/* * This file is part of the ZoneMinder Project. See AUTHORS file for Copyright information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see . */ #include "zm_catch2.h" #include "zm_utils.h" #include TEST_CASE("Trim") { REQUIRE(Trim("", "") == ""); REQUIRE(Trim("test", "") == "test"); REQUIRE(Trim(" ", "") == " "); REQUIRE(Trim("\"test", "\"") == "test"); REQUIRE(Trim("test\"", "\"") == "test"); REQUIRE(Trim("\"test\"", "\"") == "test"); REQUIRE(Trim("te\"st", "\"") == "te\"st"); REQUIRE(Trim("\"te\"st\"", "\"") == "te\"st"); } TEST_CASE("TrimSpaces") { REQUIRE(TrimSpaces(" ") == ""); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces("test") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces(" test ") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces(" test ") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces(" test ") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces(" test") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces("\ttest") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces("test\t") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces("\ttest\t") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces(" test\t") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces("\ttest ") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces("\t test \t") == "test"); REQUIRE(TrimSpaces("\t te st \t") == "te st"); } TEST_CASE("ReplaceAll") { REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("", "", "") == ""); REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("a", "", "b") == "a"); REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("a", "a", "b") == "b"); REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("a", "b", "c") == "a"); REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("aa", "a", "b") == "bb"); REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("aba", "a", "c") == "cbc"); REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("aTOKENa", "TOKEN", "VAL") == "aVALa"); REQUIRE(ReplaceAll("aTOKENaTOKEN", "TOKEN", "VAL") == "aVALaVAL"); } TEST_CASE("StartsWith") { REQUIRE(StartsWith("", "") == true); REQUIRE(StartsWith("test", "test") == true); REQUIRE(StartsWith("test=abc", "test") == true); REQUIRE(StartsWith(" test=abc", "test") == false); } TEST_CASE("Split (char delimiter)") { std::vector items = Split("", ' '); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{""}); items = Split("abc def ghi", ' '); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"abc", "def", "ghi"}); items = Split("abc,def,,ghi", ','); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"abc", "def", "", "ghi"}); } TEST_CASE("Split (string delimiter)") { std::vector items; items = Split("", ""); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{""}); items = Split("", " "); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{""}); items = Split("", " \t"); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{""}); items = Split("", " \t"); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{""}); items = Split(" ", " "); REQUIRE(items.size() == 0); items = Split(" ", " "); REQUIRE(items.size() == 0); items = Split(" ", " \t"); REQUIRE(items.size() == 0); items = Split("a b", ""); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"a b"}); items = Split("a b", " "); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"a", "b"}); items = Split("a \tb", " \t"); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"a", "b"}); items = Split(" a \tb ", " \t"); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"a", "b"}); items = Split(" a=b ", "="); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{" a", "b "}); items = Split(" a=b ", " ="); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"a", "b"}); items = Split("a b c", " ", 2); REQUIRE(items == std::vector{"a", "b c"}); } TEST_CASE("Join") { REQUIRE(Join({}, "") == ""); REQUIRE(Join({}, " ") == ""); REQUIRE(Join({""}, "") == ""); REQUIRE(Join({"a"}, "") == "a"); REQUIRE(Join({"a"}, ",") == "a"); REQUIRE(Join({"a", "b"}, ",") == "a,b"); REQUIRE(Join({"a", "b"}, "") == "ab"); } TEST_CASE("ByteArrayToHexString") { std::vector bytes; REQUIRE(ByteArrayToHexString(bytes) == ""); bytes = {0x00}; REQUIRE(ByteArrayToHexString(bytes) == "00"); bytes = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0xff}; REQUIRE(ByteArrayToHexString(bytes) == "000102ff"); } TEST_CASE("Base64Encode") { REQUIRE(Base64Encode("") == ""); REQUIRE(Base64Encode("f") == "Zg=="); REQUIRE(Base64Encode("fo") == "Zm8="); REQUIRE(Base64Encode("foo") == "Zm9v"); REQUIRE(Base64Encode("foob") == "Zm9vYg=="); REQUIRE(Base64Encode("fooba") == "Zm9vYmE="); REQUIRE(Base64Encode("foobar") == "Zm9vYmFy"); } TEST_CASE("ZM::clamp") { REQUIRE(zm::clamp(1, 0, 2) == 1); REQUIRE(zm::clamp(3, 0, 2) == 2); REQUIRE(zm::clamp(-1, 0, 2) == 0); } TEST_CASE("UriDecode") { REQUIRE(UriDecode("abcABC123-_.