
![<?php echo $monitors[$monitorId]['Name'] ?>](graphics/transparent.png)
'image' => array(
'imageText' => array(
'graph' => array(
'title' => array(
'key' => array(
'axes' => array(
'x' => array(
'height' => 20,
'y' => array(
'width' => 30,
'grid' => array(
'x' => array(
'major' => array(
'max' => 12,
'min' => 4,
'minor' => array(
'max' => 48,
'min' => 12,
'y' => array(
'major' => array(
'max' => 8,
'min' => 1,
'minor' => array(
'max' => 0,
'min' => 0,
$monitors = array();
$monitorsSql = 'SELECT * FROM Monitors ORDER BY Sequence ASC';
//srand( 97981 );
foreach( dbFetchAll( $monitorsSql ) as $row ) {
//if ( empty($row['WebColour']) )
//$row['WebColour'] = sprintf( "#%02x%02x%02x", rand( 0, 255 ), rand( 0, 255), rand( 0, 255 ) );
$monitors[$row['Id']] = $row;
# The as E, and joining with Monitors is required for the filterSQL filters.
$rangeSql = 'SELECT min(E.StartTime) AS MinTime, max(E.EndTime) AS MaxTime FROM Events AS E INNER JOIN Monitors AS M ON (E.MonitorId = M.Id) WHERE NOT isnull(E.StartTime) AND NOT isnull(E.EndTime)';
$eventsSql = 'SELECT * FROM Events AS E WHERE NOT isnull(StartTime)';
if ( !empty($user['MonitorIds']) ) {
$monFilterSql = ' AND MonitorId IN ('.$user['MonitorIds'].')';
$rangeSql .= $monFilterSql;
$eventsSql .= $monFilterSql;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['filter']) )
$tree = parseFilterToTree( $_REQUEST['filter']['Query'] );
$tree = false;
if ( isset($_REQUEST['range']) )
$range = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['range']);
if ( isset($_REQUEST['minTime']) )
$minTime = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['minTime']);
if ( isset($_REQUEST['midTime']) )
$midTime = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['midTime']);
if ( isset($_REQUEST['maxTime']) )
$maxTime = validHtmlStr($_REQUEST['maxTime']);
if ( isset($range) ) {
$halfRange = (int)($range/2);
if ( isset($midTime) ) {
$midTimeT = strtotime($midTime);
$minTimeT = $midTimeT-$halfRange;
$maxTimeT = $midTimeT+$halfRange;
if ( !($range%1) ) {
$minTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $minTimeT );
$maxTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $maxTimeT );
} elseif ( isset($minTime) ) {
$minTimeT = strtotime($minTime);
$maxTimeT = $minTimeT + $range;
$midTimeT = $minTimeT + $halfRange;
$midTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $midTimeT );
$maxTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $maxTimeT );
} elseif ( isset($maxTime) ) {
$maxTimeT = strtotime($maxTime);
$minTimeT = $maxTimeT - $range;
$midTimeT = $minTimeT + $halfRange;
$minTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $minTimeT );
$midTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $midTimeT );
} elseif ( isset($minTime) && isset($maxTime) ) {
$minTimeT = strtotime($minTime);
$maxTimeT = strtotime($maxTime);
$range = ($maxTimeT - $minTimeT) + 1;
$halfRange = (int)($range/2);
$midTimeT = $minTimeT + $halfRange;
$midTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $midTimeT );
if ( isset($minTime) && isset($maxTime) ) {
$tempMinTime = $tempMaxTime = $tempExpandable = false;
extractDatetimeRange( $tree, $tempMinTime, $tempMaxTime, $tempExpandable );
$filterSql = parseTreeToSQL( $tree );
if ( $filterSql ) {
$filterSql = " and $filterSql";
$eventsSql .= $filterSql;
} else {
$filterSql = parseTreeToSQL( $tree );
$tempMinTime = $tempMaxTime = $tempExpandable = false;
extractDatetimeRange( $tree, $tempMinTime, $tempMaxTime, $tempExpandable );
if ( $filterSql ) {
$filterSql = " and $filterSql";
$rangeSql .= $filterSql;
