#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # # ========================================================================== # # ZoneMinder Daemon Control Script, $Date$, $Revision$ # Copyright (C) 2003 Philip Coombes # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # ========================================================================== # # This script is the gateway for controlling the various ZoneMinder # daemons. All starting, stopping and restarting goes through here. # On the first invocation it starts up a server which subsequently # records what's running and what's not. Other invocations just # connect to the server and pass instructions to it. # use strict; use bytes; # ========================================================================== # # User config # # ========================================================================== use constant ZM_CONFIG => ""; use constant ZM_PATH_BIN => ""; use constant ZM_PATH_WEB => ""; # Load the config from the database into the symbol table BEGIN { no strict 'refs'; open( CONFIG, "<".ZM_CONFIG ) or die( "Can't open config file: $!" ); foreach my $str ( ) { next if ( $str =~ /^\s*$/ ); next if ( $str =~ /^\s*#/ ); my ( $name, $value ) = $str =~ /^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*([^=\s]+)\s*$/; $name =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if (( $name eq 'ZM_DB_SERVER' ) || ( $name eq 'ZM_DB_NAME' ) || ( $name eq 'ZM_DB_USER' ) || ( $name eq 'ZM_DB_PASS' )) { *{$name} = sub { $value }; } } close( CONFIG ); use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:database=".&ZM_DB_NAME.";host=".&ZM_DB_SERVER, &ZM_DB_USER, &ZM_DB_PASS ); my $sql = "select * from Config"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached( $sql ) or die( "Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr() ); my $res = $sth->execute() or die( "Can't execute: ".$sth->errstr() ); while( my $config = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) { *{$config->{Name}} = sub { $config->{Value} }; } $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); } use constant DC_SOCK_FILE => ZM_PATH_SOCKS.'/zmdc.sock'; use constant DC_LOG_FILE => ZM_PATH_LOGS.'/zmdc.log'; use constant MAX_CONNECT_DELAY => 10; use constant VERBOSE => 0; # Whether to output more verbose debug # ========================================================================== # # Don't change anything from here on down # # ========================================================================== use POSIX; use Socket; use IO::Handle; use Data::Dumper; $| = 1; $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; $ENV{SHELL} = '/bin/sh' if exists $ENV{SHELL}; delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; my @daemons = ( 'zmc', 'zma', 'zmf', 'zmfilter.pl', 'zmaudit.pl', 'zmtrigger.pl', 'zmx10.pl', 'zmwatch.pl', 'zmupdate.pl' ); my $command = shift @ARGV; die( "No command given" ) unless( $command ); my $needs_daemon = $command !~ /(?:shutdown|status|check)/; my $daemon = shift( @ARGV ); die( "No daemon given" ) unless( !$needs_daemon || $daemon ); my @args; my $daemon_patt = '('.join( '|', @daemons ).')'; if ( $needs_daemon ) { if ( $daemon =~ /^${daemon_patt}$/ ) { $daemon = $1; } else { die( "Invalid daemon '$daemon' specified" ); } } foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) { # Detaint arguments, if they look ok #if ( $arg =~ /^(-{0,2}[\w]+)/ ) if ( $arg =~ /^(-{0,2}[\w\/?&=.-]+)$/ ) { push( @args, $1 ); } else { die( "Bogus argument '$arg' found" ); } } socket( CLIENT, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" ); my $saddr = sockaddr_un( DC_SOCK_FILE ); if ( !connect( CLIENT, $saddr ) ) { if ( $command eq "check" ) { print( "stopped\n" ); exit(); } # The server isn't there print( "Unable to connect, starting server\n" ); close( CLIENT ); if ( my $cpid = fork() ) { # Parent process just sleep and fall through socket( CLIENT, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" ); my $attempts = 0; while (!connect( CLIENT, $saddr )) { $attempts++; die( "Can't connect: $!" ) if ($attempts > MAX_CONNECT_DELAY); sleep(1); } } elsif ( defined($cpid) ) { setpgrp(); open( LOG, ">>".DC_LOG_FILE ) or die( "Can't open log file: $!" ); open(STDOUT, ">&LOG") || die( "Can't dup stdout: $!" ); select( STDOUT ); $| = 1; open(STDERR, ">&LOG") || die( "Can't dup stderr: $!" ); select( STDERR ); $| = 1; select( LOG ); $| = 1; dprint( "Server starting at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); kill_all( 1 ); socket( SERVER, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die( "Can't open socket: $!" ); unlink( DC_SOCK_FILE ); bind( SERVER, $saddr ) or die( "Can't bind: $!" ); listen( SERVER, SOMAXCONN ) or die( "Can't listen: $!" ); $SIG{CHLD} = \&reaper; $SIG{INT} = \&shutdown_all; $SIG{TERM} = \&shutdown_all; $SIG{ABRT} = \&shutdown_all; $SIG{HUP} = \&status; my %cmd_hash; my %pid_hash; sub cprint { if ( fileno(CLIENT) ) { print CLIENT @_ } } sub dprint { if ( fileno(CLIENT) ) { print CLIENT @_ } print @_; } sub start { my $daemon = shift; my @args = @_; my $command = $daemon; $command .