/webrtc"; console.log(webrtcUrl.href); startRTSP2WebPlay(videoEl, webrtcUrl.href); } this.statusCmdTimer = setInterval(this.statusCmdQuery.bind(this), delay); return; } else { console.log("ZM_RTSP2WEB_PATH is empty. Go to Options->System and set ZM_RTSP2WEB_PATH accordingly."); } } // zms stream const stream = this.getElement(); if (!stream) return; if (!stream.src) { // Website Monitors won't have an img tag, neither will video console.log('No src for #liveStream'; console.log(stream); return; } this.streamCmdTimer = clearTimeout(this.streamCmdTimer); // Step 1 make sure we are streaming instead of a static image if (stream.getAttribute('loading') == 'lazy') { stream.setAttribute('loading', 'eager'); } src = stream.src.replace(/mode=single/i, 'mode=jpeg'); if (-1 =='connkey')) { src += '&connkey='+this.connKey; } if (stream.src != src) { console.log("Setting to streaming: " + src); stream.src = ''; stream.src = src; } stream.onerror = this.img_onerror.bind(this); stream.onload = this.img_onload.bind(this); }; // this.start this.stop = function() { if ( 0 ) { const stream = this.getElement(); if (!stream) return; src = stream.src.replace(/mode=jpeg/i, 'mode=single'); if (stream.src != src) { stream.src = ''; stream.src = src; } } this.streamCommand(CMD_STOP); this.statusCmdTimer = clearInterval(this.statusCmdTimer); this.streamCmdTimer = clearInterval(this.streamCmdTimer); }; this.kill = function() { if (janus) { if (streaming[]) { streaming[].detach(); } } const stream = this.getElement(); if (!stream) return; stream.onerror = null; stream.onload = null; this.stop(); if (this.ajaxQueue) { console.log("Aborting in progress ajax for kill"); // Doing this for responsiveness, but we could be aborting something important. Need smarter logic this.ajaxQueue.abort(); } this.statusCmdTimer = clearInterval(this.statusCmdTimer); this.streamCmdTimer = clearInterval(this.streamCmdTimer); }; this.pause = function() { this.streamCommand(CMD_PAUSE); }; = function() { this.streamCommand(CMD_PLAY); }; this.eventHandler = function(event) { console.log(event); }; this.onclick = function(evt) { console.log('onclick'); }; this.setup_onclick = function(func) { if (func) { this.onclick = func; } if (this.onclick) { const el = this.getFrame(); if (!el) return; el.addEventListener('click', this.onclick, false); } }; this.disable_onclick = function() { const el = this.getElement(); if (!el) return; el.removeEventListener('click', this.onclick); }; this.onpause = function() { console.log('onpause'); }; this.setup_onpause = function(func) { this.onpause = func; }; this.onplay = null; this.setup_onplay = function(func) { this.onplay = func; }; this.setStateClass = function(jobj, stateClass) { if (!jobj) { console.log("No obj in setStateClass"); return; } if (!jobj.hasClass(stateClass)) { if (stateClass != 'alarm') jobj.removeClass('alarm'); if (stateClass != 'alert') jobj.removeClass('alert'); if (stateClass != 'idle') jobj.removeClass('idle'); jobj.addClass(stateClass); } }; this.setAlarmState = function(alarmState) { let stateClass = ''; if (alarmState == STATE_ALARM) { stateClass = 'alarm'; } else if (alarmState == STATE_ALERT) { stateClass = 'alert'; } const stateValue = $j('#stateValue'; if (stateValue.length) { if (stateValue.text() != stateStrings[alarmState]) { stateValue.text(stateStrings[alarmState]); this.setStateClass(stateValue, stateClass); } } const monitorFrame = $j('#monitor'; if (monitorFrame.length) this.setStateClass(monitorFrame, stateClass); const isAlarmed = ( alarmState == STATE_ALARM || alarmState == STATE_ALERT ); const wasAlarmed = ( this.lastAlarmState == STATE_ALARM || this.lastAlarmState == STATE_ALERT ); const newAlarm = ( isAlarmed && !wasAlarmed ); const oldAlarm = ( !isAlarmed && wasAlarmed ); if (newAlarm) { if (ZM_WEB_SOUND_ON_ALARM !