beginTransaction(); foreach( getAffectedIds('markEid') as $markEid ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Events SET Cause=?, Notes=? WHERE Id=?', array($_REQUEST['newEvent']['Cause'], $_REQUEST['newEvent']['Notes'], $markEid) ); } $dbConn->commit(); } $refreshParent = true; $closePopup = true; } elseif ( $action == 'archive' || $action == 'unarchive' ) { $archiveVal = ($action == 'archive')?1:0; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['eid']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Events SET Archived=? WHERE Id=?', array($archiveVal, $_REQUEST['eid'])); } else { $dbConn->beginTransaction(); foreach( getAffectedIds('markEid') as $markEid ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Events SET Archived=? WHERE Id=?', array($archiveVal, $markEid)); } $dbConn->commit(); $refreshParent = true; } } elseif ( $action == 'delete' ) { $dbConn->beginTransaction(); foreach( getAffectedIds('markEid') as $markEid ) { deleteEvent($markEid); } $dbConn->commit(); $refreshParent = true; } } // end if canEdit(Events) } // end if filter or something else } // end canView(Events) // Monitor control actions, require a monitor id and control view permissions for that monitor if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) && canView('Control', $_REQUEST['mid']) ) { require_once('control_functions.php'); require_once('Monitor.php'); $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']); if ( $action == 'control' ) { $monitor = new Monitor($mid); $ctrlCommand = buildControlCommand($monitor); sendControlCommand($monitor->Id(), $ctrlCommand); } else if ( $action == 'settings' ) { $args = ' -m ' . escapeshellarg($mid); $args .= ' -B' . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newBrightness']); $args .= ' -C' . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newContrast']); $args .= ' -H' . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newHue']); $args .= ' -O' . escapeshellarg($_REQUEST['newColour']); $zmuCommand = getZmuCommand($args); $zmuOutput = exec($zmuCommand); list($brightness, $contrast, $hue, $colour) = explode(' ', $zmuOutput); dbQuery( 'UPDATE Monitors SET Brightness = ?, Contrast = ?, Hue = ?, Colour = ? WHERE Id = ?', array($brightness, $contrast, $hue, $colour, $mid)); } } // Control capability actions, require control edit permissions if ( canEdit('Control') ) { if ( $action == 'controlcap' ) { require_once('Control.php'); $Control = new Control( !empty($_REQUEST['cid']) ? $_REQUEST['cid'] : null ); //$changes = getFormChanges( $control, $_REQUEST['newControl'], $types, $columns ); $Control->save($_REQUEST['newControl']); $refreshParent = true; $view = 'none'; } elseif ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['markCids']) ) { foreach( $_REQUEST['markCids'] as $markCid ) { dbQuery('DELETE FROM Controls WHERE Id = ?', array($markCid)); dbQuery('UPDATE Monitors SET Controllable = 0, ControlId = 0 WHERE ControlId = ?', array($markCid)); $refreshParent = true; } } } // end if action } // end if canEdit Controls if ( isset($_REQUEST['object']) and $_REQUEST['object'] == 'Monitor' ) { if ( $action == 'save' ) { foreach ( $_REQUEST['mids'] as $mid ) { $mid = ValidInt($mid); if ( ! canEdit('Monitors', $mid) ) { Warning("Cannot edit monitor $mid"); continue; } $Monitor = new Monitor($mid); if ( $Monitor->Type() != 'WebSite' ) { $Monitor->zmaControl('stop'); $Monitor->zmcControl('stop'); } $Monitor->save($_REQUEST['newMonitor']); if ( $Monitor->Function() != 'None' && $Monitor->Type() != 'WebSite' ) { $Monitor->zmcControl('start'); if ( $Monitor->Enabled() ) { $Monitor->zmaControl('start'); } } } // end foreach mid $refreshParent = true; } // end if action == save } // end if object is Monitor // Monitor edit actions, require a monitor id and edit permissions for that monitor if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) && canEdit('Monitors', $_REQUEST['mid']) ) { $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']); if ( $action == 'function' ) { $monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?', NULL, array($mid)); $newFunction = validStr($_REQUEST['newFunction']); # Because we use a checkbox, it won't get passed in the request. So not being in _REQUEST means 0 $newEnabled = ( !isset($_REQUEST['newEnabled']) or $_REQUEST['newEnabled'] != '1' ) ? '0' : '1'; $oldFunction = $monitor['Function']; $oldEnabled = $monitor['Enabled']; if ( $newFunction != $oldFunction || $newEnabled != $oldEnabled ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Monitors SET Function=?, Enabled=? WHERE Id=?', array($newFunction, $newEnabled, $mid)); $monitor['Function'] = $newFunction; $monitor['Enabled'] = $newEnabled; if ( daemonCheck() && ($monitor['Type'] != 'WebSite') ) { $restart = ($oldFunction == 'None') || ($newFunction == 'None') || ($newEnabled != $oldEnabled); zmaControl($monitor, 'stop'); zmcControl($monitor, $restart?'restart':''); zmaControl($monitor, 'start'); } $refreshParent = true; } } else if ( $action == 'zone' && isset($_REQUEST['zid']) ) { $zid = validInt($_REQUEST['zid']); $monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?', NULL, array($mid)); if ( !empty($zid) ) { $zone = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Zones WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?', NULL, array($mid, $zid)); } else { $zone = array(); } if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Units'] == 'Percent' ) { $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinAlarmPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinAlarmPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100); $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxAlarmPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxAlarmPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100); if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels']) ) $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinFilterPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100); if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels']) ) $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxFilterPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100); if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels']) ) $_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MinBlobPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100); if ( isset($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels']) ) $_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels'] = intval(($_REQUEST['newZone']['MaxBlobPixels']*$_REQUEST['newZone']['Area'])/100); } unset( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Points'] ); $types = array(); $changes = getFormChanges($zone, $_REQUEST['newZone'], $types); if ( count($changes) ) { if ( $zid > 0 ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Zones SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?', array($mid, $zid)); } else { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Zones SET MonitorId=?, '.implode(', ', $changes), array($mid)); } if ( daemonCheck() && ($monitor['Type'] != 'WebSite') ) { if ( $_REQUEST['newZone']['Type'] == 'Privacy' ) { zmaControl($monitor, 'stop'); zmcControl($monitor, 'restart'); zmaControl($monitor, 'start'); } else { zmaControl($monitor, 'restart'); } } if ( ($_REQUEST['newZone']['Type'] == 'Privacy') && $monitor['Controllable'] ) { require_once('control_functions.php'); sendControlCommand($mid, 'quit'); } $refreshParent = true; } $view = 'none'; } elseif ( $action == 'plugin' && isset($_REQUEST['pl']) ) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM PluginsConfig WHERE MonitorId=? AND ZoneId=? AND pluginName=?'; $pconfs=dbFetchAll($sql, NULL, array($mid, $_REQUEST['zid'], $_REQUEST['pl'])); $changes = 0; foreach ( $pconfs as $pconf ) { $value = $_REQUEST['pluginOpt'][$pconf['Name']]; if ( array_key_exists($pconf['Name'], $_REQUEST['pluginOpt']) && ($pconf['Value'] != $value) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE PluginsConfig SET Value=? WHERE id=?', array($value, $pconf['Id'])); $changes++; } } if ( $changes > 0 ) { if ( daemonCheck() && ($monitor['Type'] != 'WebSite') ) { zmaControl($mid, 'restart'); } $refreshParent = true; } $view = 'none'; } elseif ( ($action == 'sequence') && isset($_REQUEST['smid']) ) { $smid = validInt($_REQUEST['smid']); $monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id = ?', NULL, array($mid)); $smonitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id = ?', NULL, array($smid)); dbQuery('UPDATE Monitors SET Sequence=? WHERE Id=?', array($smonitor['Sequence'], $monitor['Id'])); dbQuery('UPDATE Monitors SET Sequence=? WHERE