= ' '.join( ' ', ( @args ) ) if ( @args ); my $process = $cmd_hash{$command}; if ( !$process ) { # It's not running, or at least it's not been started by us $process = { daemon=>$daemon, args=>\@args, command=>$command, keepalive=>!undef }; # So check whether someone else has started it #$ps_command = "ps -wh --user $> | grep '$command' | grep -v grep"; #$ps_array = preg_split( "/\s+/", exec( $ps_command ) ); #$pid = $ps_array[3]; #if ( $pid ) } elsif ( $process->{pid} && $pid_hash{$process->{pid}} ) { dprint( "'$process->{command}' already running at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{started}) ).", pid = $process->{pid}\n" ); return(); } if ( my $cpid = fork() ) { my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new; my $blockset = POSIX::SigSet->new( SIGCHLD ); sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, $blockset, $sigset ) or die( "Can't block SIGCHLD: $!" ); $process->{pid} = $cpid; $process->{started} = time(); delete( $process->{pending} ); dprint( "'$command' starting at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{started}) ).", pid = $process->{pid}\n" ); $cmd_hash{$process->{command}} = $pid_hash{$cpid} = $process; sigprocmask( SIG_SETMASK, $sigset ) or die( "Can't restore SIGCHLD: $!" ); } elsif ( defined($cpid ) ) { # Child process $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{INT} = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{TERM} = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{ABRT} = 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{HUP} = 'DEFAULT'; dprint( "'".join( ' ', ( $daemon, @args ) )."' started at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); if ( $daemon =~ /^${daemon_patt}$/ ) { $daemon = ZM_PATH_BIN.'/'.$1; } else { die( "Invalid daemon '$daemon' specified" ); } my @good_args; foreach my $arg ( @args ) { # Detaint arguments, if they look ok #if ( $arg =~ /^(-{0,2}[\w]+)/ ) if ( $arg =~ /^(-{0,2}[\w\/?&=.-]+)$/ ) { push( @good_args, $1 ); } else { die( "Bogus argument '$arg' found" ); } } exec( $daemon, @good_args ) or die( "Can't exec: $!" ); } else { die( "Can't fork: $!" ); } } sub _stop { my $final = shift; my $daemon = shift; my @args = @_; my $command = $daemon; $command .= ' '.join( ' ', ( @args ) ) if ( @args ); my $process = $cmd_hash{$command}; if ( !$process ) { dprint( "Can't find process with command of '$command'\n" ); return(); } elsif ( $process->{pending} ) { delete( $cmd_hash{$command} ); dprint( "Command '$command' removed from pending list at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); return(); } my $cpid = $process->{pid}; if ( !$pid_hash{$cpid} ) { dprint( "No process with command of '$command' is running\n" ); return(); } print( "'$daemon ".join( ' ', @args )."' stopping at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); $process->{keepalive} = !$final; kill( 'TERM', $cpid ); delete( $cmd_hash{$command} ); # Now check it has actually gone away, if not kill -9 it my $count = 0; while( $cpid && kill( 0, $cpid ) ) { if ( $count++ > 5 ) { kill( 'KILL', $cpid ); } sleep( 1 ); } } sub stop { _stop( 1, @_ ); } sub restart { my $daemon = shift; my @args = @_; my $command = $daemon; $command .= ' '.join( ' ', ( @args ) ) if ( @args ); my $process = $cmd_hash{$command}; if ( $process ) { my $cpid = $process->{pid}; if ( $pid_hash{$cpid} ) { _stop( 0, $daemon, @args ); return; } } start( $daemon, @args ); } sub reaper { my $cpid = wait; $SIG{CHLD} = \&reaper; if ( $cpid < 0 ) { return; } my $process = $pid_hash{$cpid}; delete( $pid_hash{$cpid} ); if ( !$process ) { dprint( "Can't find child with pid of '$cpid'\n" ); return; } $process->{stopped} = time(); $process->{runtime} = ($process->{stopped}-$process->{started}); delete( $process->{pid} ); my $exit_status = $?>>8; my $exit_signal = $?&0xfe; my $core_dumped = $?&0x01; if ( $exit_status == 0 ) { print( "'$process->{daemon} ".join( ' ', @{$process->{args}} )."' died at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{stopped} ) ) ); } else { print( "'$process->{daemon} ".join( ' ', @{$process->{args}} )."' crashed at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{stopped} ) ) ); } print( ", exit status $exit_status" ) if ( $exit_status ); print( ", signal $exit_signal" ) if ( $exit_signal ); #print( ", core dumped" ) if ( $core_dumped ); print( "\n" ); if ( $process->{keepalive} ) { if ( !