== '0') { console.log('Attempting to play alarm sound'); if (ZM_DIR_SOUNDS != '' && ZM_WEB_ALARM_SOUND != '') { const sound = new Audio(ZM_DIR_SOUNDS+'/'+ZM_WEB_ALARM_SOUND);; } else { console.log("You must specify ZM_DIR_SOUNDS and ZM_WEB_ALARM_SOUND as well"); } } if (ZM_WEB_POPUP_ON_ALARM) { window.focus(); } if (this.onalarm) { this.onalarm(); } } if (oldAlarm) { // done with an event do a refresh if (this.onalarm) { this.onalarm(); } } this.lastAlarmState = alarmState; }; // end function setAlarmState( currentAlarmState ) this.onalarm = null; this.setup_onalarm = function(func) { this.onalarm = func; }; this.onFailure = function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { // Assuming temporary problem, retry in a bit. if (error == 'abort') { console.log('have abort, will trust someone else to start us back up'); } else if (error == 'Unauthorized') { window.location.reload(); } else { logAjaxFail(jqxhr, textStatus, error); } }; this.getStreamCmdResponse = function(respObj, respText) { const stream = this.getElement(); if (!stream) return; //watchdogOk('stream'); //this.streamCmdTimer = clearTimeout(this.streamCmdTimer); if (respObj.result == 'Ok') { if (respObj.status) { const streamStatus = this.status = respObj.status; if (this.type != 'WebSite') { const viewingFPSValue = $j('#viewingFPSValue'; const captureFPSValue = $j('#captureFPSValue'; const analysisFPSValue = $j('#analysisFPSValue'; this.status.fps = this.status.fps.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1}); if (viewingFPSValue.length && (viewingFPSValue.text != this.status.fps)) { viewingFPSValue.text(this.status.fps); } this.status.analysisfps = this.status.analysisfps.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1}); if (analysisFPSValue.length && (analysisFPSValue.text != this.status.analysisfps)) { analysisFPSValue.text(this.status.analysisfps); } this.status.capturefps = this.status.capturefps.toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1}); if (captureFPSValue.length && (captureFPSValue.text != this.status.capturefps)) { captureFPSValue.text(this.status.capturefps); } const levelValue = $j('#levelValue'); if (levelValue.length) { levelValue.text(this.status.level); var newClass = 'ok'; if (this.status.level > 95) { newClass = 'alarm'; } else if (this.status.level > 80) { newClass = 'alert'; } levelValue.removeClass(); levelValue.addClass(newClass); } const delayString = secsToTime(this.status.delay); if (this.status.paused == true) { $j('#modeValue''Paused'); $j('#rate''hidden'); $j('#delayValue'; $j('#delay''hidden'); $j('#level''hidden'); this.onpause(); } else if (this.status.delayed == true) { $j('#modeValue''Replay'); $j('#rateValue'; $j('#rate''hidden'); $j('#delayValue'; $j('#delay''hidden'); $j('#level''hidden'); if (this.status.rate == 1) { if (this.onplay) this.onplay(); } else if (this.status.rate > 0) { if (this.status.rate < 1) { streamCmdSlowFwd(false); } else { streamCmdFastFwd(false); } } else { if (this.status.rate > -1) { streamCmdSlowRev(false); } else { streamCmdFastRev(false); } } // rate } else { $j('#modeValue''Live'); $j('#rate''hidden'); $j('#delay''hidden'); $j('#level''hidden'); if (this.onplay) this.onplay(); } // end if paused or delayed if ((this.status.scale !== undefined) && (this.status.scale !== undefined) && (this.status.scale != this.scale)) { if (this.status.scale != 0) { console.log("Stream not scaled, re-applying", this.scale, this.status.scale); this.streamCommand({command: CMD_SCALE, scale: this.scale}); } } $j('#zoomValue'; if (this.status.zoom == '1.0') { $j('#zoom''hidden'); } if ('zoomOutBtn' in this.buttons) { if (this.status.zoom == '1.0') { setButtonState('zoomOutBtn', 'unavail'); } else { setButtonState('zoomOutBtn', 'inactive'); } } } // end if compact montage this.setAlarmState(this.status.state); if (canEdit.Monitors) { if (streamStatus.enabled) { if ('enableAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { if (!this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.hasClass('disabled')) { this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.addClass('disabled'); this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.prop('title', disableAlarmsStr); } } if ('forceAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { if (streamStatus.forced) { if (! this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.hasClass('disabled')) { this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.addClass('disabled'); this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('title', cancelForcedAlarmStr); } } else { if (this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.hasClass('disabled')) { this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.removeClass('disabled'); this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('title', forceAlarmStr); } } this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('disabled', false); } } else { if ('enableAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.removeClass('disabled'); this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.prop('title', enableAlarmsStr); } if ('forceAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('disabled', true); } } if ('enableAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.prop('disabled', false); } } // end if canEdit.Monitors if (this.status.auth) { if (this.status.auth != this.auth_hash) { // Don't reload the stream because it causes annoying flickering. Wait until the stream breaks. console.log("Changed auth from " + this.auth_hash + " to " + this.status.auth); this.streamCmdParms.auth = auth_hash = this.auth_hash = this.status.auth; } } // end if have a new auth hash } // end if has state } else { console.error(respObj.message); // Try to reload the image stream. if (stream.src) { console.log('Reloading stream: ' + stream.src); src = stream.src.replace(/rand=\d+/i, 'rand='+Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) )); src = src.replace(/auth=\w+/i, 'auth='+this.auth_hash); // Maybe updated auth if (src != stream.src) { stream.src = ''; stream.src = src; } else { console.log("Failed to update rand on stream src"); } } } // end if Ok or not }; /* getStatusCmd is used when not streaming, since there is no persistent zms */ this.getStatusCmdResponse=function(respObj, respText) { //watchdogOk('status'); if (respObj.result == 'Ok') { const monitorStatus = respObj.monitor.Status; const captureFPSValue = $j('#captureFPSValue'; const analysisFPSValue = $j('#analysisFPSValue'; const viewingFPSValue = $j('#viewingFPSValue'; const monitor = respObj.monitor; if (monitor.FrameRate) { const fpses = monitor.FrameRate.split(","); fpses.forEach(function(fps) { const name_values = fps.split(':'); const name = name_values[0].trim(); const value = name_values[1].trim().toLocaleString(undefined, {minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 1}); if (name == 'analysis') { this.status.analysisfps = value; if (analysisFPSValue.length && (analysisFPSValue.text() != value)) { analysisFPSValue.text(value); } } else if (name == 'capture') { if (captureFPSValue.length && (captureFPSValue.text() != value)) { captureFPSValue.text(value); } } else { console.log("Unknown fps name " + name); } }); } else { if (analysisFPSValue.length && (analysisFPSValue.text() != monitor.AnalysisFPS)) { analysisFPSValue.text(monitor.AnalysisFPS); } if (captureFPSValue.length && (captureFPSValue.text() != monitor.CaptureFPS)) { captureFPSValue.text(monitor.CaptureFPS); } if (viewingFPSValue.length && viewingFPSValue.text() == '') { $j('#viewingFPS'; } } if (canEdit.Monitors) { if (monitorStatus.enabled) { if ('enableAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { if (!this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.hasClass('disabled')) { this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.addClass('disabled'); this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.prop('title', disableAlarmsStr); } } if ('forceAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { if (monitorStatus.forced) { if (!this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.hasClass('disabled')) { this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.addClass('disabled'); this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('title', cancelForcedAlarmStr); } } else { if (this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.hasClass('disabled')) { this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.removeClass('disabled'); this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('title', forceAlarmStr); } } this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('disabled', false); } } else { if ('enableAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.removeClass('disabled'); this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.prop('title', enableAlarmsStr); } if ('forceAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { this.buttons.forceAlarmButton.prop('disabled', true); } } if ('enableAlarmButton' in this.buttons) { this.buttons.enableAlarmButton.prop('disabled', false); } } // end if canEdit.Monitors