re-init logger after loading config to actually pick up the appropriate values. This stops the error logging of Info to weblog when weblog is actually set to None. Also update quotes

Isaac Connor 2017-12-20 10:19:24 -05:00
parent 85b7baa131
commit e9141ca3e8
2 changed files with 51 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
// This section contains options substituted by the utility, do not edit these directly
define( "ZM_CONFIG", "@ZM_CONFIG@" ); // Path to config file
define( "ZM_CONFIG_SUBDIR", "@ZM_CONFIG_SUBDIR@" ); // Path to config subfolder
define( 'ZM_CONFIG', '@ZM_CONFIG@' ); // Path to config file
define( 'ZM_CONFIG_SUBDIR', '@ZM_CONFIG_SUBDIR@' ); // Path to config subfolder
// Define, and override any given in config file
define( "ZM_VERSION", "@VERSION@" ); // Version
define( "ZM_DIR_TEMP", "@ZM_TMPDIR@" );
define( 'ZM_VERSION', '@VERSION@' ); // Version
define( 'ZM_DIR_TEMP', '@ZM_TMPDIR@' );
$configFile = ZM_CONFIG;
$localConfigFile = basename($configFile);
@ -65,81 +65,83 @@ foreach( $configvals as $key => $value) {
// This section is options normally derived from other options or configuration
define( "ZMU_PATH", ZM_PATH_BIN."/zmu" ); // Local path to the ZoneMinder Utility
define( 'ZMU_PATH', ZM_PATH_BIN.'/zmu' ); // Local path to the ZoneMinder Utility
// If setup supports Video 4 Linux v2 and/or v1
define( "ZM_HAS_V4L2", "@ZM_HAS_V4L2@" ); // V4L2 support enabled
define( "ZM_HAS_V4L1", "@ZM_HAS_V4L1@" ); // V4L1 support enabled
define( "ZM_HAS_V4L", "@ZM_HAS_V4L@" ); // V4L support enabled
define( 'ZM_HAS_V4L2', '@ZM_HAS_V4L2@' ); // V4L2 support enabled
define( 'ZM_HAS_V4L1', '@ZM_HAS_V4L1@' ); // V4L1 support enabled
define( 'ZM_HAS_V4L', '@ZM_HAS_V4L@' ); // V4L support enabled
// If ONVIF support has been built in
define( "ZM_HAS_ONVIF", "@ZM_HAS_ONVIF@" ); // ONVIF support enabled
define( 'ZM_HAS_ONVIF', '@ZM_HAS_ONVIF@' ); // ONVIF support enabled
// If PCRE dev libraries are installed
define( "ZM_PCRE", "@ZM_PCRE@" ); // PCRE support enabled
define( 'ZM_PCRE', '@ZM_PCRE@' ); // PCRE support enabled
// Alarm states
define( "STATE_IDLE", 0 );
define( "STATE_PREALARM", 1 );
define( "STATE_ALARM", 2 );
define( "STATE_ALERT", 3 );
define( "STATE_TAPE", 4 );
define( 'STATE_IDLE', 0 );
define( 'STATE_PREALARM', 1 );
define( 'STATE_ALARM', 2 );
define( 'STATE_ALERT', 3 );
define( 'STATE_TAPE', 4 );
// DVR Control Commands
define( "MSG_CMD", 1 );
define( "MSG_DATA_WATCH", 2 );
define( "MSG_DATA_EVENT", 3 );
define( 'MSG_CMD', 1 );
define( 'MSG_DATA_WATCH', 2 );
define( 'MSG_DATA_EVENT', 3 );
define( "CMD_NONE", 0 );
define( "CMD_PAUSE", 1 );
define( "CMD_PLAY", 2 );
define( "CMD_STOP", 3 );
define( "CMD_FASTFWD", 4 );
define( "CMD_SLOWFWD", 5 );
define( "CMD_SLOWREV", 6 );
define( "CMD_FASTREV", 7 );
define( "CMD_ZOOMIN", 8 );
define( "CMD_ZOOMOUT", 9 );
define( "CMD_PAN", 10 );
define( "CMD_SCALE", 11 );
define( "CMD_PREV", 12 );
define( "CMD_NEXT", 13 );
define( "CMD_SEEK", 14 );
define( "CMD_VARPLAY", 15 );
define( "CMD_QUIT", 17 );
define( "CMD_QUERY", 99 );
define( 'CMD_NONE', 0 );
define( 'CMD_PAUSE', 1 );
define( 'CMD_PLAY', 2 );
define( 'CMD_STOP', 3 );
define( 'CMD_FASTFWD', 4 );
define( 'CMD_SLOWFWD', 5 );
define( 'CMD_SLOWREV', 6 );
define( 'CMD_FASTREV', 7 );
define( 'CMD_ZOOMIN', 8 );
define( 'CMD_ZOOMOUT', 9 );
define( 'CMD_PAN', 10 );
define( 'CMD_SCALE', 11 );
define( 'CMD_PREV', 12 );
define( 'CMD_NEXT', 13 );
define( 'CMD_SEEK', 14 );
define( 'CMD_VARPLAY', 15 );
define( 'CMD_QUIT', 17 );
define( 'CMD_QUERY', 99 );
// These are miscellaneous options you won't normally need to change
define( "MAX_EVENTS", 10 ); // The maximum number of events to show in the monitor event listing
