#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # # ========================================================================== # # ZoneMinder Event Filter Script, $Date$, $Revision$ # Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ========================================================================== # # This script continuously monitors the recorded events for the given # monitor and applies any filters which would delete and/or upload # matching events # use strict; use bytes; # ========================================================================== # # These are the elements you can edit to suit your installation # # ========================================================================== use constant DBG_ID => "zmfilter"; # Tag that appears in debug to identify source use constant DBG_LEVEL => 0; # 0 is errors, warnings and info only, > 0 for debug use constant START_DELAY => 5; # How long to wait before starting # ========================================================================== # # You shouldn't need to change anything from here downwards # # ========================================================================== @EXTRA_PERL_LIB@ use ZoneMinder; use DBI; use POSIX; use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/; use Date::Manip; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use constant EVENT_PATH => (ZM_DIR_EVENTS=~m|/|)?ZM_DIR_EVENTS:(ZM_PATH_WEB.'/'.ZM_DIR_EVENTS); zmDbgInit( DBG_ID, level=>DBG_LEVEL ); zmDbgSetSignal(); if ( ZM_OPT_UPLOAD ) { # Comment these out if you don't have them and don't want to upload # or don't want to use that format if ( ZM_UPLOAD_ARCH_FORMAT eq "zip" ) { require Archive::Zip; import Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); } else { require Archive::Tar; } require Net::FTP; } if ( ZM_OPT_EMAIL ) { if ( ZM_NEW_MAIL_MODULES ) { require MIME::Lite; require Net::SMTP; } else { require MIME::Entity; } } if ( ZM_OPT_MESSAGE ) { if ( ZM_NEW_MAIL_MODULES ) { require MIME::Lite; require Net::SMTP; } else { require MIME::Entity; } } $| = 1; $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{SHELL}; delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; my $delay = ZM_FILTER_EXECUTE_INTERVAL; my $event_id = 0; my $filter_parm = ""; sub Usage { print( " Usage: zmfilter.pl [-f ,--filter=] Parameters are :- -f, --filter= - The name of a specific filter to run "); exit( -1 ); } # # More or less replicates the equivalent PHP function # sub strtotime { my $dt_str = shift; return( UnixDate( $dt_str, '%s' ) ); } # # More or less replicates the equivalent PHP function # sub str_repeat { my $string = shift; my $count = shift; return( ${string}x${count} ); } # Formats a date into MySQL format sub DateTimeToSQL { my $dt_str = shift; my $dt_val = strtotime( $dt_str ); if ( !$dt_val ) { Error( "Unable to parse date string '$dt_str'\n" ); return( undef ); } return( strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime( $dt_val ) ) ); } if ( !GetOptions( 'filter=s'=>\$filter_parm ) ) { Usage(); } chdir( EVENT_PATH ); my $dbh = zmDbConnect(); if ( $filter_parm ) { Info( "Scanning for events using filter '$filter_parm'\n" ); } else { Info( "Scanning for events\n" ); } if ( !$filter_parm ) { sleep( START_DELAY ); } my $filters; my $last_action = 0; while( 1 ) { if ( (time() - $last_action) > ZM_FILTER_RELOAD_DELAY ) { Debug( "Reloading filters\n" ); $last_action = time(); $filters = getFilters( $filter_parm ); } foreach my $filter ( @$filters ) { checkFilter( $filter ); } last if ( $filter_parm ); Debug( "Sleeping for $delay seconds\n" ); sleep( $delay ); } sub getDiskPercent { my $command = "df ."; my $df = qx( $command ); my $space = -1; if ( $df =~ /\s(\d+)%/ms ) { $space = $1; } return( $space ); } sub getDiskBlocks { my $command = "df ."; my $df = qx( $command ); my $space = -1; if ( $df =~ /\s(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+%/ms ) { $space = $1; } return( $space ); } sub getLoad { my $command = "uptime ."; my $uptime = qx( $command ); my $load = -1; if ( $uptime =~ /load average:\s+([\d.]