Id=?', array($monitor['Sequence'], $smonitor['Id'])); $refreshParent = true; fixSequences(); } elseif ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['markZids']) ) { $deletedZid = 0; foreach ( $_REQUEST['markZids'] as $markZid ) { $zone = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Zones WHERE Id=?', NULL, array($markZid)); dbQuery('DELETE FROM Zones WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?', array($mid, $markZid)); $deletedZid = 1; } if ( $deletedZid ) { if ( daemonCheck() && $monitor['Type'] != 'WebSite' ) { if ( $zone['Type'] == 'Privacy' ) { zmaControl($mid, 'stop'); zmcControl($mid, 'restart'); zmaControl($mid, 'start'); } else { zmaControl($mid, 'restart'); } } // end if daemonCheck() $refreshParent = true; } // end if deletedzid } // end if isset($_REQUEST['markZids']) } // end if action } // end if $mid and canEdit($mid) // Monitor edit actions, monitor id derived, require edit permissions for that monitor if ( canEdit('Monitors') ) { if ( $action == 'monitor' ) { $mid = 0; if ( !empty($_REQUEST['mid']) ) { $mid = validInt($_REQUEST['mid']); $monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id=?', NULL, array($mid)); if ( ZM_OPT_X10 ) { $x10Monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM TriggersX10 WHERE MonitorId=?', NULL, array($mid)); if ( !$x10Monitor ) $x10Monitor = array(); } } else { $monitor = array(); if ( ZM_OPT_X10 ) { $x10Monitor = array(); } } $Monitor = new Monitor($monitor); // Define a field type for anything that's not simple text equivalent $types = array( 'Triggers' => 'set', 'Controllable' => 'toggle', 'TrackMotion' => 'toggle', 'Enabled' => 'toggle', 'DoNativeMotDet' => 'toggle', 'Exif' => 'toggle', 'RTSPDescribe' => 'toggle', 'RecordAudio' => 'toggle', 'Method' => 'raw', ); if ( $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['ServerId'] == 'auto' ) { $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['ServerId'] = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT Id FROM Servers WHERE Status=\'Running\' ORDER BY FreeMem DESC, CpuLoad ASC LIMIT 1', 'Id'); Logger::Debug('Auto selecting server: Got ' . $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['ServerId'] ); if ( ( ! $_REQUEST['newMonitor'] ) and defined('ZM_SERVER_ID') ) { $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['ServerId'] = ZM_SERVER_ID; Logger::Debug('Auto selecting server to ' . ZM_SERVER_ID); } } $columns = getTableColumns('Monitors'); $changes = getFormChanges($monitor, $_REQUEST['newMonitor'], $types, $columns); if ( count($changes) ) { if ( $mid ) { # If we change anything that changes the shared mem size, zma can complain. So let's stop first. if ( $monitor['Type'] != 'WebSite' ) { zmaControl($monitor, 'stop'); zmcControl($monitor, 'stop'); } dbQuery('UPDATE Monitors SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE Id=?', array($mid)); // Groups will be added below if ( isset($changes['Name']) or isset($changes['StorageId']) ) { $OldStorage = new Storage($monitor['StorageId']); $saferOldName = basename($monitor['Name']); if ( file_exists($OldStorage->Path().'/'.$saferOldName) ) unlink($OldStorage->Path().'/'.$saferOldName); $NewStorage = new Storage($_REQUEST['newMonitor']['StorageId']); if ( ! file_exists($NewStorage->Path().'/'.$mid) ) mkdir($NewStorage->Path().'/'.$mid, 0755); $saferNewName = basename($_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Name']); symlink($mid, $NewStorage->Path().'/'.$saferNewName); } if ( isset($changes['Width']) || isset($changes['Height']) ) { $newW = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width']; $newH = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']; $newA = $newW * $newH; $oldW = $monitor['Width']; $oldH = $monitor['Height']; $oldA = $oldW * $oldH; $zones = dbFetchAll('SELECT * FROM Zones WHERE MonitorId=?', NULL, array($mid)); foreach ( $zones as $zone ) { $newZone = $zone; $points = coordsToPoints($zone['Coords']); for ( $i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++ ) { $points[$i]['x'] = intval(($points[$i]['x']*($newW-1))/($oldW-1)); $points[$i]['y'] = intval(($points[$i]['y']*($newH-1))/($oldH-1)); } $newZone['Coords'] = pointsToCoords($points); $newZone['Area'] = intval(round(($zone['Area']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MinAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MaxAlarmPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxAlarmPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MinFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MaxFilterPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxFilterPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MinBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MinBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $newZone['MaxBlobPixels'] = intval(round(($newZone['MaxBlobPixels']*$newA)/$oldA)); $changes = getFormChanges($zone, $newZone, $types); if ( count($changes) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Zones SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE MonitorId=? AND Id=?', array($mid, $zone['Id'])); } } // end foreach zone } // end if width and height $restart = true; } else if ( ! $user['MonitorIds'] ) { // Can only create new monitors if we are not restricted to specific monitors # FIXME This is actually a race condition. Should lock the table. $maxSeq = dbFetchOne('SELECT MAX(Sequence) AS MaxSequence FROM Monitors', 'MaxSequence'); $changes[] = 'Sequence = '.($maxSeq+1); $sql = 'INSERT INTO Monitors SET '.implode(', ', $changes); if ( dbQuery($sql) ) { $mid = dbInsertId(); $zoneArea = $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width'] * $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']; dbQuery("INSERT INTO Zones SET MonitorId = ?, Name = 'All', Type = 'Active', Units = 'Percent', NumCoords = 4, Coords = ?, Area=?, AlarmRGB = 0xff0000, CheckMethod = 'Blobs', MinPixelThreshold = 25, MinAlarmPixels=?, MaxAlarmPixels=?, FilterX = 3, FilterY = 3, MinFilterPixels=?, MaxFilterPixels=?, MinBlobPixels=?, MinBlobs = 1", array( $mid, sprintf( "%d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d", 0, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width']-1, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Width']-1, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']-1, 0, $_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Height']-1 ), $zoneArea, intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*3)/100), intval(($zoneArea*75)/100), intval(($zoneArea*2)/100) ) ); //$view = 'none'; $Storage = new Storage($_REQUEST['newMonitor']['StorageId']); mkdir($Storage->Path().'/'.$mid, 0755); $saferName = basename($_REQUEST['newMonitor']['Name']); symlink($mid, $Storage->Path().'/'.$saferName); } else { Error('Error saving new Monitor.'); $error_message = dbError($sql); return; } } else { Error('Users with Monitors restrictions cannot create new monitors.'); return; } $restart = true; } else { Logger::Debug('No action due to no changes to Monitor'); } # end if count(changes) if ( ( !isset($_POST['newMonitor']['GroupIds']) ) or ( count($_POST['newMonitor']['GroupIds']) != count($Monitor->GroupIds()) ) or array_diff($_POST['newMonitor']['GroupIds'], $Monitor->GroupIds()) ) { if ( $Monitor->Id() ) dbQuery('DELETE FROM Groups_Monitors WHERE MonitorId=?', array($mid)); if ( isset($_POST['newMonitor']['GroupIds']) ) { foreach ( $_POST['newMonitor']['GroupIds'] as $group_id ) { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Groups_Monitors (GroupId,MonitorId) VALUES (?,?)', array($group_id, $mid)); } } } // end if there has been a change of groups if ( ZM_OPT_X10 ) { $x10Changes = getFormChanges($x10Monitor, $_REQUEST['newX10Monitor']); if ( count($x10Changes) ) { if ( $x10Monitor && isset($_REQUEST['newX10Monitor']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE TriggersX10 SET '.implode(', ', $x10Changes).' WHERE MonitorId=?', array($mid)); } elseif ( !$user['MonitorIds'] ) { if ( !$x10Monitor ) { dbQuery('INSERT INTO TriggersX10 SET MonitorId = ?, '.implode(', ', $x10Changes), array($mid)); } else { dbQuery('DELETE FROM TriggersX10 WHERE MonitorId = ?', array($mid)); } } $restart = true; } # end if has x10Changes } # end if ZM_OPT_X10 if ( $restart ) { $new_monitor = new Monitor($mid); //fixDevices(); if ( $new_monitor->Type() != 'WebSite' ) { $new_monitor->zmcControl('start'); $new_monitor->zmaControl('start'); } if ( $new_monitor->Controllable() ) { require_once('control_functions.php'); sendControlCommand($mid, 'quit'); } // really should thump zmwatch and maybe zmtrigger too. //daemonControl( 'restart', '' ); $refreshParent = true; } // end if restart $view = 'none'; } elseif ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['markMids']) && !