$eventsSql .= $filterSql;
if ( !isset($minTime) || !isset($maxTime) ) {
// Dynamically determine range
$row = dbFetchOne( $rangeSql );
if ( !isset($minTime) )
$minTime = $row['MinTime'];
if ( !isset($maxTime) )
$maxTime = $row['MaxTime'];
if ( empty($minTime) )
$minTime = $tempMinTime;
if ( empty($maxTime) )
$maxTime = $tempMaxTime;
if ( empty($maxTime) )
$maxTime = "now";
$minTimeT = strtotime($minTime);
$maxTimeT = strtotime($maxTime);
$range = ($maxTimeT - $minTimeT) + 1;
$halfRange = (int)($range/2);
$midTimeT = $minTimeT + $halfRange;
$midTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $midTimeT );
//echo "MnT: $tempMinTime, MxT: $tempMaxTime, ExP: $tempExpandable
if ( $tree ) {
appendDatetimeRange( $tree, $minTime, $maxTime );
$filterQuery = parseTreeToQuery( $tree );
} else {
$filterQuery = false;
$scales = array(
array( 'name'=>"year", 'factor'=>60*60*24*365, 'align'=>1, 'zoomout'=>2, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_YEAR ),
array( 'name'=>"month", 'factor'=>60*60*24*30, 'align'=>1, 'zoomout'=>12, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_MONTH ),
array( 'name'=>"week", 'factor'=>60*60*24*7, 'align'=>1, 'zoomout'=>4.25, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_WEEK, 'labelCheck'=>"%W" ),
array( 'name'=>"day", 'factor'=>60*60*24, 'align'=>1, 'zoomout'=>7, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_DAY ),
array( 'name'=>"hour4", 'factor'=>60*60, 'align'=>4, 'zoomout'=>6, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_4HOUR, 'labelCheck'=>"%H" ),
array( 'name'=>"hour", 'factor'=>60*60, 'align'=>1, 'zoomout'=>4, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_HOUR, 'labelCheck'=>"%H" ),
array( 'name'=>"minute10", 'factor'=>60, 'align'=>10, 'zoomout'=>6, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_10MINUTE, 'labelCheck'=>"%M" ),
array( 'name'=>"minute", 'factor'=>60, 'align'=>1, 'zoomout'=>10, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_MINUTE, 'labelCheck'=>"%M" ),
array( 'name'=>"second10", 'factor'=>1, 'align'=>10, 'zoomout'=>6, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_10SECOND ),
array( 'name'=>"second", 'factor'=>1, 'align'=>1, 'zoomout'=>10, 'label'=>STRF_TL_AXIS_LABEL_SECOND ),
$majXScale = getDateScale( $scales, $range, $chart['grid']['x']['major']['min'], $chart['grid']['x']['major']['max'] );
// Adjust the range etc for scale
$minTimeT -= $minTimeT%($majXScale['factor']*$majXScale['align']);
$minTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $minTimeT );
$maxTimeT += (($majXScale['factor']*$majXScale['align'])-$maxTimeT%($majXScale['factor']*$majXScale['align']))-1;
if ( $maxTimeT > time() )
$maxTimeT = time();
$maxTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $maxTimeT );
$range = ($maxTimeT - $minTimeT) + 1;
$halfRange = (int)($range/2);
$midTimeT = $minTimeT + $halfRange;
$midTime = strftime( STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB, $midTimeT );
//echo "R:$range
//echo "MnT:$minTime
//echo "MnTt:$minTimeT
//echo "MdT:$midTime
//echo "MdTt:$midTimeT
//echo "MxT:$maxTime
//echo "MxTt:$maxTimeT
if ( isset($minTime) && isset($maxTime) ) {
$eventsSql .= " and EndTime >= '$minTime' and StartTime <= '$maxTime'";
$eventsSql .= ' order by Id asc';
//echo "ESQL: $eventsSql
$chart['data'] = array(
'x' => array(
'lo' => strtotime( $minTime ),
'hi' => strtotime( $maxTime ),
'y' => array(
'lo' => 0,
'hi' => 0,
$chart['data']['x']['range'] = ($chart['data']['x']['hi'] - $chart['data']['x']['lo']) + 1;
$chart['data']['x']['density'] = $chart['data']['x']['range']/$chart['graph']['width'];
