/* * This file is part of the ZoneMinder Project. See AUTHORS file for Copyright information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "zm_catch2.h" #include "zm_vector2.h" TEST_CASE("Vector2: default constructor") { Vector2 c; REQUIRE(c.x_ == 0); REQUIRE(c.y_ == 0); } TEST_CASE("Vector2: x/y constructor") { Vector2 c(1, 2); REQUIRE(c.x_ == 1); REQUIRE(c.y_ == 2); } TEST_CASE("Vector2: assignment/copy") { Vector2 c; Vector2 c2(1, 2); REQUIRE(c.x_ == 0); REQUIRE(c.y_ == 0); SECTION("assignment operator") { c = c2; REQUIRE(c.x_ == 1); REQUIRE(c.y_ == 2); } SECTION("copy constructor") { Vector2 c3(c2); // NOLINT(performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization) REQUIRE(c3.x_ == 1); REQUIRE(c3.y_ == 2); } } TEST_CASE("Vector2: comparison operators") { Vector2 c1(1, 2); Vector2 c2(1, 2); Vector2 c3(1, 3); REQUIRE((c1 == c2) == true); REQUIRE((c1 != c3) == true); } TEST_CASE("Vector2: arithmetic operators") { Vector2 c(1, 1); SECTION("addition") { Vector2 c1 = c + Vector2(1, 1); REQUIRE(c1 == Vector2(2, 2)); c += {1, 2}; REQUIRE(c == Vector2(2, 3)); } SECTION("subtraction") { Vector2 c1 = c - Vector2(1, 1); REQUIRE(c1 == Vector2(0, 0)); c -= {1, 2}; REQUIRE(c == Vector2(0, -1)); } SECTION("scalar multiplication") { c = c * 2; REQUIRE(c == Vector2(2, 2)); } } TEST_CASE("Vector2: determinate") { Vector2 v(1, 1); REQUIRE(v.Determinant({0, 0}) == 0); REQUIRE(v.Determinant({1, 1}) == 0); REQUIRE(v.Determinant({1, 2}) == 1); }