$user['MonitorIds'] ) { require_once('Monitor.php'); foreach ( $_REQUEST['markMids'] as $markMid ) { if ( canEdit('Monitors', $markMid) ) { // This could be faster as a select all if ( $monitor = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Monitors WHERE Id = ?', NULL, array($markMid)) ) { $Monitor = new Monitor($monitor); $Monitor->delete(); } // end if monitor found in db } // end if canedit this monitor } // end foreach monitor in MarkMid } // markMids is set and we aren't limited to specific monitors } // end if action == Delete } // Device view actions if ( canEdit('Devices') ) { if ( $action == 'device' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['command']) ) { setDeviceStatusX10($_REQUEST['key'], $_REQUEST['command']); } else if ( isset($_REQUEST['newDevice']) ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['did']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Devices SET Name=?, KeyString=? WHERE Id=?', array($_REQUEST['newDevice']['Name'], $_REQUEST['newDevice']['KeyString'], $_REQUEST['did']) ); } else { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Devices SET Name=?, KeyString=?', array($_REQUEST['newDevice']['Name'], $_REQUEST['newDevice']['KeyString']) ); } $refreshParent = true; $view = 'none'; } } elseif ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['markDids']) ) { foreach( $_REQUEST['markDids'] as $markDid ) { dbQuery('DELETE FROM Devices WHERE Id=?', array($markDid)); $refreshParent = true; } } } // end if action } // end if canedit devices // Group view actions if ( canView('Groups') && ($action == 'setgroup') ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) ) { setcookie('zmGroup', validInt($_REQUEST['gid']), time()+3600*24*30*12*10); } else { setcookie('zmGroup', '', time()-3600*24*2); } $refreshParent = true; } // Group edit actions # Should probably verify that each monitor id is a valid monitor, that we have access to. # However at the moment, you have to have System permissions to do this if ( canEdit('Groups') ) { if ( $action == 'group' ) { $monitors = empty($_POST['newGroup']['MonitorIds']) ? '' : implode(',', $_POST['newGroup']['MonitorIds']); $group_id = null; if ( !empty($_POST['gid']) ) { $group_id = $_POST['gid']; dbQuery( 'UPDATE Groups SET Name=?, ParentId=? WHERE Id=?', array( $_POST['newGroup']['Name'], ( $_POST['newGroup']['ParentId'] == '' ? null : $_POST['newGroup']['ParentId'] ), $group_id, ) ); dbQuery('DELETE FROM Groups_Monitors WHERE GroupId=?', array($group_id)); } else { dbQuery( 'INSERT INTO Groups (Name,ParentId) VALUES (?,?)', array( $_POST['newGroup']['Name'], ( $_POST['newGroup']['ParentId'] == '' ? null : $_POST['newGroup']['ParentId'] ), ) ); $group_id = dbInsertId(); } if ( $group_id ) { foreach ( $_POST['newGroup']['MonitorIds'] as $mid ) { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Groups_Monitors (GroupId,MonitorId) VALUES (?,?)', array($group_id, $mid)); } } $view = 'none'; $refreshParent = true; } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['gid']) ) { if ( is_array($_REQUEST['gid']) ) { foreach ( $_REQUEST['gid'] as $gid ) { $Group = new Group($gid); $Group->delete(); } } else { $Group = new Group($_REQUEST['gid'] ); $Group->delete(); } } $refreshParent = true; } # end if action } // end if can edit groups // System edit actions if ( canEdit('System') ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['object']) ) { if ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'MontageLayout' ) { require_once('MontageLayout.php'); if ( $action == 'Save' ) { $Layout = null; if ( $_REQUEST['Name'] != '' ) { $Layout = new MontageLayout(); $Layout->Name($_REQUEST['Name']); } else { $Layout = new MontageLayout($_REQUEST['zmMontageLayout']); } $Layout->Positions($_REQUEST['Positions']); $Layout->save(); session_start(); $_SESSION['zmMontageLayout'] = $Layout->Id(); setcookie('zmMontageLayout', $Layout->Id(), 1); session_write_close(); $redirect = ZM_BASE_URL.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?view=montagereview'; } // end if save } else if ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'server' ) { if ( $action == 'Save' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) { $dbServer = dbFetchOne( 'SELECT * FROM Servers WHERE Id=?