+)/ms ) { $load = $1; Info( "Load: $load" ); } return( $load ); } sub getFilters { my $filter_name = shift; my @filters; my $sql = "select * from Filters where"; if ( $filter_name ) { $sql .= " Name = ? and"; } else { $sql .= " Background = 1 and"; } $sql .= " (AutoArchive = 1 or AutoVideo = 1 or AutoUpload = 1 or AutoEmail = 1 or AutoMessage = 1 or AutoExecute = 1 or AutoDelete = 1) order by Name"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res; if ( $filter_name ) { $res = $sth->execute( $filter_name ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); } else { $res = $sth->execute() or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); } FILTER: while( my $db_filter = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { Debug( "Found filter '$db_filter->{Name}'\n" ); my $filter_expr = jsonDecode( $db_filter->{Query} ); my $sql = "select E.Id,E.MonitorId,M.Name as MonitorName,M.DefaultRate,M.DefaultScale,E.Name,E.Cause,E.Notes,E.StartTime,unix_timestamp(E.StartTime) as Time,E.Length,E.Frames,E.AlarmFrames,E.TotScore,E.AvgScore,E.MaxScore,E.Archived,E.Videoed,E.Uploaded,E.Emailed,E.Messaged,E.Executed from Events as E inner join Monitors as M on M.Id = E.MonitorId where not isnull(E.EndTime)"; $db_filter->{Sql} = ''; if ( @{$filter_expr->{terms}} ) { for ( my $i = 0; $i < @{$filter_expr->{terms}}; $i++ ) { if ( exists($filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{cnj}) ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " ".$filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{cnj}." "; } if ( exists($filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{obr}) ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " ".str_repeat( "(", $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{obr} )." "; } my $value = $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{val}; my @value_list; if ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} ) { if ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} =~ /^Monitor/ ) { my ( $temp_attr_name ) = $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} =~ /^Monitor(.+)$/; $db_filter->{Sql} .= "M.".$temp_attr_name; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'DateTime' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "E.StartTime"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Date' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "to_days( E.StartTime )"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Time' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "extract( hour_second from E.StartTime )"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Weekday' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "weekday( E.StartTime )"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'DiskPercent' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "zmDiskPercent"; $db_filter->{HasDiskPercent} = !undef; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'DiskBlocks' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "zmDiskBlocks"; $db_filter->{HasDiskBlocks} = !undef; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'SystemLoad' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "zmSystemLoad"; $db_filter->{HasSystemLoad} = !undef; } else { $db_filter->{Sql} .= "E.".$filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr}; } ( my $stripped_value = $value ) =~ s/^["\']+?(.+)["\']+?$/$1/; foreach my $temp_value ( split( '/["\'\s]*?,["\'\s]*?/', $stripped_value ) ) { if ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} =~ /^Monitor/ ) { $value = "'$temp_value'"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Name' || $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Cause' || $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Notes' ) { $value = "'$temp_value'"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'DateTime' ) { $value = DateTimeToSQL( $temp_value ); if ( !