<?php // // ZoneMinder web database interface file, $Date$, $Revision$ // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Philip Coombes // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // define('DB_LOG_OFF', 0); define('DB_LOG_ONLY', 1); define('DB_LOG_DEBUG', 2); $GLOBALS['dbLogLevel'] = DB_LOG_OFF; $GLOBALS['dbConn'] = false; require_once('logger.php'); function dbConnect() { global $dbConn; $dsn = ZM_DB_TYPE; if ( ZM_DB_HOST ) { if ( strpos(ZM_DB_HOST, ':') ) { // Host variable may carry a port or socket. list($host, $portOrSocket) = explode(':', ZM_DB_HOST, 2); if ( ctype_digit($portOrSocket) ) { $dsn .= ':host='.$host.';port='.$portOrSocket.';'; } else { $dsn .= ':unix_socket='.$portOrSocket.';'; } } else { $dsn .= ':host='.ZM_DB_HOST.';'; } } else { $dsn .= ':host=localhost;'; } $dsn .= 'dbname='.ZM_DB_NAME; try { $dbOptions = null; if ( defined('ZM_DB_SSL_CA_CERT') and ZM_DB_SSL_CA_CERT ) { $dbOptions = array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => ZM_DB_SSL_CA_CERT, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY => ZM_DB_SSL_CLIENT_KEY, PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT => ZM_DB_SSL_CLIENT_CERT, ); $dbConn = new PDO($dsn, ZM_DB_USER, ZM_DB_PASS, $dbOptions); } else { $dbConn = new PDO($dsn, ZM_DB_USER, ZM_DB_PASS); } $dbConn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $dbConn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch(PDOException $ex) { global $error_message; $error_message = "Unable to connect to ZM db using dsn $dsn<br/><br/>".$ex->getMessage(); error_log('Unable to connect to ZM DB ' . $ex->getMessage()); $dbConn = null; } return $dbConn; } // end function dbConnect if ( !dbConnect() ) { include('views/no_database_connection.php'); exit(); } function dbDisconnect() { global $dbConn; $dbConn = null; } function dbLogOff() { global $dbLogLevel; $dbLogLevel = DB_LOG_OFF; } function dbLogOn() { global $dbLogLevel; $dbLogLevel = DB_LOG_ONLY; } function dbLogDebug() { global $dbLogLevel; $dbLogLevel = DB_LOG_DEBUG; } function dbDebug() { dbLogDebug(); } function dbLog($sql, $update=false) { global $dbLogLevel; $noExecute = $update && ($dbLogLevel >= DB_LOG_DEBUG); if ( $dbLogLevel > DB_LOG_OFF ) ZM\Debug( "SQL-LOG: $sql".($noExecute?' (not executed)':'') ); return( $noExecute ); } function dbError($sql) { global $dbConn; $error = $dbConn->errorInfo(); if ( !$error[0] ) return ''; $message = "SQL-ERR '".implode("\n", $dbConn->errorInfo())."', statement was '".$sql."'"; ZM\Error($message); return $message; } function dbEscape( $string ) { global $dbConn; if ( version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4', '<=') and get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) return $dbConn->quote(stripslashes($string)); else return $dbConn->quote($string); } function dbQuery($sql, $params=NULL, $debug = false) { global $dbConn; if ( dbLog($sql, true) ) return; $result = NULL; try { if ( isset($params) ) { if ( ! $result = $dbConn->prepare($sql) ) { ZM\Error("SQL: Error preparing $sql: " . $pdo->errorInfo); return NULL; } if ( ! $result->execute($params) ) { ZM\Error("SQL: Error executing $sql: " . print_r($result->errorInfo(), true)); return NULL; } } else { if ( defined('ZM_DB_DEBUG') or $debug ) { ZM\Debug("SQL: $sql values:" . ($params?implode(',',$params):'')); } $result = $dbConn->query($sql); if ( ! $result ) { ZM\Error("SQL: Error preparing $sql: " . $pdo->errorInfo); return NULL; } } if ( defined('ZM_DB_DEBUG') or $debug ) { ZM\Debug('SQL: '.$sql.' '.($params?implode(',',$params):'').' rows: '.$result->rowCount()); } } catch(PDOException $e) { ZM\Error("SQL-ERR '".$e->getMessage()."', statement was '".$sql."' params:" . ($params?implode(',',$params):'')); return NULL; } return $result; } function dbFetchOne($sql, $col=false, $params=NULL) { $result = dbQuery($sql, $params); if ( !$result ) { ZM\Error("SQL-ERR dbFetchOne no result, statement was '".$sql."'".($params ? 'params: ' . join(',',$params) : '')); return false; } if ( !$result->rowCount() ) { # No rows is not an error return false; } if ( $result && ($dbRow = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) ) { if ( $col ) { if ( ! array_key_exists($col, $dbRow) ) { ZM\Warning("$col does not exist in the returned row " . print_r($dbRow, true)); return false; } return $dbRow[$col]; } return $dbRow; } return false; } function dbFetchAll($sql, $col=false, $params=NULL) { $dbRows = array(); $result = dbQuery($sql, $params); if ( ! $result ) { ZM\Error("SQL-ERR dbFetchAll no result, statement was '".$sql."'".($params ? 