define( "RATE_BASE", 100 ); // The additional scaling factor used to help get fractional rates in integer format
define( "SCALE_BASE", 100 ); // The additional scaling factor used to help get fractional scales in integer format
define( 'MAX_EVENTS', 10 ); // The maximum number of events to show in the monitor event listing
define( 'RATE_BASE', 100 ); // The additional scaling factor used to help get fractional rates in integer format
define( 'SCALE_BASE', 100 ); // The additional scaling factor used to help get fractional scales in integer format
// Date and time formats, not to be modified by language files
define( "STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ); // Strftime format for database queries, don't change
define( "MYSQL_FMT_DATETIME_SHORT", "%y/%m/%d %H:%i:%S" ); // MySQL date_format shorter format for dates with time
define( 'STRF_FMT_DATETIME_DB', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ); // Strftime format for database queries, don't change
define( 'MYSQL_FMT_DATETIME_SHORT', '%y/%m/%d %H:%i:%S' ); // MySQL date_format shorter format for dates with time
require_once( 'database.php' );
require_once( 'logger.php' );
$GLOBALS['defaultUser'] = array(
'Username' => "admin",
'Password' => "",
'Language' => "",
'Username' => 'admin',
'Password' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Enabled' => 1,
'Stream' => 'View',
'Events' => 'Edit',
@ -178,20 +180,19 @@ function loadConfig( $defineConsts=true ) {
//print_r( $configCats );
require_once( 'logger.php' );
// For Human-readability, use ZM_SERVER_HOST or ZM_SERVER_NAME in zm.conf, and convert it here to a ZM_SERVER_ID
if ( ! defined('ZM_SERVER_ID') ) {
if ( defined('ZM_SERVER_NAME') and ZM_SERVER_NAME ) {
$server_id = dbFetchOne('SELECT Id FROM Servers WHERE Name=?', 'Id', array(ZM_SERVER_NAME));
if ( ! $server_id ) {
Error("Invalid Multi-Server configration detected. ZM_SERVER_NAME set to " . ZM_SERVER_NAME . " in zm.conf, but no corresponding entry found in Servers table.");
Error('Invalid Multi-Server configration detected. ZM_SERVER_NAME set to ' . ZM_SERVER_NAME . ' in zm.conf, but no corresponding entry found in Servers table.');
} else {
define( 'ZM_SERVER_ID', $server_id );
} else if ( defined('ZM_SERVER_HOST') and ZM_SERVER_HOST ) {
$server_id = dbFetchOne('SELECT Id FROM Servers WHERE Name=?', 'Id', array(ZM_SERVER_HOST));
if ( ! $server_id ) {
Error("Invalid Multi-Server configration detected. ZM_SERVER_HOST set to " . ZM_SERVER_HOST . " in zm.conf, but no corresponding entry found in Servers table.");
Error('Invalid Multi-Server configration detected. ZM_SERVER_HOST set to ' . ZM_SERVER_HOST . ' in zm.conf, but no corresponding entry found in Servers table.');
} else {
define( 'ZM_SERVER_ID', $server_id );

View File

@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ class Logger {
if ( $this->useErrorLog )
$message .= " at ".$file." line ".$line;
$message .= ' at '.$file.' line '.$line;
$message = $message;
@ -401,9 +401,9 @@ class Logger {
if ( $level <= $this->databaseLevel ) {
try {
global $dbConn;
$sql = "INSERT INTO Logs ( TimeKey, Component, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )";
$sql = 'INSERT INTO Logs ( TimeKey, Component, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )';
$stmt = $dbConn->prepare( $sql );
$result = $stmt->execute( array( sprintf( "%d.%06d", $time['sec'], $time['usec'] ), $this->id, getmypid(), $level, $code, $string, $file, $line ) );
$result = $stmt->execute( array( sprintf( '%d.%06d', $time['sec'], $time['usec'] ), $this->id, getmypid(), $level, $code, $string, $file, $line ) );
} catch(PDOException $ex) {
$this->databaseLevel = self::NOLOG;
Fatal( "Can't write log entry '$sql': ". $ex->getMessage() );