$value ) { Error( "Error parsing date/time '$temp_value', skipping filter '$db_filter->{Name}'\n" ); next FILTER; } $value = "'$value'"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Date' ) { $value = DateTimeToSQL( $temp_value ); if ( !$value ) { Error( "Error parsing date/time '$temp_value', skipping filter '$db_filter->{Name}'\n" ); next FILTER; } $value = "to_days( '$value' )"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{attr} eq 'Time' ) { $value = DateTimeToSQL( $temp_value ); if ( !$value ) { Error( "Error parsing date/time '$temp_value', skipping filter '$db_filter->{Name}'\n" ); next FILTER; } $value = "extract( hour_second from '$value' )"; } else { $value = $temp_value; } push( @value_list, $value ); } } if ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{op} ) { if ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{op} eq '=~' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " regexp $value"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{op} eq '!~' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " not regexp $value"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{op} eq '=[]' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " in (".join( ",", @value_list ).")"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{op} eq '!~' ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " not in (".join( ",", @value_list ).")"; } else { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " ".$filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{op}." $value"; } } if ( exists($filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{cbr}) ) { $db_filter->{Sql} .= " ".str_repeat( ")", $filter_expr->{terms}[$i]->{cbr} )." "; } } } if ( $db_filter->{Sql} ) { $sql .= " and ( ".$db_filter->{Sql}." )"; } my @auto_terms; if ( $db_filter->{AutoArchive} ) { push( @auto_terms, "E.Archived = 0" ) } if ( $db_filter->{AutoVideo} ) { push( @auto_terms, "E.Videoed = 0" ) } if ( $db_filter->{AutoUpload} ) { push( @auto_terms, "E.Uploaded = 0" ) } if ( $db_filter->{AutoEmail} ) { push( @auto_terms, "E.Emailed = 0" ) } if ( $db_filter->{AutoMessage} ) { push( @auto_terms, "E.Messaged = 0" ) } if ( $db_filter->{AutoExecute} ) { push( @auto_terms, "E.Executed = 0" ) } if ( @auto_terms ) { $sql .= " and ( ".join( " or ", @auto_terms )." )"; } if ( !$filter_expr->{sort_field} ) { $filter_expr->{sort_field} = 'StartTime'; $filter_expr->{sort_asc} = 0; } my $sort_column = ''; if ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'Id' ) { $sort_column = "E.Id"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'MonitorName' ) { $sort_column = "M.Name"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'Name' ) { $sort_column = "E.Name"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'StartTime' ) { $sort_column = "E.StartTime"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'Secs' ) { $sort_column = "E.Length"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'Frames' ) { $sort_column = "E.Frames"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'AlarmFrames' ) { $sort_column = "E.AlarmFrames"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'TotScore' ) { $sort_column = "E.TotScore"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'AvgScore' ) { $sort_column = "E.AvgScore"; } elsif ( $filter_expr->{sort_field} eq 'MaxScore' ) { $sort_column = "E.MaxScore"; } else { $sort_column = "E.StartTime"; } my $sort_order = $filter_expr->{sort_asc}?"asc":"desc"; $sql .= " order by ".$sort_column." ".$sort_order; if ( $filter_expr->{limit} ) { $sql .= " limit 0,".$filter_expr->{limit}; } Debug( "SQL:$sql\n" ); $db_filter->{Sql} = $sql; if ( $db_filter->{AutoExecute} ) { my $script = $db_filter->{AutoExecuteCmd}; $script =~ s/\s.*$//; if ( !-e $script ) { Error( "Auto execute script '$script' not found, skipping filter '$db_filter->{Name}'\n" ); next FILTER; } elsif ( !