$process->{delay} || ($process->{runtime} > (10*$process->{delay})) ) { start( $process->{daemon}, @{$process->{args}} ); $process->{delay} = 5; } else { $cmd_hash{$process->{command}} = $process; $process->{pending} = $process->{stopped}+$process->{delay}; $process->{delay} *= 2; # Limit the start delay to 15 minutes max if ( $process->{delay} > ZM_MAX_RESTART_DELAY ) { $process->{delay} = ZM_MAX_RESTART_DELAY; } } } } sub kill_all { my $delay = shift; sleep( $delay ); foreach my $daemon ( @daemons ) { qx( killall --quiet --signal TERM $daemon ); } sleep( $delay ); foreach my $daemon ( @daemons ) { qx( killall --quiet --signal KILL $daemon ); } } sub shutdown_all() { foreach my $process ( values( %pid_hash ) ) { stop( $process->{daemon}, @{$process->{args}} ); } kill_all( 5 ); dprint( "Server shutdown at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); unlink( DC_SOCK_FILE ); close( CLIENT ); close( SERVER ); exit(); } sub check { my $daemon = shift; my @args = @_; my $command = $daemon; $command .= ' '.join( ' ', ( @args ) ) if ( @args ); my $process = $cmd_hash{$command}; if ( !$process ) { cprint( "unknown\n" ); } elsif ( $process->{pending} ) { cprint( "pending\n" ); } else { my $cpid = $process->{pid}; if ( !$pid_hash{$cpid} ) { cprint( "stopped\n" ); } else { cprint( "running\n" ); } } } sub status { my $daemon = shift; my @args = @_; if ( defined($daemon) ) { my $command = $daemon; $command .= ' '.join( ' ', ( @args ) ) if ( @args ); my $process = $cmd_hash{$command}; if ( !$process ) { dprint( "'$command' not running\n" ); return(); } if ( $process->{pending} ) { dprint( "'$process->{command}' pending at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{pending}) )."\n" ); } else { my $cpid = $process->{pid}; if ( !$pid_hash{$cpid} ) { dprint( "'$command' not running\n" ); return(); } } dprint( "'$process->{command}' running at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{started}) ).", pid = $process->{pid}" ); } else { foreach my $process ( values(%pid_hash) ) { dprint( "'$process->{command}' running at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{started}) ).", pid = $process->{pid}" ); dprint( ", valid" ) if ( kill( 0, $process->{pid} ) ); dprint( "\n" ); } foreach my $process ( values( %cmd_hash ) ) { if ( $process->{pending} ) { dprint( "'$process->{command}' pending at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime( $process->{pending}) )."\n" ); } } } } my $rin = ''; vec( $rin, fileno(SERVER),1) = 1; my $win = $rin; my $ein = $win; my $timeout = 1; #my ( $nfound, $timeleft) = select( $rin, $win, $ein, $timeout ); #print( "F:".fileno(SERVER)."\n" ); while( 1 ) { my $nfound = select( my $rout = $rin, undef, my $eout = $ein, $timeout ); #print( "Off select, NF:$nfound, ER:$!\n" ); #print( vec( $rout, fileno(SERVER),1)."\n" ); #print( vec( $eout, fileno(SERVER),1)."\n" ); #print( "C:".fileno(CLIENT)."S:".fileno(SERVER)."\n" ); if ( $nfound > 0 ) { if ( vec( $rout, fileno(SERVER),1) ) { my $paddr = accept( CLIENT, SERVER ); my $message = ; next if ( !$message ); my ( $command, $daemon, @args ) = split( ';', $message ); if ( $command eq 'start' ) { start( $daemon, @args ); } elsif ( $command eq 'stop' ) { stop( $daemon, @args ); } elsif ( $command eq 'restart' ) { restart( $daemon, @args ); } elsif ( $command eq 'shutdown' ) { shutdown_all(); } elsif ( $command eq 'check' ) { check( $daemon, @args ); } elsif ( $command eq 'status' ) { if ( $daemon ) { status( $daemon, @args ); } else { status(); } } else { dprint( "Invalid command '$command'\n" ); } close( CLIENT ); } else { die( "Bogus descriptor" ); } } elsif ( $nfound < 0 ) { if ( $! == EINTR ) { # Dead child, will be reaped #print( "Probable dead child\n" ); } else { die( "Can't select: $!" ); } } else { #print( "Select timed out\n" ); foreach my $process ( values( %cmd_hash ) ) { if ( $process->{pending} && $process->{pending} <= time() ) { dprint( "Starting pending process, $process->{command}\n" ); start( $process->{daemon}, @{$process->{args}} ); } } } } dprint( "Server exiting at ".strftime( '%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', localtime() )."\n" ); close( LOG ); exit(); } else { die( "Can't fork: $!" ); } } if ( $command eq "check" && !$daemon ) { print( "running\n" ); exit(); } # The server is there, connect to it #print( "Writing commands\n" ); CLIENT->autoflush(); my $message = "$command"; $message .= ";$daemon" if ( $daemon ); $message .= ";".join( ';', @args ) if ( @args ); print( CLIENT $message ); shutdown( CLIENT, 1 ); while ( my $line = ) { chomp( $line ); print( "$line\n" ); } close( CLIENT ); #print( "Finished writing, bye\n" );