'use strict'; var _createClass = function() { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var ZMMap = function() { function ZMMap(json) { _classCallCheck(this, ZMMap); for (var k in json) { this[k] = json[k]; } this.map = L.map('map-template', { center: L.latLng(44.30597010, -80.39925430), zoom: 4 }); L.tileLayer(ZM_OPT_GEOLOCATION_TILE_PROVIDER, { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox/streets-v11', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, accessToken: ZM_OPT_GEOLOCATION_ACCESS_TOKEN, detectRetina: true }).addTo(this.map); this.map.invalidateSize(); this.iconoDesconectada = L.icon({ iconUrl: 'skins/classic/graphics/icon-disconnected.png', iconSize: [25, 41], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [13, 41], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location }); this.iconoConectada = L.icon({ iconUrl: 'skins/classic/graphics/icon-connected.png', iconSize: [25, 41], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [13, 41], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location }); this.iconoError = L.icon({ iconUrl: 'skins/classic/graphics/icon-error.png', iconSize: [25, 41], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [13, 41], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location }); } _createClass(ZMMap, [ { key: 'addMonitors', value: function addMonitors() { const server = new Server(Servers[serverId]); const get_monitors_promise = server.getFromApi('/monitors.json'); get_monitors_promise .then((response) => { return response.json(); }) .then((monitors) => { console.log(monitors); let cant_connected = 0; let cant_disconnected = 0; let cant_error = 0; let total_cameras = 0; const div_connected = document.getElementById("progress-connected"); const div_disconnected = document.getElementById("progress-disconnected"); const div_error = document.getElementById("progress-error"); const pins = []; for (let i=0, len = monitors.monitors.length; i 10 ) { pins[ii].monitors[pins[ii].monitors.length] = monitor; } } } for (let i=0, len = monitors.monitors.length; i'+monitor.Name+'
Resolution: '+res+'
FPS: '+fps+'

Events: '+events; if (event_summary.TotalEvents > 0) { if (monitor_status.Status == 'Connected') { L.marker([monitor.Latitude, monitor.Longitude], {icon: this.iconoConectada}) .addTo(this.map).bindPopup(popup); //.addTo(map).bindTooltip(popup); cant_connected += 1; } else { L.marker([monitor.Latitude, monitor.Longitude], {icon: this.iconoDesconectada}) .addTo(this.map).bindPopup(popup); //.addTo(map).bindTooltip(popup); cant_disconnected += 1; } } else { L.marker([monitor.Latitude, monitor.Longitude], {icon: this.iconoError}) .addTo(this.map).bindPopup(popup); cant_error += 1; } total_cameras += 1; } // end foreach monitor const percent_connected = Number.parseFloat(((cant_connected*100)/total_cameras)).toFixed(2); const percent_disconnected = Number.parseFloat(((cant_disconnected*100)/total_cameras)).toFixed(2); const percent_error = Number.parseFloat(((cant_error*100)/total_cameras)).toFixed(2); div_connected.style.width = percent_connected+"%"; div_connected.innerHTML = percent_connected+"%"; document.getElementById("progress-connected-title").style.width = percent_connected+"%"; document.getElementById("progress-connected-title").innerHTML = 'Connected'; div_disconnected.style.width = percent_disconnected+"%"; div_disconnected.innerHTML = percent_disconnected+"%"; document.getElementById("progress-disconnected-title").style.width = percent_disconnected+"%"; document.getElementById("progress-disconnected-title").innerHTML = 'Disconnected'; div_error.style.width = percent_error+"%"; div_error.innerHTML = percent_error+"%"; document.getElementById("progress-error-title").style.width = percent_error+"%"; document.getElementById("progress-error-title").innerHTML = "ERROR"; }); // end promise } } // end addMonitors ]); return ZMMap; }(); function haversineDistance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2) { // Convert latitude and longitude from degrees to radians const $lat1Rad = deg2rad($lat1); const $lon1Rad = deg2rad($lon1); const $lat2Rad = deg2rad($lat2); const $lon2Rad = deg2rad($lon2); // Calculate differences const $latDiff = $lat2Rad - $lat1Rad; const $lonDiff = $lon2Rad - $lon1Rad; // Haversine formula const $a = sin($latDiff / 2) * sin($latDiff / 2) + cos($lat1Rad) * cos($lat2Rad) * sin($lonDiff / 2) * sin($lonDiff / 2); const $c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a)); // Earth's radius in kilometers (you can use 3959 for miles) const $radius = 6371; // Calculate the distance const $distance = $radius * $c; return $distance; }