'params: '.join(',', $params) : '')); return $dbRows; } while ( $dbRow = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ) $dbRows[] = $col ? $dbRow[$col] : $dbRow; return $dbRows; } function dbFetchAssoc($sql, $indexCol, $dataCol=false) { $result = dbQuery($sql); $dbRows = array(); while( $dbRow = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ) $dbRows[$dbRow[$indexCol]] = $dataCol ? $dbRow[$dataCol] : $dbRow; return $dbRows; } function dbFetch($sql, $col=false) { return dbFetchAll($sql, $col); } function dbFetchNext($result, $col=false) { if ( !$result ) { ZM\Error("dbFetchNext called on null result."); return false; } if ( $dbRow = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ) return $col ? $dbRow[$col] : $dbRow; return false; } function dbNumRows( $sql ) { $result = dbQuery($sql); return $result->rowCount(); } function dbInsertId() { global $dbConn; return $dbConn->lastInsertId(); } function getEnumValues($table, $column) { $row = dbFetchOne("DESCRIBE `$table` `$column`"); preg_match_all("/'([^']+)'/", $row['Type'], $matches); return $matches[1]; } function getSetValues($table, $column) { return getEnumValues($table, $column); } function getUniqueValues($table, $column, $asString=1) { $values = array(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `$column` FROM `$table` WHERE (NOT isnull(`$column`) AND `$column` != '') ORDER BY `$column`"; foreach ( dbFetchAll($sql) as $row ) { if ( $asString ) $values[$row[$column]] = $row[$column]; else $values[] = $row[$column]; } return $values; } function getTableColumns( $table, $asString=1 ) { $columns = array(); $sql = "DESCRIBE `$table`"; foreach ( dbFetchAll($sql) as $row ) { if ( $asString ) $columns[$row['Field']] = $row['Type']; else $columns[] = $row['Type']; } return $columns; } function getTableAutoInc( $table ) { $row = dbFetchOne('SHOW TABLE status WHERE Name=?', NULL, array($table)); return $row['Auto_increment']; } function getTableDescription( $table, $asString=1 ) { $columns = array(); foreach( dbFetchAll("DESCRIBE `$table`") as $row ) { $desc = array( 'name' => $row['Field'], 'required' => ($row['Null']=='NO')?true:false, 'default' => $row['Default'], 'db' => $row, ); if ( preg_match('/^varchar\((\d+)\)$/', $row['Type'], $matches) ) { $desc['type'] = 'text'; $desc['typeAttrib'] = 'varchar'; $desc['maxLength'] = $matches[1]; } elseif ( preg_match('/^(\w+)?text$/', $row['Type'], $matches) ) { $desc['type'] = 'text'; if ( !empty($matches[1]) ) $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1]; switch ( $matches[1] ) { case 'tiny' : $desc['maxLength'] = 255; break; case 'medium' : $desc['maxLength'] = 32768; break; case '' : case 'big' : //$desc['minLength'] = -128; break; default : ZM\Error("Unexpected text qualifier '".$matches[1]."' found for field '".$row['Field']."' in table '".$table."'"); break; } } elseif ( preg_match('/^(enum|set)\((.*)\)$/', $row['Type'], $matches) ) { $desc['type'] = 'text'; $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1]; preg_match_all("/'([^']+)'/", $matches[2], $matches); $desc['values'] = $matches[1]; } elseif ( preg_match('/^(\w+)?int\(\d+\)(?:\s+(unsigned))?$/', $row['Type'], $matches) ) { $desc['type'] = 'integer'; switch ( $matches[1] ) { case 'tiny' : $desc['minValue'] = -128; $desc['maxValue'] = 127; break; case 'small' : $desc['minValue'] = -32768; $desc['maxValue'] = 32767; break; case 'medium' : $desc['minValue'] = -8388608; $desc['maxValue'] = 8388607; break; case '' : $desc['minValue'] = -2147483648; $desc['maxValue'] = 2147483647; break; case 'big' : //$desc['minValue'] = -128; //$desc['maxValue'] = 127; break; default : ZM\Error("Unexpected integer qualifier '".$matches[1]."' found for field '".$row['Field']."' in table '".$table."'"); break; } if ( !empty($matches[1]) ) $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1]; if ( $desc['unsigned'] = ( isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] == 'unsigned' ) ) { $desc['maxValue'] += (-$desc['minValue']); $desc['minValue'] = 0; } } elseif ( preg_match('/^(?:decimal|numeric)\((\d+)(?:,(\d+))?\)(?:\s+(unsigned))?$/', $row['Type'], $matches) ) { $desc['type'] = 'fixed'; $desc['range'] = $matches[1]; if ( isset($matches[2]) ) $desc['precision'] = $matches[2]; else $desc['precision'] = 0; $desc['unsigned'] = ( isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] == 'unsigned' ); } elseif ( preg_match('/^(datetime|timestamp|date|time)$/', $row['Type'], $matches) ) { $desc['type'] = 'datetime'; switch ( $desc['typeAttrib'] = $matches[1] ) { case 'datetime' : case 'timestamp' : $desc['hasDate'] = true; $desc['hasTime'] = true; break; case 'date' : $desc['hasDate'] = true; $desc['hasTime'] = false; break; case 'time' : $desc['hasDate'] = false; $desc['hasTime'] = true; break; } } else { ZM\Error("Can't parse database type '".$row['Type']."' found for field '".$row['Field']."' in table '".$table."'"); } if ( $asString ) $columns[$row['Field']] = $desc; else $columns[] = $desc; } return $columns; } ?>