#!/bin/bash # The purpose of this file is to create the symlinks in the web folder to the content folder. It can use an existing content folder or create a new one. # Set the content dir default to be the one supplied to cmake ZM_PATH_CONTENT="@ZM_CONTENTDIR@" echo "*** This bash script creates the nessecary symlinks for the zoneminder content" echo "*** It can use an existing content folder or create a new one" echo "*** For usage: use -h" echo "*** The default content directory is: $ZM_PATH_CONTENT" echo "" usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: $0 [-q] [-z zm.conf] [-w WEB DIRECTORY] [CONTENT DIRECTORY] OPTIONS: -h Show this message and quit -z ZoneMinder configuration file -w Override the web directory from zm.conf -q Quick mode. Do not change ownership recursively. If the -w option is not used to specify the path to the web directory, the script will use the path from zoneminder's configuration file. If the -z option is used, the argument will be used instead of zm.conf Otherwise, it will attempt to read zm.conf from the local directory. If that fails, it will try from /etc/zm.conf EOF } while getopts "hz:w:q" OPTION do case $OPTION in h) usage exit 50 ;; z) ZM_CONFIG=$OPTARG ;; w) ZM_PATH_WEB_FORCE=$OPTARG ;; q) QUICK=1 ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) # Lets check that we are root if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "Error: This script needs to run as root." exit 1 fi # Check if zm.conf was supplied as an argument and that it exists if [[ -n "$ZM_CONFIG" && ! -f "$ZM_CONFIG" ]]; then echo "The zoneminder configuration file $ZM_CONFIG does not exist!" exit 40 fi # Load zm.conf if [ -n "$ZM_CONFIG" ]; then echo "Using custom zm.conf $ZM_CONFIG" source "$ZM_CONFIG" elif [ -f "zm.conf" ]; then echo "Using local zm.conf" source "zm.conf" elif [ -f "/etc/zm.conf" ]; then echo "Using system zm.conf" source "/etc/zm.conf" else echo "Failed locating zoneminder configuration file (zm.conf)\nUse the -z option to specify the full path to the zoneminder configuration file" exit 45 fi # Override the web directory path from zm.conf if [ -n "$ZM_PATH_WEB_FORCE" ]; then ZM_PATH_WEB="$(readlink -f $ZM_PATH_WEB_FORCE)" fi # Override the default content path if [[ -n "$@" ]]; then ZM_PATH_CONTENT="$(readlink -f $@)" fi # Print some information echo "Web folder : $ZM_PATH_WEB" echo "Content folder : $ZM_PATH_CONTENT" echo "" # Verify the web folder is a real directory echo -n "Verifying the web folder is a directory... " if [ -d "$ZM_PATH_WEB" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 3 fi # Check if the content folder exists, and if not, create it echo -n "Checking if the content folder exists... " if [ -d "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT" ]; then echo "Yes" else echo "No" echo -n "Creating the content folder... " mkdir "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 4 fi fi # Check if the content/images folder exists, and if not, create it echo -n "Checking if the images folder exists inside the content folder... " if [ -d "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/images" ]; then echo "Yes" else echo "No" echo -n "Creating the images folder inside the content folder... " mkdir "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/images" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 6 fi fi # Check if the content/events folder exists, and if not, create it echo -n "Checking if the events folder exists inside the content folder... " if [ -d "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/events" ]; then echo "Yes" else echo "No" echo -n "Creating the events folder inside the content folder... " mkdir "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/events" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 7 fi fi if [ -d "$ZM_PATH_WEB/images" ]; then if [ -L "$ZM_PATH_WEB/images" ]; then echo -n "Unlinking current symlink for the images folder... " unlink "$ZM_PATH_WEB/images" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 35 fi else echo "Existing $ZM_PATH_WEB/images is not a symlink. Aborting to prevent data loss" exit 10 fi fi if [ -d "$ZM_PATH_WEB/events" ]; then if [ -L "$ZM_PATH_WEB/events" ]; then echo -n "Unlinking current symlink for the events folder... " unlink "$ZM_PATH_WEB/events" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 36 fi else echo "Existing $ZM_PATH_WEB/events is not a symlink. Aborting to prevent data loss" exit 11 fi fi # Create the symlink for the images folder echo -n "Creating the symlink for the images folder... " ln -s -f "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/images" "$ZM_PATH_WEB/images" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 15 fi # Create the symlink for the events folder echo -n "Creating the symlink for the events folder... " ln -s -f "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/events" "$ZM_PATH_WEB/events" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 16 fi # change ownership for the images folder. do it recursively unless -q is used if [ -n "$QUICK" ]; then echo -n "Changing ownership of the images folder to ${ZM_WEB_USER} ${ZM_WEB_GROUP}... " chown ${ZM_WEB_USER}:${ZM_WEB_GROUP} "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/images" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 20 fi else echo -n "Changing ownership of the images folder recursively to ${ZM_WEB_USER} ${ZM_WEB_GROUP}... " chown -R ${ZM_WEB_USER}:${ZM_WEB_GROUP} "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/images" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 21 fi fi # change ownership for the events folder. do it recursively unless -q is used if [ -n "$QUICK" ]; then echo -n "Changing ownership of the events folder to ${ZM_WEB_USER} ${ZM_WEB_GROUP}... " chown ${ZM_WEB_USER}:${ZM_WEB_GROUP} "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/events" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 25 fi else echo -n "Changing ownership of the events folder recursively to ${ZM_WEB_USER} ${ZM_WEB_GROUP}... " chown -R ${ZM_WEB_USER}:${ZM_WEB_GROUP} "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/events" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 26 fi fi # Change directory permissions for the images folder echo -n "Changing permissions of the images folder to 775... " chmod 775 "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/images" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 30 fi # Change directory permissions for the events folder echo -n "Changing permissions of the events folder to 775... " chmod 775 "$ZM_PATH_CONTENT/events" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "OK" else echo "Failed" exit 31 fi echo "" echo "All done"