this.setAlarmState(monitorStatus); } else { checkStreamForErrors('getStatusCmdResponse', respObj); } }; // this.getStatusCmdResponse this.statusCmdQuery=function() { $j.getJSON(this.url + '?view=request&request=status&entity=monitor&element[]=Status&element[]=CaptureFPS&element[]=AnalysisFPS&element[]=Analysing&element[]=Recording&id=''&'+this.auth_relay) .done(this.getStatusCmdResponse.bind(this)) .fail(logAjaxFail); }; this.statusQuery = function() { this.streamCommand(CMD_QUERY); }; this.streamCmdQuery = function(resent) { if (this.type != 'WebSite') { // Websites don't have streaming // Can't use streamCommand because it aborts this.streamCmdParms.command = CMD_QUERY; this.streamCmdReq(this.streamCmdParms); } }; this.streamCommand = function(command) { const params = Object.assign({}, this.streamCmdParms); if (typeof(command) == 'object') { for (const key in command) params[key] = command[key]; } else { params.command = command; } /* if (this.ajaxQueue) { this.ajaxQueue.abort(); } */ this.streamCmdReq(params); }; this.alarmCommand = function(command) { if (this.ajaxQueue) { console.log("Aborting in progress ajax for alarm"); // Doing this for responsiveness, but we could be aborting something important. Need smarter logic this.ajaxQueue.abort(); } const alarmCmdParms = Object.assign({}, this.streamCmdParms); alarmCmdParms.request = 'alarm'; alarmCmdParms.command = command; =; this.ajaxQueue = jQuery.ajaxQueue({ url: this.url + (auth_relay?'?'+auth_relay:''), xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}, data: alarmCmdParms, dataType: "json" }) .done(this.getStreamCmdResponse.bind(this)) .fail(this.onFailure.bind(this)); }; if (this.type != 'WebSite') { $j.ajaxSetup({timeout: AJAX_TIMEOUT}); this.streamCmdReq = function(streamCmdParms) { this.ajaxQueue = jQuery.ajaxQueue({ url: this.url + (auth_relay?'?'+auth_relay:''), xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}, data: streamCmdParms, dataType: "json" }) .done(this.getStreamCmdResponse.bind(this)) .fail(this.onFailure.bind(this)); }; } this.analyse_frames = true; this.show_analyse_frames = function(toggle) { this.analyse_frames = toggle; this.streamCmdParms.command = this.analyse_frames ? CMD_ANALYZE_ON : CMD_ANALYZE_OFF; this.streamCmdReq(this.streamCmdParms); }; this.setMaxFPS = function(maxfps) { if (1) { this.streamCommand({command: CMD_MAXFPS, maxfps: currentSpeed}); } else { var streamImage = this.getElement(); const oldsrc = streamImage.attr('src'); streamImage.attr('src', ''); // stop streaming if (maxfps == '0') { // Unlimited streamImage.attr('src', oldsrc.replace(/maxfps=\d+/i, 'maxfps=0.00100')); } else { streamImage.attr('src', oldsrc.replace(/maxfps=\d+/i, 'maxfps='+newvalue)); } } }; // end setMaxFPS } // end function MonitorStream async function attachVideo(id, pin) { await waitUntil(() => janus.isConnected() ); janus.attach({ plugin: "janus.plugin.streaming", opaqueId: "streamingtest-"+Janus.randomString(12), success: function(pluginHandle) { streaming[id] = pluginHandle; const body = {"request": "watch", "id": id, "pin": pin}; streaming[id].send({"message": body}); }, error: function(error) { Janus.error(" -- Error attaching plugin... ", error); }, onmessage: function(msg, jsep) { Janus.debug(" ::: Got a message :::"); Janus.debug(msg); var result = msg["result"]; if (result !== null && result !== undefined) { if (result["status"] !== undefined && result["status"] !== null) { var status = result["status"]; Janus.debug(status); } } else if (msg["error"] !== undefined && msg["error"] !== null) { return; } if (jsep !== undefined && jsep !== null) { Janus.debug("Handling SDP as well..."); Janus.debug(jsep); if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { if (jsep["sdp"].includes("420029")) { jsep["sdp"] = jsep["sdp"].replace("420029", "42e01f"); } else if (jsep["sdp"].includes("4d002a")) { jsep["sdp"] = jsep["sdp"].replace("4d002a", "4de02a"); } } // Offer from the plugin, let's answer streaming[id].createAnswer({ jsep: jsep, // We want recvonly audio/video and, if negotiated, datachannels media: {audioSend: false, videoSend: false, data: true}, success: function(jsep) { Janus.debug("Got SDP!"); Janus.debug(jsep); var body = {"request": "start"}; streaming[id].send({"message": body, "jsep": jsep}); }, error: function(error) { Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error); } }); } }, //onmessage function onremotestream: function(ourstream) { Janus.debug(" ::: Got a remote stream :::"); Janus.debug(ourstream); Janus.attachMediaStream(document.getElementById("liveStream" + id), ourstream); }, onremotetrack: function(track, mid, on) { Janus.debug(" ::: Got a remote track :::"); Janus.debug(track); if (track.kind ==="audio") { stream = new MediaStream(); stream.addTrack(track.clone()); if (document.getElementById("liveAudio" + id) == null) { audioElement = document.createElement('audio'); audioElement.setAttribute("id", "liveAudio" + id); audioElement.controls = true; document.getElementById("imageFeed" + id).append(audioElement); } Janus.attachMediaStream(document.getElementById("liveAudio" + id), stream); } else { stream = new MediaStream(); stream.addTrack(track.clone()); Janus.attachMediaStream(document.getElementById("liveStream" + id), stream); } } }); // janus.attach } //function attachVideo const waitUntil = (condition) => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (!condition()) { return; } clearInterval(interval); resolve(); }, 100); }); }; function startRTSP2WebPlay(videoEl, url) { const webrtc = new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ urls: [''] }], sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' }); webrtc.ontrack = function(event) { console.log(event.streams.length + ' track is delivered'); videoEl.srcObject = event.streams[0];; }; webrtc.addTransceiver('video', {direction: 'sendrecv'}); webrtc.onnegotiationneeded = async function handleNegotiationNeeded() { const offer = await webrtc.createOffer(); await webrtc.setLocalDescription(offer); fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: new URLSearchParams({data: btoa(webrtc.localDescription.sdp)}) }) .catch((rejected) => { console.log(rejected); }) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((data) => { try { webrtc.setRemoteDescription( new RTCSessionDescription({type: 'answer', sdp: atob(data)}) ); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }); }; const webrtcSendChannel = webrtc.createDataChannel('rtsptowebSendChannel'); webrtcSendChannel.onopen = (event) => { console.log(`${webrtcSendChannel.label} has opened`); webrtcSendChannel.send('ping'); }; webrtcSendChannel.onclose = (_event) => { console.log(`${webrtcSendChannel.label} has closed`); startRTSP2WebPlay(videoEl, url); }; webrtcSendChannel.onmessage = (event) => console.log(; } function startMsePlay(context, videoEl, url) { const mse = new MediaSource(); mse.addEventListener('sourceopen', function() { const ws = new WebSocket(url); ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; ws.onopen = function(event) { console.log('Connect to ws'); }; ws.onmessage = function(event) { const data = new Uint8Array(; if (data[0] === 9) { let mimeCodec; const decodedArr = data.slice(1); if (window.TextDecoder) { mimeCodec = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(decodedArr); } else { console.log("Browser too old. Doesn't support TextDecoder"); } context.mseSourceBuffer = mse.addSourceBuffer('video/mp4; codecs="' + mimeCodec + '"'); context.mseSourceBuffer.mode = 'segments'; context.mseSourceBuffer.addEventListener('updateend', pushMsePacket, videoEl, context); } else { readMsePacket(, videoEl, context); } }; }, false); videoEl.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(mse); } function pushMsePacket(videoEl, context) { if (context != undefined && !context.mseSourceBuffer.updating) { if (context.mseQueue.length > 0) { const packet = context.mseQueue.shift(); context.mseSourceBuffer.appendBuffer(packet); } else { context.mseStreamingStarted = false; } } if (videoEl.buffered != undefined && videoEl.buffered.length > 0) { if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined' && document.hidden) { // no sound, browser paused video without sound in background videoEl.currentTime = videoEl.buffered.end((videoEl.buffered.length - 1)) - 0.5; } } } function readMsePacket(packet, videoEl, context) { if (!context.mseStreamingStarted) { context.mseSourceBuffer.appendBuffer(packet); context.mseStreamingStarted = true; return; } context.mseQueue.push(packet); if (!context.mseSourceBuffer.updating) { pushMsePacket(videoEl, context); } }