~%21%28%29%26%3d%20") == "abcABC123-_.~!()&= "); REQUIRE(UriDecode("abcABC123-_.~%21%28%29%26%3d+") == "abcABC123-_.~!()&= "); } TEST_CASE("QueryString") { SECTION("no value") { std::stringstream str("name1="); QueryString qs(str); REQUIRE(qs.size() == 1); REQUIRE(qs.has("name1") == true); const QueryParameter *p = qs.get("name1"); REQUIRE(p != nullptr); REQUIRE(p->name() == "name1"); REQUIRE(p->size() == 0); } SECTION("no value and ampersand") { std::stringstream str("name1=&"); QueryString qs(str); REQUIRE(qs.size() == 1); REQUIRE(qs.has("name1") == true); const QueryParameter *p = qs.get("name1"); REQUIRE(p != nullptr); REQUIRE(p->name() == "name1"); REQUIRE(p->size() == 0); } SECTION("one parameter, one value") { std::stringstream str("name1=value1"); QueryString qs(str); REQUIRE(qs.size() == 1); REQUIRE(qs.has("name1") == true); const QueryParameter *p = qs.get("name1"); REQUIRE(p != nullptr); REQUIRE(p->name() == "name1"); REQUIRE(p->size() == 1); REQUIRE(p->values()[0] == "value1"); } SECTION("one parameter, multiple values") { std::stringstream str("name1=value1&name1=value2"); QueryString qs(str); REQUIRE(qs.size() == 1); REQUIRE(qs.has("name1") == true); const QueryParameter *p = qs.get("name1"); REQUIRE(p != nullptr); REQUIRE(p->name() == "name1"); REQUIRE(p->size() == 2); REQUIRE(p->values()[0] == "value1"); REQUIRE(p->values()[1] == "value2"); } SECTION("multiple parameters, multiple values") { std::stringstream str("name1=value1&name2=value2"); QueryString qs(str); REQUIRE(qs.size() == 2); REQUIRE(qs.has("name1") == true); REQUIRE(qs.has("name2") == true); const QueryParameter *p1 = qs.get("name1"); REQUIRE(p1 != nullptr); REQUIRE(p1->name() == "name1"); REQUIRE(p1->size() == 1); REQUIRE(p1->values()[0] == "value1"); const QueryParameter *p2 = qs.get("name2"); REQUIRE(p2 != nullptr); REQUIRE(p2->name() == "name2"); REQUIRE(p2->size() == 1); REQUIRE(p2->values()[0] == "value2"); } } TEST_CASE("mask_authentication") { SECTION("no authentication") { std::string url(""); std::string result = mask_authentication(url); REQUIRE(url == result); } SECTION("has username no password has scheme") { std::string url("http://username@"); std::string result = mask_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == "http://********@"); } SECTION("has username no password no scheme") { std::string url("username@"); std::string result = mask_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == "********@"); } SECTION("has username has password no scheme") { std::string url("username:password@"); std::string result = mask_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == "********:********@"); } SECTION("has username has password has scheme") { std::string url("http://username:password@"); std::string result = mask_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == "http://********:********@"); } } TEST_CASE("remove_authentication") { SECTION("no authentication") { std::string url(""); std::string result = remove_authentication(url); REQUIRE(url == result); } SECTION("has username no password has scheme") { std::string url("http://username@"); std::string result = remove_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == ""); } SECTION("has username no password no scheme") { std::string url("username@"); std::string result = remove_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == ""); } SECTION("has username has password no scheme") { std::string url("username:password@"); std::string result = remove_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == ""); } SECTION("has username has password has scheme") { std::string url("http://username:password@"); std::string result = remove_authentication(url); REQUIRE(result == ""); } }