-x $script ) { Error( "Auto execute script '$script' not executable, skipping filter '$db_filter->{Name}'\n" ); next FILTER; } } push( @filters, $db_filter ); } $sth->finish(); return( \@filters ); } sub checkFilter { my $filter = shift; Debug( "Checking filter '$filter->{Name}'". ($filter->{AutoDelete}?", delete":""). ($filter->{AutoArchive}?", archive":""). ($filter->{AutoVideo}?", video":""). ($filter->{AutoUpload}?", upload":""). ($filter->{AutoEmail}?", email":""). ($filter->{AutoMessage}?", message":""). ($filter->{AutoExecute}?", execute":""). "\n" ); my $sql = $filter->{Sql}; if ( $filter->{HasDiskPercent} ) { my $disk_percent = getDiskPercent(); $sql =~ s/zmDiskPercent/$disk_percent/g; } if ( $filter->{HasDiskBlocks} ) { my $disk_blocks = getDiskBlocks(); $sql =~ s/zmDiskBlocks/$disk_blocks/g; } if ( $filter->{HasSystemLoad} ) { my $load = getLoad(); $sql =~ s/zmSystemLoad/$load/g; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute(); if ( !$res ) { Error( "Can't execute filter '$sql', ignoring: ".$sth->errstr() ); return; } while( my $event = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { Debug( "Checking event $event->{Id}\n" ); my $delete_ok = !undef; if ( $filter->{AutoArchive} ) { Info( "Archiving event $event->{Id}\n" ); # Do it individually to avoid locking up the table for new events my $sql = "update Events set Archived = 1 where Id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); } if ( ZM_OPT_FFMPEG && $filter->{AutoVideo} ) { if ( !$event->{Videoed} ) { $delete_ok = undef if ( !generateVideo( $filter, $event ) ); } } if ( ZM_OPT_EMAIL && $filter->{AutoEmail} ) { if ( !$event->{Emailed} ) { $delete_ok = undef if ( !sendEmail( $filter, $event ) ); } } if ( ZM_OPT_MESSAGE && $filter->{AutoMessage} ) { if ( !$event->{Messaged} ) { $delete_ok = undef if ( !sendMessage( $filter, $event ) ); } } if ( ZM_OPT_UPLOAD && $filter->{AutoUpload} ) { if ( !$event->{Uploaded} ) { $delete_ok = undef if ( !uploadArchFile( $filter, $event ) ); } } if ( $filter->{AutoExecute} ) { if ( !$event->{Execute} ) { $delete_ok = undef if ( !executeCommand( $filter, $event ) ); } } if ( $filter->{AutoDelete} ) { if ( $delete_ok ) { Info( "Deleting event $event->{Id}\n" ); # Do it individually to avoid locking up the table for new events my $sql = "delete from Events where Id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); if ( !ZM_OPT_FAST_DELETE ) { my $sql = "delete from Frames where EventId = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); $sql = "delete from Stats where EventId = ?"; $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); deleteEventFiles( $event->{Id}, $event->{MonitorId} ); } } else { Error( "Unable to delete event $event->{Id} as previous operations failed\n" ); } } } $sth->finish(); } sub generateVideo { my $filter = shift; my $event = shift; my $phone = shift; my $rate = $event->{DefaultRate}/100; my $scale = $event->{DefaultScale}/100; my $format; my @ffmpeg_formats = split( /\s+/, ZM_FFMPEG_FORMATS ); my $default_video_format; my $default_phone_format; foreach my $ffmpeg_format( @ffmpeg_formats ) { if ( $ffmpeg_format =~ /^(.+)\*\*$/ ) { $default_phone_format = $1; } elsif ( $ffmpeg_format =~ /^(.+)\*$/ ) { $default_video_format = $1; } } if ( $phone && $default_phone_format ) { $format = $default_phone_format; } elsif ( $default_video_format ) { $format = $default_video_format; } else { $format = $ffmpeg_formats[0]; } my $command = ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmvideo.pl -e ".$event->{Id}." -r ".$rate." -s ".$scale." -f ".$format; my $output = qx($command); chomp( $output ); my $status = $? >> 8; if ( $status || DBG_LEVEL > 0 ) { Debug( "Output: $output\n" ); } if ( $status ) { Error( "Video generation '$command' failed with status: $status\n" ); if ( wantarray() ) { return( undef, undef ); } return( 0 ); } else { my $sql = "update Events set Videoed = 1 where Id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); if ( wantarray() ) { return( $format, sprintf( "%s/%s", getEventPath( $event ), $output ) ); } } return( 1 ); } sub uploadArchFile { my $filter = shift; my $event = shift; if ( !ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_HOST ) { Error( "Cannot upload archive as no FTP host defined" ); return( 0 ); } my $arch_file = ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_LOC_DIR.'/'.$event->{MonitorName}.'-'.$event->{Id}; my $arch_image_path = getEventPath( $event )."/".((ZM_UPLOAD_ARCH_ANALYSE)?'{*analyse,*capture}':'*capture').".jpg"; my @arch_image_files = glob($arch_image_path); my $arch_error = 0; if ( ZM_UPLOAD_ARCH_FORMAT eq "zip" ) { $arch_file .= '.zip'; my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); Info( "Creating upload file '$arch_file', ".int(@arch_image_files)." files\n" ); my $status = &AZ_OK; foreach my $image_file ( @arch_image_files ) { Debug( "Adding $image_file\n" ); my $member = $zip->addFile( $image_file ); if ( !$member ) { Error( "Unable to add image file $image_file to zip archive $arch_file" ); $arch_error = 1; last; } $member->desiredCompressionMethod( (ZM_UPLOAD_ARCH_COMPRESS)?&COMPRESSION_DEFLATED:&COMPRESSION_STORED ); } if ( !$arch_error ) { $status = $zip->writeToFileNamed( $arch_file ); if ( $arch_error = ($status != &AZ_OK) ) { Error( "Zip error: $status\n " ); } } else { Error( "Error adding images to zip archive $arch_file, not writing" ); } } elsif ( ZM_UPLOAD_ARCH_FORMAT eq "tar" ) { if ( ZM_UPLOAD_ARCH_COMPRESS ) { $arch_file .= '.tar.gz'; } else { $arch_file .= '.tar'; } Info( "Creating upload file '$arch_file', ".int(@arch_image_files)." files\n" ); if ( $arch_error = !Archive::Tar->create_archive( $arch_file, ZM_UPLOAD_ARCH_COMPRESS, @arch_image_files ) ) { Error( "Tar error: ".Archive::Tar->error()."\n " ); } } if ( $arch_error ) { return( 0 ); } else { Info( "Uploading to ".ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_HOST."\n" ); my $ftp = Net::FTP->new( ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_HOST, Timeout=>ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_TIMEOUT, Passive=>ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_PASSIVE, Debug=>ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_DEBUG ); if ( !$ftp ) { warn( "Can't create ftp connection: $@" ); return( 0 ); } $ftp->login( ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_USER, ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_PASS ) or warn( "FTP - Can't login" ); $ftp->binary() or warn( "FTP - Can't go binary" ); $ftp->cwd( ZM_UPLOAD_FTP_REM_DIR ) or warn( "FTP - Can't cwd" ); $ftp->put( $arch_file ) or warn( "FTP - Can't upload '$arch_file'" ); $ftp->quit() or warn( "FTP - Can't quit" ); unlink( $arch_file ); my $sql = "update Events set Uploaded = 1 where Id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); } return( 1 ); } sub substituteTags { my $text = shift; my $filter = shift; my $event = shift; my $attachments_ref = shift; # First we'd better check what we need to get # We have a filter and an event, do we need any more # monitor information? my $need_monitor = $text =~ /%(?:MET|MEH|MED|MEW|MEN|MEA)%/; my $monitor = {}; if ( $need_monitor ) { my $db_now = strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime() ); my $sql = "select M.Id, count(E.Id) as EventCount, count(if(E.Archived,1,NULL)) as ArchEventCount, count(if(E.StartTime>'$db_now' - INTERVAL 1 HOUR && E.Archived = 0,1,NULL)) as HourEventCount, count(if(E.StartTime>'$db_now' - INTERVAL 1 DAY && E.Archived = 0,1,NULL)) as DayEventCount, count(if(E.StartTime>'$db_now' - INTERVAL 7 DAY && E.Archived = 0,1,NULL)) as WeekEventCount, count(if(E.StartTime>'$db_now' - INTERVAL 1 MONTH && E.Archived = 0,1,NULL)) as MonthEventCount from Monitors as M left join Events as E on E.MonitorId = M.Id where MonitorId = ? group by E.MonitorId order by Id"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{MonitorId} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); $monitor = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $sth->finish(); return() if ( !