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['id']) ); } else { $dbServer = array(); } $types = array(); $changes = getFormChanges($dbServer, $_REQUEST['newServer'], $types); if ( count($changes) ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Servers SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE Id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id']) ); } else { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Servers SET '.implode(', ', $changes)); } $refreshParent = true; } $view = 'none'; } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['markIds']) ) { foreach( $_REQUEST['markIds'] as $Id ) dbQuery('DELETE FROM Servers WHERE Id=?', array($Id)); } $refreshParent = true; } else { Error("Unknown action $action in saving Server"); } } else if ( $_REQUEST['object'] == 'storage' ) { if ( $action == 'Save' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) $dbStorage = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Storage WHERE Id=?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['id'])); else $dbStorage = array(); $types = array(); $changes = getFormChanges($dbStorage, $_REQUEST['newStorage'], $types); if ( count($changes) ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['id']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Storage SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE Id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id'])); } else { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Storage set '.implode(', ', $changes)); } $refreshParent = true; } $view = 'none'; } else if ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['markIds']) ) { foreach( $_REQUEST['markIds'] as $Id ) dbQuery('DELETE FROM Storage WHERE Id=?', array($Id)); } $refreshParent = true; } else { Error("Unknown action $action in saving Storage"); } } # end if isset($_REQUEST['object'] ) } else if ( $action == 'version' && isset($_REQUEST['option']) ) { $option = $_REQUEST['option']; switch( $option ) { case 'go' : { // Ignore this, the caller will open the page itself break; } case 'ignore' : { dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '".ZM_DYN_LAST_VERSION."' WHERE Name = 'ZM_DYN_CURR_VERSION'"); break; } case 'hour' : case 'day' : case 'week' : { $nextReminder = time(); if ( $option == 'hour' ) { $nextReminder += 60*60; } elseif ( $option == 'day' ) { $nextReminder += 24*60*60; } elseif ( $option == 'week' ) { $nextReminder += 7*24*60*60; } dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '".$nextReminder."' WHERE Name = 'ZM_DYN_NEXT_REMINDER'"); break; } case 'never' : { dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '0' WHERE Name = 'ZM_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'"); break; } } } if ( $action == 'donate' && isset($_REQUEST['option']) ) { $option = $_REQUEST['option']; switch( $option ) { case 'go' : { // Ignore this, the caller will open the page itself break; } case 'hour' : case 'day' : case 'week' : case 'month' : { $nextReminder = time(); if ( $option == 'hour' ) { $nextReminder += 60*60; } elseif ( $option == 'day' ) { $nextReminder += 24*60*60; } elseif ( $option == 'week' ) { $nextReminder += 7*24*60*60; } elseif ( $option == 'month' ) { $nextReminder += 30*24*60*60; } dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '".$nextReminder."' WHERE Name = 'ZM_DYN_DONATE_REMINDER_TIME'"); break; } case 'never' : case 'already' : { dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '0' WHERE Name = 'ZM_DYN_SHOW_DONATE_REMINDER'"); break; } } // end switch option } if ( ($action == 'privacy') && isset($_REQUEST['option']) ) { switch( $_REQUEST['option'] ) { case 'decline' : { dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '0' WHERE Name = 'ZM_SHOW_PRIVACY'"); dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '0' WHERE Name = 'ZM_TELEMETRY_DATA'"); $redirect = ZM_BASE_URL.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?view=console'; break; } case 'accept' : { dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '0' WHERE Name = 'ZM_SHOW_PRIVACY'"); dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '1' WHERE Name = 'ZM_TELEMETRY_DATA'"); $redirect = ZM_BASE_URL.