$monEventSlots = array();
$monFrameSlots = array();
$monitorIds = array();
$events_result = dbQuery( $eventsSql );
if ( ! $events_result ) {
Fatal( "SQL-ERR");
$first_event = $event = $events_result->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
if ( $event ) {
do {
if ( !isset($monitorIds[$event['MonitorId']]) )
$monitorIds[$event['MonitorId']] = true;
if ( !isset($monEventSlots[$event['MonitorId']]) )
$monEventSlots[$event['MonitorId']] = array();
if ( !isset($monFrameSlots[$event['MonitorId']]) )
$monFrameSlots[$event['MonitorId']] = array();
$currEventSlots = &$monEventSlots[$event['MonitorId']];
$currFrameSlots = &$monFrameSlots[$event['MonitorId']];
$startTimeT = strtotime($event['StartTime']);
$startIndex = $rawStartIndex = (int)(($startTimeT - $chart['data']['x']['lo']) / $chart['data']['x']['density']);
if ( $startIndex < 0 )
$startIndex = 0;
if ( isset($event['EndTime']) )
$endTimeT = strtotime($event['EndTime']);
$endTimeT = time();
$endIndex = $rawEndIndex = (int)(($endTimeT - $chart['data']['x']['lo']) / $chart['data']['x']['density']);
if ( $endIndex >= $chart['graph']['width'] )
$endIndex = $chart['graph']['width'] - 1;
for ( $i = $startIndex; $i <= $endIndex; $i++ ) {
if ( !isset($currEventSlots[$i]) ) {
if ( $rawStartIndex == $rawEndIndex ) {
$offset = 1;
} else {
$offset = 1 + ($event['Frames']?((int)(($event['Frames']-1)*(($i-$rawStartIndex)/($rawEndIndex-$rawStartIndex)))):0);
$currEventSlots[$i] = array( 'count'=>0, 'width'=>1, 'offset'=>$offset, 'event'=>$event );
} else {
if ( $event['MaxScore'] > 0 ) {
Warning("Has max Scoer");
if ( $startIndex == $endIndex ) {
$framesSql = 'SELECT FrameId,Score FROM Frames WHERE EventId = ? AND Score > 0 ORDER BY Score DESC LIMIT 1';
$frame = dbFetchOne( $framesSql, NULL, array($event['Id']) );
$i = $startIndex;
if ( !isset($currFrameSlots[$i]) ) {
$currFrameSlots[$i] = array( 'count'=>1, 'value'=>$event['MaxScore'], 'event'=>$event, 'frame'=>$frame );
} else {
if ( $event['MaxScore'] > $currFrameSlots[$i]['value'] ) {
$currFrameSlots[$i]['value'] = $event['MaxScore'];
$currFrameSlots[$i]['event'] = $event;
$currFrameSlots[$i]['frame'] = $frame;
if ( $event['MaxScore'] > $chart['data']['y']['hi'] ) {
$chart['data']['y']['hi'] = $event['MaxScore'];
} else {
$framesSql = 'SELECT FrameId,Delta,unix_timestamp(TimeStamp) AS TimeT,Score FROM Frames WHERE EventId = ? AND Score > 0';
$result = dbQuery( $framesSql, array( $event['Id'] ) );
while( $frame = dbFetchNext( $result ) ) {
if ( $frame['Score'] == 0 )
$frameTimeT = $frame['TimeT'];
$frameTimeT = $startTimeT + $frame['Delta'];
$frameIndex = (int)(($frameTimeT - $chart['data']['x']['lo']) / $chart['data']['x']['density']);
if ( $frameIndex < 0 )
if ( $frameIndex >= $chart['graph']['width'] )
if ( !isset($currFrameSlots[$frameIndex]) ) {
$currFrameSlots[$frameIndex] = array( 'count'=>1, 'value'=>$frame['Score'], 'event'=>$event, 'frame'=>$frame );
} else {
if ( $frame['Score'] > $currFrameSlots[$frameIndex]['value'] ) {
$currFrameSlots[$frameIndex]['value'] = $frame['Score'];
$currFrameSlots[$frameIndex]['event'] = $event;
$currFrameSlots[$frameIndex]['frame'] = $frame;
if ( $frame['Score'] > $chart['data']['y']['hi'] ) {
$chart['data']['y']['hi'] = $frame['Score'];
} // end foreach frame
} // end if MaxScore > 0
} while( $event = $events_result->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) );
} # end if have first event
ksort( $monitorIds, SORT_NUMERIC );
ksort( $monEventSlots, SORT_NUMERIC );
ksort( $monFrameSlots, SORT_NUMERIC );
// No longer needed?
