Table "Users":
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 523: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Id' at row 1
Table "MonitorPresets":
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 550: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Id' at row 1
...and many others like this
Incorrect 'channel' field type in table "MonitorPresets":
ERROR 1366 (HY000) at line 550: Incorrect integer value: 'simple' for column 'Channel' at row 1
...and many others like this
"DefaultValue" field is very small in table "Config":
ERROR 1406 (22001) at line 743: Data too long for column 'DefaultValue' at row 1
Some 'INSERT INTO MonitorPresets' querys are wrong.
"Message" field is very small in table "Logs":
Can't write log entry 'insert into Logs ( TimeKey, Component, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) values ( 1379059494.570980, 'web_php', 30387, -3, 'FAT', 'SQL-ERR \'Incorrect decimal value: \'\' for column \'MaxFPS\' at row 1\', statement was \'insert into Monitors set LinkedMonitors = \'\', Name = \'test\', Type = \'Remote\', Function = \'Monitor\', Enabled = \'1\', RefBlendPerc = \'12\', MaxFPS = \'\', AlarmMaxFPS = \'\', Device = \'/dev/video0\', Channel = \'0\', Format = \'255\', Palette = \'0\', LabelFormat = \'%N - %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\', LabelX = \'0\', LabelY = \'0\', ImageBufferCount = \'50\', WarmupCount = \'25\', PreEventCount = \'25\', PostEventCount = \'25\', StreamReplayBuffer = \'1000\', AlarmFrameCount = \'1\', EventPrefix = \'Event-\', SectionLength = \'600\', FrameSkip = \'0\', FPSReportInterval = \'1000\', DefaultView = \'Events\', DefaultRate = \'100\', DefaultScale = \'100\', WebColour = \'red\', SignalCheckColour = \'#0000c0\', Protocol = \'http\', Method = \'simple\', Host = \'\', Port = \'80\', Path = \'\', Colours = \'3\', Width = \'320\', Height = \'240\', Orientation = \'0\', Deinterlacing = \'0\', Sequence = 1\'', 'includes/database.php', 78 )': Data too long for column 'Message' at row 1
Some IP cameras need the source set to ffmpeg even though they are remote
cameras. These cameras do have a remote PTZ interface, but previously
when the monitor source was set to ffmpeg, the only control type
available was 'none'.
1) Fixed wrong size calculation in Image::AssignDirect.
2) Improved libjpeg subpixel order selection.
3) Finished adding support in the simple Overlay function.
4) Completed Flip and Rotate 32bit RGB support.
5) Allow ZM to compile on 32bit with omit frame pointer disabled by defining _DEBUG
To use one less register in the SSE algorithms.
6) Removed the counter variable in some loops to reduce loop overhead.
7) Modified crop query error handling.
8) Most of the shared data now declared as volatile.
9) Small improvements to the AlarmedPixels motion detection.
10) Changed the default blend percent from 7% to 12%.
11) Fixed an earlier bug created by me: motion detection checking the wrong pixels.