$monitor ); } # Do we need the image information too? my $need_images = $text =~ /%(?:EPI1|EPIM|EI1|EIM)%/; my $first_alarm_frame; my $max_alarm_frame; my $max_alarm_score = 0; if ( $need_images ) { my $sql = "select * from Frames where EventId = ? and Type = 'Alarm' order by FrameId"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); while( my $frame = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { if ( !$first_alarm_frame ) { $first_alarm_frame = $frame; } if ( $frame->{Score} > $max_alarm_score ) { $max_alarm_frame = $frame; $max_alarm_score = $frame->{Score}; } } $sth->finish(); } my $url = ZM_URL; $text =~ s/%ZP%/$url/g; $text =~ s/%MN%/$event->{MonitorName}/g; $text =~ s/%MET%/$monitor->{EventCount}/g; $text =~ s/%MEH%/$monitor->{HourEventCount}/g; $text =~ s/%MED%/$monitor->{DayEventCount}/g; $text =~ s/%MEW%/$monitor->{WeekEventCount}/g; $text =~ s/%MEM%/$monitor->{MonthEventCount}/g; $text =~ s/%MEA%/$monitor->{ArchEventCount}/g; $text =~ s/%MP%/$url?view=watch&mid=$event->{MonitorId}/g; $text =~ s/%MPS%/$url?view=watchfeed&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&mode=stream/g; $text =~ s/%MPI%/$url?view=watchfeed&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&mode=still/g; $text =~ s/%EP%/$url?view=event&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&eid=$event->{Id}/g; $text =~ s/%EPS%/$url?view=event&mode=stream&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&eid=$event->{Id}/g; $text =~ s/%EPI%/$url?view=event&mode=still&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&eid=$event->{Id}/g; $text =~ s/%EI%/$event->{Id}/g; $text =~ s/%EN%/$event->{Name}/g; $text =~ s/%EC%/$event->{Cause}/g; $text =~ s/%ED%/$event->{Notes}/g; $text =~ s/%ET%/$event->{StartTime}/g; $text =~ s/%EL%/$event->{Length}/g; $text =~ s/%EF%/$event->{Frames}/g; $text =~ s/%EFA%/$event->{AlarmFrames}/g; $text =~ s/%EST%/$event->{TotScore}/g; $text =~ s/%ESA%/$event->{AvgScore}/g; $text =~ s/%ESM%/$event->{MaxScore}/g; if ( $first_alarm_frame ) { $text =~ s/%EPI1%/$url?view=frame&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&eid=$event->{Id}&fid=$first_alarm_frame->{FrameId}/g; $text =~ s/%EPIM%/$url?view=frame&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&eid=$event->{Id}&fid=$max_alarm_frame->{FrameId}/g; if ( $attachments_ref && $text =~ s/%EI1%//g ) { push( @$attachments_ref, { type=>"image/jpeg", path=>sprintf( "%s/%0".ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS."d-capture.jpg", getEventPath( $event ), $first_alarm_frame->{FrameId} ) } ); } if ( $attachments_ref && $text =~ s/%EIM%//g ) { # Don't attach the same image twice if ( !@$attachments_ref || ($first_alarm_frame->{FrameId} != $max_alarm_frame->{FrameId} ) ) { push( @$attachments_ref, { type=>"image/jpeg", path=>sprintf( "%s/%0".ZM_EVENT_IMAGE_DIGITS."d-capture.jpg", getEventPath( $event ), $max_alarm_frame->{FrameId} ) } ); } } } if ( $attachments_ref && ZM_OPT_FFMPEG ) { if ( $text =~ s/%EV%//g ) { my ( $format, $path ) = generateVideo( $filter, $event ); if ( !$format ) { return( undef ); } push( @$attachments_ref, { type=>"video/$format", path=>$path } ); } if ( $text =~ s/%EVM%//g ) { my ( $format, $path ) = generateVideo( $filter, $event, 1 ); if ( !$format ) { return( undef ); } push( @$attachments_ref, { type=>"video/$format", path=>$path } ); } } $text =~ s/%FN%/$filter->{Name}/g; ( my $filter_name = $filter->{Name} ) =~ s/ /+/g; $text =~ s/%FP%/$url?view=filter&mid=$event->{MonitorId}&filter_name=$filter_name/g; return( $text ); } sub sendEmail { my $filter = shift; my $event = shift; if ( !ZM_FROM_EMAIL ) { warn( "No 'from' email address defined, not sending email" ); return( 0 ); } if ( !ZM_EMAIL_ADDRESS ) { warn( "No email address defined, not sending email" ); return( 0 ); } Info( "Creating notification email\n" ); my $subject = substituteTags( ZM_EMAIL_SUBJECT, $filter, $event ); return( 0 ) if ( !$subject ); my @attachments; my $body = substituteTags( ZM_EMAIL_BODY, $filter, $event, \@attachments ); return( 0 ) if ( !