if ( false ) {
// Add on missing frames
foreach( array_keys($monFrameSlots) as $monitorId ) {
unset( $currFrameSlots );
$currFrameSlots = &$monFrameSlots[$monitorId];
for ( $i = 0; $i < $chart['graph']['width']; $i++ ) {
if ( isset($currFrameSlots[$i]) ) {
if ( !isset($currFrameSlots[$i]['frame']) ) {
$framesSql = "select FrameId,Score from Frames where EventId = ? and Score > 0 order by FrameId limit 1";
$currFrameSlots[$i]['frame'] = dbFetchOne( $framesSql, NULL, array( $currFrameSlots[$i]['event']['Id'] ) );
$chart['data']['y']['range'] = ($chart['data']['y']['hi'] - $chart['data']['y']['lo']) + 1;
$chart['data']['y']['density'] = $chart['data']['y']['range']/$chart['graph']['height'];
$majYScale = getYScale( $chart['data']['y']['range'], $chart['grid']['y']['major']['min'], $chart['grid']['y']['major']['max'] );
$maxWidth = 0;
$maxHeight = 0;
foreach ( array_keys($monitorIds) as $monitorId ) {
if ( $maxWidth < $monitors[$monitorId]['Width'] )
$maxWidth = $monitors[$monitorId]['Width'];
if ( $maxHeight < $monitors[$monitorId]['Height'] )
$maxHeight = $monitors[$monitorId]['Height'];
// Optimise boxes
foreach( array_keys($monEventSlots) as $monitorId ) {
unset( $currEventSlots );
$currEventSlots = &$monEventSlots[$monitorId];
for ( $i = 0; $i < $chart['graph']['width']; $i++ ) {
if ( isset($currEventSlots[$i]) ) {
if ( isset($currSlot) ) {
if ( $currSlot['event']['Id'] == $currEventSlots[$i]['event']['Id'] ) {
if ( $currSlot['width'] < $maxEventWidth ) {
// Merge slots for the same long event
unset( $currEventSlots[$i] );
} elseif ( $currSlot['offset'] < $currEventSlots[$i]['offset'] ) {
// Split very long events
$currEventSlots[$i]['frame'] = array( 'FrameId'=>$currEventSlots[$i]['offset'] );
} elseif ( $currSlot['width'] < $minEventWidth ) {
// Merge multiple small events
unset( $currEventSlots[$i] );
$currSlot = &$currEventSlots[$i];
} else {
unset( $currSlot );
if ( isset( $currSlot ) )
unset( $currSlot );
//print_r( $monEventSlots );
// Stack events
$frameSlots = array();
$frameMonitorIds = array_keys($monFrameSlots);
for ( $i = 0; $i < $chart['graph']['width']; $i++ ) {
foreach ( $frameMonitorIds as $frameMonitorId ) {
unset( $currFrameSlots );
$currFrameSlots = &$monFrameSlots[$frameMonitorId];
if ( isset($currFrameSlots[$i]) ) {
if ( !isset($frameSlots[$i]) ) {
$frameSlots[$i] = array();
$frameSlots[$i][] = &$currFrameSlots[$i];
} else {
$slotCount = count($frameSlots[$i]);
for ( $j = 0; $j < $slotCount; $j++ ) {
if ( $currFrameSlots[$i]['value'] > $frameSlots[$i][$j]['value'] ) {
for ( $k = $slotCount; $k > $j; $k-- ) {
$frameSlots[$i][$k] = $frameSlots[$i][$k-1];
$frameSlots[$i][$j] = &$currFrameSlots[$i];
break 2;
$frameSlots[$i][] = &$currFrameSlots[$i];
} # end foreach MonitorId
//print_r( $monEventSlots );
//print_r( $monFrameSlots );
//print_r( $chart );
$graphHeight = $chart['graph']['height'];
if ( $mode == 'overlay' ) {
$minEventBarHeight = 10;
$maxEventBarHeight = 40;
if ( count($monitorIds) ) {
$chart['graph']['eventBarHeight'] = $minEventBarHeight;
while ( ($chart['graph']['eventsHeight'] = (($chart['graph']['eventBarHeight'] * count($monitorIds)) + (count($monitorIds)-1))) < $maxEventBarHeight ) {