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?view=console'; break; } default: # Enable the privacy statement if we somehow submit something other than accept or decline dbQuery("UPDATE Config SET Value = '1' WHERE Name = 'ZM_SHOW_PRIVACY'"); } // end switch option return; } if ( $action == 'options' && isset($_REQUEST['tab']) ) { $configCat = $configCats[$_REQUEST['tab']]; $changed = false; foreach ( $configCat as $name=>$value ) { unset($newValue); if ( $value['Type'] == 'boolean' && empty($_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name]) ) { $newValue = 0; } else if ( isset($_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name]) ) { $newValue = preg_replace("/\r\n/", "\n", stripslashes($_REQUEST['newConfig'][$name])); } if ( isset($newValue) && ($newValue != $value['Value']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Config SET Value=? WHERE Name=?', array($newValue, $name)); $changed = true; } } if ( $changed ) { switch( $_REQUEST['tab'] ) { case 'system' : case 'config' : $restartWarning = true; break; case 'web' : case 'tools' : break; case 'logging' : case 'network' : case 'mail' : case 'upload' : $restartWarning = true; break; case 'highband' : case 'medband' : case 'lowband' : break; } $redirect = ZM_BASE_URL.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?view=options&tab='.$_REQUEST['tab']; } loadConfig(false); return; } elseif ( $action == 'user' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) ) $dbUser = dbFetchOne('SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id=?', NULL, array($_REQUEST['uid'])); else $dbUser = array(); $types = array(); $changes = getFormChanges($dbUser, $_REQUEST['newUser'], $types); if ( $_REQUEST['newUser']['Password'] ) $changes['Password'] = 'Password = password('.dbEscape($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']).')'; else unset($changes['Password']); if ( count($changes) ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['uid']) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Users SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE Id = ?', array($_REQUEST['uid'])); # If we are updating the logged in user, then update our session user data. if ( $user and ( $dbUser['Username'] == $user['Username'] ) ) userLogin($dbUser['Username'], $dbUser['Password']); } else { dbQuery('INSERT INTO Users SET '.implode(', ', $changes)); } $refreshParent = true; } $view = 'none'; } elseif ( $action == 'state' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['runState']) ) { //if ( $cookies ) session_write_close(); packageControl($_REQUEST['runState']); $refreshParent = true; } } elseif ( $action == 'save' ) { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['runState']) || !empty($_REQUEST['newState']) ) { $sql = 'SELECT Id,Function,Enabled FROM Monitors ORDER BY Id'; $definitions = array(); foreach( dbFetchAll($sql) as $monitor ) { $definitions[] = $monitor['Id'].':'.$monitor['Function'].':'.$monitor['Enabled']; } $definition = join(',', $definitions); if ( $_REQUEST['newState'] ) $_REQUEST['runState'] = $_REQUEST['newState']; dbQuery('REPLACE INTO States SET Name=?, Definition=?', array($_REQUEST['runState'],$definition)); } } elseif ( $action == 'delete' ) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['runState']) ) dbQuery('DELETE FROM States WHERE Name=?', array($_REQUEST['runState'])); if ( isset($_REQUEST['markUids']) ) { foreach( $_REQUEST['markUids'] as $markUid ) dbQuery('DELETE FROM Users WHERE Id = ?', array($markUid)); if ( $markUid == $user['Id'] ) userLogout(); } } } else { if ( ZM_USER_SELF_EDIT && $action == 'user' ) { $uid = $user['Id']; $dbUser = dbFetchOne('SELECT Id, Password, Language FROM Users WHERE Id = ?', NULL, array($uid)); $types = array(); $changes = getFormChanges($dbUser, $_REQUEST['newUser'], $types); if ( !empty($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']) ) $changes['Password'] = 'Password = password('.dbEscape($_REQUEST['newUser']['Password']).')'; else unset($changes['Password']); if ( count($changes) ) { dbQuery('UPDATE Users SET '.implode(', ', $changes).' WHERE Id=?', array($uid)); $refreshParent = true; } $view = 'none'; } } if ( $action == 'reset' ) { session_start(); $_SESSION['zmEventResetTime'] = strftime(STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB); setcookie('zmEventResetTime', $_SESSION['zmEventResetTime'], time()+3600*24*30*12*10); session_write_close(); } ?>