$body ); Info( "Sending notification email '$subject'\n" ); eval { if ( ZM_NEW_MAIL_MODULES ) { ### Create the multipart container my $mail = MIME::Lite->new ( From => ZM_FROM_EMAIL, To => ZM_EMAIL_ADDRESS, Subject => $subject, Type => "multipart/mixed" ); ### Add the text message part $mail->attach ( Type => "TEXT", Data => $body ); ### Add the attachments foreach my $attachment ( @attachments ) { Info( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" ); $mail->attach( Path => $attachment->{path}, Type => $attachment->{type}, Disposition => "attachment" ); } ### Send the Message MIME::Lite->send( "smtp", ZM_EMAIL_HOST, Timeout=>60 ); $mail->send(); } else { my $mail = MIME::Entity->build( From => ZM_FROM_EMAIL, To => ZM_EMAIL_ADDRESS, Subject => $subject, Type => (($body=~//)?'text/html':'text/plain'), Data => $body ); foreach my $attachment ( @attachments ) { Info( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" ); $mail->attach( Path => $attachment->{path}, Type => $attachment->{type}, Encoding => "base64" ); } $mail->smtpsend( Host => ZM_EMAIL_HOST, MailFrom => ZM_FROM_EMAIL ); } }; if ( $@ ) { warn( "Can't send email: $@" ); return( 0 ); } else { Info( "Notification email sent\n" ); } my $sql = "update Events set Emailed = 1 where Id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); return( 1 ); } sub sendMessage { my $filter = shift; my $event = shift; if ( !ZM_FROM_EMAIL ) { warn( "No 'from' email address defined, not sending message" ); return( 0 ); } if ( !ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS ) { warn( "No message address defined, not sending message" ); return( 0 ); } Info( "Creating notification message\n" ); my $subject = substituteTags( ZM_MESSAGE_SUBJECT, $filter, $event ); return( 0 ) if ( !$subject ); my @attachments; my $body = substituteTags( ZM_MESSAGE_BODY, $filter, $event, \@attachments ); return( 0 ) if ( !$body ); Info( "Sending notification message '$subject'\n" ); eval { if ( ZM_NEW_MAIL_MODULES ) { ### Create the multipart container my $mail = MIME::Lite->new ( From => ZM_FROM_EMAIL, To => ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS, Subject => $subject, Type => "multipart/mixed" ); ### Add the text message part $mail->attach ( Type => "TEXT", Data => $body ); ### Add the attachments foreach my $attachment ( @attachments ) { Info( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" ); $mail->attach( Path => $attachment->{path}, Type => $attachment->{type}, Disposition => "attachment" ); } ### Send the Message MIME::Lite->send( "smtp", ZM_EMAIL_HOST, Timeout=>60 ); $mail->send(); } else { my $mail = MIME::Entity->build( From => ZM_FROM_EMAIL, To => ZM_MESSAGE_ADDRESS, Subject => $subject, Type => (($body=~//)?'text/html':'text/plain'), Data => $body ); foreach my $attachment ( @attachments ) { Info( "Attaching '$attachment->{path}\n" ); $mail->attach( Path => $attachment->{path}, Type => $attachment->{type}, Encoding => "base64" ); } $mail->smtpsend( Host => ZM_EMAIL_HOST, MailFrom => ZM_FROM_EMAIL ); } }; if ( $@ ) { warn( "Can't send email: $@" ); return( 0 ); } else { Info( "Notification message sent\n" ); } my $sql = "update Events set Messaged = 1 where Id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); return( 1 ); } sub executeCommand { my $filter = shift; my $event = shift; my $event_path = getEventPath( $event ); my $command = $filter->{AutoExecuteCmd}; $command .= " $event_path"; Info( "Executing '$command'\n" ); my $output = qx($command); my $status = $? >> 8; if ( $status || DBG_LEVEL > 0 ) { chomp( $output ); Debug( "Output: $output\n" ); } if ( $status ) { Error( "Command '$command' exited with status: $status\n" ); return( 0 ); } else { my $sql = "update Events set Executed = 1 where Id = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or Fatal( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute( $event->{Id} ) or Fatal( "Can't execute '$sql': ".$sth->errstr() ); } return( 1 ); }