} else {
$chart['graph']['eventBarHeight'] = $maxEventBarHeight;
$chart['graph']['eventsHeight'] = $maxEventBarHeight;
$chart['graph']['activityHeight'] = ($graphHeight - $chart['graph']['eventsHeight']);
$chart['data']['y']['density'] = $chart['data']['y']['range']/$chart['graph']['activityHeight'];
$chart['eventBars'] = array();
$top = $chart['graph']['activityHeight'];
foreach ( array_keys($monitorIds) as $monitorId ) {
$chart['eventBars'][$monitorId] = array( 'top' => $top );
$top += $chart['graph']['eventBarHeight']+1;
} else if ( $mode == 'split' ) {
$minActivityBarHeight = 30;
$minEventBarHeight = 10;
$maxEventBarHeight = 40;
if ( count($monitorIds) ) {
$chart['graph']['eventBarHeight'] = $minEventBarHeight;
$chart['graph']['activityBarHeight'] = $minActivityBarHeight;
while ( ((($chart['graph']['eventBarHeight']+$chart['graph']['activityBarHeight']) * count($monitorIds)) + ((2*count($monitorIds))-1)) < $graphHeight ) {
if ( $chart['graph']['eventBarHeight'] < $maxEventBarHeight ) {
} else {
$chart['graph']['eventBarHeight'] = $maxEventBarHeight;
$chart['graph']['activityBarHeight'] = $graphHeight - $chart['graph']['eventBarHeight'];
$chart['data']['y']['density'] = $chart['data']['y']['range']/$chart['graph']['activityBarHeight'];
$chart['activityBars'] = array();
$chart['eventBars'] = array();
$top = 0;
$barCount = 1;
foreach ( array_keys($monitorIds) as $monitorId ) {
$chart['eventBars'][$monitorId] = array( 'top' => $top );
$chart['eventBars'][$monitorId] = array( 'top' => $top+$chart['graph']['activityBarHeight']+1 );
$top += $chart['graph']['activityBarHeight']+1+$chart['graph']['eventBarHeight']+1;
preg_match( '/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)/', $minTime, $startMatches );
preg_match( '/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+)/', $maxTime, $endMatches );
if ( $startMatches[1] != $endMatches[1] ) {
// Different years
$title = strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_YEAR1, $chart['data']['x']['lo'] )." - ".strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_YEAR2, $chart['data']['x']['hi'] );
} elseif ( $startMatches[2] != $endMatches[2] ) {
// Different months
$title = strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_MONTH1, $chart['data']['x']['lo'] )." - ".strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_MONTH2, $chart['data']['x']['hi'] );
} elseif ( $startMatches[3] != $endMatches[3] ) {
// Different dates
$title = strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_DAY1, $chart['data']['x']['lo'] )." - ".strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_DAY2, $chart['data']['x']['hi'] );
} else {
// Different times
$title = strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_TIME1, $chart['data']['x']['lo'] )." - ".strftime( STRF_TL_AXIS_RANGE_TIME2, $chart['data']['x']['hi'] );
function drawXGrid( $chart, $scale, $labelClass, $tickClass, $gridClass, $zoomClass=false ) {
$html = '';
$labelCount = 0;
$lastTick = 0;
unset( $lastLabel );
$labelCheck = isset($scale['labelCheck'])?$scale['labelCheck']:$scale['label'];